The Second Griffon War (Casual Thread - All welcome!)

Dreamweaver Dreamweaver
Aether was the quiet type and and just flittered about, walking up and down on Trixie's back as he looked for something to do. She had never had a pet nor even really seen one! She wasnt trusted with much!
Dreamweaver Dreamweaver
Gunnolf's jaw dropped lightly when Silvanus told him that she didn't know what this was. She had summoned the bloody thing, how could she not know what it was? This just didn't make sense to his more primitive mind. This day was going swell.

"Well then..." He muttered. "You tell Rocky not to get into trouble. I'm not dealing with a walking mini-mountain."

Dreamweaver Dreamweaver Assailant Assailant
Starstreak looked to her side at the other two ponies, mentally noting the glowing horn and drawn blades. Her own eyes had narrowed; she may not be an experienced soldier like they were, but she certainly was not defenseless. The ability to shapeshift did give her some biological benefits over everybody else. She'd never thought of that before, though, maybe she could shapeshift into a body that was very resistant to blades?

She would have to experiment later.

She smiled at Aurelia. "The train is going well. It's about to enter the first stress testing stages, and then moving on to practical use. Within a couple weeks at most we'll be ready to go hopefully."
Avedon Avedon
Soon enough they came to a deli where they could have something to eat. Trixie got a sandwich and candy bar, and Aether could get whatever she wanted since Trixie was paying and had no choice. The idea of eating in front of a child was hilarious but she wasn't that evil.

Dumbledoof Dumbledoof
"Rocky, sit!" She commanded, to which the earth elemental sat down. It was like a mountain falling over, and shook the ground as it did so. "Good boy! Rocky, pat wolfy!" The rock did just that, reaching over to gently pat the wolf. Gently wasn't exactly nice though, seeing as how it was a mini mountain.

"Rocky say bye!" Silva chirped, at which the rock elemental waved at them all and then melted back into the ground. Silva clapped her forehooves together,
Dreamweaver Dreamweaver
Gunnolf winced lightly under the force of the rock golem. He may be a very large wolf, however, he was fairly certain a creature made out of boulders was significantly stronger than he would ever be. He was at full size, pretty sure he couldn't get any bigger or stronger than this.

He waved hesitantly to the rock golem as it disappeared and let out a relieved sigh. "Okay, no summoning rock things for the rest of today. Summon it in self-defense if you need to."
Dreamweaver Dreamweaver
Dumbledoof Dumbledoof
Salacia shifted upon the great wolf's back, disturbed from her stupor by the Earth Elemental and shot a glare at her sister. To its credit, it did try to be gentle but gentle was a word spoken with relativity when speaking about something made out of the same thing that mountains were. The young, blue-furred sister was inclined to be a lot less charitable to the elemental and especially to her sister. “Rocks are stupid!” She argued, annoyed and dropped off of Gunnolf's back with an ungraceful *flop*.

“At least mister Wolfy realises how dumb your rocks are.” She continued arguing, deciding that Gunnolf's request to her sister, Silvanus,meant he obviously agreed with her because that's just how little fillies' minds work.
Avedon Avedon
... Two items of food and a drink, that's what Trixie would allow her to get. Afterwards she walked outside with the girl and sat down on a bench where they could eat in peace.

Anonmare Anonmare
Dumbledoof Dumbledoof
"Shut up! If there were no rocks then you'd be floating in space!" Silva yelled at her sister, before walking over and kicking her right in the side. Silvanus looked proud of herself for standing up to Salacia and looked happily at Gunnolf. "You agree with me, right Gunny? Rocks are important!"
Dreamweaver Dreamweaver
Her eyes shimmered and teared up as she took her meager little meal of hotdogs and a footlong sub to the table. She was so sad she could barely muster the energy or hunger to eat her entire meal in three bites total.
"I hear you do evil magic..."
Dumbledoof Dumbledoof
Dreamweaver Dreamweaver
“Nuh uh! You're just jealous cuz your rocks are dumb and bor- OW!” Salacia cried out in alarm as her sister kicked her right in her side. She rubbed her side sorely and glared daggers at Silvanus as she preened around smugly at having 'stood up' to her sister. Apparently she was picking up bad habits from somepony or another. That or she was reading some books that were waaaaaaay not age appropriate, or she was just naturally a hit-y filly. Any of the answers were possible really.

“She hit me!” She shouted, pointing accusingly at Silva. “I'm gonna tell mom on you and then you're gonna go to the Sun for a thousand years and everypony will hate you and call you names forever.” She said as she pulled the mom card. She smiled smugly when Gunnolf said Silva shouldn't hit her. “Yeah, don't hit me, Silva.” She said, prodding her hoof into Silva's chest.
Avedon Avedon
"I used to do evil magic, dear. I don't do that anymore. Now I simply heal ponies! Dark magic is bad for your complexion, don't you know that? If I want to stay beautiful forever, I gotta not use it."

Anonmare Anonmare
Dumbledoof Dumbledoof
Silvanus completely ignored Gunnolf, simply because she didn't like what she heard. She gasped at Salacia's words and tackled her. As they rolled around on the ground punching at each other, Silvanus exclaimed, "You ain't gonna tell mom anything! I'll tell her that you want to send me to the sun, and she will send you to the moon for threatening me like that!" Eventually they stop rolling and Silva comes out on top of her, thanks to being a larger filly. She leans in real close and whispers, "And then, when you're gone, I'll have paintings made of you... But you'll be fat! And everypony will think you're fat and ugly!"
Dream Dream Weaver
"Oh....but if you can heal the ugly off people then why do you still have all those cuts? And that color?" Innocent little head tilt
Dreamweaver Dreamweaver Anonmare Anonmare
Gunnolf let out a heavy sigh at the two fillies. Why were they always fighting so much, couldn't they just get along? He got to his paws and walked over wearily to the scrambling bunch of fillies, pressing his paw gently down on Silvanus and holding her down, along with Salacia. "Both of you, knock it off. This is no time to be fighting each other otherwise I'll tell your mothers how bad you were behaving." He growled. "Now apologize to each other immediately."
Dreamweaver Dreamweaver
Dumbledoof Dumbledoof
Salacia fought back against her sister, her hooves searched for purchase and looked for anything to grab a hold of, quickly and eventually finding said purchase in the form of grabbing a hold of Silva's dark-brown mane with her hooves and pulling, hard. She snarled at Silva as she pulled, trying to force her down to her level so she wouldn't have the advantage.”Better for everypony to think of me as fat and ugly than actually be fat and ugly!” She shouted as she searched for some way to get back at her sister, that pond looked rather close...

However her intentions never bore fruit as Gunnolf as he held them both down by force, ruining her plan to get back at her sister. For now. “B-But she started it! She's a bad filly!” Salacia protested, trying to deflect that it was her who first provoked Silva but in her mind it was Silva's fault for hitting first. The blue-furred filly withered under the Wolf's glare and eventually mumbled, with an averted gaze. “...Sorry Silva.”

Her heart obviously wasn't in it at all.
Cassian woke up very groggy from his rest. It was still very early in the morning from the how much light there was from the sun still rising. He didn't get very much sleep; as usual, which is has been a bit of problem he's been dealing with over the passed hear. Still, it was the best rest he had in a long time. Nothing beats sleeping in a sleeping bag on the ground than a nice warm bed and some since fluffy pillows. True he wasn't living at a five- star hotel, but equestrian ponies really know how live comfortably. He pulls himself out of bed and stretches his broad shoulder until every joint in his upper back popped in symphony. "Better get going...", he says to himself as he got up scratchinghis back scales with his claws.

After getting ready, the young dragon's footsteps faintly echoed down the stairs as he made his way through the bar. To his surprise, he sees the old bartender sweeping up the floor, preparing to open shop.

"Looks like I'm not the only early bird", the old stallion says with a light smile. He caught sight of the Dragon out and about still covered up from head to toe under his hooded coat. He was curious to why his newest patron petered to remain covered up, even when he told him that he was welcome to settle in. But he decided not pry into his privacy any further.

"Not Intentionally....", Cassian replies with a groggy yawn as he rubs the crust from his eyes.

The bartender then frown with concern in his eyes. "So your really going out there?", he asked.

The young dragon can only nod as he began to walk toward the door.

"Listen kid. I don't know who or what you are or where you came from. And I've only known you for a night. But I'd like to thank you", said the middle aged stallion.

His words made the Dragon stop and look back with his eyebrow raised. "For what?", he asked back.

"You see, the tavern hasn't been as lively as it used to be with all the recent problems we had recently in equestria. I know we don't look it, but many of us are still in edge. Everyday we've need high on our hooves in case something else were to turn up. That kind of tension hasn't been good for our Tavern. And we tried really hard to keep up a friendly outlook.

Then you suddenly show up out of no where. Hardly a step inside and you sparked up a few laughes for my regulars. It really helped loosen things up around here, even if it was for a nightn" he explained his reason for the sudden gratitude.

Cass was taken back for a moment. He had no idea he brought up such positive energy just by being here. "Well uh....your welcome ^^ ", he replies modestly, scratching the back of his head. "Well then, thanks for watching most of my stuff for me. Ill be sure to come back before the deadline." He said as he reached for the doorknob. Prior before he went to bed, Cassian paid a little extra to extend the period of his stay to keep most of his thing locked safely in his room. About three days worth.

"Just be careful out there okay? And I hope whatever it is you find will bring you some peace", the bartender said.

Cassian's claw halted from the door handle as he looked back at the middle aged stallion with surprise and confusion by his words.

Before he could ask, the owner replied, "You mutter in your sleep..."

No more words can be said, as Cassian went silent and walked out the door making a sudden waving motion with his hand.

"May the sun and the moon protect you" he prays when his wife suddenly trots in in surprise.

" Hey honey? My bouquet sudden came back to life !", she said as the once dead flowers in the vase were emitted in a green light and rose back up just the same as the day they were bought.

Out in the streets of ponyville, the Dragon had a light smirk on his face as he walks toward his next destination with his brown coat flapping in the wind. The Everfree Forest.
The term the early bird gets the worm was very true for Galagus. Mainly because of his sleeping partner was in fact a bird. When Flax awoke, most of the time the bird did everything in its power to wake Galagus as well. From screeching in his ears to pecking at his head. But a few flap of his wings blowing wind on his face. The young colt began to groan at the annoyance. "Flax... Why do you insist on waking me." The Phoenix squawked at him. "Right... So should we get started today." He asked. Flax just scratched at his left wing in response. "I'll take that as a yes."

Once he stood up he began to walk out of the alleyway. However upon exiting he saw a familiar figure running toward the forest. "Hey, isn't that Cassian. What do you say, a little adventure will never hurt." Once again the bird squawked back. "Then we're off." He said galloping after the cloaked figure.

"Hey! Cassian. You leaveing for the ever free so soon."
Wylfen Shepard Wylfen Shepard
Latios Latios
The young dragon perks up his frills when he turns his jade emerald eyes to see the young colt and his Phoenix friend from last. "Galagus. Flax. You two are sure up early", he said putting a claw on his hip. Standing up at his two feet he was at the height between a large stallion and an alicorn.
Latios Latios
The hooded Dragon couldn't help chuckle. He looked at the at the young colt's firey companion and said, "Keeping your buddy on his hooves, huh Hot Shot?".

"Well anyway yeah, I'm just heading toward the path you pointed out. Again, thanks for the directions"
"Your welcome. But say, you don't mind me coming alone. I really have nothing better to to and quite frankly it gets a little boring wandering about every day."
Wylfen Shepard Wylfen Shepard
Latios Latios
Cassian went silent for a moment. He wasn't sure dragging a pony along into his problems is a good idea. Although he did mention he knew forest quite well and he did need a guide in case he runs into something unexpected.

"On one condition", he holds a talon out. "I know you knlw the forest well enough. But you see, I have a tendency of getting into trouble. So the first sign of danger, you run straight back home, understand?", he leans in to look at Flax in the eye to show he was serious. A clear sign he shows value towards others.
"Ok? Its not like I can handle myself. I even once gave the Royal Guard a run for their money." He said.

While Flax acknowledged his request,he probably wasn't going to easy to keep it. Not only did they have no real home to run to, he was sure Galagus wasn't going to simply leave someone behind when there's danger.
Wylfen Shepard Wylfen Shepard
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Latios Latios
"I'm not judging you. I know you unicorns can hold your own. I mean something big, if you catch my drift. I'm sure even a guard can't fight something like least not alone.", he said as he began to continue to the forest. As in big, he meant something outrageous like a Hydra or a beholder. A type of monster of that calibur can be troublesome unless your a top rate warrior or a Mage. Cassian has had a few encounters with creatures like those, but barely survived. He was lucky with that green Dragon yesterday since he knew a dragon's weakness.

Once he saw the edge of the forest, something strange happened. In his v- collared shirt, a faint Amber light glows in his chest.
"I know what you mean by big. My plan of action for those is to hide. And technically I never fought the Guards, I had them chasing me for a good long hour before I lost them. Ahh, that was fun." He said following him. It was then he noticed the strange glow. "Umm, what's that you got there."
Wylfen Shepard Wylfen Shepard
"Are you ser...oh ho ho!", Cassian slapped his own knee in amusement. " You must get more fun out of life than a saytr in a vine grove", he chuckles before Galagus pointed out the glowing in his chest.

"Hm?", looked down and reached into his shirt. He wondered what t warm sensation was. To his surprise, it was coming from a gold ring with silver vines embracing around the band an into a small bronze little tree at the end. The glowing was coming straight out of the band as it's days of Amber light shun directly towards the forest down an open path. Apparently the ring was enchanted as some sort of beacon to help direct the holder of where it was pointing to.

The hooded dragon's eyes were full of shock as he became mesmerized at the rings light. "I don't believe it...", he muttered.

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