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Fantasy The Reveal of Magic (allways open)

The whole crowd went silent after that magical performance, the cameramen frozen in their tracks with their cameras still recording, reporters cut off from their reports in pure awe and shock after seeing the frost giant appear in the water, only to dissipate into uniquely shaped snowflakes while the strange "Peter" person (Who Nicholas thinks looks like a member of the Clown Cult) was easily placed back onto the stage. Every last second of that show was caught on film and shown in multiple countries around the globe, even being shown to Nicholas' higher-ups in Command, who even themselves are left confused by this act, if not even a little suspicious as to what Peter's plans are for future events. All

They know is that Peter preached about an extremely powerful army that is soon to come, and could wipe out the Earth if all the armies in the world don't combine and fight it off, and right now they have a tough time believing this tattooed magician.

All Peter needs to know right now is that he's got a military reaction to his little display, but it ain't anything positive just yet...

All was silent at this point, everyone in the crowd is shocked, confused. Some even run away from the sight instantly and call for the transport boats. Only one sound breaks that silence, coming from one individual person and one person only.

It is the sound of laughter coming from the front row.


"Heh, yeah that's proof alright!" Yelled the male voice, seemingly in a mocking matter. "Proof that your little story is nothing but pure BULLSHIT!!"

Henry wondered what Peter was going to do now. Peter jumps to the lake and disappeares into the water. Henry thought he heard english words, but couldn't make them out especially with the way they echoed. A light started shining and became visible to everyone. Then all at once the ice titan burst out of the water. Henry looked in awe and Nitro started barking. Henry hadn't noticed the dog had followed him and calmed the dog down. That was when the shadow of the titan's hand covered the crowd.

Snow started falling and Henry looked up. The snow was coming from the ice titan's hand. Eventually the hand was gone and everything was covered in snow. Wow that was incredible. I wonder what it takes to do that? Peter, who Henry didn't see from calming Nitro, was let down on the stage. He asked how that was for proof and Henry was about to reply when someone else said it was bullshit.

Henry looked for the source of the voice and really saw Nicholas for the first time. "How can you deny what you and everyone around the world just saw?! The only doubt that could ever come from someone is from those watching on television." He yelled to the man who was casting doubt on what they just experienced.
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Aletta was frozen. No, not from the cold snow that fell on everyone gathered before the stage, but frozen from a surge of overwhelming emotions. Just wait until the folks back at the office see the recording! They're going to be blown away.

Magic. Magic is real.
Those words kept echoing in her mind. What does that mean for humanity?

The only thing that moved was Rolo, squirming from the cross body bag to see what the fuss and cold was all about. His white head blended perfectly with the white scene. Then a shout broke the silence. It was the man she'd been following.

"Heh, yeah that's proof alright!Proof that your little story is nothing but pure BULLSHIT!!" he screamed.

Another man she didn't know shouted back: "How can you deny what you and everyone around the world just saw?! The only doubt that could ever come from someone is from those watching on television."

She then spoke up. "Teach us how to use this magic! Then we can go around and show the people who don't believe that this magic is real and this isn't just an elaborate hoax!"

Like a spell had been broken, one by one the crowd gathered began to call out.

"Teach us!"

"Tell us how we can use this magic!"

"I want to learn!"

It grew into one great echoing, hissing, multitudinous chant: Teach us! Teach us! Teach us!

The people wanted this power, and badly too, it seemed. After the spectacle, it was no wonder. But if they would actually use it for good, to fight the coming army, was a whole different question... Suddenly, Aletta wasn't so sure if what she had just said had been a good idea.
Peter raises an eyebrow at Nicholas' comment.

"Maybe you would like to have a more hands-on proof then, Person that goes hunting with an assault rifle."

He casts <Hail storm> and a small cloud forms above the soldiers head and starts to pelt him with small ice balls. Nicholas would be surprised to see the projectiles seemingly melt as they approach him. He still gets hit but the damage amounts to getting hit by sand when the beach is kind of windy.

Peter notices that but his train of thought gets interupted by the chants of "Teach us". He rummages through is pockets and produces a business card. He scribbles "Contact us later. There is confidential Information you should know." on its back and throws it towards Nicholas.

"Now then. Please understand that learning magic will take time, dedication and most importantly WRITING UTENSILS. That is why we would also like to ask the government to provide us with the needed facilities to start training people in the ways of magic."

"That said, there is a little trick you can try out right now. Even everyone watching at home. Please find a Partner as this spell cannot be cast on yourself."

The live feed of the stage gets replaced with a symbol.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/truesigth.png.c4bab77332008051f5116ae9ad28a15d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="94829" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/truesigth.png.c4bab77332008051f5116ae9ad28a15d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Now Please take your partern and use your index finger to trace the outlines of this Symbol on their forehead. You don't have to be all to precise while doing that. Start with the three outer lines and draw them outwards, then draw the circle and finish by tapping the center where the dot is. Hold your finger there and say the words <now see>. It won't have a visible effect but your Partner should immediatly feel the difference."

Anyone who gets this spell cast on them would see the world turn greyscale. The true effect takes some time to kick in.

The effected People would soon afterwards see the grey world slowly fill with color. But not the colors they are used to.

A faint glow is coming from every living thing around them and they might see large rivers of light flow deep underground. The people around them are giving of different colors depending on their elemental affinity.

Peter himself is giving of the color of ice but not as a faint glow but rather a brilliant light that seems to outshine even the sun but does not blind anyone looking into it.



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Angel's eyes went wide at Peter's reveal of his magnificent skill and power. The show of skill was truly divine in her eyes and the snowflakes afterwards were just beautiful. While Angel was marveling at the beauty of the snowflakes her tranquility was broken by Nicholas' stupid ran calling the display bullshit. TMZ has caught Angel on more than one occasion letting her anger lose on a well deserving person, and this was gonna be another such occasion.

Angel eyes snapped to Nicholas in a instant and her body was in front of him within seconds,"Will you keep your mouth shut you pretentious asshole!" Angel yelled at Nicholas trying hard not to send a quick kick cross his face, breaking his nose if she was lucky. When Peter rebuffed Nicholas' bullshit accusations he explained how to prove it and without a second though Angel started drawing on Nicholas' forehead, roughly and with a somewhat annoyed look. Finishing the symbol she thumbed Nicholas on his forehead instead of a tab, she figured it would work all the same. By observing what the other people were saying about the appearance of lights and such she figured it displayed something about said person, and she wondered what her 'light' would show.

@Puzderhero @Gaaron01234 @ozma @joeymicl @Nyctophiliac

Zzyc watched the whole spectacle with growing excitement. The guy named Peter certainly delivered the goods, more than anyone could claim was robots or CGI or holograms or what have you. It seemed like magic was indeed real. But what now? It seemed like he wanted to build an army out of people who had just had their reality turned upside down. Zzyc couldn't even imagine the long-term consequences this would have- They were honestly much more interested in seeing if Peter and his followers had any plans for the opportunists who would be using their newfound magical powers to commit acts of terrorism, larceny, warfare, espionage, etc. But they supposed that would come at a later time.

They watched with bemusement as Angel went off on the strange commando guy who had been the first to toss out an insult at the seemingly all-powerful wizard lord. Zzyc turned to Angel and offered up their thumb and forehead. "I'm interested. Shall we try it?"


It looked as though Peter used magic again and at the man who doubted magic no less. It was fascinating to see things appear like this. Although, something was strange with this spell whether it was intentional or not. Henry, however, was now distracted by everyone still there chanting "teach us!" That was when Peter explained how magic would take time to learn. If Henry could go through college to learn to be a veterinarian, he could learn magic.

Henry was very intrigued at what Peter had now suggested as more proof. The symbol appeared on the screen and Peter explained what to do. Henry wondered what they would start seeing once they cast the spell. Henry looked for someone he knew as asking a stranger was a little odd. He spied a regular customer, a middle aged homely woman, who he went over too. Henry tapped her shoulder, "could you be my partner real quick?"

She turned a bit surprised and then nodded in agreement. She smiled, "of course Mr. Jumal. You always take such good care of my cats and dogs. Now hold still." She reached up and traced the symbol on Henry's forehead. <Now see> she said as Henry started to trace the symbol on her forehead. <Now see> Henry said as he finished the symbol.

At first nothing seemed to happen and then the world went grey and Henry thought they had been deceived. However, color seeped back into his vision and the world was normal again. No wait....something is....different... That's when Henry saw odd glows coming off the people there. He focused and could tell the glows are colors of all kinds. Henry looked everywhere and saw the colors coming off the plants and even Nitro! As the magic came to its peak Henry noticed something out of the corner of his eye. A bright light blue was coming from somewhere and he had to know where.

He followed the light and saw it was coming from Peter. As Henry centered his vision on Peter he was overwhelmed by how bright the light was. Everything seemed to be washed away in this light. However, it wasn't blinding, just extremely bright. If anyone were to look at Henry he'd have a blue light radiating from him.
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The two people who went off on Nicholas only made the man chuckle, his arms crossed while he looks up at Peter with the slightest smirk on his face. Now that woman who called him an asshole, oh boy, she just made his day! Never in his life has he been called an asshole the second he called someone's bluff this fast. It beats his previous 'assholiness' record of eight seconds, as this one turned out to last three seconds before he was called a pretentious asshole. Nicholas glanced over at the woman, and was just about to speak when tattooed igloo Peter responded to Nicholas' little accusation prior to the two strangers trying to shout the man out. Oh, what's this? A demonstration, huh? How adorable! He's gonna pull a little rabbit out of his pe-...

An assault rifle? How?! That statement really got Nicholas' attention, causing his dark blue eyes to widen a bit as he turns his head towards his duffel bag, only to find no weapons or barrels of guns sticking out like last time. The once arrogant expression on Nich's face would immediately turn into a more serious and suspicious look. "Funny..." His head is now facing Peter, and it does not look happy. "Funny how you could tell from such a great distance, and heard every word I said... Alright then. Show me this little 'demonstration'." Now his arms fold once again, eying the magician intently.

Command better be getting this.... Of course they will! Most of the reporters are still here, so obviously the cameras are rolling too!

And... A complete disappointment at that! The little droplets of water rain down upon Nicholas like... Rain. The once large balls of ice simply turn into droplets of rainwater and lightly hit the captain's head, mainly hitting the hood and nose. In response, Nicholas blinks his eyes two, no, three times, looking side to side a couple of time before stating deep into the eyes of Peter, his body having not moved a single inch since the demonstration, but he did catch the card Peter tossed to him."...Are you fu-?"

"TEACH US! TEACH US! TEACH US!" Suddenly went the crowd after someone suggested that the magician teach everybody their magic. Nicholas, having been cut off by the crowd, turned to look at them in utter disbelief and confusion.... Okay mostly confusion but you get the point. People believe this fucking fraud... Couldn't they easily have figured out by now that the Titan was a projection? And the snow emitted was just a lucky weather prediction?! They're in the Northern US during the winter for Christ sake! Snow in that quantity practically falls there every two minutes! And the hail? Puh-lease! Just another projection with someone trying to spray Nicholas with water from above the stage! Although, it was a pretty convincing illusion, that in which Nicholas gives Peter credit for.

Peter has now quieted everyone down, telling them how to cast their own spell, by writing it on- Oh come on are you fucking kidding me? Many of the people in the crowd have begun writing on a partner's head, few writing on their own heads of the same symbol shown on the screen. Seeing this ridiculous looking scene causes Nicholas to glance back at Peter, who hasn't even gone back into the stage yet. He then looks down at the card, turning back in Peter's direction. "Well, would you look at that?Seems your little artsy cult has finally gotten the attention it oh so wanted... What a miracle!" He looks up at Peter, holding up the card he recieved from the magician. "Listen here, pal! I ain't wasting my time with-..." Again, Nicholas is cut off by turning towards the back of the crowd, only this time he was forcefully turned around by none other than the yelling lady, and boy, is she a fast thumb writer or what?! Because as soon as Nicholas figured out what she was writing, in which he looked at her with narrowed eyes, harshly swatted the thumb away from his forehead, then giving her a big sarcastic smile. "Go all kindergartner on my face again, Princess..." He points at the thumb she used to write on his forehead. "I'll bend that fucker so far back that the... Doctors... Will..." Nicholas' threat is slowed down due to the Captain seeing something out of the corner of his eyes, something bright and glowing...

It's a pair of eyes on one of the crowd members, the enchanted individual already having said the magic words. They're glowing green while the man was looking around the area in pure awe, as if he was looking at a truly magnificent sight. "...Think it is a..." Continues the Captain as he begins to back away from the crowd, his focus no longer on the woman, but on the hundreds of glowing eyes of the enchanted crowd members. "Birth... Defect..." Nicholas stops backing away when his back hits the stage, right in front of Peter who could hear Nicholas utter in confusion, "...What the fuck's happening?" Quite the simple question, huh?

Right now the soldier's mouth is opening in near horror at what he sees, much of like what the higher-ups in command are doing right now... Gaping jaws, and widened eyes.

He can't believe it... Magic, It's real, and Humanity never knew about it for centuries up until this point. Now, what was that about the evil army coming to destroy everything on the planet?

@Gaaron01234 @ozma @Jailbird
Peter never realized how erie a group of people with glowing eyes could be even though that is just a sign that the spell is working

"The effect you are experiencing will end on its own ten minutes after casting it but you can always cancel it by using your thumb to cross out the symbol on your forehead like that." He traces his thumb in a diagonal line across his forehead.

"I guess that this whole thing must be pretty shocking for a lot of you and I think this is a good point to end this conference. You have a lot to stomach and you would probably want to hug someone you hold dear right now. Our warning about the impending invasion is very real but it should take at least 4 more months before anything major will happen. We will use the following weeks to get into contact with several governments across the globe in hopes of working out a plan on how to progress from here and I guess that everyone will be informed through public broadcasts in the near future."

He looks at his wristwatch that was previously hidden under his sleve.

"Looks like i finished a bit earlier than expected. I guess i can stay a bit longer and answer a few questions then."
Even though Angel wanted to send a quick kick Nicholas' way, but Zzyc asked for helped and she also noticed that the younger woman, Aletta, was being somewhat quiet after she asked for Peter to teach them magic. Angel turned to Zzyc first,"Stay still for a little bit."Angel took her time being careful with Zzyc. Turnign around to handle Aletta, Angel greeted her with a bright smile,"Hi."

"What's your name? I'm Angel. Nice to meet you."Angel spoke with a very caring tone as she drew the symbol on. Adding the dot on Aletta she noticed that she forgot to dot Zzyc's, so she quickly dotted Zzyz's symbol,"<Now See>. I wonder what that means?" If they looked at Angel they would see blue and a silver light radiating from her.

"I'll bend that fucker..."

"You...will...what!?"Stopping herself short of lodging her fist in Nicholas' esophagus, Angel breathed slowly . Her eyes like like she was ready to take down a bull. Breathing slowly and calmly she tried to calm herself down,"Could someone please do this spell thing on me so these 'amazing sights will distract me from this conceited imbecile."

Somebody behind the group raised their hand,"What do all of these different color lights mean?"

@Gaaron01234 n @ozma @Puzderhero @joeymicl @Nyctophiliac
*Directed at the Person behind the group that just asked a question*

"I don't want to get to much into detail about that since we could fill an hour long seminar about the colors of magic but the short version looks like that: The light you see is the energy that comes from every living thing and is what powers all magic. The color has something to do with the personality of the person it comes from but can also be influenced by other factors. I'm honestly not really shure where exactly that energy comes from. It's just something we do."

"It also appearently varies in brightness depending on how powerful the person in question is."
"What's your name? I'm Angel. Nice to meet you."

Aletta snapped out of her reverie just as her forehead was thumbed by THE Angel Sanchez.

"Aletta Wilkinshire, and homigosh! You're THE Angel Sanchez, the host of..." She snapped her fingers, trying to remember what the show was called. The young enthusiast hoped that the reveal of magic hadn't damaged her memory as well. But what she was seeing distracted her from her previous statement.

A silver and blue light pulsated from Angel's being. It shone from her chest like there was a glowing star embedded in the core of her being.

"Could someone please do this spell thing on me so these 'amazing sights will distract me from this conceited imbecile." Quick as you please, Aletta drew the diagram on the angered talk show host's forehead. <now see>

If someone looked at Aletta, they would detect a scintillating coral hue.

@Jailbird @everyone

Zzyc watched their vision slip into a world of bright colored auras, looking all around them at other people's true colors. They supposed it all meant something, and they were curious to find out what, but for right now it seemed to be little more than a supernatural light show. Others who would look at Zzyc would mostly see white light emanating from them, with faint hues of pastel colors here and there.

After appreciating the effect for a while, Zzyc turned to Angel and Aletta. From what they gathered, Aletta probably worked in a similar field as Angel, by the amount of adoration coming from the latter. "I guess you two will have your hands full in the coming months, now that what's probably the biggest story of like... ever has just broken. Are you guys actually gonna go and try to learn some of this magic stuff?"


@Jailbird @Nyctophiliac

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