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Realistic or Modern The Room

Her eyes hadn't quite yet adjusted to the darkness, so she couldn't see her reflection, unaware of them until she had heard the sound of smashing glass. They were trying to get a reaction out of her, that much she could tell. Goosebumps rose on her pale skin when she felt the cold tickle of water lapping at her toes, but she stayed strong. She said under her breath, "I know."

Raley pushed her hands against her ears and pursed her lips together at the sound of her own voice, but tilted her chin out daringly to contradict her own actions and body language. She wasn't going to give up without a fight.
The Doc

A loud screetch can be heard.

"Damn, microphone, so lousy. Anyways, i'm bored we're done with this."

In an instant the lights turned on and much was revealed. The darkness played minds on them. The walls had been retracted while they were in the dark. The sound of water was coming from a leaking pipe and the water they were feeling was their own sweat.

"That was lame."

A sudden door is heard. Along with conversation.

"What? A new one? But I thought we already had all of them. Okay send them through the chute."

A large metal chute opens in the roof and suddenly a young woman drops from the chute.

@Talia xP @KurtH6355 @Black Crane
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Lynn dropped into the room with a grunt and she looked around. "Gee. You guys are so polite." She called up to them, then looked at the others. "Aw shiiiiiii... you know what, never mind." She brushed herself off and leaned against a wall.
Kurt looked to the other girl, and immediately, his jaw dropped - she was beautiful. She looked almost like an anime character. He gulped, and stopped looking at her before she could register it as staring.
Lynn noticed him glance briefly at her and she glared. "You know... whenever someone stares at me, it usually ends with my ripping his guts out." She smiled and laughed then quickly stopped. "Soooo who's the idiot who put us in here?"
The Doc

"Anyone who arrives late goes through the chute. Anyways meet your new buddy. She will be with you guys for the rest of you testing times. I have a new toy for you guys to play with. I'm sending it in now."

the chute that dropped the controller makes a loud banging sound as it opens. It doesn't take long for something to drop out. A soda can that is labeled "Hilltop Juice" is seen.
Raley stuck her tongue out in disgust when she realized that it had not been water lapping away at her toes, but rather sweat. She remained quiet as the two interacted, finding no particular interest in the discussion's topic. She raised an eyebrow when the question had been asked, "You don't know anything?"

Promptly after, when the can dropped down, she scooted away from it. The woman was the last to deal with the "toy", and she didn't want to be responsible for whatever ensued when the can was used.
Kurt scowled at the new subject as she threatened him. Despite the laughter, he didn't take it at all as a joke. He had been in more than a few street fights, and had put on quite a bit of muscle - he was confident he could defend himself as he needed to. This is what The Room was doing to him...Making him think like a savage.

Kurt turned to the toy and walked over to it, picking it up and looking at the label. He turns to the others. "Anyone feel like drinking this?" He asks.
Lynn stared at Raley. "Nope. Know very little. But it doesn't matter. I'll get out of here. Easy peasy." She then turned her attention to the can. "Uuuuuhhhhhhmmmmm. No. I'm not going near that thing. It's allllll for you guys."
"For fuck's sake." Raley let out a slightly annoyed drawl. Would she have to take all the risks? She decided to give it another ten seconds before she made her move. Truthfully, she couldn't help but feel a little scared. Okay, not just a little, but the fear was overshadowed by curiosity. She watched the other test subjects.
The Doc

A choke can be heard followed by laughter.

"Do you actually think you can escape? This place is locked down to the brim. I know everything about you. I control you."
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Lynn was frustrated, but she would never admit it. She looked up at the ceiling. "Yeah okay. Of course." She snickered and whispered to the others "This guy is a nutcase. I'll get all of us out of here, no worries."
"Bullshit." Kurt says, laughing in a sick manner. "There's no escape. Don't give false hope, to yourself, or us." Kurt insists. Before anyone else could, he pops the can open, and sips off of it.
The Doc

A scramble can be heard along with a small giggle.

"Did he drink it? He did!"

A microphone is turned on.

"I can't believe you would drink it that fast! I was ready to give you something else!"
Raley knew that she shouldn't have held such low expectations, but she did. She was also genuinely surprised. The girl didn't really care for staying in the Room. As long as she was alive, she was satisfied. She interjected, "False hope isn't such a bad thing. It gets you going for a little."
"And then when that hope is crushed, it hurts all the more." Kurt said, before crouching down and sitting against a wall, putting the can beside him on the ground, waiting for whatever that was gonna happen to happen.
The Doc

A large laugh is heard.

"Don't expect to be fine just because you didn't drink that soda you won't be effected. That soda makes you imagine all your worst fears. It's like a horrible trip. Who knows what he will think you are."

A filing cabinet can be heard opening along with a wrapper being opened.
Lynn shook her head. "No offense dude, but you have to be pretty dumb in order to drink that." She scooted away from Kurt and waited. She listened to the noises on the microphone and looked confused. "Probably eating candy. He's probably some lonely, psychotic, obese guy..."
"You'd think different if you'd seen what he did to us last time we didn't interact with the object...He'd probably just do worse, this time 'round." Kurt said, before putting his head against the wall and waiting for hell. "I don't want to escape. I need the reward money. Don't matter what he does. I gotta support my family."
"It's not stupid." She didn't say why, just stating her opinion. Raley sat in place, watching the events unfold with her own eyes. She was a little taken aback by what the Doc had said, but refused to show it, only furrowing her eyebrows, "I trust him not to attack us for what he sees, anyway."
The Doc

(Thought I would metion.. @KurtH6355 your the one who comes up with what the character sees. Not me.)

The Doc overheard Lynn. He gets a little mad and snaps back.

"For your information, i'm 6'3 and I weigh 173 pounds. I am normal weight. I swear sometimes you guys act like you want to be killed."
Lynn tried hard not to laugh. She put her hand to her forehead and saluted saying "Yes, sir Mister 173 pounds!" She chuckled to herself then sighed.
The Doc

A slam can be heard, presumably a hand to desk.

"Alright that's it you asked for this."

With the press of a button, Lynn is put into a somewhat large cage and snakes are pulled toward her
Lynn was startled and she backed up, staring at the snakes. Her face was pale, terrified. Her back met a wall of the cage and she tried to climb up a little, eager to get off the ground. "H-HEY... We can still be friends! I was just joking!" Lynn laughed nervously, her smile fading as the snakes got closer.
The Doc

Laughter can be heard.

"That's what I thought. Lose the snake & cage."

The cage lowers and the snakes are dropped down a chute.

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