The Second Griffon War (Casual Thread - All welcome!)

Latios Latios
Cass snapped out of his trance glancing back and forth to Galagus and the ring. He then makes a faint smile and explains vaguely,"This once belonged to a close friend of mine. And it looks like she thought ahead". The ring he was holding was actually a horn ring that unicorn's wear when they are married. No doubt it once belong to a unicorn mare. Yet why would she just give it up?

Cassian looked towards the forest and down at the ring before looking back at the curious colt. "Looks like our little stroll in the woods will be shorter than I thought", he smirked as he let the ring down and entered into the Everfree.
Before they entered the forest, Flax flew off from atop Galagus's head and began to simply glide up above. Flax did this so he could keep an eye on the pony below and keep watch for any creatures heading their way. "Well, let's be going then."
Wylfen Shepard Wylfen Shepard
Avedon Avedon

Most posts at the castle during the diplomatic meetings needed two guards, both inside and outside the castle. Either because they didn't deem it a priority target, or they just had a lot of faith in her abilities, or both, Arcus was stationed alone at the small delivery door that let to the castle's cellar. She had been briefed on who would be making deliveries and when, and if any of the ponies were so much as five minutes late, they would be refused entry. Luckily nopony had been late thus far, so Arcus' job had been quite easy. In fact, there had only been two very large deliveries of food and drink early in the morning and it had been totally quiet since. Arcus, far from being bored, actually kind of enjoyed being lost in her own thoughts for hours on end. Of course, she looked training and exercise even more, but at least guard duty wasn't cleaning detail. Besides, she liked to wear full ceremonial armour and sword and keep her muscles rigid while she was on guard duty. That way it could also count as a bit of body training.
Cyan Hide Cyan Hide
A swarm of kittens poured into the post Arcus was at until she was swept away in a tide of fluff out onto the law. Trapped with her was the purple daughter of the Lunar General
"This spell backfired..."
Avedon Avedon

Arcus Tempest, a light shining in her eyes, reached out and grabbed the purple mare's wrist, started to swim against the kitty current until she reached her post again and held onto the brickwork, bracing herself against the tabby tide. Her muscles bulged from the exertion as she turned her neck and grinned at Nightshade. "Hey, I know you! Aren't you General Avedon's daughter? What brings you to this part of the castle?"

As a particularly grumpy looking kitten went passed, Arcus nuzzled it and couldn't help but squee a little. She had a slightly contrary definition of cute.
Cyan Hide Cyan Hide
Nightfall allowed herself to be dragged about, she was fine with either otucome easily as they got away from the flood wat-purrs.
"Oh killing time til my dad gets out of his meeting. Snooping about to see if he got anything for Valentine's Day. He's much too dour to let on honestly if he did!:"
Avedon Avedon

"He probably did, though I know one or two mares in the Solar Guard who find him dashing yet intimidating, and chickened out of getting him gifts. I didn't send any gifts this year. Last year I was just a private, so you could send a gift without it suddenly becoming hot news. What about you? Do you have a Valentine's?"
Cyan Hide Cyan Hide
Nightfall blinked and stared at the mare unsure if she realized what she said or if Nightfall herself was misunderstanding
"....did you just admit to sending my dad stuff? >.>"

"...and nooo. Most guys get rather putt off by the whole, "diseased" thing."
Avedon Avedon

Arcus suddenly blushed and avoided eye contact. "I...I did last year, yes. Your father is a dashing stallion..." she cleared her throat, and then looked back at Nightshade, a little disheartened. "Well that's not very fair. What about any Valentine's you've sent others?"
Cyan Hide Cyan Hide
Nightfall's tail flicked back and forth and she blushed
"Weeeeelll.....I did do something this year....I don'rt know if you'd like to hear about me being a gushy romantic though would you?~"
Avedon Avedon

Arcus leaned forward eagerly, smiling. "I definitely would!"

It was at this point she noticed that the foreleg that was still gripping the castle tight enough to fight against a sea of felines was starting to get a tiny bit sore. And that the cats had all gone. So she let go of the wall.
Cyan Hide Cyan Hide
Nightfall dusted herself off from fluff and tilted her head to one side, tapping it until a few of the felines fell out of her ears
She giggled nervously
"There's this cute bat-pony soooo for Valentines I like, sent him a little package and card. See I overheard him when I was sleuthing around in the boy's lockeroom, and he talked about he missed his old dog and how he always would cherish the look on its face....So I dug up his dog and took off the face-skin, I preserved and animated it so it would always be smiling at him and he could have his best friends grin back!!!....He hasn't come to school since then so I guess he must just be having tons of fun with it."
Avedon Avedon

Arcus looked a little bit appalled by that.

"Please tell me you got rid of all the rotten flesh, and it also acts just like a real dog now it's animated and isn't just a doll. Because a doll just isn't the same..."
Dream Dream Weaver

"Oh yeah i mean its just the face. I was too scared to do more than that. Normal dogs freak me out."
She shivered
Avedon Avedon

Arcus facehooved. "...Okay, Nightshade. Imagine a pony you liked got you, for Valentine's, a re-animated corpse of a dead cat that was once beloved to you, but it can no longer curl up, or do that adorable thing where cats get scared and jump around on two feet."
Cyan Hide Cyan Hide
"....Someone else who uses necromancy AND loves cats? I'd be swooning! "
She gasps as her eyes turn to hearts
"What if...what if he got me the half cat because we could then get togethert and build the rest of it out of spare cats as a project? Buidl the perfect cat..."
Avedon Avedon

"I feel you've missed the point I was trying to make, but at least you now have a better idea of who you'd like to be with. To be honest, I'm too busy with my job or my training to really think about men, even on Valentine's day. Especially on Valentine's Day, in fact, because I know if I show any interest in anypony, the Solar Guard will not shut up about it."
Avedon Avedon

"Last year? Last year I only sent one anonymous letter, you know who to, and even that was incredibly formal and filled with 'Sir's. I'm not a very romantic pony."

Arcus was blushing again.
Avedon Avedon

"I don't remember the wording of the letter. I've blocked it from my memory, but your father might have it. i'm not sure if he's the type to keep Valentine's cards, though."
"I'm not sure. Possibly. I'm up for finding out, though! But is it really okay to snoop around the effects of the Lunar General?"
Cyan Hide Cyan Hide
"Nope...don't matter though. Come on I know how to get into his office."
She smiled and snuck through the castle with the Solar....soldier?! She wasnt actually sure what this mare's rank was. She had never properly met her before!

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