The Second Griffon War (Casual Thread - All welcome!)

Avedon Avedon

"I'll catch up! Hang on!"

Arcus takes off her armour, and stuffs it with cats, so that unless anypony gets too close, it will still appear that there is a guard at the delivery door. Arcus, now naked, follows Nighshade through the castle.
Cyan Hide Cyan Hide
"Alright were here."
>She said poking around Avedons office
"Oh hey, a letter!"
>She pulled out one that looks like it might have been from her from under the desk
Avedon Avedon

It was a white, single piece of A4 paper, the only one that wasn't pink or folded, and was formatted and dated like a military report. It read;

'Lunar General Avedon.

My apologies for the informality of this report, sir, but the date and reason for this letter calls for a more emotional tone than usual.

I apologise for not having the courage to hand this to you in person or sign my name, sir, but feelings from a Solar Guard private to the highest ranking Lunar's not professional. Even so, it was important for me to sent this to you, and knowing you've read it is relief enough.

Happy Valentine's Day


Arcus had her head in her hooves as she finished reading. "Yes, that's mine alright..."
Latios Latios
The moment he walked into the wilderness of the everfree, the young dragon's spine tingles from the sensation of the magical energy it was giving off. "Whoa...i guess the stories were true. This place has its own magic energy.", he says as he kept his ring held out front for the light to guide the way. "Kinda reminds me of home.....but different. Everything feels more...I don't know", Cass was taken back from the atmosphere the forest was giving off. He kept trying see what his instincts can make of what the wilds were telling him. "Feral. Primal. Defiantly a different nature.", he said to himself.
"Well this place has had its fair share of chaos magic inflicted upon it so if anything it is goin to be quite defiant." Galagus said as he walked with him. "Oh, and speaking of chaos magic, fair warning, watch out for blue flowers. If you see any, don't touch them."
Wylfen Shepard Wylfen Shepard
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Cassian raised an eyebrow in confusion from Galagus's last statement. "Blue flowers? Well okay...if you say so", he said as they pressed on. "You I don't know much about Chaos Magic, but I do feel something off here. I know each terrain that has its own magical property kinda have their own way of showing it. Kinda like its own personality. And usually they tend to be stable and calm unless someone or something can draw from it. Or if a natural magical phenomena occurs.", he explains. "But this place. It's very strange. I'm not high attuned with magic sensory, but it's feels like everything is always moving around me. Which means to me that the magic here highly active. That's very unusual. It's almost as if it's alive somehow" , he wonder as he lets his senses survey the wilds.
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"Well I,'ll tell you, I'm more curious than afraid", he said. "I've lived it forests most of my life and seen many things. But I'll admit, this place is defiantly the most unusual.", Cassian continued when his eyes catch sight of a pile of rubble weathered mosses in the pathway.

"Whoa, what happened here? Looks like a rock slide hit this spot a while back", he commented at the sight. He looked up at the slope of the hill where it came down from. "That's odd. This hill doesn't look all that brittle. In fact....", he takes a claw and taps one of the larger rocks on the pile. Then he grinds some of the debris as he closely inspects it. "This is very dense sedimentary. Doesn't look like this was an accident. Probably a huge monster passing through of something.", he shrugs.
Upon the mention of the rocks, Galagus was reminded of something. "Oh, wait, didn't you say you were looking for signs of civilization in here. I forgot to mention this earlier but there's this huge castle deep in the forest as wall. It's old and abandoned but also falling apart. Some ponies even say it's haunted."
Wylfen Shepard Wylfen Shepard
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His jade reptilian eyes widened at the mention of an abandoned castle in the woods. He raised his eyebrow back at the young colt with intrigue. "An abandoned castle? Seriously?", he asked with surprise. He then looks down at the ring shining towards through the rubble in the way of their path. "Do you think this trail leads to this place?", he asked out of curiousity
"Not exactly sure. But I'm sure Flax can spot it. The things kinda hard to miss." He said. Once done, he gave a loud whistle to the bird above. Soon the Phoenix came swooping done before landing in Galagus's head. "Hey bud, I need to to look for that castle again. Can you do that." The bird nodded and took off once more into the sky. "Ok, so it's.... That way." Galagus said pointing a hoof in the direction.
Wylfen Shepard Wylfen Shepard
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Cassian saw where Galagus was pointing and looked down at his ring. They were both pointing the exact same direction. "Well how bout that. I guess we now know where were going", he said. But then he looks back toward the rubble. "Unfortunately, we're not gonna get very far with all this rubble in the way. And it looks like going around this gorge is out the question too", he stated heading back toward Galagus. He crack his knuckles and looks down at the stallion. "Guess that means there's only one way through", he says and kneels down, turning his back to Galagus.

"Get on", he said patting his own shoulder.
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"What do you think? I'm not gonna ask you to waste your magic on levitating this crap outta the way. So we're do this the more fun and easy way. We're gonna climb over it"
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Cassian felt the young colt climb on his, resting just where his wings were under his coat. He would probably feel strange two protrusions from laying on them, but that wasn't on the young dragons mind right now. He easily lifts up, carrying Galagus weight with ease. It's good thing dragon's where strong by nature. Especially once they reached their young adolescent years. If he wanted to, he could carry one more pony for a good work out.

He walks over toward the rubble and extends his class further out of his sleeve. They looked pretty sharp and pretty big with his large palms. "Okay, hold on right little man", he warns as he leaps up and latches onto the Rocky surface with ease. He quickly starts crawling up the rubble as his sharp talon grinded and sunk deep into the dense mineral like it was made of sand. With the way his front claws and his back talons working together, he almost looked like a lizard from the way he was climbing. Yet he kept his pace steady and gentle so his passenger doesn't lose his grip and fall off.

Finally he makes his way over and down the rubble, land safely on his feet and kneeling down to let Galagus off. "Okay, we made it".
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"Yup", Cassian nods as he takes his ring out and heads back on the trail. He seemed to have gotten lucky with keeping his cover so far. There aren't that many creature that can claw through stone like the way Cassian did.
It wasn't long before the reached the castle. When they got there it was apparent that it was old. Several walls and arch ways had missing chunks in them. Some looked like they would collapse at the single touch. But the majority of the building was together enough to form the structure in question. "Well, here we are. Oh, and be careful when you explore it. You have more to worry about in this place than the floor falling beneath you."
Wylfen Shepard Wylfen Shepard
"Don't call me that." He said with a blank expression. "It sounds girly. Anyways, do you want me to give you a tour. I've had to refuge here more times than I can count so I know my way around."
Wylfen Shepard Wylfen Shepard
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Now that he thought about it, that name did sound a little girly. Cassian scratched his head in embarrassment with a sheepish smile," Sorry. Force of habit. I tend to thoughtlessly give out nicknames. And I'm not very good at it sometimes ^^' ". "And if it's not too much trouble, I guess a tour would be nice. I usually like to explore on my own, but I'm on a bit of a tight schedule.", he said still feeling around in his bag.

He manages to pull from The bag a gleaming green gemstone with a bright teal center. He then kneels down and offers it to the young colt. "Here. For the tour and the guidance"
Galagus was at a loss for words. A gemstone was worth a lot of bits to anypony he could sell it to. Enough for him to live without worry of thievery for possibly a few months if he conserved right. "I-I don't know what to say. Uhh, thank you I guess."
Wylfen Shepard Wylfen Shepard
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"It's called a Gale Emerald. Native to the land I come from. Their clusters can only be found in forest areas and they're said to hold magical properties. Should be worth quite a high bid on the market here in equestria.", he explained. He wasn't kidding when he said they are rare. Right next to the Fire Ruby, they are worth quite a lot and can be found in very few places of the world. Mainly pure magical forest areas. There was only one well known place in the outside world with such a treasure.

However, if Galagus were to ask it would be interrupted by a bellow of growling coming from three sets of eyes within the shadows of the trees. Cassian could only rolls his eyes as he takes out his bow and loads it up with an arrow. "I should have known coming here was too easy", he sighed as he pointed at the green glowing eyes, preparing for whatever terror of the forest was ready to come out.

One of the three green eyed shadowy figures steps out, revealing itself to be a wolf.....made of twigs and leaves.

The sight made Cassian raise his eyebrow and lower his arrow. "What the he'll is that?"
"Timber wolf. Literally made of timber, hence the name." He said stepping in front of Cassian. "Flax, if you don't mind." He asked the bird. The Phoenix then flew up into the air igniting himself. Galagus then suddenly drew the flames to his horn and let them spew toward the wolf. Being made of wood, fire did not agree with the wolf so it took off before the flames could reach it. Whimpers of the wooded dog could be herd as it ran off. "There we go. Told you timber wolfs were easy."
Wylfen Shepard Wylfen Shepard

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