The Second Griffon War (Casual Thread - All welcome!)

Tech shrugged "Thought there would be something more interesting back there, oh well." he would grumble. "There's probably a few more, being as it's a pretty big room, but you probably know where they all are, anyways." He'd say, returning to the books he had, taking 3 more out on different pages, with the runic book at the back. a book on history, another one what seemed to be a cipher wheel, another being on spells. He'd swap between each book seemingly randomly, turning each page when he'd finished with one. Trying to cross- reference each book.

Latios Latios Wylfen Shepard Wylfen Shepard
"Nope, there's not much of value on this library. Well, besides the books. Besides, most of the secret passageways are hooked up to an organ in the basement. It seems somepony had creepy in mind when they built this place." Galagus said. He saw that Tec seemed to be looking for something in the books. "So... What exactly are you reading up on."
Sinensis Sinensis Wylfen Shepard Wylfen Shepard
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Sinensis Sinensis

While Tech and Galagus were talking, the hooded Dragon strolls his way into the rows of shelves. So far, most of them were fiction and nonfiction based general information. What he wanted was something that could give him a clue on his journey. Just then, he spots a large opened time as thick as a log on a pedestal shining in the light of one of the Windows above. The area around was one of the only places that wasn't tidied up from all the dust and piled books around. He makes is way over to the pedestal and reads the time out of curiosity.

It was left open on a very interesting passage titled known as, ' Rogue Dragons'
Tech continued searching through the 3 books at the same time, looking slightly confused. "Trying to find something to figure out what the runes on the book mean, so i might be able to open it" He replied, shrugging. "i was going to check it out when i got back to Ponyville, but i don't know. so far, what i've got is it's some kind of protection rune, so only certain ponies can open it..." he explained. "Something about not needing it, or something..." He'd look over the cipher book, flipping a few pages, and the history one too. "Though i don't really know what's in it" he sighed, closing all books but the unopened one, and putting them back in the box. "i'll figure it out later"

Latios Latios Wylfen Shepard Wylfen Shepard
Latios Latios
Sinensis Sinensis

Dreamweaver Dreamweaver
(Thought you might want to know this)

Cassian began to engross himself into the tome's passage as the information began to sink into his like pebbles into water for each word. It was mostly written in old equestrian. But he managed to overcome the language boundaries as he translated them in his own thoughts while reading.

'Rogue dragons. A dragon with no known origin that strayed away from it's nature and pursues its own. In dragon tongue, they are also refereed to as bastard hatchling, wayward whelp, or wretched eggs. Considering these labels, they are highly frowned upon by traditional dragons. Unlike traditional dragons like the Equestrian dragon, they don't pursue share the same pursuits in their lives as other dragons would. Instead of hoarding possessions and hibernating in caves, they sate their hunger for finding a purpose of their own.

Though considered a rare phenomenon, the upbringing of a rogue dragon is mostly resulted from dragons who have low drives for their greed, therefore by choice or have been abandoned as an egg or loss as a hatchling. The latter scenario is a most likely cause due to a mother dragon's instinct with sensing the development of their young while still incubating thier eggs. Even though even though dragons have strong maternal instincts, some mother dragons have a strong ability to sense the development of thier young. If the mother were to sense any complications in the embryos growth, she would leave the egg behind to tend to her stronger hatchlings.

This part of the passage made Cassian wince slightly. For it was something he knew all too well that brought up one of his saddest memories. Yet with keeping his thoughts on the matter at hand no matter how sensitive the subject may become.

'Left behind for the world to decide its fate, the hatchling would most likely die and left for other savagers to claim the remains. However, there comes the rare possibility that the hatchling will continue its growth and survivor. Yet left to fend for itself without a parental figure to guide it. And thus, it will eventually stray off to seek others for acceptance and to continue to find a way to live. Some would aim to be accepted by other races. Or some will seek a solitary life. There are many stories in history about dragons with thier own life, whether they become thieves, warriors, forest guardians, or integrated in any form of civilization. Yet there has never been a single document or story of a rogue dragon livingly happily. In the end, every recorded story in history of a rogue dragon as always ended with tragedy.....or destruction.'

The young dragon started to get nervous as he continued to read. He began to shake like a leaf. Swallowing the lump in his throat, he still continued. He started to frantically skim through the pages, trying to find an upside to this passage.Yet every word he read, clicked with his own story. Everything about this passage basically describes his life's story. It was almost like an autobiography.

Words like, 'Mental Disorder, Subconscious Primal Personality, Homicidal, Monster, Anger, Killing own kind, depression, tragic death or betrayal' Words or harsh statements that could potentially describe his future. His mind began to race as he sweat beads.

'Cassie.....', a familiar female voice echoed in his head. Sounds of faint screaming and flames roaring began to follow.
He then sees the image of a silhouette shadow of a unicorn mare staring at him with shock and fear in her eyes.

'Cassie?', her voice cracked in a whimper.


Cassain quickly shut the book and held down the cover, fearing it would open itself up again. The loud slam of the large tome echoed through the halls, scaring away those thoughts that were invading his mind. The dragon was now left panting, almost at the verge of hyperventalating as his anxeity nearly peaked. It was over and the thoughts were gone for now. But one thing came very very clearin the young hidden dragons harsh discovery.

Cassian is a Rogue Dragon.
Generally a lost drake who strayed from its nature to pursue its own purpose in life.
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Galagus almost jumped straight up to the ceiling upon the book being slammed suddenly. "What the heck! Cassian don't scare me like that. Why did you slam the book anyways. These thing are old, don't break them." He said, however upon closer inspection he seemed worried about something. "Cassian? Is something wrong."
Wylfen Shepard Wylfen Shepard Sinensis Sinensis
Tech didn't really react to the book slamming, instead just looking over to the source of the noise. "Gonna go grab some more books to read up on." He would say, proceeding to stand up and vanish down a different row of shelves, going from top left to bottom right, taking turn and levitating each one to flick through and place back, taking one or two per row and placing them on a pile to read through in more detail later.

Latios Latios Wylfen Shepard Wylfen Shepard
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Cassian almost didn't hear Galagus's voice while he did his little breathing exercise to calm himself down. He didn't answer yet, trying take the moment to himself to settle his mind first. "Y..Yeah...huff...I just...huff swallowed too much dust", he panted out. While it was half true, Cassian kept the main issue to himself. She quickly reaches into his bag with his shakey claw and pulls out a pouch. He opens it and pours out a blackish green looking tablet of some kind and frantically brings it to him mouth under his scarf, swallowing it whole.
Galagus watch the drake intently. "Cassian, I know your lying. Honestly, no pony slams a book because they've inhaled dust. If anything it's the other was around. So... What's really wrong." He asked taking a seat right next to him.
Wylfen Shepard Wylfen Shepard
Latios Latios
Cass looked back at Galagus with a solemn look in his eyes. He didn't think that dust excuse would work, but he tried anyway. If anything, he wasn't a very good laid. He sighes,"I just....found out something about myself. It was a bit of a sensitive subject".
"I may be blind but I can see better than most ponies. And no, I'm not talking about having the eyes of a hawk. Though it does help. You gave me multiple clues just by me hanging out with you."
Wylfen Shepard Wylfen Shepard
"For one, you don't have the shape of a pony. That's easy to tell even with that cloak, not to mention actually haveing hands where as we don't." He said shaking is hooves in the air. "Second, when you told me to get on your back. I could feel your wings. Third, the gem you just ate. There's a particular dragon the lives in Ponyvill that aslo eats gems so you eating one pretty much sealed the deal."
Wylfen Shepard Wylfen Shepard
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The young dragon sighed as he slowly removes his hood and scarf to reveal himself. If Flax was watching, he'd see a young adolescent Dragon with dark auburn scales, forest green spines and slightly frizzy mane, and youthful big jade green eyes. "That wasn't really a gem I just ate. Just something I wiped up with herbs to calm me nerves.", he explained.

"Did you say another Dragon lives in ponyville?"
"I don't exactly see what you ate but seeing as your were carrying a gem earlier that you gave to me I though that was another you pulled out of your bag. And yeah, there's another dragon. The whole town knows him. He lives with the Princess. He's kinda like her assistant or something."
Wylfen Shepard Wylfen Shepard
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Cyan Hide Cyan Hide (for laughes)
"Nice name....teh", he snickered in amusement by the mention of the Dragon, Spike. "So how does he fit around the castle. I mean but not big enough fo- WHOA WHOA WHOA! Back up for a minute", he interrupts himself for a minute. "Princess Twilight!? You mean to tell me there are four Alicorns? I thought there were only three. Celestia, Luna Amore...Camenza? Cardenas? No. Uh". He then snaps his talon in realization to correct himself. "Cadenza! Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. Sheesh that name always gets me... -.- '"
"Where have you been, under a rock. Yes there's four Alicorns. Although Princess Twilight wasn't born an Alicorn. She kinda... became one. If that makes any sense. Anyways, she's known as the princess of friendship. She and her five friends go about spreading friendship across equestria. You seriously haven't herd of them. Thier known all over equestria. They've literally saved it like a hundred times."
Wylfen Shepard Wylfen Shepard
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"You mean the elements of harmony? Yes I've heard of them. They were the ones who helped bring back Princess Luna, stop the spirit of chaos and etc.", he explained.

He then sighs in frustration, raffling his spines and mane and let's them fall back over his face. "But you see. Like I told you at the Broken Blade. I'm not from around here and I grew up in a forest.", he explained a bit vaguely then quickly gathers his thoughts for a moment.

"You see. I'm not from Equestria. I'm from where you ponies call as The Great Unknown. I came from across Lake Luna, into the far far west to be precise. The place I lived in is kinda isolated, so the rumors we get come out kinda vague there. But I had no idea how little was known about what was going on over here. I admit, I'm quite impressed.", he explained
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"Well of course you don't. If you look on the map, the Great Unknown is what you call the outside border of your land. And not many of you ponyfolk venture outside your land much. At least that's what I read anyway"

"And in the Great Unknown; what you ponies call, I came from a land called Brightwood Forest", he said. Little did Cass know, Brightwood has made a name for itself in Equestria as a myth. "While it is a wide open green forest covering from one prominence to the next, there are also a few settlement there too, that help protect it from outsiders like poachers"

"And as you might have guessed. That's why I don't act like other dragon's. I was integrated into civilization while I was raised there. I lived in the center of the forest with my mentor and my closest friend who found me and raised."
"I never thought you acted differently. Your proof to that is back in Ponyvill. I've never meet what a 'real' dragon so as far as I know you act like a real dragon with the only comparison I know."
Wylfen Shepard Wylfen Shepard

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