The school for the wild! (accepting)

Brody stood up out off the bench, his body practically begged himself to take a nap, but he decided not. He wandered around outside to the classroom window. He peeked inside to make sure it was the right room. He lightly tapped on the window, trying to get Nichole's attention.
(Ok, thanks)

"I'm fine. I've fallen from higher places anyway..." Brody said, mumbling the last past. "I just came to see if you wanna skip class for a while? If you don't, I could just ask someone else. Doesn't matter." He asked her.
Nichole shrugged and said"sure" climbing out her paper blew in the wind. she blushed trying to hide the drawing. the wind blew her hair some.
Brody noticed the paper she was holding. "Whatcha drawing?" He asked curiously, completely unaware that infact it was a drawing of him.
nichole said"you know um"she whispered the last part. the wind blew it outta her hands and she cursed trying to catch it. (im doing this on my phone so sorry if im slow)
(No problem)

Brody ran forward, quickly grabbing the paper. He backed up just before falling off the edge. 'I guess this is JUST A BIT dangerous...' he thought. He glanced down at the paper. He blushed slightly when he saw it was himself. "" he said as he handed it back.
nichole blushed brightly and said"uhhh..ahem um lets go to the music room...." holding the drawing close. she led brody to another window and climbed in into a hall. she saw an abandoned music room and opened the door. rose petals flew out. nichole swatted at them and seven voices said"welcome!" nichole's eyes adjusted and saw seven drop dead gorgeous guys, one a tiger, another a jaguar, panter,lion, and others.
the tiger grabbed nichole's hand placing a kiss on it. "welcome princess ;D" Nichole blushed and he pulled her inside. the little one said"hi hi nicho-chan!!!!" nichole said"how do you know me?" the one with glasses said"your file..." nichole blushed and snatched it away from him. she took a step back and twins surrounded her. they kissed her cheeks.
Brody walked inside casually, stuffing his hands into his pockets. "I hate guys like them..." he grumbled, kind of wanting them to hear him.
nichole pushed them back and slipped. "WAH!" She hit the floor with a thud. (@.@) the little one said"nicho-chan?" the tiger said"oh no! oh im tamiki" flashing a smile. he picked her up and her head logged to the side. she kinda hit the floor hard.
(OMG! :D they're the neko host club!)

'That looked kinda painful...' Brody thought, but didn't say anything. He only stood there. His eyes were still narrowed. He glanced at the host member with the glasses. He appeared to be writing notes down on his clipboard.
(CORRECT! -gives u a honey-senpai plushie-) nichole groaned and on relflex and instinct kicked tamaki away. he said"OW!"Nichole shook her head and her necklace glowed once more. she transformed and growled at tamaki. she said"this is for you zo! mew mew style mew mew grace mew mew power in your face!"posing then tried to punch tamaki. the tall one grabbed her by her tail gently as she tried to grab tamaki by the throat.
'I'm ditching class...for this?' Brody thought and awkwardly remained where he standing. He watched Nichole try to attack the "king".

(Best.Gift.EVAR! *huggles*)
(lol yw) nichole tired herself out and the tall one placed her down. she walked over to brody and hid behind him glaring daggers at tamaki.
Brody glanced around at all the hosts. A pair of redheaded-twins, they seemed to act as if they had a homosexual relationship with eachother, wrapping their arms around eachother. The tall one seemed normal...more like a stiff tree. He wasn't sure if the midget host was even their age, he seemed just too childish. As for the king...well...just stupid. He glanced at the glasses host again. He didn't really seem to care much about what was happening.
nichole tilted her head as she changed back. she walked over to the twins and pushed them together and started drawing. "done!" showing them. they said"AWESOME!" Nichole sat with the little one and they ate some cake. she walked over to brody and licked his cheek. she was on a sugar rush!!!!!
Brody's eyes widened at the whole scene. He blushed when she suddenly licked his cheek again. He covered his cheek. "Hey! Look what you freaks did!" He complained, blaming it on the hosts for some reason. "She's on a frickin' sugar rush!"
nichole pounced on brody purring. mori picked her up and her eyes were dull. honey said"whats with her eyes? they look hazy..." tamaki said"dont blame us! um is it her season? kyoya?" he said"no but close..."

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