The Second Griffon War (Casual Thread - All welcome!)

Latios Latios
Sinensis Sinensis

"Yeah...look the incantations up here above are old ancient equestrian.", he pointed at runes above then looked back down at the one he was studying.

"But these right here are different. In fact, they look familiar. Like this character here. I know I've seen it before...."

He studied it closely, as he reached far back in his memory bank. Yet suddenly, almost instinctively....he knew.

"This...this is...", his eyes widened like saucers

"This is Draconic! "

He then looks around the rest of the room. All the rest of the runes incantations are intertwined with the same language along with old equestrian.

"Draken, Dracul, Drachen, Dovah Everything! Over half the runes in this room are in Draconic! DRAGON TONGUE!", he raised his voice as he walked down the rows of tables and shelves.

"Why the he'll are half the incantations in this room written in Dragon Tongue!?"
Latios Latios
"Well I....", he scratched the back of his head with discouragement. "I might have had a few detours and set backs along the way. I mean like I said, I get into trouble a lot. But I'm positive it's a ways off. I'd say if I had a straight shot, it would have been at least three weeks, I guess"
"Alright. Then if this isn't your home then it's time for theory two. Your unicorn friend. Maybe she lived here for a while. Any idea why exactly your little charm led you here?"
Wylfen Shepard Wylfen Shepard
Latios Latios
"That's the thing. I don't know. She never told me anything about her life before leaving Equestria. And this ring was her's she gave it me and a message that led me here. That's it. That's why I'm here. To find out what she was hidding from me. To understand what she wanted to tell. I came here to find the truth.", he explained as he walked over to a spot of light shining in from an open roof.

In the light was a tall statue of an alicorn, standing proudly a d yet nurturingly it's body was standing over an oval shaped object with it's tail coiled around it. Cassian was in awe at the sight. Above the statue where the light came in was a long hole with a sprialing staircase reaching the top. It was some kind of watch tower. Why would a statue of an alicorn be sitting at the bottom of a watch tower? Yet that question never came to Cass's mind. Something about that statue sitting in the bottom of the watch tower reminded him of his past.

(Flash Back)

A little baby Dragon was reading a book about the stories of Equestria. Every tale read, brought joy and wonder to the little drake. He looked back at the beautiful mare who raised him.


"Yes Cassie"

"When can we go to Equestria? And quit it with that pet name."

"^^ I can't help it.", she giggled. "It's stuck with me."

"You're avoiding the question again -.- ' "

The mare went silent for a moment and sighes, "when your older"

"Is that a promise?"

"Yes I promise. When we do go. I'll have something amazing to show you", she turns around trying not to show a sad expression in her eye.

"Really? Wow Awesome!"

(End Flash Back)

Still staring at the statue, he realized what the oval shaped object was. A Dragon egg.

'Terra....i don't understand. Why would send me here?', he questioned in thought. When suddenly his attention was drawn to a loud flap of fabric over his head. Probably caused by a gust of wind coming in from the open roof of the watch tower above.

Hanging just above his head was a large banner stretching across the ceiling. But once the young dragons eyes were set on it, his entire body froze with silence at the shocking sight.

"No.....impossible", he whispered silently.
Galagus saw the tapestry as well, not really having a choice in the matter, but didn't know what to make of it. It was just a symbol, but obviously more than that to Cassian. First the runes, then the statue, and now this. Something told Galagus that Cassian knew this symbol. "So was I right, did your friend come by here."
Wylfen Shepard Wylfen Shepard
(background music for moment)

The young dragon could believe his eyes. Just as he thought he had seen everything, more secrets are revealed to him. Along with more questions. He could nearly back out, yet he remains holding on to what this might mean for his journey. He knew his dear Terra had many secrets hidden away. But he wasn't expecting anything like this.

Still looking up at the symbol of the Dragon serving as a guardian for the tree, he slowly began to lower his coat off his shoulders. He undoes the only two buttons of his V- collared long sleeved black shirt and lowers the right side off his shoulder. To his astonishment and shock, it was no illusion. Resting on his shoulder was a mark. A birth mark he had the day since he hatched. And Mark, was the exact same symbol as the banner.

Who were these ponies?

What was their connection with the dragon's?

How was Terra involved?

How was Cassian related in all this?

And more importantly, what could this mean for the Rogue Dragon. A deeper story? Perhaps a higher purpose? Who knows. As of now, the sight left the Dragon on his knees as if he has found not only a clue to his questions. But possibly a long awaited desinty that waited for him to finally meet.

' this what you wanted to show me?', he questions in thought.
Latios Latios Sinensis Sinensis
Galagus just sat there in the middle of the room. There wasn't much he could do at the moment while Cassian had his revelation. Unless something needed to be burned or levitated, he could do much esle.
Wylfen Shepard Wylfen Shepard
Latios Latios
Suddenly, there came a warm heating sensation that brought the Rogue Dragon out of his trance. Then came a pulsing whirring sound coming from that same spot. Which was in his hand. Opening his palm, he sees that Terra's ring starting pulsating very lively with a sound of magical discharge. His attack was brought to a second whirring sound. This one was a lower tone, but it was responding with the ring in sync. It was coming from the statue. Mainly it's eyes. Cassian looked down at the ring and the statue, wondering what he was suppose to do. Then he can to theory once his jade green eyes set their gaze on its horn.

Slowly, the Dragon rose to his feet and reluctantly steps forth toward the Alicorn statue. He makes his way on some kind of platform, which it was mounted on. He took a few seconds to himself before sliding the ring on from the tip and all the way down to the base of the horn. As it turned out, it fit perfectly.

For almost a minute, nothing happened. Cassian was about to take the ring back, when he was suddenly surprise when the floor below his feet started to quake. "Whoa! Oh! >.< ", he lands on his backside with a loud thud. He rubbed his rump for a second before realizing that the floor beneath him and the statue started to rise up towards the top of the watch tower above. The dim darkness of the castle was immediately replaced with cool crisp air and light from the sky. Once the platform made it to the top, a flash of blinding green light came from the statue. The egg the Alicorn was holding suddenly had Cassian's mark glowing on it as the same green light goes out from its eyes. On instinct, Cassian ducked and pulled who ever was next to him as the Alicorn statue blasting a long beam of green light straight forward, reaching beyond the horizon.

The beam made its path all the way to the capitol of Equestria. Canyerlot. At first it look at though it was about to strike the city. But instead, the beam flew by and into the water fall right next to the city. The beam made its way inside a cave and into a pair of large stone doors, hitting a crystal at the top center. The crystal glowed brightly, illuminating from the cave beside the city like a star as the light streams around the lining of the engraved carvments of Celtic vines and connecting to a tree emblem at the very center of the door. The doors shun brightly, revealing its location to the one who activated the beacon.
Dreamweaver Dreamweaver
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Wylfen Shepard Wylfen Shepard
Anonmare Anonmare
Princess Silvanus was jolted awake by a force that she couldn't quite describe. She felt something happening, something important that she knew involved her, and there was no other way to possibly describe it. She felt a presence calling to her from outside the city, whispering her name ever so gently into her ear. It called her, 'Silvanus...' in a sickeningly sweet voice, and she knew without a doubt that she needed to go find the source of the voice... But not without help.

The Princess of the Wilds immediately rolled from her bed and ran off towards Salacia's room. She didn't even stop to knock on her sister's door, instead simply kicking it hard enough to break the door off its hinges. "Sal!" Silvanus called out through the open, broken down door. "We're going on an adventure! The voice calls me and I gotta go!"
Dreamweaver Dreamweaver
Salacia groaned as Silva broke her door off her hinges. You'd think she'd be angrier about this but she had just come to accept this as a fact of life, like green grass and blue skies. Birds fly, sun shines and Silva kicks her door down. “... Mom says that we should ignore voices telling us to do things.” Salacia answered simply, rubbing her hoof against her face as she was awoekn from her dream – it now lay beyond her recollection.

“Also where are we going and why aren't we telling mom and, um, mom?” The young blue filly said, deciding to put aside her sibling rivalry for the moment and decided she wasn't in the kind of mood to argue today. Plus her door was kind of broken so staying in her room wasn't an appeaing option right about now.
Anonmare Anonmare
"Mom also let a spirit into her body, so I don't think ignoring voices is a trait that runs in the family." Silvanus countered with a smirk on her face. She wasn't about to continue this conversation, however, and walked over to yank Salacia from her place in the bed. "I don't really know where we are going! I felt... Something... Beside the city and I wanna go there, but I need you to come as well. We shouldn't go anywhere alone, right?"

Silvanus tugged at her sister until she was up and ready to go, at which point she hurriedly pushed Salacia out the door. Considering how slow and lumbering Silvanus usually was, this was a huge change of pace for the young nature goddess. She rarely, if ever, seemed to be in a rush; instead taking things as they came and dealing with it. But right now she was obviously wanting to go as quickly as possible.
Dreamweaver Dreamweaver
“I mean I guess s-” Salacia said in agreement but found herself cut off as Silvanus began tugging her along like she was a pull along teddy bear. “Ow, ow! Okay I'm up, I'm up!” She said grouchily as she shot her sister an annoyed glare. Normally it was she who was the energetic one but it seems they had switched personalties in that regard. She huffed and started following after the brown filly under her own power.

She was curious, annoyed still, but she couldn't deny her curiosity. Silva was usually... Slower than this. “What's got you so eager anyway? Is it a plant? 'Cus if you woke me up for a dumb plant...” The young Princess of the Seas warned, making it clear she would not be a happy filly if this was just a flower or mushroom or something.

Plants were dumb.
Anonmare Anonmare
"You hate plants, yet your entire ocean is filled with them. You ever poked your head underwater and noticed all the plant life there?" Silvanus asked with an arched eyebrow, sparing one look back at her sister as she led her out of the castle. With the ability of flight it didn't take them long at all to leave the castle and wind up on the streets of Canterlot's rich section. Silvanus looked around confusedly and then simply closed her eyes, focusing on the energy that she had felt before.

She let it guide her horn, and soon enough her horn was pointing to the east. "We have to go there! Outside the city, near the rivers that run in front of Canterlot! Lets go tell mom where we are going and then we will head out!" Silvanus began running back inside Canterlot, searching for Celestia. She would probably be in court right now.

Silvanus was pretty sure she could barge into court. She was more important than court, right?
“What're you talking about? There's no plants in the ocean stupid, just fish and seaweed. For a pony who reads a lot of books, you don't seem to know a lot.” Salacia said smugly, completely unaware of the disconnect she just said. Though the younger of the two fillies was not particularly interested in “book-learning” and preferred to learn things though her own hooves and experience. A book can't teach you what it is like to do things yourself, was her opinion.

She looked around the rich district,sniffing dismissively at it at all – it stank of overpriced perfume and was quite gaudy to look at. She didn't know where or what exactly Silva was looking for so she let her be the guide in this affair, that and she was the older sister so she might be more right about some things. Occasionally.

“Yeah we should, mom says we shouldn't go anywhere dangerous without telling her right?” Salacia asked rhetorically, in complete agreement with Silva's logic. That should have been a warnign sign to her but this time, she ignored it, and even allowed herself to get excited. Maybe this would actually be more fun than she thought!
Anonmare Anonmare
"I'm... Not even going to dignify that level of stupidity with an answer." Silva said with a sigh and a shake of her head. Did Salacia really just try to imply that the ocean had no plant life? Ugh. Silvanus quickly knocks on the throne room doors and, when she received no answer, she pushed it open. She found absolutely nobody inside, which shouldn't have been surprising considering there was no guards posted there either.

"Okay sun mom isn't here. Lets go find Luna..." Silvanus said with a little frown, before setting off to find the lunar goddess. Due to having a relatively weak soul-link between all four members of the family, finding their parents was usually a tricky affair. She could find Salacia much easier than she could find Celestia or Luna. It took around 15 minutes before they finally found Luna, who was actually in the royal kitchens eating dinner. She had just returned from her dream-watching and was getting ready to go prep for battle plans against the griffons.

"Hi sweetums." She greeted both her kids, sweeping them up in her forelegs and kissing them both a dozen times. Whether they liked it or not. She then set them back down, noted Silvanus' seemingly restless attitude, and asked. "... What's wrong, dear?"

"I gotta go on an adventure mom. I felt something calling me outside da city and I gotta go see it! I wanted to let ya know that Sal and I were goin'!" She says with a smile, to which Luna frowns.

The lunar princess scratches her chin and then nods. In a time like this, she wasn't about to let her children wander outside the city unprotected. But she had never seen Silvanus so restless before, and knew for a fact that this could be important. Strange things happened to alicorns, she still remembered the way the Moon used to whisper to her at night, and as such Luna was going to see to it that Silvanus explored this strange feeling. "You did right in coming to see me. But you're not going alone. Salacia..." She points at her. "Go grab your weapons. The real ones, not the training ones. You too, Silvanus. Meet me in front of the castle."

And with that she disappears.
After being yanked towards cover, Galagus was quite dazed and unsure where in the room here was. "What they heck did you do." He said slowly getting up.
Wylfen Shepard Wylfen Shepard
Dreamweaver Dreamweaver
Salacia merely shook her head. She was the stupid one, not her! She tilted her head curiously at the empty throne room, normally sun-mom, Celestia, was usually holding court around about this time but it seems she was suspiciously absent this time. They quickly found Luna, in the royal kitchen but without Celestia – again, an anomaly in their daily routine and something that piqued Salacia's interest but she dismissed it, obviously they weren't joined at the hip but it was odd for Celestia to not be in court or near Luna.

“Bleh, kisses are gross mom!” Salacia said, blanching and wriggling from being scooped up in the stereotypical 'mother's hug'. As Silva said her piece, Salacia noted that Luna's expression shifted from light and joyful, to serious at a moment's notice and she was shocked to hear Luna tell her to get the real weapons, moon-mom was usually so strict about them despite her best attempts to convince her otherwise.

It really must be serious.

“...What do you think she knows that we don't?” Salacia asked her sister as she rushed over to the training area, where the real weapons were kept. Luna had only given her simple training for so far for her age that she was intimidated by the idea despite having been looking forward to it. Luna had particularly only taught her how to fight with a sword and shield so she ended up grabbing a small buckler, one made for her size, and a longsword. She thought about grabbing a sword like Luna's but figured that she was too inexperienced to use it.
Anonmare Anonmare
Truthfully, the only reason Luna was so serious about this was because of the approaching war with the griffons. Having her children wander around Canterlot was fine, they were constantly watched by ponies they'd never even know were there, and any attempt to hurt them would be swiftly foiled. But outside the city? Well, her babies were vulnerable out there and that simply wasn't acceptable. So Luna was going to follow them and make sure that she could keep a close eye on Silvanus and Salacia.

She also knew that this must be important, given the way Silvanus was acting. Normally Luna would have simply denied them from leaving the city, but this time around she decided to humor Silva's request and would keep them both safe. There was no better protection in the land than Princess Luna, after all.

"I dunno, Sal. Maybe she just wants an adventure too?" Silvanus asked while following her younger sister to the training room where the real weapons were kept. She swiftly grabbed a mace, the closest thing to a tree branch that she could find, and made her way back out of the room. She walked quickly to the front of the castle.

Luna was waiting for them there, with her signature dual scimitars dangling from her waist, and her armor on. Her wings had no protection, save for one very sharp blade running down the length of each wing that she could slash with.
Dreamweaver Dreamweaver
Anonmare Anonmare Latios Latios

Cassian quickly got up off the young colt and frantically looked at the statue then at the long beam of like it was emitting from its horn. "I- I don't know. I think I may have a boo boo!", he stammers with a sheepish expression.

The young dragon look toward the direction where the beam was pointing. It was a little hard to see from a distance, but it looked like it was pointing at some kind of golden city resting on a mountain. "", the dragon's face went completely white. Looking ahead, his eyes spots an old looking telescope mounted on the edge of the watch tower. He quickly adjusts the focus and aims the lens toward the golden city. To his shock, his worst horrors have come to realization. "Is that....the city of Canerlot?!", he says with worry. ".........OH NO! Nonononononoooooo! O.o I FIRED A BEAM AT THE CITY CAPITOL OF EQUESTRIA! TURN IT OFF! TURN IT OFF!", he shouts with panic as he tries to find a way to turn off the beam. This could end very badly if word gets out that he uninetionally attacked the city where the rulers of Equestria held their monarchy. And he's not even a citizen. So banishment was the least of his worries. If he was lucky, he could face public execution. And being branded a wanted criminal is the last thing he needs right now. At least that's what he thought.

When checking the statue, his hand brushes in front of the beam. There was no damage to his hand. He brushes it again one more time. He sighed with relief to see that it wasn't a discharge of magical energy shooting out, but merely a harmless green light. So the only worry he has now is being charged for disturbing the peace. A bit of a pain, but he could work with it as long as no pony finds out. "Phew.... -.- ' it's just a ray of light.", he says to himself.

Once again his curiosity peaks when he starts to wonder why they would make a statue aiming a beam of light at Canterlot. He looks again through the telescope and notices something odd. The beam wasn't aimed at the city but at a waterfall. And with in, the water was emitting the same glow as the light as if they were connecting somehow. Inspecting the scene closer, he sees a hidden cave behind those calls. What ever was behind that waterfall was glowing like a shining star from where he was standing.
Dreamweaver Dreamweaver
Wylfen Shepard Wylfen Shepard
“I suppose that makes sense...” Salacia said, reluctantly agreeing with her sister's wisdom. Why else would Luna be coming with them? Well, there was that war she had heard about but she was sure it wasn't actually coming; who'd want to attack Equestria when they've had so much peace with the Griffon Kingdom for so long? Okay, maybe she read books about war but that's as far as she'll go willingly.

She waved at Luna as soon as she saw her, once she and Silvanus had picked out their armaments of choice. Oh this was so exciting, maybe they'd get to fight something for actually, really real for once!
“So where are we going? Are we going to to the thing with the place now? Is it dangerous? Please say it's dangerous!” Salacia asked rapidly and excitedly, practically vibrating with barely constrained energy. She had no idea where it was exactly they ought to be going but she was more than happy to take the lead.

… Once they gave her directions that is.

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