The school for the wild! (accepting)

(the element of MAGIC!) Nichole walked out of her dorm and mori was walking by. "oh hello nicho-chan" she smiled and bowed. "hi mori-senpai!"
(Omg! Mori actually talks...a lot! Yay mori!)

Brody rolled out of bed. He slipped his hightops on and grabbed his phone. He looked out the window before leaving his room, glancing up at the sky. He covered up his eyes as he exited. The sun was shining brightly now and kinda hurt his eyes.
(He's awesome ^^)

Brody started walking through the halls, his hand still covering his eyes. He blinked and uncovered them when he bumped into someone. He stepped back and saw it was Nichole. "Oh, sorry. Didn't see you." He walked past her, pretending not to reconize her.
(ikr) nichole said"huh?" looking back at brody. her ears drooped and she sighed sadly walking on. she jogged around the track as usual and then swam some laps in the pool.
Brody pulled out his wallet and took out some change. He bought a pepsi from the soda machine . He took a sip of his soda then stuffed his wallet away.
Nichole dried her hair and ears walking to a vending machine. she saw some beef jerky and shrugged. she put her dollar in and munched on some jerky.
Brody took another drink of pepsi. He wondered if Nichole hated him now that she knew he wasn't an animal. He shrugged and went outside. He groaned because of all the bright sunlight and covered his eyes again. He always wondered if any of the others students here would hate him...if they do.
Nichole sighed siting on the roof. she didnt know what to think. her heart was conflicted. one side telling her to stay away and the other to forgive just because hes a human he has a heart! she was beyond confused!
Brody chugged the rest of his soda before tossing the can like a basketball into the trash. He walked outside the front doors, off campus. He wandered down the sidewalk and mumbled song lyrics quietly to himself. He began thinking random, little thoughts. 'I'm kinda hungry. Where's the nearest mcdonalds? Though, I did just have a pepsi...I wonder if I'm old enough to get a tattoo yet? What tattoo would I get anyway?'
Brody stopped in his tracks when he saw a small white bunny sleeping quietly under the bushes. He recognized the bunny ears. They belonged to the girl from class, Ivy. He narrowed his eyes and picked her up by the ears. He shook her and demanded, "Wake up!"

Ivy eeped and transformed back to her human form, her bunny ears were still showing though. "Ow...that hurt..and I was taking a nap..." she whined.

"How could you not tell me that this school was an ANIMAL school?!" Brody shouted at her. "Another thing...why didn't you tell me that YOU are an ANIMAL?!" Ivy happened to bee one of his childhood friends and his nextdoor neighbor. They used to play a lot together as children, but they don't talk to eachother as much anymore.

"I-I didn't t-think it mattered....." Ivy mumbled nervously.
(Nichole sleeps a lot)

"You're a BUNNY! How would that not matter?" Brody started calming himself down, plus he was scaring Ivy a little.

"I-I dunno..." Ivy bit her lip. "Well...let's head back. We're not supposed to be off campus anyways ..I think." She suggested quietly and bega heading back to the school wth him.

Brody sighed, but it was more of a sigh of relief. Even if Nichole hated him, he still had Ivy as a friend. He smiled a tiny smile and walked slowly behind her.
(lol shes a cat so yea) nichole yawned and stretched. she saw an antelope run by and chased it. she ran faster having fun. she passed brody and the bunny girl. she then stopped letting him get away...for now...
(Oh yeah, lol)

"Wow, she's fast..." Ivy commented when Nichole speed past them.

"...yeah...right." Brody said. He yawned, tired still.
Brody and Ivy chatted as they walked back into the school. Brody said goodbye to Ivy when she gad to head to class. He decided to skip again. He didn't feel like going. He would go back least that was his plan.
Tamaki noticed something was wrong with nichole. he watched as she walked in ears and tail down. he got an idea. "NICHOLE STARTING TODAY YOU ARE A HOST!" Nichole said"what?!" tamaki tossed her a uniform and pushed her into a dressing room. she sighed and changed. she used to crossdress so no biggie. she sat at a table.
(yep!) costumers came in and some noticed nichole...erm nicholas. she um he waved to the ladies shyly. some walked over to her..his table. "hello ladies and dont you look lovely today!" inside Nicholas erm Nichole was running around screaming and cursing her size.
Ivy got lost on her way to class and came upon the music room, currently being used as a host club. She blushed when she saw all the gorgeous guys then hid behind the door.

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