The Second Griffon War (Casual Thread - All welcome!)

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Cassian could only give a deadpanned expression the entire time. "Are you serious? -.-' ", he answered back in slight irritation. These were one of the scary monsters ponyville was scared of? Not to mention what kind of idiot would even give them the name? Either way, he put his arrow back up and let Galagus and Flax handle it.

The collaboration with their magics was highly impressive to the Dragon. At least that was something worth watching. However, one brave timber stayed behind and tried to leap out at the group. Cassian caught sight and intercepts aim. He quickly steps in his path of trying sink it's wooden fangs into Galagus, holding his arm out front for the wolf to bite down. He showed no signs of pain or even the slightest wince. All he did was just stare back at the embarrassment to nature with his eye twitching as he held the creature up off the ground, still chewing on his arm. "I don't think the word easy does these guys any justice at all. More like mediocre is more like it. Not to mention embarrassing and insulting", he said in an irritated monotone.

The timber wolf relentlessly tried to keep tearing into his flesh. Yet it seems to be having trouble. "You're a disgrace. If you were a real timber wolf I'd actually would be a bit more worried. Good luck biting in with those toothpicks you call teeth", he snarled back in the same monotone as he glared back at its glowing eyes.
"Oh for crying out loud." Galagus said walking up the the wolf trying to bite him. Galagus reared back and gave the wolf a good kick with his hind legs in which it shattered into several twigs. "Right, about that tour."
Wylfen Shepard Wylfen Shepard
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"After you", Cassian comicly makes an elegant bow over to the rope bridge that lead to the castle. "Nice kick by the way. And that combo fire spell you did with Flax. That was awesome" , he complimented
"Fire magic is one of the things I do best." He said as he began the trek toward the castle. "Though I really wish I could learn more spells. I think it would be really cool to do stuff like teleporting and transmogrification."
Wylfen Shepard Wylfen Shepard
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"Those are highly advanced spells. I hear only a few unicorns here in Equestria can pull off teleporting. Let alone transformation spells. Hell, I was lucky enough to know a mare that could actually transport herself a kilometer or two.", he said as he looked up at the castle once they crossed the bridge. It was quite a sight to behold. Even if they are ruins, they don't seem to have lost their artistic architecture over the ages. As he was marveling up at the towers of the old castle, he couldn't help but feel he might have seen them somewhere before. 'Weird....theres something familiar about this place. I know I have seen it before. But where? Maybe a book or something', the hooded Dragon thought to himself. It seems the only way to find out was inside. And boy is he in for quite a surprise.
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"I'd still like the chance to learn them." He said as they walked.

"Probably form a book. I don't know much but this castle I think was once the home of Princess Celestia and Luna. Or at least that's what I can make out from all the tapestries in this place. So it's either that or somepony that looks like them. But it does make sence because Alicorns live for like forever so who knows how long ago it was." He said
Wylfen Shepard Wylfen Shepard
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Cassian moves in to push the entrance doors open when Galagus mentions something about the castle. He pauses and stares back at him with bewilderment in his eyes. But then shrugs it off to open the large doors further. "Pfft. Yeah right", he chuckles to himself as the large doors make a loud etching cream to reveal a long dark corridor with torn tapestries and weathered statues. "This place probably belonged to some crazy old baron or something. I mean, really. If this were it then I'd recognize the emblem on the......", his words halted when he saw two large thrones at the end of the corridor.

One was taller than the other, yet they stood proudly together as equals. But what really caught the young dragon's eyes were emblems of a sun and a moon engraved at their heads. There was no doubt about it. He double checked the tapestries, the statues, the layout of the decor and even the rug. Even though everything was worn and aged from all the time that has passed, everything clicked on his head just right. Not to mention each half of the corridors were decorated as day and night to compliment each side of both thrones was a dead give away.

"You've got to be kidding me...."
"Nope. Welcome to the 'Castle of the Two Sisters.'" He said while waving a hoof at the thrones as if to present if it were on sale. "On one end we have a really long hallway. On the other, another really long hallway. I hope you enjoy your stay."
Wylfen Shepard Wylfen Shepard
Tec grumbled to himself as he turned another corner. Old architecture like this didn't make sense to him, One thing should be somewhere else, and he hated the seemingly endless corridors between each area. He was levitating a cardboard box, full of old looking books, some being obviously about history etc. and one rather fancy purple one seemed to have runes on the front. He'd turn a corner, humming a tune to himself as he searched for the way back out. Emerging from the corridor to the right of them, the form of the robotic pony holding the box would travel down the corridor, before shouting a greeting.
"Oh, hey Galagus. What're you doing here?" he'd call to them from about a quarter down the corridor.

Latios Latios Wylfen Shepard Wylfen Shepard
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Sinensis Sinensis

The hooded Dragon quickly runs up to a call torn banner and inspects it, rubbing the fabric between his claws. "Pure sown silk. Only a royal tailor can fashion these.", he said. He then picks up the banner and looks at the picture of Celestia's cutie mark. Different colors of thread but all made of the fine fine silk. That hit the final nail on the coffin. This banner along with the entire caste is 100% authentic.

"Oh my....Everything is here....just like in the stories", he stammers to himself and looks back at Garage with bewilderment in his eyes. "This is actually The Castle of the Two Sisters!", he said with retained excitement in his tone. "This isnt an old abandoned castle, this an actual historical landmark. Your ruler Princess Celestia and Princess Luna's old house. And you didn't realize it until now!?", he raised his eyebrow at the young colt.

Just the he heard another voice. And a strange one at that. Once he turned his head to the source, he was greeted with another shocking sight. "Who or what is that? You know him?", Cassian looks back at Galagus
Tec would look towards the books he had "I looked through the library, but there's not really... a load on runic magic. So i asked around, and apparently there's an old, abandoned castle here. I did some snooping and found a library, and as it's not exactly being used right now, i thought i'd borrow some books, Though the only book i could find is a book what's covered in them, and won't open..." He would say.
"I'm Tec or Tech, whatever you prefer. Who're you, though?" He'd ask with a tilt of his head.
"Oh, and don't go that way" he would add, looking backwards. "This place has more traps than a..." He'd say, trailing off as he realized he didn't have anything to compare it to. "A lot of traps" he'd add after a pause.

Latios Latios Wylfen Shepard Wylfen Shepard
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Sinensis Sinensis
"You didn't seem very sure back on the bridge", Cassian crosses his arms raising his eyebrow at Galagus. But then he sighed and decides to drop it since there are more important matters at hand.

Turning to Tec, the new cybernetic acquaintance, he looks over with surprise to actually see a real robot. He's read quite a few sci-fi novels but he never thought he'd see the actual thing. "I'm Cassian. Mostly people call me Cass. Did you mention something about a library?", he asked
"Hm? Oh, yeah... It's back the way i came, but there's a few traps you have to look out for... I'll lead the way" He replied, turning around and heading back at a fast pace where he came from, still levitating the box of books beside him and not really checking if they were keeping up or not, though. He turned a corner to the right, And called back "This way's got some plates that open trapdoors, but as long as you keep an eye out you should be fine" He said. "they're mostly at the center of the hallway." he added, keeping up the fast pace.

Latios Latios Wylfen Shepard Wylfen Shepard
"Yeah, I happened to stumble upon a few myself when I first came here. Though I pretty much got them all memorize by now. I could walk though this place blind folded and not step on a trap. Mainly because I'm already blind."
Sinensis Sinensis Wylfen Shepard Wylfen Shepard
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Sinensis Sinensis
Cassian looked back at Galagus with deadpanned expression from that last statement he said. Now following Tech, mimicking each of his steps carefully, he decided to pass the time of making sense of the current situation. And not about the traps since it wasn't that big of an issue for him, even though they can be a bit of a pain if your not careful. "So you're a real robot huh? I've heard of animation magic that can make golems but I never thought anyone or anypony would go far enough into cybernetics. I thought they just rumors.", he asked. "What's your story?"
Tech shrugged "i'm a hybrid of a golem and robot or cybernetic, in basic enough terms." he would say, looking back. a little. "I don't exactly know when i was created, or who by, but i've managed to understand how i work, my exterior plating is an alloy of sorts, around the strength of steel, and can conduct magic. I've got a battery, what i believe was created with some crystals, though it's not like i'm going to disassemble myself..." he'd trail off, turning another corner. "it's just at the end of this one, if i recall..." He'd add, before stepping on a brick what would sink into the floor, though not seeming to care much about it, as a few arrows would fly out of the wall and reflect off of his metal exterior. "Here we are!" he'd state, the corridor opening up at the end into a massive library. "Oh, and most of the books are alphabetized, left to right." He'd add, heading over to a table & 2 chairs, placing down the box of books, taking out the book covered in runes and inspecting it again.

Wylfen Shepard Wylfen Shepard Latios Latios
Sinensis Sinensis
Tech had quite an interesting story. Then again, everything has been interesting the moment Cass first set for in this land. And if someone where to tell him he would wind up in a deity's old house, he'd call them crazy. This thought brought a question to mind as he pulls the ring out, which was still glowing. Yet it was only pulsating faintly now, signaling him he is where he has to be. 'Terra. Why would you send me here? How do you know about this place?', he wonders in thought.

Just as he walked into the library, his reptilian eyes bugged out as the young shrouded Dragon marveled at the sight. It was like a ball room of literature. "Whoa...", he says with awe.
As Galagus entered the library he simply sat down in a chair not doing much. This room while it was one he liked the most, did nothing of value for him. Being blind and having his only eyes with the attention span of a bird made the young colt illiterate and unable to read the vast knowledge here. A shame though, he longed to read up on the spell books here.
Wylfen Shepard Wylfen Shepard Sinensis Sinensis
Tech placed down the book he was inspecting, sighing. "can't figure this out..." he mumbled to himself, staring down the book. "there's supposed to be a way to move those two bookshelves apart" he said, looking to his right, at two bookshelves slightly forward, with telltale erosion on the floor as if they both moved away from each other. "though, i haven't found anything what triggers it, and they don't force apart manually, either..." he shrugged "You guys can try and find it if you'd like, it probably hides something important."

Latios Latios Wylfen Shepard Wylfen Shepard
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Sinensis Sinensis
From what he read about this castle, it was full of all sorts of hidden secrets. Many secrets at that. The thought discouraged the Dragon, but he was still willing to find out why Terra sent him matter what. "I'm actually looking for something too. While I'm here, I'm gonna do some research and see what I can find. And I'll be sure to keep a look out for that mechanism while I'm at it, okay", Cassian assures the robot unicorn.
"Isn't it obvious how it opens. We're in a library. That means the ponies who made this place had no creativity so they made the trigger a book. Mainly this book." He said pulling one of the book that sat on a self at his level. To door that Tec mention before almost magically slid open. Behind it there was another door made or iron bars locking a cylindrical room that seemed to have no floor. It also seemed to have what started as a bridge but had broken off somehow into the bottomless pit below. "I told you I knew where this stuff was, I've been here probably way to many times. However there's not much back here though. What ever was here fell down there who knows when."
Wylfen Shepard Wylfen Shepard Sinensis Sinensis

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