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Fantasy The Reveal of Magic (allways open)


The shopkeeper
New York, Tokyo, London, Rome, Moscow, Mekka and Peking.


Followed by a date and coordinates appeared in giant, flaming letters in the sky above these places. Anyone seeing these letters would perceive them to be written in their native language. That effect will still be there if the message is recorded on film or digitally

That date has come and the coordinates lead to the Great Lakes in North America. A giant island has appeared over night, large enough to hold thousands of people and a large, sturdy bridge made of stone has been build in order to reach it. The island is barren except for the small stage standing opposite to the bridge. Reporters are starting to arrive from all over the world and everything that is about to happen will be broadcast over every medium imaginable.

And so the curtains open for the event that will change the world forever.
The curtains are actually still closed.

A man stands behind them nervously walking back and forth. He takes a quick peek through and sees the waiting reporters.

"Where are they? That can't be all! The whole thing will be a faliure if the speech isn't broadcast everywhere simultaneously."

Someone else is there, hidden in the shadows.

"There is still time. You have to believe in the couriosity of humans. They will come"

The female voice is almost a whisper, but it reaches the heart of the nervous man and calms him down. A hand reaches out from the darkness and takes rest on his shoulder. The two are almost face to face but she ist still unseen.

"And you will do a great job. That, I know."

He brushes her hand of and turns back to the crack of light that shines through the wall of fabric seperating the duo from the courious masses.

"Let's hope so."
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The day had finally come and Henry had an unexplainable giddiness about him. He tried his best to hide it, but his dog Nitro was becoming excited too. Nitro was a yellow Labrador with a vague lightning bolt of silver fur on his back. The dog ran around and wanted to bark, but had been raised better. Henry laughed and pet his friend on the head, "I guess you can tell how I'm feeling. Well lets get going." No leash was needed for Nitro as they left the apartment complex.

Henry and Nitro got into their car and started off to the ferry. After about a half hour Henry finally made it to the ferry that would take him to the island where the big event would take place. He parked and the two of them boarded the ferry. Henry looked at Nitro, "alright buddy lets see what this is all about. Maybe it's just a hoax, but it will be interesting none the less I'm sure." Nitro wagged his tail in agreement and the two waited patiently to shove off.
Aletta Wilkinshire nearly squealed with excitement. This. Was. Amazing. The Truth will be revealed? Come and see? Whew, that would capture headlines for weeks! She could see the front page: 'Flaming Letters Precedes Island's Appearance, The World Is Baffled.'

"Come on, Rolo, let's get us a story." The albino ferret leapt onto her shoulder with a squeak. With her face set in determination, Aletta grabbed her trusty cell phone which would double as a recorder and a notebook and pen. These would be her tools to capture the scoop of something big, and although she didn't know what exactly she was expecting, she had the hunch that it would be big.

After all, this was an international affair.

Jamming her feet into red Nike sneakers, Aletta left the small apartment crammed alongside other similar complexes in the city of New York with big ideas and bigger dreams. Today would be the day Aletta Wilkinshire gets her story in the front page, she was set on it. And anything she set her mind on, well, let's just say that the world better watch out.
A lone sentinel stands watch on the shore of the lake. He has been there since dawn and has not moved a single muscle since taking his position. Anyone stumbling upon him would find nothing but a rock that must have been there for centuries.

He gazes out to the island where his friends are preparing their grand debut and briefly wonders why some people would enter the island on boats rather than that beautiful bridge he build just for the occasion.

He mentally shrugs and his attention is drawn back to his mission. Anyone and anything that dared to interior that all important moment would be obliterated without mercy.
" I can't believe I've been sent to this stupid fair thing " She say to the other person on the phone " What do you expect ? You screwed up big time jasmine " The other person replies " What did you expect ? You know how I Feel about killing ... I won't kill anyone unless there is no other way and couldn't shoot him as he ran " She say " His a killer jass . He killed a raped and killed a 16 year old " He replies " His innocent unless we find evidence that it was him " She say " bla!bla!bla ! We had him in our hands and you let him escape! Its understandable that the chief putted you on a smaller case " He say " Whatever! " She say angrily as she hangs up the phone . As she arrives to the specific location and see the island in the middle of the lake " Wow " She say to herself as she start walking to the stone bridge
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Josh was outside with his knife and a new project when he first saw the words. His eyes widened slightly in shock as he stood. He needed to find the source.

After two days he had typed in the numbers to only find the place was in the middle of ego America in his opinion. Soon he sighed and booked a flight for the next day. Once the day came he had packed only a couple of t-shirts, a few jeans, and three books. Knowing it would be a very, very long flight.

The hours seemed like days until he reached the Great Lakes. Having a small amount of money, enough for a couple nights at a very cheep hotel. But that wasn't important. He got off and then got a cab to the lakes. His suitcase in the trunk, and his mind rushing to know what this all was.

Zzyc joined their colorful self with the throngs of people who were also heading to the Great Lakes. They could feel the excitement buzzing around them, and they loved it. There seemed to be people from all over, waiting for whatever it was that was gonna happen. Change the world, probably. Zzyc hoped so. They fiddled with the largest pairs of scissors, strapped handily to the back holsters of their stylist belt.

Zzyc looked around idly for someone to talk to, since it seemed like there was still something to wait for. There were so many people here that they were getting less scrutinizing stares than usual from their appearance; they weren't sure whether they liked that better or worse. But anyone who was willing to approach them and talk already had positive marks in Zzyc's book.

Aletta (aka Ali) popped out of nowhere and bounced up to the bizarre-looking dude. For some reason he had an array of scissors and makeup on a tool belt.

"Hello, sir! Mind commenting for a special report by Junior Reporter of the NY Times? That's me by the way, I'm Aletta Wilkingshirepleasedtomeetyou!" She followed this up with a wide grin. In her hand was her cell phone with the recording app turned on.

Zzyc was pleased to see that their posing for attention had worked so quickly. They shot their hand out to shake Aletta's, but saw that both of hers were full, so they saved it by giving her an intense thumbs-up instead.

"I would not mind at all! I am Zzyc, traveling cosmetologist and stylist extraordinaire! That's what they all call me! Or they would call me, if they knew. I call myself that. But anyway, it's hella nice to meet you, Aletta... really long last name! How can I be of assistance to your journalistic mission?"


"If you would, please answer a few questions: Did you see the burning letters? Tell me what do you think those words meant: 'The Truth Will Be Revealed. Come and See.' What were you expecting to see today here on this island? In other words, why did you come?"

Location: Great Lakes

Status: Approaching the area of interest.

Code name: Yankee-Actual

Position: Undercover. Weapons and gear located in leather duffel bag.

Mission: Infiltrate the staging area of the gathering. Investigate possible terrorist threat. Nicholas must go alone and report back to Command with full details of the investigation. Lethal force is authorized, but only if the suspected individuals bear weaponry.

Mission Start

Stepping out of the transport boat, wearing a pitch black hoodie, navy blue jeans, and a large grey leather bag draped over his shoulder, Nicholas glances around the area, observing his surroundings before walking around. So far, things seem normal with the exception of that stage where the gathering located. With his hands in his frontal hoodie pockets, the hidden soldier advances more into the interior of the island, eyes scanning every inch of scenery he could see, looking for vantage points, ambush positions, every thing a soldier such as himself needs to be aware of in case this little 'Gathering' is a terrorist plot. With the ISIS crisis happening in multiple countries around the world, the most notable being Paris, it would make sense for the United States and Canada to take cautionary measures for this worldwide event. Hell, something as sudden as this whole shebang caused both the United States Navy and the Canadian Navy to bring out their own troops in patrol boats to the Great Lakes, ready to deploy and invade the island once Nicholas gives the word.

Nicholas walks around and about the interior of the island, finally catching sight of the suspicious stage after two minutes. After spotting it, the Captain quickly hustles over behind a nearby building, out of sight from the onlookers near the stage as well as any civilians in the area. Nicholas checks the area over, looking side to side before crouching down, his back against the wall as his right hand presses onto a device located on his right ear. CLICK! "Command, this is Yankee Actual, I've eyes on the stage. This little event they've planned out doesn't seem to have started yet..." His head peers out from the corner of the brick wall, looking upon the onlookers and reporters gathered at the stage. "The numbers of attendants at the event are higher than expected. I count around three, no, around four hundred civies in the area. From that number, it could be easier to be detected. Are you reading me, Command?" He asks into the microphone, taking his finger off and awaiting the answer from th, higher-ups."Affirmative, Yankee-Actual, we read you loud and clear. Standby." There is now silence on the other end, lasting for about ten seconds while Nicholas adjusts the duffel bag on his shoulder. "Yankee-Actual, uh, scans show that the large number of civilians in the vicinity wil not be enough to pose an actual threat to your identity, you should be able to proceed without fear of detection by the possible terrorists." With a confirming nod, sadly not seen by Command, Nicholas looks over at the stage itself, eying the front of it while often glancing at the sides. "Alright, I see two possible entries into the stage. One is the right side, as it is the least densely populated, and better yet, Employees Only. The second, however, is the back... From the looks of the exterior, nobody's around that area, not even guards of any kind! Further inspection of the exterior may be necessary." He briefly describes, in which Command replies with, "Do whatever you need to do to get the job done, Captain. From what little we know about these targets, they could be trying to pull of attacks similar to the ISIS Paris attack in New York, London, every major city in the world. Find a way in that stage. Failure is not an option. Command out." The stern, masculine voice on the other end sternly finished before the earpiece clicks once more, ending the transmission.

Without hesitation, the soldier stands and walks out from behind the wall, adjusting his earpiece while looking at the stage, muttering.
"Okay, I might need to get a closer look at that stage... Maybe there might be another opening on the ri-OOF!!" Before he could even finish his self-planning, Nicholas unexpectedly walked into the back of... A very peculiar looking person, sending the two to the ground, causing the duffel bag on Nich's shoulder to slide off and hit the ground, the end of it now showing a quarter of the end of a gun barrel...

@ozma @Nyctophiliac
The weather has thankfully managed to stay clear despite it beeing December.

A button is pressed, the sensors on the roof indicate no problem und the machinery springs to life.

Whirring fills the air as the roof of the stage opens up. A black wall slowly rises upwards, towering above the structure.

Then it comes to live




and shows a closeup of the stage.

The giant screen has so far been hidden under the roof to protect it from the weather and now gives the visitors farther in the back a better view of the things that soon will happen on-stage.

Zzyc pressed their hand to their chin for a moment, acting like they were deeply considering Aletta's questions, when they were more just making a show of it; Zzyc always knew what they wanted to say in the first moment.

"I suppose you could say that I came here because everyone else is here. I always want to be where the action is, and right now I can't imagine any more happening place than this! To be honest though, I have absolutely no clue as to what's gonna be going down here. Judging by that stage, maybe a concert? Do you think someone's gonna drop a new solo album? Giant burning letters in the sky are kind of an overblown way to announce it, but then again, the world we live in today..."

Zzyc seemed like they were going to say more, but at that moment, they were collided with by an unassuming man who dropped his large duffel bag on the ground due to the impact. Zzyc had to be careful not to land on some of their more pointy assets as they fell themselves, but fortunately they were quick with their reflexes. They jumped to their feet again and went over to offer a helping hand to the man, despite having been the one knocked down. "Sorry about that mate, didn't mean to be standing where you were striding. Things can get a bit dangerous around here..." Their eye caught the glint of the gun barrel poking out from the man's bag. Dangerous indeed... They looked at Aletta to see if she had noticed as well.


@Nyctophiliac @Puzderhero
Henry and Nitro finally made it to the island. On their way they saw the very large bridge that had appeared out of nowhere. While on the ferry Henry had looked at Nitro, "guess we could have driven all the way. Oh well." They had arrived a bit late and were pretty far back. The stage was quite large and impressive. Henry couldn't tell if it was just going to be some lame presentation or some kind of demonstration.

Then the giant black wall appeared and turned on like a screen. Very odd and impressive. Henry thought to himself and mindlessly pet Nitro. Henry took this time to look around. He saw a very colorful person who he couldn't tell if they were eccentric or otherwise. A reporter seemed to be interviewing them. Other random people were here, someone with a duffle bag, people with cameras. It wasn't as big a turn out as Henry thought it would be.
Angel was one of the first people to the invent. This woman's inspiration to find the next bug story was insatiable, but since she also was a producer for the Lennox, a news channel that could rival Fox or NBC, she chose not to appear on camera but instead watch from a different angle and if possible get back stage for the extra scoop. Breaking away from her journalist collegues and left them with a few words,"Watch the stage. If you can take notes and never stop recording!" Angel explained with a stern look as she turned away from.

As she tried to make her way around the crowd she dodged a few people and noticed that some people had a small collision. Angel made her way over to them and she noticed that Zzyc was here as well and she absolutely loved them. ZZyc was the person she called when she wanted an extradonary hairystyle for a award show or for a huge party, but he was one the hardest urban legends to find even harder to find than Slenderman or Big Foot. Angel made her way over to him quickly without being noticed, but she did noticed the other person's gun poking out of his duffle bag.

@ozma @Nyctophiliac @Puzderhero
Ali gasped as the unassuming man crashed into the wildly colorful person she'd been interviewing, but by the speed he leapt to his feet and offered a hand to the other guy made her breathe easy again. He was obviously unhurt. She hurried to pick up his bag for him, a gray thing, unattractive and contrasting greatly to the first man's bright attire.

Then she saw the gun barrel poking out where the zipper had partially unzipped. "Is that...?"

With some luck, Nicholas was able to land with his hands keeping himself up from the ground. Before he could adjust himself, the man was able to glance at a hand outstretched in his direction. The bearer of this hand was the strange-looking individual, who oddly enough got right up the second they fell down to the ground. Dissapointed with his lack of common sense the moment he got close to the person, Nicholas sighs, and looks up at the man... Woman... Thing, giving the slightest chuckle and a smirk at the person's apology/remark. "Heh, agreed. I'm the one who should be sorry, you know." He takes the person's hand, allowing himself to be hoisted up. Upon getting helped up, Nicholas makes sure to dust himself off of the few dust particles that hit his jacket. The captain's hood still covers his head, only his clean-shaven (and GODLY handsome) face is shown to the individual and two other visitors. "I was the one not paying attention, wasn't I? I'm really sorry for interrupting anything you two were doing." He apologizes, referring to the journalist and the strange person with a calm and friendly tone to his voice. "And I hope tha-... What?" Nicholas asked with a confused expression when he caught the two staring at something strange, causing even himself to look back, figuring out instantly what the reporter is currently asking about.

"Is that..." ...SHIT!

Almost instantly, the man walks over to the duffel bag, shoves the barrel back inside, and turns back to the woman, his smile unaltered as if it was intended to stick out in the first place. "My hunting rifle? Yes it is!" He takes a step closer to the pair. "Why is it in here? Well, I was initially gonna go hunting caribou out in northern Minnesota with my pal Jonathan. I was on my way over there yesterday, but once I saw those big firey letters in the sky, I just couldn't resist comin' to this fancy get together in the hopes that a rock band or, like, one of those uh... 'Beepbooboobop' dubcleps or whatever the hell kids call it these days might be here!" Still smiling, he pats the bag. "I'm only bringing the gun here since one, I don't want anyone to steal it from my jeep. Two, Jon and I are hunting the second I arrive at his place, so... There ya go!" Aaaaand cue the wide-ass smile with the cartoonish DING sound!

Before any of them could respond, the sound of the stage's rooftop filled the streets, as the screen got into place. This isn't good... He's running out of time! Wait a second, if he can't get in the stage without raising any suspicion... Wait for the people in charge of this show to come out, then pull your gun on them the second they show off any suspicious activity! BOO YEAH DOWARD YOU DID IT AGAIN!! After seeing the screen turn on, Nicholas urges the people he's met to come along. "Cmon! The show's about to start! You know what we need?" He darts for the stage, strangely faster than any normal man carrying a duffel bag. "FRONT ROW SEATS BABY!! WOOO!!"

@ozma @Nyctophiliac @Jailbird
Aletta frowned at the back of the man who had left so quickly heading for the stage. There seemed to be something fishy about him; her gut told her so. That tingling feeling in her stomach-area and the fact that he seemed to spit out his story a little too quickly combined with that thousand watt smile definitely indicated that he was hiding something. She decided to follow him, trusting her reporter's instinct. Maybe this would even get her a little side story to add a bit of spice to the main featured event. Quickly, she slipped away into the crowd, but before she was immersed completely, the reporter thought that she caught a glimpse of the buckwheat curls of a popular talk show host, whatwashernameagain? Amy, no, Angel! She was one of the top reporters Aletta admired the most. But no, she had to focus on her target... he was slipping away faster than expected.

A whole lotta things happened all at once, and Zzyc was left trying to process it all amidst the whirl of comings and goings. The man they had collided with had sprung up, rattled off an incredible story at them, some kind of reasoning as to why they appeared to have a weapon concealed in a bag, when the sudden change happening on the stage caught their attention. The strange guy had taken off before Zzyc could respond further, and watched the journalist go after him, but then slow down for some reason. They followed their gaze and only caught sight of Angel when she was a few feet away.

They threw their arms wide in joy.

"One of my best customers! I'd say I'm zero percent surprised to see you already here, but it's still a wonderful surprise for me. Did you happen to see that other person who was here just now? Things are starting to get weird pretty fast out here. What do you think? Do you have any exclusive scoops on what's going down?"


@Jailbird @Puzderhero @Nyctophiliac
"It is Time."

And Indeed, the clock chimes the appointed time of "ITS GODDAMN TIME O'CLOCK".

The Guardian faces the curtain and takes one last, deep breath. A voice rings out from the shadows behind him.

"Break a leg!"

A smile crosses his face but he does not turn around. He pushes the heavy fabric aside and steps out into the open. The camera that has been idle so far finally finds something to focus on and gives the audience a good view at the young man.

The caucasian is around 23 and stands at rougly 5'8''. He wears what seems to be a light leather armor. Mosly balck but accentuated with several symbols in light blue. Most of him though, is covered by a thick winter coat, rimmed with white fur. The coat is also mostly black with a myriad of blue symbols covering it. Most prominently is the sign of his Element that sits right at the center of the mans back.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/ice.png.ab3d0b10cf77a74129b7838d4827ca09.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="93966" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/ice.png.ab3d0b10cf77a74129b7838d4827ca09.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

He is blinded by the flashes of cameras but keeps moving at a steady pace until he reaches the front of the stage where the front row has a good view (and shooting angle) at him.

"Thank you all for coming Today. And also greetings to the people watching this or listening through the radio at home."

His voice is filled with ancient magic and gets carried through the air, making speakers obsolete as well as translating it to anyone who is not capable of the english language.

"My name is Peter and I am the current leader of a secret Organization called The Guardians. We where supposedly founded before the dawn of human civilization and where since then tasked with keeping a very particular secret."

"But we also have an enemy. One that seeks to remove all traces of our species accomplishments from the face of the planet. Our little group has so far managed to keep that enemy at bay by ourselves, but i fear that this is no longer possible. And so I am forced to stand here today to make a public announcement."

He takes a breath, his voice now filled with determination.

"To all Governments of the world. To every Organization. To every Man and Woman walking the earth. This is a formal call to arms. A hostile invasion force is aproaching and will arrive in less than a year. An army large and Powerfull enough to crush this nations entire military force withing mere days. And we can only stop that force if we all combine our resources and fight as one unified force."

"We either fight or our entire species will be gone without a trace!"

"But we also have a weapon that will help us survive the coming war. The secret that had been held secret in fear that it would be misused. A weapon that will forever change not only warfare but the way we will lead our daily lives forever."

He closes his eyes, struggling to break the oath he took 6 years ago.

"That secret is the existence of Magic."

"And the key that would allow
Anyone to learn it"

He takes a pause, allowing everyone to process what has just been said.



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A stunned silence ensued. There were a few gasps from the crowd. Heads turned left and right just to make sure they hadn't heard wrong and their neighbors heard the same.


"He's joking right? This is just a show, right?"

"He's serious. I think he really believes what he's saying."

The man Aletta had been following finally stopped near the front of the stage. He was watching, his attention focused on the man on the stage just like everyone else. Nothing suspicious yet. Because she was so focused on her target, it took a moment for the young vivacious reporter to process what the man in strange black and blue attire was saying. His accouterments didn't particularly reflect any style of dress she had seen before. Interesting...

Of course, her recording device was turned on and had captured every word he was saying. Later she'd upload the sound file onto a computer and listen to it again just to make sure she hadn't misheard and the man had indeed said "magic," "secret organization" and "hostile invasion force" in the span of a few minutes. This was going to be a crazy scoop. As of the moment, though, it didn't matter whether or not she believed the man. Aletta Wilkinshire was in full power reporter mode, thinking how she could make this the biggest news headline of the year. Certainly, if people did end up believing it, it would be.
Finally someone stepped onto the stage and the screen showed all of his outer features. He almost looks like he is about to go into battle. Then the man started talking and without a microphone! All the way in the back Henry could hear this man speaking as if he were right next to him. What is going on? Henry looked at Nitro and the dog was looking around to see who exactly was talking to him. Henry lifted Nitro's head and pointed at the screen. Nitro started wagging his tail and wanted to bark excitedly again.

Henry focused on what the man was saying, His name is Peter, he's kept a secret, a force that will destroy the world and MAGIC?! People started whispering wondering exactly what the guy was really talking about. Henry had to know for sure and started to make his way up to the front. He wasn't sure if Peter would hear him so he had to get as close as possible. "HEY PETER!! IF YOU CAN USE MAGIC THEN PLEASE SHOW US!!" Henry hoped Peter heard and if not maybe someone would repeat his question.
As the man spouted his obviously fabricated lie, she began to point out the flaws in his story in her head. She snapped back to reality when he slipped passed her and the other people in the crowd like a snake through grass. As soon as he left the young girl followed and that instantly made Angel worried, because the girl reminded he of herself when she first started out. Angel looked back at Zzyc as the other people whizzed by,"Hey Zzyc! Of course I am here! Some major news comes through web and nobody knows from where, so of course every major and small news source jumps at the chance to get the scoop,"Angel grabbed Zzyc by the hand and started to pull them behind her as she followed the man and the young reporter,"Let's follow them just in case that gun toting anarchist tries anything and I don't want the pini-me, past mini-me, to get hurt or anybody else."

Angel stopped right behind Aletta and Nicholas just as the screen sprung to life and the man clad in leather came out to greet the audience. His voice was deep and gruff, but what startled ANgel the most was the fact that his voice sounded as if he was speaking into a microphone or megahorn, but his loud voice that reached the back, didn't hurt Angel's ears like a normal speaker would if she was this close. The news he divulged was also alarming,"A war?" Angel muttered under her breath. The fact that magic was real didn't really surprise surprise her, she was still in shock but she was more worried about the war. Listening around she noticed that a lot of people were asking for the same thing, proof.
The calls for proof do not go unnoticed.

"I guess that whole story is kind of hard to believe."

Peter leaves his position and starts strolling towards the edge of the stage. "Now please keep in mind that this is only a presentation and I promise you that no harm will come to you or the boats that surround this island. So please don't panic."

With that he takes an impossibly large leap and lands in the water. He completely vanishes for a while. A light blue light starts to glow underwater and quickly grows in intensity.

<Frost Titan, rise> the words of magic echo over the lake.

The water suddenly erupts and a colossal creature made of ice rises from the lake. Peter firmly stands on the titans' shoulder and looks down on the crowd. He lifts his hand and the titan follows its' masters motions, letting its' hover across the island, casting a shadow on everyone.

The hand starts to grow thinner as it is dissolving into countless snowflakes (actual each-one-is-unique snowflakes) that now gently rain down on the island and start painting the scenery white.

The hand is soon completely gone and Peter is satisfied with his work. The titans uses its' remaining hand to lower the guardian back unto the stage before retreating back into the waters, gone without a trace.

"So, how is that as proof?"
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