The school for the wild! (accepting)

Brody blushed again. "...well, you're a guess things like that happen....besides, it's not like you ment it........" he wondered if she had figured out yet, about him being a human. If not he'd have to come up with some excuse not to share it or pretend he is some animal.
now nichole was smart she knew brody was not animal but on her dense side she thought he was the sweetest guy she met. she sniffed him a little. \\no not animal definitely..hes human...\\ she froze and backed away from him.
(I'm back!)

Brody stopped walking. He sighed then mumbled in a sarcastic tone, "Nice to know that you trust me so well..." He wasn't angry, but he still was a bit upset. "Yeah, I'm a human. So? I don't want to hurt you..." he saw tears forming in her eyes.
(wb) Nichole said"thats what the last one told nichole now look her family dead!" talking in third person, she cried more she had to get out of here! she turned to run when she felt pain shoot up her spine from her ankle. she collapsed on her side not moving.
("Wb"? What's that mean?)

"Nichole!" Brody ran over to her. "Are you okay?" He asked, though he was positive that she wasn't.
(welcome back) nichole was shaking violently. mori sensed something wrong and ran down the hall. he picked her up gently and said"cmon." running to the nurse.
Brody followed behind Mori. 'What's wrong with Nichole? She looked like she was suffering a seizure...' he wondered.

(Oh, why thank you)
mori checked her pulse it was going too fast! he said"something is seriously wrong!" the nurse took her and quickly placed an oxygen mask on her. she kept spasming and the nurse gave her a shot. her spasms slowed to a stop.(youre welcome)
Brody nodded and turned to leave. He glanced back at Nichole before exiting through the door. He walked slowly back to his dorm. He jumped into his bed and stared out the window, he was always looking up, at tge sky.
Brody put in his headphones and turned up his music, trying to get his mind off of Nichole. He switched the song to If I Had You. He sang along to the lyrics quietly. "~If I had you, you, that would be the only thing I'd ever need, need. Yeah if I had you, you, then money, fame, and fortune never could compete. If I had you! Life would be a party, it'd be ecstasy!~"
Brody growled and tossed his phone across the bed, he couldn't get his mind off Nichole and all the strange animal-people here.

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