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Fantasy The Rise Of Heirs - IC

The opulence of the mansion and its dancing bear failed to ease Geneva. In fact, it only made her antsy, itching to pull the knife from under her dress and hold it in her hands for its sharp comfort. The servants herded them into a room, only to come face-to-face (as much as you could see someone's shadowed face, anyway) with Duncan.

It felt, to Geneva, as if someone was screaming directly into her ears that there was danger present. His eyes looked unnatural with its color, and it made her think that he wasn't only a mage, but a particularly powerful one. She cursed herself for not wanting to attract the party-goers attention. She should've risked it if it meant not facing this man.

Still, she didn't speak. There was a thick tension in the air that couldn't be ordinarily penetrated by her wit or mask. It was too risky, and the attention she'd garner! Even a bumbling lady who wanted to climb by riding the tailcoats of her betters would, well, would know better than to talk. Especially as she wasn't that bumbling lady, but was actually a pretty popular assassin that the Imperium wanted dead.

Then, Duncan introduced himself and spoke words that dared bring Geneva's hopes up. Her heart soared as she looked at Richard Stormwind, hoping against all hope that he was her liege, sworn to follow no matter what. It didn't help that Duncan referred to Richard as Gerard, the name of the sole heir of Kalder Keep and the entirety of Khora.

There was a crashing sound, and Geneva jumped, noticing that the glass she held in her hand was now on the floor, all broken fragments and spilled wine. "That's impossible," she found herself speaking, grounding herself to reality, to something that made sense, "The heirs of Faylen perished by Imperium hands." Yet, she dared to hope that this Duncan would deny her words. She needed him to deny her words.

Mentions: Clockwork Syringe Clockwork Syringe FireMaiden FireMaiden Jean Otus Jean Otus Abendrot Abendrot T TheHero
As they were led into the room, Gerard felt a sense of uneasiness as he laid eyes upon the eponymous Duncan. His eyes glowed unnaturally, probably due to some magic which caused Gerard to be on edge. Then Duncan dropped the Revelation that he, Lunar, or rather, Aurelia a rather beautiful name, and Arovin were the remnants of the royalty of Faylen. His eyes went wide as Duncan said this and he looked at both Arovin and Aurelia before silently thinking to himself, ~Oh no.~ The first things that went through his mind was whether or not he was about to be turned over to the Imperium. That was the case until Duncan allowed them to ask any questions. Geneva then increased the tension by dropping her glass and exclaiming that the heirs had been perished by Imperium hands. "Sir Morgan's going to have a field day with this," Gerard spoke as he reached under his shirt and pulled out the ring on a chain letting it hang outside his shirt. There was no point in hiding it since Duncan mentioned it. "How long? Who are you? And why?" Gerard spoke.
Elle Santiago Elle Santiago FireMaiden FireMaiden Jean Otus Jean Otus Abendrot Abendrot T TheHero
"A note was left on my front steps last week. It was signed by a Duncan." Lady Lunar remarked airily.

Arovin leaned in and tried to overhear, growing eager to pick up on this luscious piece of gossip he'd been waiting all night for. "Odd he invited more than one of us, but I guess that's how these things work." Arovin laughed along politely to mask his nervousness. Her statement wasn't much to go on, but it likely affirmed what he'd already been suspecting for a while. Perhaps he wasn't the only princeling to survive. Or maybe I'm just too damned romantic for my own good. he thought. Regardless, he was simply glad to have something on Duncan as opposed to almost nothing.

He tried to return his attention to his folio when suddenly, Lord Stormwind collapsed, clenching his temples in agony. "Lord Richard!" Arovin shouted. His medical training kicking in, he leapt out of his chair to help, but a servant in dark livery reached him first. Another stepped in front of Arovin's path, with news that Duncan had summoned him. Finally. Arovin thought. He looked over the messenger's shoulder and saw Stormwind back on his feet, shaken but otherwise fine. He looked up at the servant, straightening his posture and raising his chin in an attempt to look more sophisticated. "Take me to him." said Arovin.


A short walk later, Arovin found himself on a hallway-like balcony set into the wall above the dance floor. The oil lamps here had been put out, giving the place a shady air. Duncan was seated in a plush-looking chair against the wall, staring from underneath the darkness of his hood. He wore mages robes, but they were not of the Synod. After a deep breath, Arovin strode forward, trying not to give any indication of his apprehension. But then he felt it.

Arovin froze mid-stride as Duncan's magical signature washed over him. Powerful, but not oppressive, a massive wave of mana wrapping around him like a security blanket. His touch was soothing, but still quite unnerving. It was nothing like he'd ever felt before. "I, am Duncan of Altma, and you are what remains of the royal families of Faylen." he said at last. He was an older man judging by the sound of his voice, and still quite strong as well, but that didn't mean Arovin was going to let him off so easily. He marched forward again, fighting off Duncan's magical influences, until the two were close enough to touch. "Alright, you bloody codger." said Arovin firmly, crossing his arms. "Who do you work for? How do you know who I am? Did Aitar put you up to this?"

Arovin heard a crack of glass from behind him, but that was a mere pindrop compared to the tempest of arcane energy that swirled about in Duncan's eyes. What kind of sorcerer are you, anyway?

FireMaiden FireMaiden Elle Santiago Elle Santiago Clockwork Syringe Clockwork Syringe Jean Otus Jean Otus The Hero The Hero
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He was pleased with their reactions, yet disappointed at the same time. He looked at Geneva with a soft smile, "My dear, your lack of trust is....unnerving. Though, perhaps after Lady Verra, it's understandable," He said, now lowering his hood. His eyes still glowed intensely, but his face was that of an older man. Gray was starting to creep it's way into his hair and beard, and he looked...tired. if not for the immense magical aura coming from him, you'd almost be fooled into thinking he was harmless. "The heirs stand in the same room as you, yet you don't believe me," The man sighed, taking a step closer to the woman as Gerard took his ring from under his shirt "My dear, if you doubt me, look at the ring. Or ask him to remove his tunic and observe his birthmark." His voice almost held the tone of anger, "Geneva, I am not a man to doubt."

He then chose to address Gerard, "How long? How long have I know or how long have I been keeping an eye on you?" He asked, now moving infront of the younger man. "I've known about your existence since the day you were born, I've know of your survival ever since Sir Morgan contacted me, and I've known about your whereabouts since...well, that is soemthing you may learn a little later," He said, aburtbly stopping in his tracks as Arvion stepped forward. Taking a step or two back from Gerard, Duncan stood still as Arovin got closer.

"Young man, that is no way to address me. Did the Synod not teach you of manners?" He asked, cocking his eyebrow. "I was sent by no one, I summoned you upon my own accord. But I do work for someone, and they would be the people of Faylen. The Imperium has gone long enough without anyone interfering, and it's high time you four took back your birthrights." He said, placing a hand on Arovin, pushing him back to get some space. His hands, though having to push through the robes the young king was wearing, were ice cold. "And no, Aitar knows I've finally summoned you, but he did no such thing."

"How did you know us? Before, I mean." Aurelia said, finally piping up. Her silence was short lived, as an assertive, but respectful tone filled the room, her northern accent in full force. This question made Duncan smile. "Well, Aurelia, I was in the Council Of Kings," the old man said, "Altma had been invited to join before the Imperium invaded," He said. Before taking his place back against the desk. "Anymore questions? If not, I would like to move on." Clockwork Syringe Clockwork Syringe Elle Santiago Elle Santiago Abendrot Abendrot The Hero The Hero Jean Otus Jean Otus
Gerard turned to Geneva once Duncan was finished speaking and began to speak himself. "It's true, my ring holds the Ronar crest and I am indeed Gerard. Sir Morgan can attest to that. I've never told anyone of my true heritage because I've only recently learned about it. Would it affect how I act and think now? Probably a little bit, but for the majority no it would not. The only reason I am here is because Duncan here addressed the letter with my true name, not Richard Stormwind. Otherwise I would not have come and would have continued to protect and serve the people of Khora through the adventurers' guild until the time arose to take back my birthright. I am sorry for lying to you Geneva.

Elle Santiago Elle Santiago
Geneva’s eyes couldn’t dare look away from the ring Gerald dangled in front of him. It was a silver ring, the Ronar crest engraved on the emerald. There was no doubt about it. This man was her liege. And, to think that she thought she’d dispose of him after acquiring the information she needed before this Duncan confronted their group!

Her hand started to shake, a joyous feeling washing over her. A sense of relief that everything had a chance to be alright, that her sacrifices weren’t in vain because the man who’d lead them to victory was right in front of her, and why wasn’t she kneeling before her King? And, she was about to! To kneel before him as she introduced who she was and how she was one of her most loyal supporters and unflinching subjects.

But, Duncan had spoken that bitch’s name as if he was talking about the weather. This man knew of her past, and for him to remark on that traitor’s name! Geneva’s temper flared dangerously, and it was only the old man’s words that her King was in the same room as her that made her pause from doing something reckless, something that she’d most likely regret. It was difficult to restrain, however, as he continued to speak, “Geneva, I am not a man to doubt.” And continued some more, telling the people in the room how Duncan had known the heirs were alive and failed to do more about it.

And, suddenly, Geneva found Gerald talking to her. Her! Apologetic and trusting. Sharing his history like it wasn’t an important thing. Sharing it with the people here. Sharing it with her. And he even dared to apologize to her regarding his lies, when she was no better! Humbled and flustered, she took a step back, giving him a deep bow.

“You don’t need to apologize to me, my King,” Geneva spoke hastily. “I am no better! In fact, I am worse,” she cursed to herself, straightening her posture as she tilted her head up, face showing how she winced at her own words, “I meant, that--that you’re not the only who has deceived anyone from this room. Perhaps, a new introduction is in order.”

She bit her lip. She didn’t mean to say that. She didn’t want to introduce herself to these people, with the exception of her own King. But, he had shown her trust, and it was her turn to do the same. She met his eyes and said, “I am Geneva, one of your most loyal subjects. My family is-- was…” She shook her head. “We guarded one of Khora’s borders. Unfortunately, we were betrayed, and I am the only one that’s left. I am glad that you’re alive, your Majesty. It will be an honour to serve alongside you.”

Mentions: Clockwork Syringe Clockwork Syringe FireMaiden FireMaiden Abendrot Abendrot
Duncan smiled with the reunion, but unfortunately had to cut it short. "As I must take my leave soon, I have a task for you, and a few others who will join you tomorrow." He said, then he looked to Arovin, "You will be the most interested." The man then cleared his throat to get the attention of the other members of the small party in the room. "I would like for you to travel to Aneor, and clear the bandits out of its halls. Once that is done, my and my people shall come and protect your castle under your families banner. All of your families banners," He said. "Aneor, shall you suceed, while be the first step of reclaiming your kingdoms." Clockwork Syringe Clockwork Syringe Jean Otus Jean Otus Elle Santiago Elle Santiago Abendrot Abendrot The Hero The Hero
Gerard frowned as he saw Gevena bow to him, he was a little unsure of how to act in this instance. "I would not ask you to bow currently as there is no need to." When Duncan then explained the next step he wanted Gerard, Aurelia, and Arovin to take he walked over to Arovin and placed his large hand in a firm grip. "I do not have much in terms of items or titles, but I have my experience and my blade; both of which I shall be glad to utilize to help a fellow heir reclaim his kingdom. As much as I want to reclaim my kingdom, we should reclaim yours and Aurelia's first before we tackle the gargantuan task of reclaiming mine.

FireMaiden FireMaiden Elle Santiago Elle Santiago Abendrot Abendrot The Hero The Hero Jean Otus Jean Otus
Geneva took notice of Gerard’s discomfort and silently vowed not to be too eager in assisting him. It was, however, an honest relief that her King was alive and well, and it felt like the burden on her shoulders were lifted. It was a shame, though, that she was the only one in her family who’d see the rise of their home again. She kept her silence at this point as Duncan spoke of his request and watched as Gerard place his hand atop Arovin, speaking of his involvement upon helping Arovin’s kingdom. Inwardly, she felt disappointed that her King prioritized the two other kingdoms first but agreed with the decision nonetheless.

“I will assist you in your quest as much as I can,” Geneva said to them. “As for the others that you speak of,” she asked Duncan, “can they be trusted?”

Mentions: Clockwork Syringe Clockwork Syringe FireMaiden FireMaiden Abendrot Abendrot
"Young man, that is no way to address me. Did the Synod not teach you of manners?"

"They'd have told you I'm a bad student." Arovin retorted.

Duncan immediately rewarded his back-talk by tightening his magical grip around him. Like a houndmaster pulling at an unruly dog's leash. He's strong! Arovin saw. Stepping back, he threw up a layer metaphorical shields to alleviate the pressure. "As I must take my leave soon, I have a task for you, and a few others who will join you tomorrow." Duncan continued. His eyes turned toward him again. "I would like for you to travel to Aneor and clear the bandits out of its halls. Once that is done, my people shall come and protect your castle under your families banner. All of your families banners."

Arovin swallowed his nervousness. I'm going home. he told himself wistfully. The prospect of returning to Aneor after so long was becoming more exciting and terrifying by the day. Taking back the Sunrise Throne would be one thing, but keeping it would be another. Arovin had no experience in government or courtly affairs, and as tonight had proven, he could barely wrap his head around the table manners. But he would do it. By all the Gods and Goddesses, he would. He had a duty to his House, to Nera. The Imperium had stolen his family's lives, and for that, there had to be justice.

Richard -- or should he say, King Gerald -- clapped a hand on his shoulder, startling Arovin for the second time tonight. "I do not have much in terms of items or titles, but I have my experience and my blade; both of which I shall be glad to utilize to help a fellow heir reclaim his kingdom." Arovin shot the man a grin. "Thank you Ri--Gerald. I respect your sentiment, truly." A lackluster reply, really. He was starting to feel bad that he didn't have anything better to say. He turned and walked back towards Duncan, suddenly becoming more reverent for the man. "Will we be staying here then? I had left some things back at the inn I was staying at."

Like Silence, Arovin thought. The ancestral staff of House Merrandis was sitting with his other possessions, wrapped in a cloth bundle most of the time and seldom flaunted. Such a relic would have been recognized almost immediately here in the ball, he figured.
Chapter One
Chapter One - Taking Aneor
Only a few more minutes of talking and questions progress, before Duncan had to take his leave. But, he told you that you would find a message talking you where to go. But after that, once you exited the room rushing to try and find him, he was gone. Nobody at the party seemed to remember the man except for you and the others he summoned. Looking At who were now your allies, the same questions seemed to run through your minds. What happens now? Aurelia rejoined the party, not having spent a good bit of coin on her dress to leave early. Some of you decided to stay as well, while others decided to go home and process what happened. Or, to prepare for the hornet your were given little notice of. What was Duncan's big idea? And his people? Who could they be? These were questions mostly left unanswered, that would eventually fade to the back of your mind. Abendrot Abendrot Clockwork Syringe Clockwork Syringe Elle Santiago Elle Santiago The Hero The Hero Jean Otus Jean Otus

For those that didn't come, unable to attend because you were either late or doing something more important, a man in dark blue robes would approach at either your in or camp and tell you it's time. He would hand you a letter sealed with a intricate insignia and blue wax. You knew this mane to be Duncan, someone who contacted you weeks before with the notion of taking back one of the fallen kingdoms. You nearly laughed him off u til he told you the heirs still lived, which gave you pause. Of course you asked, but he didn't say much other than the price he was willing to pay for your help. Such a large amount of money...you agreeded reguardless of how you felt on the matter. Opening the letter, it told you to head for Caerhayes, to a large oak outside the city. The one with golden leaves. You knew which one the letter spoke of, but was still unsure wether to go. Nevertheless, you packed your bags that night, and started off for the capital. Dalamus Ulom Dalamus Ulom DankWaffles DankWaffles Field Marshall Field Marshall Inheritance Inheritance @ArisenMoon Mistah Mistah

The next morning, the party goers would find another letter with instructions to go the Golden Oak at 7am sharp. Then, to waut an hour for the others who wsre supposed to arrive before together, begainngin the nearly week long to Aneor. Aurelia, to make things easier, bought a few horses, which would cut down the trip by some time. However, there weren't enough for everyone so hopefully some of the others possessed some as well. If not, she was sure that the others wouldn't mind dual riding. There were a few towns and villages between the capital and Aneor, so maybe they could even buy some more. So, Aurelia, with her armor on and equipment at hand, was the first to arrive at the Golden Oak. She had to wonder why this was the spot for them to meet, and not one of the various taverns or inns locates in the city. Another question that may not ever be answered.
Gerard hadn't slept well last night due to the uncertainty of the new mission; that uneasiness was further magnified by the letter he had found explaining the situation. Doning his full armor with his bastard sword on his left side, Gerard mounted the horse that Sir Morgan had paid for so that Gerard could attend the party. Coincidentally, Gerard had received the bastard sword as a parting gift from Sir Morgan as a means to protect himself. Trotting through the city, he had gotten a few approving looks from individuals. A helmet less armored rider was rare apparently in these parts, the only armored riders must be from the Imperium then and with their helmets never coming off. Upon approaching the Golden Oak, Gerard noticed Aurelia standing outside with several horses. Upon getting within a few paces, he trotted over and spoke, "Pleasure seeing you here Miss Lunar," after which he disembarked from his horse and held the reigns as he joined Aurelia whilst waiting for everyone else and the unknown arrivals.
((Note: His appearance is identical to the one in his CS ^_^ ))
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Geneva savoured the morning light, yawning as she did so. Last night was too eventful for her tastes. After that meeting with Duncan and with the heirs, she continued being Eleanore Mitsel for a couple of hours, garnering fun as well as information from the party-goers before retiring for the evening. She only managed to capture a few hours of shut-eye before she had to wake up again, informing Bote of her disappearance from the Guild due to personal business.

The old balding man let her off, his parting remark only a reminder that there would be requests waiting for her when she came back. Now, donning her usual enchanted leather armour, her face caked with makeup to cover her scar, daggers sheathed at her waist, Geneva walked out of her hiding place -- a building a few blocks away from the Golden Oak -- and approached the two heirs. Her pack on her back encumbered her slightly, but it wasn’t something she couldn’t deal with. The important sharp implements she used were on her person, anyways, and the poisons she liked was inside the lighter strapped bag she carried.

“Good morning, your highnesses,” Geneva started dryly, hailing them both with an overly casual wave of her hand. “I’d call you both of your names, but I’m not sure which ones to use. Should we call each other with names we used in that memorable night, or should we use our daylight names?” She hoped that Gerard and Aurelia would not look down upon her due to the words she used. If someone were to eavesdrop on them, it was Geneva’s hope that they’d think that she met the others passionately in the comfort of a bed. And, well, it was better to be seen as promiscuous rather than a murderer, anyways.

Mentions: FireMaiden FireMaiden Clockwork Syringe Clockwork Syringe
"Please, to you I'm Aurelia," She chuckled as Gerard approached, taking note he had a horse. Good, because aside form her own she only had three to spare. Speaking of her mount, Deshyr was a magnificent war horse. A blue roan colored Brabant, a powerful horse that wasn't cheap. Normally only found in the mountains breed by a certain tribe of horse back warriors, a job found herself in their company. Dhesyr was a gift for impressing them. Upon Genavea's approach, she smiled, "For now, we can use our true names, since it's just us. But...I'd be easy about using them with these others who are coming along. Just until we can trust them." Clockwork Syringe Clockwork Syringe Elle Santiago Elle Santiago
To anyone who encountered her at the party, the difference between her civil persona and her real identity as an Armswoman would be striking to say the least. Her simple and quiet demeanor replace with one of a hawk, eyeing the area for prey. Her demure dress replaced with an outfit that looked like it belonged on a soldier, striking black leather riding boots, leather greaves, and a breastplate that on any other woman might of been out of place but here only underscored who she really was behind that quiet demure public persona. But there was yet another thing out of place, she had no visible weapon other than the strange knife (more of a dagger really) sheathed along her shoulder.

It had been an early morning for the Armsmaiden. First she had to get up and make sure all of her gear had been ready for the mission ahead. Then of course she had to ready her liege's gear, she knew that Aurelia disliked it when she did that, got her clothes all ready and laid out, a bath ran, and breakfast ready all as the young heir to Leyeborn’s throne stumbled through waking up and getting ready for the day ahead. This wasn't to say the princess wasn't a strong independent sort, and Sahndrah knew this. After all that’s why Aurelia insisted on being the first ones at the Golden, to set some sort of example to the party she was sure.

And that’s how she ended up there, waiting for the rest of the party he brilliant orange hair tied back revealing the scar running along her deadeye. To which the only objection Sahndrah had was how exposed the area was. It would of been an opportune place for an ambush with good sightlines for an arbalist, or gods forbid one of those new fangled rifles. *Stop being a worry wart, you came here to look at the area while she ate breakfast, nothing untowards is going to happen.* Despite those thoughts she never stopped scanning the area with her eyes after all it wasn't her job to be confident. It was her job to be paranoid, and that paranoia had saved their lives at least once before.

It would've been easy to overlook her upon first arriving, after all she was behind and to the right of Aurelia. On top of her horse, a far less impressive looking brown and white mare though no less powerful. Dancer was her mounts name. Sahndrah had raised her since she was a merely a Foal. As it stood now Dancer was starting to get older, though the mare would still have a few more years left in her prime. Dancer was by far the best mount Sahndrah could of asked for, she was calm, well behaved, and trained not to panic at the sound of Sahndrah’s pistols. Her mount could also keep up with Dhesyr unless it came down to a dead sprint, which when traveling with Aurelia was no small boon.

“M’lady, with all respect. How can we be sure we can trust them?” She gestured to Gerald and Geneva. “Or better yet how can we trust that Duncan fellow? It's a dangerous world, and not everyone is who they say they are…” The accusations came out in a thick accent, one which might of been called Irish in another world.
Jericho felt a rush of different thoughts pacing around his head as one of the most important days of his life had just presented itself in front of hid. In fact if it hadn't been for the money that was offered to him he probably would have instantly turned down the offer after giving careful thought. Jericho even found frustrating to have lied to his men about why he had taken leave for the time being just to follow someone who gave him no physical proof of the living heirs. The memory of the faithful night was clear as a polished diamond as if it had just happened the other day. Jericho was in deep thought when he felt his horse slightly buck him instantly knocking him out of his trance. Shadow, the name of his midnight black warhorse, could tell Jericho was not himself as it gave him a little whine. Jericho smiled as he began to softly pat the young horses long neck as a way of reassurance that everything was fine. "Easy there lad. I'm fine just keep your mind at ease" Jericho whispered to his horse as the two came closer to the oak tree that bared the golden leaves.

This was a place Jericho found much beauty in as the uniqueness and purity of the area often gave Jericho a sense of peace putting his whole body in a state of relaxation. However, this time was different, his whole body felt tense and uneasy. The scene was beautiful as always, but the mixed feelings that rushed through his body canceled out the beauty of the area. Jericho would edge closer and closer to the desired location as the shapes of people began to develop within his eyesight. Edging closer towards the unknown faces of the people who was supposed to meet their faces became much ore clear as Jericho found himself at a lost for words. It wasn't until a few awkward seconds had passed until his voice finally began to utter out a simple question that plagued his mind. "Where is the one known as Duncan?" The young soldier asked remaining on edge as to why he specially had been asked to attend this little meeting.

FireMaiden FireMaiden Elle Santiago Elle Santiago Clockwork Syringe Clockwork Syringe Yang Xiao Long Yang Xiao Long
"Calm yourself Sahndrah," Aurelia said, shifting her weight on her feet, "If Duncan had truely wished harm upon us, we could have been killed by now. Or, taking custody by Imperium soldiers." Her handmaiden had a good point though, she hardly knew these people who were already here, and more were supposed to arrive. Aurelia's brows furrowed at the though of one of them betraying her and her fellow heirs. There was no defiant answer of who she could fully trust other than the woman beside her; this group could be led into certain doom If they followed Duncan's every whim. And why did he choose now to summon them of all times? Aurelia suspected that there may be more going on than they realise.

Her thoughts were cut short however, but the sound of another person approaching on horseback. Borrowing the extra ones seemed like a bad idea now, but Geneva didn't have one so..."He's not here. I shape t out next interaction with him will be after we capture Aneor," Aurelia replied, "Who are you?" Yang Xiao Long Yang Xiao Long Mistah Mistah Clockwork Syringe Clockwork Syringe Elle Santiago Elle Santiago
Geneva raised her eyebrow at the woman who spoke just behind Aurelia. She saw her from the distance before but didn’t really register her as someone relevant. But, now that she gave her attention to the red-haired woman, it came as a surprise for Geneva that it was the same woman from the party. The difference was striking, to say the least. Oh, sure, the scar was there, but the attitude and demeanour were so different from the woman of this morning to the woman of last night.

From irrelevance, Geneva bumped this scarred woman to something potentially formidable. Being an assassin herself, there was something to be admired regarding changing one’s outwards personality. Still, she couldn’t let the woman’s words go. She opened her mouth to speak, but Aurelia beat her when it came to chiding the woman -- Sahndrah. She pursed her lips, not amused at her lacking sharp wit. Blaming it on last night’s event wouldn’t change the fact that she was still in a haze, standing under the morning light instead of lazing around in her room.

“It is as Aurelia says. Duncan has formidable magic at his disposal. If he wanted to, he could’ve killed us all before the night of the party,” Geneva shivered slightly, masking the motion as her shifting the weight of her pack. “He had no trouble tracking us, after all. And it’s not as if we have no other leads to pursue in this moment.”

Well, she had, but it would be another routine murder of Imperium scum. It was best to provide variety once in awhile. “And, if it’s a well-orchestrated trap, we can at least know that--” Her mouth clicked shut as she heard the nearing sound of a horse’s hooves. She turned, seeing a blonde man in leather armour on horseback. He looked hesitant, seemingly unsure why he was even here. That opinion was only reinforced when he asked where Duncan was.

Geneva let Aurelia interrogate him. If he was a true threat, however, it probably wouldn’t be too difficult to get rid of him with the combined help of those who have already arrived. Hm, after this, she’d probably ask if one of many horses Aurelia had were available to borrow. She usually just steals a horse when out on her escapades. It definitely killed two birds with one stone when she stole it from Imperium bastards.

Mentions: Clockwork Syringe Clockwork Syringe FireMaiden FireMaiden Yang Xiao Long Yang Xiao Long Mistah Mistah
Gerard simply watched as new individuals arrived all the while he kept his mouth shut as to not draw attention to himself. Truth be told, he wanted to speak, but Aurelia was doing a better job at it currently so he decided to let her continue. Her servant and his started to bicker a little causing a very slight smile to appear on his face. Of course, he was still surprised at the candid tone the woman, Sahndrah, took. It was refreshing to say the least, but his thoughts turned to the new rider that appeared looking for Duncan. This was likely one of the new hires that Duncan had mentioned last night. Aurelia took charge once again in interrogating him. However, if there was an opportunity, interruptions be damned, he was going to speak to this new person.

Elle Santiago Elle Santiago FireMaiden FireMaiden Yang Xiao Long Yang Xiao Long Mistah Mistah
Dent was rather sore this morning, although not in the sense of muscles. He was embarrassed. How could he have been shocked into silence last night? The half-dwarf hadn't even introduced himself properly. Usually being shocked wouldn't have affected him so dearly, but it was at such an important time. The people who were going to save his village were right in front of him and he couldn't say a thing. He was practically mute. But, he had a second chance at 7'o clock.

"And, I might be late," Dent grunted, running to the destinated location. "I'm just such a mess up."

He hadn't had much time to think of an outfit, so he wore what he usually wore when he went on travels. Finally, he had reached Golden Oak; and once again, he was silenced. He had no reason being there. They looked ready to go to war unlike him. He stopped to catch his breath and think of what to say. "Hello," he greeted. "I don't know if you noticed me due to my superior sneaking abilities, but I was there when Duncan had supplied you with information."
A confused look immediately overcame Jericho's face as he starred at the people that had been gathered around the Golden Oak like himself. He found it odd for someone to offer so much money to deliver such little information to the people he would be working with or even if these people were the forces Duncan had been rounding up. "My apologies I should have introduced myself first. Please forgive my rudeness" he replied delivering a small bow as he began to dismount his horse. "I am Captain Jericho and the leader of a nearby stronghold just west of here, but please you may call me Sky as everyone else does" he said delivering a warm smile. "The man named Duncan promised me quite the some of gold to help his cause. However, it would appear that he had been keeping vital information from me, and to have me be here while he himself is not present disturbs me" Jericho replied keeping his eyes on everyone who was currently present not letting his guard down in the slightest.

However, Jericho's head cocked immediately towards the sound of approaching footsteps to witness a seemingly exhausted man which confused Jericho even further. Even if Jericho supported the return of the heirs the bunch that had gathered up so far didn't seem all that impressive which made Jericho nervous. It wasn't that they didn't look like a formidable force on their own, but to have such a small group try to overtake such a powerful enemy didn't seem stack the odds in their favor. Perhaps recruiting willing bodies was the reason why Duncan had offered Jericho the job since he had so much support from military soldiers all over the kingdom as well as being well praised in several cities. Either way Jericho was going to need more information on what was going to happen if he would stay and fight for his cause. "So may I ask who exactly is an heir here?" He asked keeping a calm and collective manner as he placed his hands behind his back as he straitened his posture to near perfection when he spoke.

Elle Santiago Elle Santiago FireMaiden FireMaiden The Hero The Hero Clockwork Syringe Clockwork Syringe Yang Xiao Long Yang Xiao Long
Geneva understood the man’s -- Jericho’s -- point of view of things. If she was him, she’d be more than suspicious, too. No information, people who claimed to saw, knew, or talked to Duncan who was a questionable man himself, all the while offered a huge sum of gold. But, fortunately for her, she wasn’t Jericho, and she knew enough about talking to questionable contacts in the darkness of alleyways in the cover of night or the busy bustle of markets and inns where the sun shone the highest.

So, she took in the information Jericho freely offered and made sure to know all about it. A captain of a stronghold, definitely an asset to be noted, and he held a little bit of greed also when he mentioned the gold. Truthful, at least. And he had common sense, too, with him showing distrust in Duncan. Her attention to him was momentarily cut off as a familiar man entered the scene.

It was the strange man in the party. The awkward fool that was called to help. Honestly, Geneva didn’t see why the man was important, but maybe it was something she didn’t presently know. Either way, there was time to deal with that. Aneor wasn’t exactly a fast place to travel to, even with horses. Still, it irked her that the tall, quiet, and awkward man revealed information that their group minus Jericho conversed with Duncan.

Then, the question came. Geneva couldn’t hold herself back. “I would ask if you’re an idiot,” she started dryly, “but that would be insulting.” She paused, letting her words sink in. Then, she glared. “Are you an idiot? We’re hired to help, not ask questions.” She lowered her voice into a harsh whisper. “And do you really think that, if the heir is one of us, that they’d reveal themselves so readily? And if there’s no heir with us and one loyal Imperium scum managed to hear it, do you really think they’d let us go to our merry ways?”

Mentions: Mistah Mistah FireMaiden FireMaiden The Hero The Hero Clockwork Syringe Clockwork Syringe Yang Xiao Long Yang Xiao Long

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