The school for the wild! (accepting)

"Um..ok. S-Sure." Ivy replied and sat down. 'How'd I end up a room full of a bunch of beautiful boys?' She thought.

Brody ran into the club room. "Hey, Kyouya! I need to ask yo-..." he paused in his sentence when he saw Nicholas. "Who's the new guy?" He asked.
Brody stared at Nicholas for a second, he seemed very familiar. He turned back to Kyouya and asked, "Does this school have security cameras?"

Ivy took a bite of her cake and quietly listened to them talk. He looked over at Nicholas. She liked his eyes.
"What? $20? ...ugh, fine." Brody pulled the money out of his wallet and handed it to Kyouya. He took the tape. "Is this the tape of today?"

Ivy looked down at the floor before looking up at Nicholas and asking, "So Nicholas..Do you enjoy being a host? I heard rumors that some hosts only do it for money..."
"Ok, good." Brody then thanked Kyouya. He walked over to Nicholas then whispered to him, well her, "I need to talk to you later...if that's ok....and I know it's you." He walked out the door. He went back to his dorm room. Once he got back to his room, he quickly destroyed the tape, it had recorded what happened to Nichole earlier...including her seizure. He didn't think she'd want that to be seen by anyone...he mostly just wanted to help her.

Ivy smiled at his answer. 'He seems so sweet,' she thought. She wondered what Brody whispered to him when he came over.
he smiled and said"nice to meet you ivy!" tamaki picked him up. "SO CUTE!!!" haruhi smacked him and Nicholas straightened his clothing. its gonna be a long year...
"Tamaki...are you gay?" Ivy asked without thinking it over.

Brody was in his room still, he was brushing his hair. He cared a lot about his for some reason. It had to be just perfect all the time.
"...guys aren't supposed to call other guys cute!" Ivy said. She blushed when Nicholas gave her the rose. It was really colorful and bright. She smiled. "B-Bye Nicholas..." she stuttered and ran off.

Brody heard the bell. "Seriously? It rings now!? Maybe I shouldn't care about my hair so much...though, I don't want it to be messy....oh yeah! I was gonna talk to Nichole!" He told himself and began rushing. From another person's perspective he would have looked like he was preparing for a date or something, but no, he just loved his hair. His fixed his bangs then ran outside.
Nicholas smiled and closed the door. Nichole tossed the wig on the floor. "TAMAKI!" he eeped and hid behind haruhi. Nichole changed back into her clothes and stomped out.
Brody sighed in relief when he saw Nichole sitting down on the bench. He walked over to her slowly. "Hey, you hate me...because I'm a human..or any other reason?" He asked with a sad face.
" you care a thing about me?" Brody asked. He wanted to know if she liked him in any way...he never had any REAL friends, just a bunch of jerks of friends. Plus, earlier she was telling him to stay away. "I can leave you alone..."
Brody sighed. He looked down at the ground. "Someone...actually ...cares...somebody" he mumbled quietly and smiled. He lifted his head up again. He blushed a little too. "I like you too..." he chuckled.

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