The school for the wild! (accepting)

Name: Brody Hunter

Gender: male

Age: 16

Kind of animal: Brody is NONE of the animals. He is a regular human being.

Student or teacher: student

Appearance: Brody is the slightest bit taller than the average height for a guy his age. His hair falls down just above the top of his neck and also covers his ears. His hair is jetblack, but he dyed his bangs and the inside snow-white. His eyes are naturally kinda narrowed, givibg him a sort of glare look. They tend to switch shades ftom blue to green. He mostly wears baggy denim pants, a black long sleeve shitt,rt, gray boots, and his lucky necklace; His lucky necklace is a silver chain with a simple silver key tied to was giving to him by his great grandmother before she passed away.

Personality: Brody is a cranky person, he'll complain about anything. He also has problems conttolling his temper sometimes. He has always said he didn't need friends, only because his group of friends he recently had were complete jerks and always made fun of him and sometimes even beat him up. He is secretly a softy, but will try to act tough anyways.

Grade: 9th, got held back a while

Other: he happened to enroll this "animal school" by mistaken
Brody had been waking along the sidewalk and had seen the girl fall. He walked over to her slowly. "You okay?" He asked with a blank look apon his face.
Nichole's necklace glowed and she transformed again. she said''eep!'' blushing. her cheetah ears were flat. she wiped the dirt from her knee and elbow. ''i-i'll b-be o-ok...''looking down.
Brody blinked a couple times in confusion when he saw her cat ears. 'I must be seeing things...' he thought and rubbed his eyes. "Ok..." he held out a hand to help her up, he stuffed his other hand into his pants pocket.

Ivy was sleeping in a nice green bush in her bunny form. Her nose twitched a few times and she rolled onto her side.
(Oh cool :D like her school girl outfit?)

Brody pulled her up onto her feet. He let go of her hand and looked down at the ground. "See ya," he said and suddenly began walking away.
(lol not this one her mew mew one the school girl one is red and black) Nichole said''t-thanks...'' She picked up her skate board. she rolled it forward and let it gain some speed before hopping on. She skated past the normal teen and the light engulfed her again. she changed back.
Nichole said''WOO HOO I LOVE BEING A CHEETAH! OOF!" She crashed into a tree. she groaned. she picked up her board and skated going faster and faster.
Nichole drooped her board off in her dorm. she had on shorts and a tank. she had her ipod in her pocket listening to music. She ran past the teen and left a trail of dust behind her. ''~theres a stranger in my bed! theres a pounding in my head! glitter all around the room! pink flamingos in the pool! i smell like a mini bar Djs passed out in the yard! barbie's on the barbeque! theres a hickey or a bruise!~''
Brody looked back and forth, infront of him and at the girl. "W-What the heck?!" He said, stopping. " does she run that fast?"
Nichole took out her ear buds running backwards. ''are you confused on this?''blushing jogging in place. ''i'm part cheetah thats how this is possible see.''pointing to her ears and tail.
Brody opened his mouth and pointed at her, he couldn't get any words out though. "You...You have cheetah ears? W-Why have...?"
Nichole panted and said''i pant was born this way...'' smiling blushing some. Her ears swiveled. she roared and said''sorry....''blushing. she hopped she didn't scare him.
'No wonder everyone here seemed so they all have animal ears...and tails...and stuff?!' Brody wondered, but decided to go along with it. "Oh, no problem. I was just a bit surprised." He lied, he was completely surprised. "So, you're a cheetah?"
Nichole nodded and let out another roar. she saw some birds fly away scared. Nichole sniffed him. ''you're lying...'' blushing at how close she was and leaned back.
"How could you tell?" Brody asked and raised an eyebrow. He indeed was really confused, the whole "act normal and go along with it" idea apparently wasn't working.
"Good to know that I smell like a liar," Brody crossed his arms. He wondered if she could tell he was a normal human; he'd keep it a secret if she didn't.

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