The Second Griffon War (Casual Thread - All welcome!)

"Well he's just about as friendly as every other pony in town. He loves to eat gems. In fact he's got some kind of deal going on at the bakery for them because every time he enters there he comes out with one. He's very close to the princess and treats her almost as a sister. And finally, he's younger than you. Major size difference. Or maybe he's just got stunted growth. One of the two."
Wylfen Shepard Wylfen Shepard
Latios Latios
Cassian runs his head and sighs in disappointment. "Of course he would be. No I'm pretty sure he's still a kid. Dragon's never stop growing". Cass was hoping he would discover that maybe Dragons are integrating with pony socioty. But the fact that he's the only Dragon in ponyville and he is under the care of a princess, probably means he is one of very few. Maybe only one. Just like him.

"Anyway, I guess maybe I'll look into him sometime if things turn out well. But back to the matter at hand.", Cassian stares at Garage with a more stern expression.

"You see to you ponies. Very little is known about dragon's. For a good reason at that too.

Dragon's are very complicated in a sense. I dont know very much about them myself either, considering I am one. I have read quite a bit of history about them, but ill just fill you in on the basics. You see they aren't exactly the most approachable of creatures. So on basic terms, they are gaint greedy firebreathing monster who steal treasure, burn villages and hide their spoils in caves. Normally they keep to themselves and hardly ever cause trouble unless they really want to. The mostly attack for treasure or if someone disturbs their slumber. However, there are some but not many good dragon's. But pretty much the majority of them are just big greedy bullies.

There are many stories and legends about them. How powerful they are, their majestic beauty and the vital roles they play in ancient fables. So my mind goes back since...well. Forever as far as I know."

Now if your wonder how big they get...well. Take me for example. At my age, I'm consider an adult in pony terms. But in Dragon still a baby. But at far as growth rate goes, I guess it depends on how greedy we are. Me, my growth slowed down when I was 17. Probably because I'm not greedy.

"Now I don't know how Spike goes about life as a Dragon. But from what you just told me. If the ponies know him well enough to spoil him with baked goods and if he's like family to Princess Twilight, then I'm pretty sure he'll turn out just fine. Only if he's raised right.

Me however, I'm a completely different story compared to traditional dragons."
Latios Latios
"I'm not saying that. You see what I found out in that book is that there's a name for a Dragon like me. Even though it's like a rare phenomena that happens once a blue moon, it was a bit of a sensitive subject for me. It just brought up some bad memories I don't like to talk about much", he explained with a distance expression as he looked down at the table.
He placed his hand on the book again staring at the title, 'Book of Wayward Beasts and Spirit's. He knew he didn't read the whole passage, but it was more than he can handle.

"I knew ever since I we little that it would be difficult to be accepted by other races. And I know I can never be with other dragon's. Nor do I want to be like one. So I asked myself what kind of Dragon doesn't want to be a Dragon? And now I have an answer. Or more like a label.", the sound of the word came out very harsh, yet Cassian looked down at the book with determination in his eyes.

"So what? I'm not a normal Dragon anyway. And I gotta call myself something, right? So I'll accept the title", he says. Calling it a title instead of a label sounded much better. In fact, it actually sounded kinda cool now that he thought about it.

"I guess in this situation, I should reintroduce myself since now I know what I am and I just showed you my face", he stood up and held out his claw to Galagus.

"Cassian, the Rogue Dragon"
"Rouge Dragon... Kinda makes you sound like some criminal on the loose. -Gasp- Are you a criminal, I refuse to shake hooves with a criminal." He said jokingly. For effect he immediately turned around haveing his back face Cassian and crossed his arms.
Wylfen Shepard Wylfen Shepard
Latios Latios
The young dragon was distraught for a moment, until a dawn realization came and brought a grin on his face
"Says the little rascal who was on the run from the guard"
Dreamweaver Dreamweaver

Starlight Glimmer was in Ponyville. Though worried about the talks happening in Canterlot that could possibly lead to war, Having all the time in the world to herself while her Mentor was away was kind of nice. She could just relax. Besides, if it all does kick off later, resting right now is her wisest course of action.

She was currently lying on a bench in Ponyville Gardens, completely zoned out. Still awake, but no aware.
Cyan Hide Cyan Hide
Trixie was just finishing up her shift at the hospital. It was still a rather new job for her, and the whole 'holy magic' thing was taking a lot of time to get used too. She wasn't yet allowed to actually heal anyone and had to deal with simply stitching others up and giving them medication. It was a long night of work and now Trixie simply wanted to go home and lay down, have a glass of wine and curl up beside her fireplace.

On the way home she passed by the gardens, and managed to spot a familiar shape out of the corner of her eye. She crept up on Starlight until she was only a few feet away, and then used her magic to flip over the bench Starlight was laying on.

... A totally safe prank.
Dreamweaver Dreamweaver

>Starlight hit the earth with a crumbled thud, and then sprang to her hooves, looking around frantically, as if she was expecting something bad to be happening. She calms down when she sees Trixie.

"What was that? You frightened me!"
Cyan Hide Cyan Hide
"It's just a prank, Star. Besides, a bird chirping could frighten you so you aren't really saying much." Trixie levitates the bench back into its regular position and then sits down on it, rubbing her eyes tiredly. "I just got done with another 16 hour shift at the hospital... What are you up too out here alone?"
Cyan Hide Cyan Hide
"Oh yes, that meeting. It's been the talk of the hospital all day. Do you think anything will actually come of it?" Trixie asked while wrapping a foreleg around Starlights neck and pulling her in close
Dreamweaver Dreamweaver

Starlight stuttered for a few seconds. The effect of being pulled in close. She was not expecting that. "Well, I hope not. I don't really know enough about what's happening but I hope things stay peaceful."
Cyan Hide Cyan Hide
"I would like things to be peaceful too. Although if war does come, I might have to dive back into the necromancy." Trixie shook her head slightly and sighed. She didn't overly want to pick up necromancy again, but there was no denying its effectiveness both as a tool for combat and a tool for demoralization.
Dreamweaver Dreamweaver

"Don't have to if you don't want to. Personally, I'm not overly fond of having to deal with a situation where I need to use my offensive magic either. I'm admittedly out of practice but it will probably all come back to me."
Cyan Hide Cyan Hide
"We could practice?" Trixie said with a little tilt of her head and a smirk. "I know offensive magic, so do you, we are just rusty. Maybe teach me a few things, since you're sooo much better than I am?"
Dreamweaver Dreamweaver

"That's a good idea. Also, I can't use holy magic or necromancy, so you have the edge on me in a few areas. Maybe you could teach me a bit of holy magic in exchange for me teaching you whatever you want."
Latios Latios
"Well let's see. A young colt walking into a tavern soaking wet when he should have been at home with his family. That's the first sign. The way you woffled down the food I gave you. You pretty much told me you live in the forest with Flax, but you never mentioned any family. And you basically already told me you take shelter in this castle when most boys would it would be a secret hide out or club or something. And you always seem a bit unkempt every time I see you. So yeah, you left yourself more wide open that I did.

Oh yeah, and your lack of guidance too. You practically the first pony I met that knows so little about dragon's. That's usually one the first stories a parent or guardian would reach a kid.

Why do you think I gave you the Gale Emerald? It should be enough to give you a place to stay until you find yourself a job or learn a trade"
Cyan Hide Cyan Hide
"You're a better general magician than I am, so you could teach me lots. I am good at a few areas, but not really as many areas as you..." Trixie scratched her head lightly and blushed

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