The school for the wild! (accepting)

Brody pulled his phone out of his pocket, changing the song. He put his phone back and walked up to the front of thhe room, he began drawing on the wipeboard.
Alaiason caught Alex looking at him and quickly looked away from the girl he was watching back to his paper. not long after he did so, he heard a thud just to watch another girl run from the room. He wondered to himself what was wrong, but just went back to his drawing. It was finally looking like something, but he couldn't tell what yet. He never knew what it was until he was finished, he just let his hands do the work.
"Hey, you okay?" Brody asked Nichole and added a small sigh. He had climbed up ontop of the roof arriving a few minutes after she ran out of the classroom. He stuffed his hands into his jean pockets. "Why are you on the roof...and why are you crying?" He tilted his head slightly. He stood a couple feet away.
Alaiason turned his gaze back to the girl, but quickly turned away to gaze out the window, a slight blush on his face. He thought to himself,'I wonder what I could say. If I even gained the courage to say anything in the first place.'
Brody took a few steps forward and sat down, but not directly beside her. "Dead? Wait, how is your brother's death your fault...if it's ok with me asking?" He asked, he was curious. He didn't want to invade her personal business very much though.

Ivy looked around the classroom, softly petting one of her bunny ears. She let out a small sigh. She felt kind of out of place. Everyone seemed to have their own groups, while she was no one.
nichole said" he was killed by hunters...they killed my family right in front of was because i went out too far past our territory......"
Alaiason looked away from the window and saw someone else sitting alone in the room. It was a bunny girl. She looked rather lonely as well. 'At least I'm not the only one.' He thought. He wondered if he should try and make friends with her.
"Hunters?" Brody repeated and scratched the top of his head. "Oh...I'm sorry that happened to you."

Ivy pulled a carrot out of her lunchbox, nibbling on it quietly to herself. She finished the carrot and slouched in her seat, staring up at the ceiling.
Jessica walked past Alaiason and taps his desk softly with her purple glittery nails, and she blushed, not making eye contact with him, and she walked back to Alex and Kayley, then she turned and looked over at him and smiled blushing and looked away again.
Brody's eyes widened, instantly realizing what she was doing. He quickly stood and grabbed her arm, pulling her away from the edge. "What are doing?! Are you trying to kill yourself?!" He barely knew this girl, but he wasn't just gonna let her jump to her death.
Alaiason looked up as Jessica tapped his desk and watched her walk away blushing. He couldn't help but think how pretty she was. He had to talk to her. But her brother seemed really protective. At least he thought it was her brother. Could have been a boyfriend for all he knew.
nichole said"please just let me go!"crying. "you don't know how it feels to see your family killed right in front of you! NO ONE UNDERSTANDS!" falling to her knees.
"Maybe I don't understand, but that's no excuse to kill yourself! Do you think your brother would want this?" Brody asked, he narrowed his eyes a bit but his voice was calmer.
Brody nodded. He releashed his grip on her arm, expecting her not to try to jump again. "Right. He wouldn't want you to die too. You should enjoy your life." He lightly patted her back, trying her to comfort her.
Jessica continued to talk with Kayley and Alex, then watched the teacher walk in.

James walked into the room, he carried a black leather binder and set it on his desk, she smiled a brilliant white smile "Excuse my tardiness students." she said softly, then looked around the room at his new pupils, he smiled again and cleared his throat "Alright, I lets get acquainted first." he said and then went around the the front of his desk and leaned against it "I'm Mr. Robinson" he said then looked over at a bunny girl, he smiled "Lets start with you hops." he said sweetly with a smile.
Ivy suddenly froze, noticing that he ment her. "Uh...w-what am I s-supposed to do?" She stuttered nervously.

Brody blushed bright red again. He covered his cheek. He turned his head away. "A-Alright, um. We better get back to class." He said and tried to change the subject. He wondered if she was really okay. Usually they wouldn't be so happy, so quickly. He's dealt with people like her before, still he wondered.
"Um, m-my name's Ivy." Ivy muttered then bit her lip. She always hated going first, though, this is just an excuse...she doesn't like sharing at all. She is scared to talk.

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