The school for the wild! (accepting)

Brody sighed and headed back to class. As he walked along he was trying to think of an excuse to tellcthe teacher for not being class.
Brody glanced at the teacher as he entered the classroom. He appeared not to be upset, so he calmly sat back down at his desk.
Brody narrowed his eyes again, faintly seeing the scars on her wrists. 'She cuts herself too? Is she really that depressed?' He wondered. He sighed, he felt really sorry for her. He reached forward about to poke her back. He quickly retrieved his hand and decided to wait till later. It wasn't exactly the appropriate time to talk about it; Especially with others around.
Brody looked down at his notebook. He flipped to a blank page. 'Why am I so interested in this girl? ...because I feel sorry for her? Because she's the only person I know? Because she's a girl....? I dunno.' He asked himself questions in his head as he began doodling again.
nichole sang to herself softly. "~ closed off from love didn't need the pain. once or twice was enough! it was all in vain. time starts to pass before you know it you're frozen.....~" she looked out the window and held her necklace.
Brody hit himself softly. 'Snap out of it you freak! can't get close to can have friends. Not clise friends...or crushes...nothing! I don't want to suffer again! Friends just hurt you!' He seemed to be bossing himself. He had a pretty bad life too. He never lost a family member like Nichole, but he's still been hurt.
(Is Brody supposed to see the sheet of paper? I'm gonna guess yes..?)

Brody noticed she dropped the paper and picked it up off the floor. He was about to hand it back to Nichole, until he glanced at it and saw what it said.
(yep) the sheet read: am i really meant to live anymore? i don't i am... i want to be with my family...should i just keep moving? i want to but it's too hard.... to hurt yourself is to hurt others don't do this but make your life better for you...
Riko felt horrified when he read the journal entree. He read it over again couple times. 'Could this really have been written bu Nichole? When I first met her she seemed as if she didn't have a care in the'm not sure.' He thought. He handed the paper back to Nichole. "Here, I think you dropped this."
Brody acted normal, pretending he hadn't seen the writing. He continued with his doodling. He doodled a giraffe with a curly moustache...very creatuve.
(Is nichole okay? She seems really depressed and all negative? Is she just upset?)

Brody drew a monkey with a fedora hat and smiled slightly. He was a little inmature when it came to drawing.
nichole smiled and put the book up. she then took out a composition notebook and added on to her fanfiction. she really smiled and her ears perked up. she loved writing and she felt happy.
name: Lyfe Xavier Maxwell

gender: Male

age: 18

kind of animal: Lion

student or teacher: Student


personality: Lyfe is a rather complicated male with a introvert personality, but a proud and intimidating persona. He is the quiet one that only speaks when spoken to and when he does speak there is a wisdom to him that makes him seem older than his years. His voice monotonous and his blunt attitude either utterly offends or simply amuses the people around him. He tends to speak in a rather condescending manner that belittles whoever he is speaking to. Lyfe rarely smiles, but when he does it's usually drenched in sarcasm or with faux-amusement. He is a walking Rubik cube with his blank face and emotionless persona. Lyfe barely feels anything and prefers to remain that way, even if it makes him seem heartless.

grade if you're a student: Senior

other: Tattoo of a the words 'Hear Me Roar' on his back

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