The school for the wild! (accepting)

nichole snickered and stood up looking outside. she said"seeya when the teacher comes! im going for s run!"jumping out he window. yea she's a good kid but she's not a preacher's daughter by a long shot.
Brody blinked in surprisement when the girl, Nichole, suddenly leaped out the window. 'I should have seen that coming,' he thought and pulled out his notebook. He began doodling in boredom. He sketched a falcon and shaded in it's wings. He pulled his hood over his head.
Alaiason saw a girl look over at him and smile. He gave a small half-smile back and watched her look away again. 'She's pretty.' He thought to himself before turning his attention back to the notebook he had for class that he was sketching in. He hardly ever seemed like he was paying any attention at all to his surroundings.
Brody put head down against his desk, he was bored and wondering where the teacher was. He put one earbud in his ear, turning on Good Feeling.

Ivy quickly raced in the door. She sighed when in relief, just barely arriving to class before the bell rang. She sat down at a desk and fiddled with her bunny ears.
Brody flicked the back of Nichole's head a couple times. "Hey, you can't fall asleep now. Class is about to start." He said, trying to wake her up.

(Who is the teacher?)
( i am? xD LOL okay Yullen, Do i have to make a teacher character?)

Alex sighed and finished his drawing quickly, then looked around, the teacher should have been here by now, he tilted his head back and rubbed his eyes sleepily.

Jessica tapped her pencil against her lips, and stared at the clock then she looked around and smiled as she looked back at the boy, and then quickly looked away again, blushing. then she ran her fingers through her hair and mumbled something to Alex and Kayley giggled softly.
Alaiason caught the girl looking at her again and blushed a little. 'She keeps looking at me. Am I that interesting?' he thought. He went back to his sketch, but looked up again a little later to try and catch eye contact. 'I doubt it'll happen.'
Brody tossed his notebook and pencil back in his backpack. He zipped up his backpack then rested his head on the table. He glanced over at Jessica from the corner of his eye.
Jessica saw the boys staring and she stood up, she let her gaze meet both of their eyes and she blushed softly and walked across the room to sharpen a few of her pencils, Kayle watched Jessica then saw the boys staring at her and giggled softly, She said something to Alex and Alex whipped his head around quickly, and scanned over the boys quickly, seeing if they were staring at his little sister.
Jessica saw the boys staring and she stood up, she let her gaze meet both of their eyes and she blushed softly and walked across the room to sharpen a few of her pencils, Kayle watched Jessica then saw the boys staring at her and giggled softly, She said something to Alex and Alex whipped his head around quickly, and scanned over the boys quickly, seeing if they were staring at his little sister.
(Yullen make sure you post in Death Before Night Fall!)

Alex heard the punch and he watched as Nichole ran out of the room crying, he looked at the boy who had been sitting beside her, then turned to Kayley and they chatted almost silently for a moment, then he shivered as a cold gust blew through the room.

James saw Nichole running (He's a teacher!) and she stepped in her way and swooped her up in his arms quickly "Whoa, Slow down." he said gently and set her back on the ground "Whats wrong?" he asked and knelt down beside her, his eyes gentle.

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