The Second Griffon War (Casual Thread - All welcome!)

Cyan Hide Cyan Hide
"Well, how about something like... magic missile?" Trixie asks with a shy smile. Magic missile was the most basic spell in the book, one of the first offensive spells a dedicated unicorn could learn... and Trixie didn't know it.
Dreamweaver Dreamweaver

"Okay, sure! That one I can teach you!"

Starlight got up from the bench. She wasn't surprised Trixie didn't know Magic missile as much as the fact that Trixie didn't know Magic missile but could bring the dead back to life, which was incredibly powerful and advanced magic.

"Okay, first, you're just going to want to make your horn glow with it's aura, like you were using basic magikinetics, but don't actually use it to move anything. Just keep it in your horn. Then, you store as much as you can in your horn. Then, you fire the magic out of your horn. Why not give it a try?"
Cyan Hide Cyan Hide
"So sort of like I am going to unleash a beam of magic, except keep it inside and let it spurt out?" She says without realizing just how bad that sounded. Trixie gathered up magic into her horn, trying her best to hold it there as she did so. Containing magic like that was sort of like lifting a weight; lifting a 5 pound weight was easy, but the longer you held onto the magic the heavier the weight got.

"I... This is..." Trixie was sweating profusely after only a few moments. Holding magic for a powerful spell was one thing, but holding magic for this was something else. "Can't hold it!" Trixie screams while letting her magic loose, sending it out in a beam into the sky.

She failed to cast magic missile.
Dreamweaver Dreamweaver

How bad it sounded was not lost on Starlight who blushed and looked down so that her eyes were shielded by her hair. "Basically, yes, but try and make it a missile not a....a spurt." She really had trouble saying that word.

When Trixie fired the beam into the sky, Starlight was actually quite surprised at the power Trixie had. She just needed to use it better. "That wasn't bad," she said, "but try to make it a missile instead of a beam. Control it once you have enough."
Cyan Hide Cyan Hide
Trixie was still oblivious to her wording. "A missile, not a spurt. Got it! So do I shoot it all at one, or go multiple rounds?" She asked with a glance at Starlight. She began to gather up more magic in her horn, and then once she felt at the cusp of uncontrollable power she released some of it...

A large bolt of energy shot into the sky and exploded up there with a roaring crackle
Dreamweaver Dreamweaver

Starlight, bless her, was trying to maintain some professionalism, and answered with a strained and shake voice, "All at once, unless you're trying for a Magic Missile barrage." She watched the powerful bolt go up into the and explode. It wasn't technically a basic magic missile, but over-achievements are still achievements. "Well done! That was it!" Starlight smiled and clapped her hooves together
Galagus put a hoof on the gem resting on the table. He picking it up and began to just simply feeling if for a moment, sense looking at it would do nothing for him unless Flax looked at it. When he stopped rolling it around in his hooves a saddened look came to his face. "Even so, this gem can't help me buy back want I really want. No money in the world can."
Wylfen Shepard Wylfen Shepard
Latios Latios
"Maybe not, but I'm sure it's a start", he said reassuringly as he gently ruffles the young colt's mane. "I wish I could help more. But I can only do so much", he said as he pulls his claw back and picks up the the book he read.

"I'm looking for something important too. But unlike you I'm not sure what it is. But I do understand one thing. What your probably looking for is something I can never have nor can i ever get it back. I have to live and maintain while I can. And maybe when I reach the end of my journey, I'll have the answers I'm looking for. Wether I like it or not, it's all I have left. It's the main reason why I came to this land.

But you...", he gently pets Flax and rests his claw on Galagus's shoulder. "You still have hope. As long as you got those who care about you at your side, that's the only strength you'll ever need to carry on"

At the end of the dragon's speech, something strange happens. The ring started pulsating it's glow as a grin like trail in the stone flooring formed in the shape of Celtic vines glowed on the floor. The trail began to snake around the corner of the library as if it was guiding the ring and holder somewhere.

"What the..."
Before Galagus could respond to Cassians reply, he was interupted by the strange occurrence of the ring. "What's what." He said. He couldn't see what was happening because the Phenoix that gave him sight had left the room in search of something to eat. Galagus didn't expect to be leaving the room until he came back.
Wylfen Shepard Wylfen Shepard
Latios Latios
The the glowing vein in the stone streamed down to the far back end of the library in a dark corner. "I think you might wanna call Flax over.", Cassian says as he follows the trail all the way back. The trail then stops at a wall, then snakes its way up and forms out into a glowing tree emblem.

"Wow, this must be some kind of mineral that reacts to magic. ", he wonder curiously while placing his hand against the glowing part of the stoned wall. Suddenly, the wall nudged as the tree disappears, causing the Dragon to flinch in surprise. The wall slowly separates and reveals a hidden passage leading to another room far down the corridor.
"I can't just call him back. He's too far away. I may have made a magical breakthrough in being able to use other beings eyes to see but I haven't perfected thought messages." He said getting up after him.
Wylfen Shepard Wylfen Shepard
Tech would walk back out of the aisle he was in, leaving a pile of books and reading one as he walked. "hey, did you know that there's a spell what..." he would say, cut off as he looked up and saw the wall part. Placing the book down on the table and walking over to the other two. "Secret passage?" He'd inquire, looking down the corridor. "here, i'll check for traps" he'd say, his horn glowing slightly as he used a simple spell to check for any inconsistencies in the corridor, without entering. "seems clear, wanna go in?" He'd ask the other two.

Latios Latios Wylfen Shepard Wylfen Shepard
Galagus just gave him a look saying 'Really...' "You act like you'll go blind from it. You the only option since Tec's body is fake. Don't worry, nothing at all will happen to you. Just don't look at anything you don't want me to see." He said. A quick flash came to his horn and disappeared just as soon as it came. Cassian if he pa D hard enough attention would feel a slight extra presence in his head but was barely noticeable. "Whoa, never seen this part of the castle before."
Wylfen Shepard Wylfen Shepard Sinensis Sinensis
"Weird for Flax when I first established contact with him. Don't worry, you'll get used to it quick. Oh, and make sure to look back at me every so often. I'm not used to having my feild of vision move in its own. That's why Flax sits on my head, so I know exactly where I am in relation to what he sees. By the way, nice view. The colors are definitely more vibrant than before."
Wylfen Shepard Wylfen Shepard Sinensis Sinensis
Latios Latios
Sinensis Sinensis
"Some animals are color blind compared to sentiment beings. That and I think dragon's have sharper fields of vision", he says as he takes the lead down the dark passage then went down an angular slope.

Where he finds himself next, bring great was to his face. The room hidden was very large in square feet. You could almost build a small house. But wasn't it's only astonishing feature. The room looked like something from a cable fairy tale. Roots from the tree supposedly from the forest reach all the way down were carved with Celtic symbols and runes written In ancient equestrian and some other unknown language.. Not only were these runes on the roots, but they were almost everywhere. Written on parts of the stone walls, some of the decor. Like the statues, wooden clockwork, mounted artifacts on the walls, tabistries and even along some magic ceremonial circles on the floor. There books on large fall shelves that are somehow connected with the tree roots. And all across the rooms were long rectangular tables and chairs. It almost looked like a wizard's sanctuary.

The sight was quite a shock, but because of the room. But because of what the design of the looked like. There was no do no doubt to him that nature magic was used while building this place.

"This place looks like some kind of study hall......and. It looks like my old house"
Tech would enter the room and look around in awe, a few clicking noises emanating from somewhere inside of his head. he'd walk over to some of the artifacts, taking a closer look without touching them, check out some of the magical circles on the floor without touching them, as well as looking closer at the runes, before coming back to the group. "Weird, what'd make someone recreate your house for?" He'd question, as he came back to the others. "maybe someone was studying you?" he would speculate.

Wylfen Shepard Wylfen Shepard Latios Latios
Latios Latios
Sinensis Sinensis

Cassian shook his and started to look around. "I didn't say it looks exactly like my house, but very similar. I mean I recognize the design. Look here.", he pointed towards the tables. "You see how the tables are embedded through the stone floor? It wasnt designed like that. Was actually grown from the ground. And see how the roots from the trees above are merged with the shelves? This was grown straight from the roof and form that way. You see everthing!, he pointed to the entirety of the room.

"All the furniture in this room was all grown and formed by nature magic. I can tell from the incantations and craftsmanship from engraved in them. My house was very similar to this. And look at this desk here!", he runs over to a desk.

"I had a desk exactly similar to this one. All the way down the last grove in the bark. Everything in this room is alive. These are all trees grown and reformed into furniture. This only can be done by advanced nature magic", Cassian explains very knowingly. From his teaching he knew quite a bit about magic, especially nature.
"So you grew yourself a house. Sounds cool. I wish I could do that, it would be extremely helpful if I could just have a house grow out of the ground. And how do you know about that. Dragons can't exactly cast magic so why do you study so much about it."
Wylfen Shepard Wylfen Shepard Sinensis Sinensis
Sinensis Sinensis
Latios Latios
The young dragon looked back at Galagus and shook his head. "No you don't understand. I'm not the one who grew that house. I told you I was raised in the forest. I didn't say I was alone.", he explains as he quickly goes silent.

"You see.....the main reason why I'm not like other dragon's is because....its because I was raised by one of your kind. She was a pony. A unicorn mare. She grew that house by herself. She was a very power sorcerous who studied the ways of nature magic. And....i knew about Equestria from her. Because this is her homeland."

" has to be coincidence. Everything here....she designed exactly the same way as our old house. This can't be right. Like you said, this place is over thousands of years old. There's no way she could have....", he then stops his frantic rant as he narrows his eyes at o e of the rune incantations on the stone walls

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