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Realistic or Modern The Room


Nerd that sits behind a computer
[border]The Room. PTS-435 is what the government calls it. A small titanium room with a mirror on the ceiling, a small electric fan on the floor, a toilet, a bed, and a non-functioning computer. There is only one door that is welded shut once the test subjects are in. No-one knows anything about it except for the test subjects that were once in there. They aren't allowed to speak about it legally though. People are sent in here to be test physically and mentally. Friends turn to enemies. People are watched by "The Doc" who occasionally gives them items to interact with.

You are shoved toward a small room by some heavily armored guards. They sport blue armor that makes it almost impossible to see their heads. They carry large cattle prods and LMGs. The man on the other side of the bulletproof glass says "start." and suddenly you are sprayed with what looks like rubbing alcohol. Sure feels like it too. After that the guards come and take you to the room, which is promptly welded shut after everyone is in. The Doc has a bulletproof one way glass windows somewhere in the room that is also connected to a speaker so he can talk to the subjects. [/border]
"Ah - What the fuck, man!?" Kurt shouts in anger as the the strange substance is sprayed upon his skin. He tries to rub it off frantically, but unfortunately it yields no result other than tiring out the teenage boy. "Y'all are fucking insane! Ya'll can't fucking do this! All this for $300,000!? You betta' gimme triple that bullshit!" Kurt screams in rage. Now, his throat hurt. He yelled in anger and punched a wall, not hard enough to severely hurt him though. After punching it, he simply slumps against the wall, tired out from his fit of rage, his breathing still heavy and filled with hatred.
The Doc

A voice can be heard through one of the walls. It sounds like someone is having a conversation.

"I'll be payed in full right?"


"What do you mean mostly? I have to deal with these odd-jobs so I expect the $1 mil."

"Talk to the Commissioner then"


Everything goes quiet except for the small sound of ruffling papers.

@KurtH6355 @Black Crane
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Kurt whimpers, and bangs his head on the wall, making a distinguished thinking noise. He groans, and tries to calm himself down, slowing his breathing steadily and counting like his school therapist had advised him to.
Raley quietly sits in one of the corners of the room. Her dark brown eyes widen at Kurt's outburst, and she lowers her head. "So loud..." She remarks to herself in her thoughts. The girl knew that something was going to happen, but she wasn't expecting anything this profound or... Wild. She wipes at the alcohol sprayed onto her face with her damp hands, murmuring great disapproval when it doesn't rub off, and the smell bothers her nose. Is it rubbing alcohol? She's sure that they wouldn't poison her, so she doesn't complain anymore than the slight murmurs.

When she overhears the conversation, she sighs and brings her knees to her chest, trying to find a positive in this situation.
The Doc

A tap on the mic is heard. Along with a cabinet opening and some ruffling papers.

"Ah, hello! I see your getting used to this place already! Anyways, I am the Doc. I control basically everything that happens here. I have all the info you gave the nice reception lady! Let's begin shall we?"

A rumble is heard. Soon out of nowhere a chute opens and drops the first item, a controller.

"You do what you want with it."
The nineteen-year old crawled over to the controller, grasping it. She examined it, turning it over in her long spindly fingers to get an idea of what it did. Still not quite understanding the purpose of the contraption, Raley craned her neck so that her head was facing where she heard the Doctor's voice coming from. She furrowed her eyebrows and called out, "What does this even do?"

She knew better than to just randomly press any random buttons, rashly flip any switches, or wave it around heedlessly. Meanwhile, she directed a sidelong glance at the other occupant of the room, questioning why a teen who looked at least 3 years younger than she did was in this hellhole.
Kurt stood, walked over to the controller. He picked it up, looked at the doc, and, in defiance, whipped it at the bulletproof glass. Neither the remote or the glass was damaged in the act, the controller simply bouncing off. Kurt proceeded to flip the Doc off with both hands.
The Doc

A mic can be heard being turned on.

"Damn, where did I put those documents...wait. Did you just ask what it does? Did you not read the contract I can't say what anything does."

Shuffling can be heard as well as items dropping.

"There they are."
Curiosity bit at her decision to leave the controller alone. If she didn't press anything now, she might never know what it did. So, with slight reluctance, her thumb hovered over one of the buttons, and pressed down. Seeing the way the boy was acting so open made her flinch and think. Was she going about this too carefully?
The Doc + Environment

As one of the 5 buttons was pressed nothing happened. It is almost as if the button has no function. Of course, there are 4 more.

The Doc can be heard giggling a bit.

"Wow, you actually pressed it."

A slow clapping an be heard, along with something dropping and a loud shout.

"My coffee!"
(Let me post next time?)

Kurt gasped. "No! Don't!" He said urgently, crouching next to the girl and tugging at the controller. "Please, don't!" He pleads with her, scared that the buttons will do something horrid.
When nothing happened, Raley's widened eyes settled back into their usual half-lidded look, narrowing into a glare soon after.

"Nothing happened," she stated. It was almost as though she sounded disappointed. Her gaze slipped back down towards the remote. Were the other four just the same? "Should I press the other ones?"

(Sorry, it's just that both of you already replied so I thought I should.)
The Doc

A now louder laugh can be heard.

"I have no control on your actions, but I can see the desire. Don't worry, if this goes all bad then I have another toy for you."

A loud buzzer can be heard along with what seems like a valve releasing pressure and steam.
"No...No, don't! What if this time, it's toxic gas instead of rubbing alcohol!? And what do you think the rubbing alcohol was for!? One of the buttons might fire a flamethrower or some shit! We're flammable as fuck right now!" Kurt begins spewing off wild notions, setting into panic, cursing frequently. "Dude, don't push 'em!"
The Doc

Even more laughing can be heard. It sounds like The Doc is having a lot of fun.

"Silly man, i'm not here to kill you. The only person who can kill you is the people you are stuck with. Anything I give you that kills you is entirely your faults."

The Doc can be heard fumbling with stuff along with quite whistles.
"Ok, ok... I won't push them." Raley lowered the controller, looking at Kurt quizzically. She figured that the government wouldn't kill them... Right?

When the Doc explained that only themselves could kill each other, the woman took a step away from Kurt, giving a wild glance at him. The idea had been planted in their heads... What's stopping that from actually happening? She didn't have that much experience with fighting, so she couldn't defend herself! She couldn't -

Raley stopped herself before her thoughts went out of hand, lowering her head and letting out a sigh.
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Kurt swallowed, and looked back at the other test subject. "Relax. I'm not gonna kill you." He says, seemingly appalled by the fact that she'd even consider such a thing. "I'm just paranoid...That's all." He says. He slides the controller back over toward the doctor's window. "We done with it."
The Doc

A small chuckle is heard before a sudden metal trap door opens and drops the controller before shutting again.

"Oh boy, I said I couldn't kill you but, that doesn't mean I can't toy with your emotions."

Right as The Doc finishes speaking a loud screech from what seems like a giant valve being undone is heard. The walls start closing in on the room.

"Having fun?"
"Are you going to squish us until we're begging for our lives or something?" Raley furrowed her eyebrows as the walls closed in. It was a little unsettling, with the way the space was closing little by little, but she could stand it. She muttered a quick apology for doubting her fellow test subject's intentions, but she knew that he probably couldn't hear it nonetheless.
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Kurt gasps. "Nonononononononono...." He whispers, slowly getting louder. He moves closer to the older test subject subconsciously, holding onto her in fear. "Fuck...Fuck..." He says. How the hell did that bastard know he was claustrophobic!?
The Doc + Environment

As the walls got very close together they pushed the subjects up to the wall where which they promptly stopped. While the subjects were pressed against the wall straps latched on to them and held them there. Only they're arms were free.

The Doc notices that one of the test subjects is still fine.

"Ah I see you there, um what's your name? Lemme see... Ah Raley is it? Don't worry there is some for you too."

Suddenly everything goes dark. Not one thing can bee seen, only heard. It is at this point where water can be heard hitting a metal floor.

"There you go."
She resisted the urge to wriggle her arm free when Kurt got a hold of it due to her hatred of physical contact, only turning her head towards him and muttering in her usual hushed tone, "It's okay."

When the walls had pressed together, she wiped all expression off her face.
"Everything will be fine... He just wants a reaction out of you." She told herself. The lights flickered out, plunging the girl into darkness. She closed her dark brown eyes. It'll be fine. It'll be fine. It'll be fine. The words repeated over and over in her head like a mantra as she clung to those words like they would save her life. The sound of trickling water filled her ears, but she refused to break. Not yet. Her eyebrows were furrowed with the strain of fighting her fears, like she were protesting.
The Doc

"Oooh, we have a feisty one. Let's turn up he heat, by which I mean mirrors."

2 small mirrors were brought up to Raley and showed her reflection. After about a minute of staying there they shattered, mocking her appearance. A radio was set up to repeat everything that Raley says.

"This is the most fun I've had in years!"
Kurt whimpered as the lights went out, but eventually began breathing. He could sense that the girl resented Kurt clinging onto her, and he felt foolish. A man, holding onto a woman for comfort? Kurt shook his head, let go of her, and apologised softly. He then leaned against one of the enclosing walls and groaned, as the cold water began to crawl over him. "He won't drown us." Kurt tells himself and his fellow subject. However, he could feel his heart beating and he was slowly going into full-blown panic from the clausterphobia.

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