The school for the wild! (accepting)

Lyfe entered his first class with his backpack on one shoulder and his empty look on his face. His lips were a straight line as he took the first seat that seemed to grab his attention. His green eyes scanned the room cryptically before he downcast his gaze to the hem of his black V-neck and started to pick at the loose string that resided there. His mind was elsewhere as his thoughts drifted from topic to topic. He could never merely focus on one thing, due to his animal instinct that was always ready to pounce. He continued to pick at his shirt as he waited for anything interesting to happen...though, he highly doubted that anything would.
Lyfe stuck his pencil between his teeth as boredom began to root itself into his being. He leaned back in his chair and groaned. "Bored," he moaned then closed his eyes. His inner animal was dying to go outside and enjoy the lush grass and beautiful greenery, but he was currently stuck in a classroom full of his peers. With a faint sigh, Lyfe took the pencil from his mouth and flicked it, causing it to accidentally hit someone on the head.
Lyfe raised a bronze eyebrow as he watched his pencil fly across the room and land on a girl's head. He tilted his head in dry amusement, but said nothing. He rested his chin on his fist as he leaned against his desk. 'I guess I'll make my own amusement,' he thought.
Alaiason observed the events going on around him and chuckled at the newcomer causing mischief. He looked outside at a bird flying around, but found his gaze drawn back to the other side of the room at the girl who slapped his desk. He blushed and went back to his sketch.
Brody glanced at the late arriver with narrowed eyes. He didn't care for mischievous-type people, though he didn't really trust anyone. He mostly just found others like him annoying. He ignored the guy and the others and continued doodling. His hoodie still covering his head.
Brody sat there for a second, frustration and annoyance covered his face. There were so many sounds and distractions affecting him frim concentrating. Nichole's music was way too loud, Jessica's group kept whispering gossip, Lyfe just bothered him for some reason, Ivy was nibbling on some baby carrots, and Alaiason...he actually wasn't doing anything. He banged his head on his desk. 'Shut up!' He wanted to shout but remained quiet.
Alaiason looked back as Brody's head hit the desk. He seemed extremely annoyed. 'He probably hates all the noise in the room going on around us.' he thought. He stole a glance at Jessica again, just to whip his head back as he felt his face heat up. He turned back to his drawing. It turned out to be an entire scene. A battleground between kingdoms with that random dragon that always seemed to turn up. He was very proud of this piece of work.
Brody saw Nichole fail and tumble out of her seat. 'That's what you get for falling asleep during class...' he thought. He wasn't exactly in the best mood at the moment.
Brody tapped the edge of his desk in frustration. It was almost halfway through the first class period, yet the teacher hadn't done a thing. He stood up, grabbed his backpack, and walked out of the classroom not saying a word. He grumbled to himself when he exited. "What's the point of coming...we're not doing a thing! Plus, nobody will shut up!" He gumbled as if he were complaining to someone.
Ivy blinked when Brody stormed out into the halls. She found he really scary, she kinda feared angry people like him.

Brody literally tossed his backpack to the side and went out into the courtyard. He sat down on a bench, the same exact bench that he fell asleep on the night before actually. He slouched then let out a yawn.
Brody pulled out his phone, planning to start texting. He shoved it right back into jean pocket when he realized he had no friends. He sighed and layed down on the bench. He stared down at the ground.
Brody flipped his bangs out of his eyes, but they just fell back into place. He blinked when bird randomly flew down and landed on the ground infront of him. He watched it hop around on the grass. It nibbled at some bugs before flying off. He smiled slightly.
(Does Nichole like Brody?)

Brody sighed, but this time it was a peaceful sigh. A sigh of relief. He enjoyed just chilling outside and watching birds fly around aimlessly.

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