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Finished [The Republic - Gala'Kraoth] Return to Gala'Kraoth


Languages: “Common” “+Mictlantecuhtlian+” “%Analog%”

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy Lolory Lolory Megilagor Megilagor

Teuihua would nod at Regula’s request. “Of course I can do that. She is not only a good friend, but that is something I believe I am most suited for. And..thank you I am honored for that distinction.” he’d reply warmly, being the sentry that he was, keeping an eye on people and things was totally his thing, plus he had relatively high skills in gaging emotion and intention..so he could keep track of her in more ways than one.

He felt..really nice and warm when Regula told him she was happy to see the dinosaurs with him.

“I am pleased to hear they do not disappoint, and yes together..It’s nice, I hadn’t necessarily thought we’d get the opportunity to do so together but here we are .” He responded, sounding positive once more.

He would then turn to Winrey, curious.

“I unfortunately am not certain if Dinosaurs have any relationship to Dragons formally, but I could see why you could draw the conclusion they may be, based on their similarities, with scales and sometimes magical abilities.. I certainly know from my time that there have been creatures which..have features from both in one entity, but that certainly does not prove definitively that both are related directly. In addition in this realm dinosaurs are quite diverse in size, appearance, and body composition from my understanding, while this is true for dragons..not necessarily to the same vast extent which is true for Dinosaurs..of course I am not experts on either of these topics I have merely been around for many years and speak of my lived experiences of what I’ve seen and what I have heard from others. ”

So far the creatures seemed relatively harmless, but Teuihua did understand Chorus’ warning in essence that looks could be deceiving.

“While they themselves may not be particularly harmful, it wouldn’t be unfounded for the possibility that something much larger..and more threatening might be inclined to try to protect them if it saw you picking them up, should they be their offspring. While I do not have evidence for this assertion, I know from my lived experience of how sometimes animal groups function, and we are discussing dinosaurs after all, the power potential and diversity behind them allows for some creatures which are very skilled at defending themselves.”

"In addition an odd smell could be a defense mechanism or signal, so that is something to take note of."

Teuihua figured he’d give his two Rykes on why they should at least continue to be cautious during this process encase anything were to go ary.

It also wasn’t lost on Teuihua about Regula possibly assuming more responsibility and now that her Baroness title was out there to Viole, he would need to be a bit more alert to ensure her safety. He had an urge to tell her to be extra careful if she was going to be doing such proactive roles, but he did know that she knew well enough to take extra precaution already, as strong as she was since..she was a Baroness in a new unfamiliar land; it wouldn't be anything she hadn't heard before.

“Urging..my most recent experience with a most unusual feeling like you describe Miyuki was when Lady Caelia and myself were guided by that leyline at the shrine where we encountered Ringo..and that being..that was certainly a good thing, so I too hope that whatever that is..leads you somewhere good."

“Aren’t her abilities impressive?”
Teuihua would state to no one in particular, approvingly, praising Regula’s skill with the pocket dimension.

Regardless he was ready to keep guard duty on the ground on the most strategic spot for him and follow along where he was needed when the group was ready to get a move on the way that Miyuki seemed to think they should go.

Languages: Common | %Analog%
Mention: Femboy Femboy Ul Dyril, Elvario Elvario Regula Caelia

"Baroness Regula Caelia. Dutifully noted, but I hope you don't mind if I call you Lady Regula, I might have good memory but I tend to forget people's honorary titles. As for me, I am Viole, Servant of Lady Ul Dyril. Nice to meet you, Lady Regula." Viole greeted Lady Regula, after all, common sense and good behavior dictated as such, in the end, he introduced himself as well, after all staying as total strangers in this situation was uncalled for.
"That would be fantastic Lady Regula. It would help me with my research and make life much easier. Then I will gladly await the time this opportunity will come."
Viole expressed his gratitude with a small bow towards her, he really needed to fix his facial expression controlling module otherwise this emotionless face would lead to many uncanny situations. Seeing as Lady Regula started interacting with other people in the expedition Viole walked off a bit to the side to not bother her. Though to keep him company one of the small 'dinosaurs' came with him, walking just behind him, stopping when he stopped and turning with Viole, essentially playing hide and seek with him.

After a bit of playing with the weird creature unknowingly to Viole mind you, he was called by Lady Regula.
"Yes! I'm coming." Answered Viole to Lady Regula's call and beckoning, coming closer to her to listen to what she had to say.
"That could potentially help me more than just hearing the theory behind it. So yes." Replied Viole coming closer to the supplies practically standing side by side with them.

The feeling of being warped into a new space, a dimension even was new to Viole, and he was thankful for being a construct right now, as according to his own readings if he was a living being he would be 'puking his guts out' as some would say. Nevertheless, the new experience was welcomed, knowing that he probably won't have much time here, he quickly began to read the manaithic wave particles in the pocket dimension, getting a good read on them even, though it will take a long time to process that singular instance into something Viole could use to progress his magical prowess, but it was a great opportunity. Being taken out of the pocket dimension did cut his readings short though, but even then he was grateful for what he got. "If you wish Lady Regula, then I will gladly partake to that knowledge, albeit just the visit into your pocket dimension gave me some insight into the matter, but hearing it directly from you at a later date will hasten the process." Replied Viole, trying his darndest to form a smile on his face with that module broken it only coming to a small smirk.

"Some plants and animals exude smells to be deterrents or to bait something to them, but it's the first time I'm hearing about an animal smelling like soap. So I advise caution, at least don't bring them near your face as it could potentially cause irritation of the nose and eyes. And for the love of all that is rational and logical don't lick them please." Exclaimed Viole loudly to anyone within earshot of him, most of the time if a plant had a soapy smell it was still ok but an animal giving out that smell was irrational like a genetic bubble at best, and eldritch at worst. He wished no one would actually get hurt because of the little guys, as they did look cute but even cute things can hurt.

  • Interacting With/Mentions:
    Femboy Femboy
    @Shadow Survivor
    Lolory Lolory
    TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
    Elvario Elvario
    Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia
    Megilagor Megilagor
    Common, {Sylvan}

    ~Return to Gala'Kraoth~
    Levren's Character Sheet
    Equipped Titles:
    Elf (Surya), Mundane Fae, Born For This


  • After the ship had been boarded by the fishmen, and the fishmen had been subsequently dealt with, Levren took the remainder of the trip to the island to nap in a quiet nook aboard the ship. It wasn't until lots of people were leaving the ship that Levren had started to stir, making him being late a trend. Though his body and his clan are hardy, it didn't mean Levren didn't like rest after long treks through the wilderness, and his first time in a larger-than-a-village settlement, and running from an inn to a boat for a job he barely knew about. With a yawn and a big stretch Levren would make his way of the ship, stopping mid-way down gang-plank to gawk in awe at the island's environment.

    "Well holy shit, we ain't in the See no more, huh." His words laced with the same awe written all over his face, Levren slowly walked the remaining distance of the ramp, looking every which way, taking in all the colors of the tropical and magical island. And with a cursorily look around around, Levren wandered over to what he assumed to be the main group of the expedition.

    While not trying to be nosey, Levren did pick up some of what was said as he walked over, including finally memorizing Regula's (first)name, but decided she'll be Lady C in his head. He remembered Miykui, Teuihua, Ul, and Viole from before.

    Clearing his throat as he reached the group, and playing his his hair to try and due away with any bed-head from his nap, Levren waved his hand and threw on his best (nervous)smile.

    "Hey-a y'all! Did I miss anythin'? The Ocean's motion with the boat put me right to sleep, nap had me dead to rights. k'know?" Letting out a forced laugh, hoping he hadn't already shown how much he wasn't a professional. He would have tried to apologize for earlier and properly introduce himself to Regula had she not taken off and flown away. However, he did take Teuihua's remark as a chance to fully include himself in the group chatter

    "I'd only seen her briefly on the ship, and yeah. I'd have to agree big guy-.. I mean Teuihua!" Smiling up to the large construct, Levren also started processing the various comments about soap and chemicals, and soapy animals "Is this island going to be full of weird soapy critters? And if the soapy critter is just one kind of strange critter, are there even more bizarre things?" Folding his arms over his chest, Levren tilted his head to the side, for someone that just woke up he had lots of questions


TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Megilagor Megilagor Tobi Naefaerne Tobi Naefaerne Elvario Elvario Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Lolory Lolory
Miyuki was glad to see that Regula was able to carry all the supplies they would need in a very convenient pocket dimension. Giving a cheerful smile, she lightly clapped her hands.
"Yeah, that's it, that's very convenient. I'm sure we could start putting the whole teleport thing together if we find the right place for it!" she beamed, happy that Regula had made the choice to come along despite how much responsibility she has. Though, her smile faltered a little once Regula spoke about the potential reasoning behind the feeling. Quietly pondering over it, she softly answered.
"M-maybe it is... to be honest, having more answers on things wouldn't be that bad. It... maybe feels like in the direction I want to head, so maybe we can take a look if... it feels weird... maybe I'm just overthinking it or something" the kitsune spoke as she heard out Teuihua's experience on the matter. If it lead to good things and was important, then perhaps they should try to investigate it at some point later. Though, her smile returned to her face when the construct praised the Baroness' abilities and she nodded.
"Mhm, yep, it's something really impressive for someone who can and has done so much to be helping us today".

Her attention was briefly turned to Levren who had joined up with them again.
"Oh, it's good to see you again! I was wondering where you had went to. At least all of us will be going together to explore deeper in. You didn't miss much, I'm sure you'll figure things out along the way, we're just about to head off" Miyuki hummed, looking amongst those present.

"Well, it's usually a good idea for safety to not treat unknown specimen like... toys, just because one instance proves one thing doesn't mean it will always be the same. But in the end, it'd be at your own risk if you wish to" Chorus answered about the little soap-scented dinos that didn't appear to prove any harm, nodding when someone had spoken about it too. Looking to Teuihua and Viole who had mentioned about the potential dangers, he followed on.
"Yes, it's always important to consider the danger possibilities when exploring without all the information. The more we can keep hands to ourselves over unnecessary details, I'm sure it'll make less trouble... " he answered. Miyuki glanced to him, thinking that he was being a bit extremely serious but supposing that sort of thing was needed in places like this.

Ul looked at her hands a little over the mention of chemicals, leaning in and sniffing them a little.
"They don't feel wet or anything... though I'll.. make sure to wash my hands the next time I get the chance" she muttered, she too had also wondered where Levren had gotten off to but he was present now. Something else that had also caught her attention was Viole. Not for much reason, but for the simple mention of that one title mention... or two, technically. 'Servant of Lady Ul Dyril', hm? Had a nice ring to it, very satisfying to hear. If only soon enough she could get people regularly saying that. Oh, that'd be great. She chose not to stare too much, instead keeping her attention on the mission at hand. Though, she held a little smirk on her face over said words as she silently thought about it to herself. It was pretty great to hear.

Seeing as others were talking amongst themselves, Ohmadesna continued to hold her tongue on adding anything to any conversation since she didn't find a necessary need to. Looking around, she waited until Miyuki actually took lead of which she had just began to do.

"Right, well I think we should start heading off in this direction! So if you'd like to all follow and stay close so nobody gets lost or in trouble, Regula if you'd like to help keep an eye out for us that'd be very kind of you" Miyuki spoke with a smile, before setting off into the jungle and making sure everyone was following and keeping up. Their trip would prove smooth-sailing now that they were on landfall, finding not much troubling in the way of life as they navigated the tropical jungle that the island possessed.

Their trip would prove pretty fine, and easily enough they would find what they were looking for in due time... or well, what Miyuki believed they had been looking for.
"I feel like this is right, though something feels a little weird about it... " she murmured, looking to it.

There was a stone door encarved into a cliffside, with strange yet worn down imagery on it.
"I suppose we'll... have to just, find a way to get it open" Miyuki pondered, the surrounding area was filled with a lot of dense plant life and trees so it felt too hard to see anything of use. Cobwebs and scratch marks covered around the doorway, and on the floor there appeared to be two... items, of sorts.
It wasn't clear what the two items were, but they shimmered with some sort of magical glimmer and glow. They looked dropped and discarded to the side near to the door. One of them looked like it was covered in... some dark red liquid that had dried and stained on it.

Meanwhile, they weren't alone without a spectator. Quiet skittering was present about from small crystalline spiders, but they had something very obvious watching them from afar.
A vibrant green raptor-like creature coated in shining flora simply stared and watched them from afar. Its' focus had been on the gate, but turned to them when they arrived. Though, its gaze silently shifted back and forth occasionally before to the two strange objects on the ground. Then, it briefly stepped back and just... kept watching in silence.

Chorus looked like he was already looking to reach for a weapon, even though the creature hadn't made any sort of move whatsoever. Ul had looked to the raptor, silently thinking it was pretty cool.
"That'd be pretty cool to have as a pet" the elf blatantly spoke her mind, not really thinking about or realising it.

Ohmadesna's focus was more on the items on the floor. They could be special, or valuable... though it maybe seemed to hard to just sneak without someone questioning it. For now, she just held her tongue to see if anybody would even try investigating them. If not, it was probably fair takings for her.​
Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Languages: Common | +Mictlantecuhtlian+
Mentions: Femboy Femboy | Viole Megilagor Megilagor | Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Levren Tobi Naefaerne Tobi Naefaerne

Knowing Miyuki would be safe under Teuihua's watchful gaze, she'd taken to the skies.

Yet not before she'd wrapped up with Viole. “Normally, Lady Caelia would be more appropriate, as it's both my surname and the name of my domain. Yet seeing where we are, I'd not mind you use Lady Regula either.” She would reply to Viole. “It is nice to meet you as well.” Especially now that he was actually talking to her, but she didn't add the last bit.

Having let him out of her Pocket Dimension, she'd nod. “No problem.” (In case it doesn't get brought back up IC, feel free to assume she'd explain more during a free moment.) She didn't mind sharing some of her tricks and talents. Mostly as they weren't exactly unique, albeit still relatively rare. She did notice him looking at her a bit... weird. (Insight B) “Are you... forcefully trying to smile?” She asked, a tad confused.

A tad bit of a [Prideful] smile formed when Miyuki seemed impress by her ability to use a [Pocket Dimension]. “No problems dear~” She'd reply with a smile. Glad to help out and secretly-not-so-secretly appreciating the praise for it.

As the eyes in the skies, she flew all the way up until their destination. Making one more quick lap around the area, she'd eventually land. “The only thing around seems to be the big guy over there, but I doubt you've missed it.” She stated, pointing at the green raptor.

She looked at the door next. “Huh... this almost looks Mictlantecuhtlian.” She stated, rather surprised by it. Could Miyuki also be related to it? That'd be a rather big revelation. Though from what Miyuki had told her before, she was likely reincarnated from another world, not from the past of this one.

That said, upon spotting the items... something clicked. “Well, I don't think you need to be an expert to figure that dark red stains might mean blood... Putting one and one together, I think the dinosaur over there knows this is a lethal trap and is waiting for one of us to fall for it, so he can come in and feast on us. That'd explain the blood on one of these and why he's casually waiting for something.” She concluded, though she assumed everyone else had reached the same conclusion.

“Although I assume we've all reached that conclusion. The question is, how to deal with it? We could try to pick the non-bloodied one in the hope that only one of them is trapped... but that'd be a big risk. It might also just not have been touched yet.” She saw Ohmadesna look at them with a peculiar glint (Insight B). “I'd suggest against going for it. You seem like a neat enough person for it to be a waste for you to die to a trap and become dinosaur food.”

After a bit more thinking... “I could put them in my [Pocket Dimension] from a distance. That should activate any possible trap without risk of anyone nearby. Alternatively we could sent our sturdiest to investigate.” She'd look at Teuihua. Then at the others. “What do you all think?”
Designer (10).png
WINREY | Beastkin-Rabbit | Enigmatic

At Teihua's long winded answer, Winrey was even more intrigued than before. If they weren't related to dragons, but looked similar in appearance to one...perhaps their parts could be used as substitutes in certain recipes? He eyed one of the smaller dinosaurs that had nudged against his foot with a curious, but insidious stare before moving on. Snatching one now would be in poor taste...especially since I've been told not to take one. He noticed Regula's pocket dimension, and wondered briefly if he could get on her good side long enough to convince her to hold one of the smaller dino's just for him?

He'd noticed Izuru had already helped secure the brains of that fishman when he had no knife to collect it himself, though messy as it was, collecting materials so far seemed easier than he previously thought.

Miyuki soon urged everyone to follow her and then they truly began their expedition into the muggy rainforest of the island. Winrey enjoyed the trek quite a bit, and was thankful that the caopy of leaves above blocked the sun enough to not completely ruin his skin. The veil was doing a good enough job of keeping the sun out of his face on the beach and on the ship. Now it served a second purpose of repelling annoying insects from buzzing to near his face.

They arrived at the entrance to a mysterious ruins. Winrey recognized nothing here, and the design of the ruins was quite unlike anything he'd ever seen. Most ruins in Ryke were of a particular make and either from long dead humans or elves. Regula seemed to be the first to make some observations about the ruins. Even at her comments, he was entire lost on just what she was talking about. He was under the simple presumption that this trip was to simply set up a portal on an island...but that island teemed with untapped potential and secrets just waiting to be uncovered.

Eyeing the strange artifacts and the mysterious dinosaur curiously watching them all, Winrey thought it's behaviour was strange for an animal. Regula offered to simply put the artifacts away in her pocket dimension, which seemed the safest course of action. "That seems reasonable. However, I wonder if this creature is really waiting in the shadows for us to trigger a trap, or if it's simply just trying to get inside...?" It made sense somewhat. The raptor reminded Winrey of a cat that's been out in the rain, waiting for someone to open up the door of a warm shop for it to scurry inside. "I don't think it would make itself so...known and obvious, if it were just waiting to eat us. If we take the artifacts with us without opening the door, it might become aggressive and misunderstand our intent to simply enter the ruins." Winrey had no idea about animal behavior and was only giving his own opinion on the raptor. In any case, I hope we don't have to kill this thing to get pass the door...it's a magnificient beast. Those talons and scales are almost exactly like a dragons! If the others killed it in the heat of battle, those parts of it's body might be totally decimated in the aftermath. And that's less materials for him. It'd be best if the creature just fell to misfortune, that way Winrey could loot as he pleased without relying on the others so much. "We should figure out how to open the ruins first before making the artifacts disappear from the creature's sight. If it were going to attack us, I think it would've the moment it spotted us." It'd have definitely gotten me...I didn't take caution to listen or sense anything before following the others.

Mentions: Femboy Femboy Lolory Lolory

Izuru handed off the brain that he'd obtained via magic dissection to the rabbit cleric, taking a moment to clean up. Winrey would appreciate this and he may share a few tidbits about the alchemical process to the dragonkin. Wagging his tail from side to side while the group made their way through the brush in search of the ruins they were sent for. Arriving at the location, the group was quick to begin analyzing some things they found on the ground. Izuru theorized they were related to the process of opening the ruins. Crouching down to observe them for a moment. His attention was grabbed by the green dinosaur popping his head out of the foliage to look at them. It seemed the others shared his conjecture that this beast may have something to do with the items they found on the ground given how intently it was staring at them.

Not having much to go on for the moment. Izuru first began a brief analysis using his [Appraisal E] and [Arcane F] to see if these artifacts had any discernable nature. Once that was over and done with. He stood up and immediately walked over to the big green dinosaur. The group wouldn't be able to get any work done if they couldn't stop looking over their shoulder at the dinosaur. "Hello Mr Dinosaur. I can see that you're pretty interested in that stuff on the ground. Now I know concern when I see it so would you be so kind as to come over help us open these ruins. You get to make sure everythings above board and we get some insider info on what this even is... squid pro quo?" asked Izuru, speaking to the large reptile like it could respond in kind. Given how defensive it seemed of the ruins, maybe it could. He hoped a bit of [Persuasion F] could convince the dinosaur that they were friends and not lunch.

.[Appraisal E] + [Arcane F] on ruin stuff
.Move to Dinosaur
.[Persuasion F] on Dinosaur.
Elvario Elvario Lolory Lolory Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Tobi Naefaerne Tobi Naefaerne Megilagor Megilagor
"Hm, I dunno, I haven't seen... any little things like this before. It might be some little... thingy, relating to the... stuff, that's here... I don't exactly know what to say about it... " Miyuki mumbled softly, looking over the two mystery objects. Listening to Regula's suggestion, she further listened to Winrey's consideration of the idea and lightly nodded.
"He does seem right, while putting things into a personal pocket at will seems important... well, we don't know if everything will agree with that happening to it. This is a rather magical place after all, at least from what I remember of it. Using magic to counteract magic doesn't... always work out that well... or something, I should stop saying things. I don't really know what I'm saying... " Miyuki continued nervously, eyeing the two little trinkets that laid on the floor before to the raptor creature that watched them.

Hesitating and being put off from grabbing it via Regula's warning, fidgeting with her hands as she debated over it further.
"Hm, that's true... if it's a guess and there's two of them, maybe it's some sort of special item being carried by something and is important?" Ohmadesna said as she considered probably the extremely obvious.

Ul and Chorus both held defensively on what was currently happening, them both looking to Izuru as he had made the decision to go and... talk to the creature, for some reason.
To the elf, Winrey had made a good point. This raptor creature may have been an intellectual observer.
"The fact that it might have a smart idea would help us a lot, though I don't know if... you'd be able to get through to it just by talking. How many animals have you actually met that understand the common tongue? Well, fluently at least... " Ul questioned. Much to her surprise, the creatufe hadn't backed away from Izuru nor made a display of aggression yet it did hold visible reluctance. After a moment, it made light reptilian ground as it tightly grasped the ground beneath it and looked towards the ruin doors. The flowers and such upon it glowed brighter as it clearly held magical energy, glowy and vibrant much like the other wildlife that was on the beach.

Over by the door, somewhat glowing vines would slowly seep up from the ground near the relics and pick one of them up. Moving it to the door, it held it close enough as what looked like a surge of more mana had went through the vine into the relic. With said action, the door made uncomfortably loud sounds of struggle and grinding before the stone door slowly slid downwards and lowered.

Chorus gave a suspicious glance to the creature, before to the door.
"Hm, maybe it does understand our words... and quite perhaps all that's going on. At least we understand-" Chorus was speaking as he was looking to the doorway. At first, it was primarily a tunnel encased in darkness. One would struggle to see anything without lighting. Although, the appearance of... something, would suddenly appear out of the doorway. Too dark to react to, a long rotting tongue had suddenly reached out of the darkness and immediately wrapped around the first thing it could get to. That being Miyuki.

"W-what? I don't recogni- WAIT-" Miyuki nervously panicked, before spluttering a little like she was having some sort of inner problem before being immediately pulled forth into the dark. With any noise from the kitsune silenced, something crawled out for... just a moment.


Though the moment it reached daylight, it screeched a blaring noise and retreated back into darkness. A long, unnatural tongue dragged along the floor out of its maw as loud stepping sounds scurried away back into the safety of the ruins. Though before it could truly leave, Miyuki's voice could still be heard briefly.

"H-help, what is this thing?? W-why this again? This one's worse!" she panicked, though it sounded like she was more annoyed than anything.

Chorus, Ul and Ohmadesna were just a little awkwardly silenced. There hadn't been time to react (which could also probably be blamed to a very cringe writing choice of not allowing a decision and there's obviously only one person to blame for that) of which Chorus hesitated before speaking.
"There... was nothing said about... things like that. That  thing is not simply some creature... but, we'll have to go in there" the man spoke, wondering if the raptor thing knew about that beast. As he turned to look, the raptor had ran the moment the grotesque thing appeared. Now they were raptor-less, and Miyuki-less. If anything, it was clear even their Guide had zero expectation that this was going to be here.​
Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Languages: Common | +Mictlantecuhtlian+
Mentions: Femboy Femboy | Winrey Lolory Lolory

“These creatures don't seem to know people all that well, so I'd not expect them to think about being known or obvious.” She replied to Winrey. That said, if they didn't wish for her to Pocket things, she figured she'd abstain. For now, at least. “You don't think those artefacts are the key to opening the ruins?” That was the one thing that confused her. To her, they seemed rather obviously related. Then again, Miyuki seemed to agree, an even better reason to abstain.

That said, it also seemed one of their more peculiar members was going to try chat with the dinosaur. Seeing how they'd barely interacted, she figured she'd not mind it too much if he got himself eaten by it, so she allowed him to go ahead and risk it.

At least she got someone she cared slightly more about than Izuru to abstain from diving head-first at what seemed to be an obvious death-trap. “If it was something carried... then it might've been dropped by them after something happened to them.” That was also a likely possibility. “Best not to go near that place until we know more.”

She was rather confused by the next few actions. “Did... did that dinosaur just use magic to open the door for us with that trinket?” Had she really seen that right or had she gotten hit in the head? Or was she just drunk on watching Miyuki's tails all day? Probably the latter. Too much tail for her mind to handle.

To her shock, however, the dream soon turned into a nightmare as she saw something utterly gross pull in Miyuki. Yet... what did she mean by again? Whatever. No time to think. Using [Boots of Hermes]+ B on her [Boots of Swiftness] she rushed in after the creature that'd taken Miyuki. Thanks to the [Tremorsense], she should be able to do sense the creature's movement and chase it down no matter where it'd try to retreat towards and without bumping into any walls.

Power of Hermes B – Tremorsense B, Fast B, Jumping B, Water Speed B, Special Movements F: Wall Running, Wall Bouncing, Ceiling Bouncing, Uneven Terrain Running, Ledge Running – Parkour; speed 180 mph – 289 km/h (max), jumping vertically 300 yards 274 meter / horizontally 1000 yards 914 meter, Swim Speed 300 mph 482 km/h, running along walls, bouncing off of walls, bouncing off of ceilings, running across uneven terrain and narrow ropes and paths. - Grade B – 4 Post Cooldown

She wasn't scared to run straight into it either, as she had her [Faeblade] at the ready.

Languages: “Common” “+Mictlantecuhtlian+” “%Analog%”

Teuihua would give Levren a friendly nod when they came over and seemed to agree with this point, which was nice to hear. “There are diverse beings on this island, and as far as I know dinosaurs are quite diverse so based on what I saw last time, there is a very real possibility of their being others of different kinds, some more dangerous than others I would presume.

Miyuki expressing her rationale made sense to Teuihua as he’d keep watch to make sure she was alright as they were on the move, probably near Miyuki at this point in order to continue to
He was also pleased to hear that Chorus seemed to have a similar mindset as far as being cautious was concerned.

When the door came into view and creatures of the island would be in view from the spiders and dino, Teuihua was on high alert, at the ready to engage in combat, but he did not approach or interact with the door for the time being, instead keeping guard.

“Hm…you are correct.” Teuihua would nod, indeed it did have similarities to the sort of stuff you’d see that was Mictlantecuhtlian. Regula’s explanation seems reasonable and logical enough to Teuihua as to what was going on, Winrey’s addition also making sense, He hoped that Izuru’s efforts would go well… even so he would be ready to intervene if need be. Teuihua might have answered that question but the developments which took place after were alarming to say the least.

While the dino’s apparent intellect was curious as it did appear that what Regula said was true, it did use magic to open the door, Teuihua was not expecting what happened next which was upsetting, he didn’t even have time to react to keep Miyuki safe as she was suddenly being taken by some sort of monster. He would follow as quickly as he could presuming he could fit, heading in after Regula and whatever that thing was, probably sparking a bit as if he was warming and getting energized for combat.

Action: Head after Regula and Miyuki as quickly as possible to engage hostile if necessary.

Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy Lolory Lolory Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Tobi Naefaerne Tobi Naefaerne Megilagor Megilagor
Designer (10).png
WINREY | Beastkin-Rabbit | Enigmatic
Winrey was somewhat astounded by the sight of the dinosaur helping them, it seemed he was somewhat correct. The dinosaur had been standing there for some other purpose that wasn't necessarily nefarious. However, that astonishment only lasted for about 5 seconds because their precious guide Miyuki was dragged in by...some strange creature. He wasn't sure if that thing also counted as a dinosaur, it certainly didn't look like the other dino's that's for sure.

"Well there's no choice but to go after her. She's important for knowing how to get around this place, isn't she?" Winrey said. "I could try and listen for her...but I think that thing's too fast. It might be too out of my range." Now is when he'd make himself a Luciferan potion for light and head into the dark to find Miyuki, but with the very prepared adventuring party, light sources were already readily available.

I knew it...such a quest wouldn't come without some complications...He decided to let Regula take the lead, and followed after Teihua. If anything were to jump out at him, he'd at least be able to listen in the dark surroundings once they stopped for a moment. In the meantime, he'd rely on Teihua to possibly destroy anything willing to try some funny business. "I am beginning to think this is more than what you described before." He said to Ul, the elf woman. "I was under the impression we'd be isiting this island to set some sort of transportation up. But the island seems far more...active than I imagined." He'd never heard of dinosaurs before today. And had presumed (incorrectly) that the "dangerous monsters" were the usual you found in ruins in Ryke, like spiders and slimes and rats. Dinosaurs and giant flesh amalgam's were not what he had guessed at all.

Mentions: Femboy Femboy | TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Elvario Elvario

1. Follow behind Regula and Teihua in search of Miyuki​
Mentions: Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Lolory Lolory

Izuru felt as if he and the dinosaur were getting a good understanding going on between them. Although the green raptor looking creature didn't seem all that fond of talking. Something like this was to be expected of beasts who didn't communicate with words. Luckily it seemed to pay off as the dinosaur seemed to open up the ruins with whatever dinosaur powers it had. Izuru felt very accomplished given he had found a method of opening up the ruins that wouldn't result in problems down the line. "Well now that the ruins are open, we can continu- Miyuki just got grabbed by a flesh blob, why did Miyuki just get grabbed by a flesh blob?" remarked the dragonkin, his confidence shaken in the midst of his sentence due to Miyuki being kidnapped by some kind of abomination. Although this was actually a MASSIVE boon for his research. Izuru would prefer his research didn't get innocent people killed. Frowning for a moment while watching Regula dash off to chase after the abomination. Tehuiha followed after, his golem body sparking with what Izuru could only guess was some form of magical energy.

Listening in on what Winrey was discussing with Ul, the elf who was acting as one of the party leaders. It seemed the rabbit hadn't expected things to get so weird and fleshy given this was supposedly just a job to set up a transportation array. Izuru couldn't really add much to the conversation. Instead he chose to update his research notebook on abominations. If one was tremendously stupid, they'd probably wonder if Izuru KNEW this would be here. Izuru only hoped he wouldn't questioned over something so pointless. "Abominations tend to draw from a power source. We should take heed of any glowing runes we see in these ruins. It should make confrontation with the creature a bit more manageable" said Izuru to Ul, which was the second time he had spoken to her since they met back in the tavern.
Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Lolory Lolory Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Megilagor Megilagor Tobi Naefaerne Tobi Naefaerne
Just kind of a little hesitant and taken aback by what had happened, Ul had seen a lot in her past lives including stuff that looked like this... it didn't make it much less surprising to so suddenly encounter. Getting her senses back together as she turned to Winrey, she was a little hesitant on what to answer. Her decision on coming to this island, likely along with many others, would have possibly been a lot more different to consider if she knew things like that could and did exist here.
"Well that's what I believed, it's not like I've been here before. That was how I was imagining it was all gonna go" Ul answered with a little bit of annoyance, wondering why there had to be some a ridiculously big problem that now two of their members being Regula and Teuihua had immediately chosen to go in to try and help Miyuki. Flicking her gaze to Izuru who spoke about abominations, she hesitated for a moment in thought. Maybe the weird extroverted dragon-man had a point, it had to sustain itself after all and who was to say that a messed up creature like that had a functional digestive system?

"Right, though an eye out for anything suspicious in general too helps. Maybe we can figure out whatever they're weak to or such, it didn't want to come out into daylight though I suppose I'd have no clue how we'd manage to utilise that without preparation... " Ul spoke, looking to Viole for a moment.

"You can come along if you want, but I don't want you getting in trouble or danger at my expense, though help and company is appreciated" she answered, mainly because if Viole ever thought other thoughts about not being her follower anymore and she happened to be a reason for them getting into trouble... well it would both look and sound bad. She believed Levren was likely smart enough to take care of himself and make the right choices at least, turning her attention to Chorus who wasn't very happy in the slightest about the situation.

Audibly huffing, he summoned a sickle in each hand as his current choice of weapon as it felt like it would prove effective for tearing through flesh. Steadying himself, he looked to the rest of the group.
"Those who don't wish to come along, you can go back with Ohmadesna to the beach-" Chorus immediately answered in order, of which the girl in question was confused.

"What? We just opened that big door and saw that big thing and you're sending me back? Why not the cityboy, or the rabbit, or even the guy who looks like he lives in the woods?" Ohmadesna questioned, Chorus not giving her any sort of facial expression whatsoever except expectation.

"You are the messenger, correct? Go tell the rest of what we have already uncovered and that we are going in to assist Miyuki who has been taken. Anyone who feels that they don't wish to go in there, can go back with you where it is safe" he answered. While she was glad she didn't have to go into the ruins, Ohmadesna was a little disappointed that she might end up missing out on valuables or cool stuff because of having to go back. Grumbling she looked to those who were there.

"Well unless anyone is coming, I'm gonna set off immediately since I now have to do the walk all the way back after just getting here... typical".

Chorus looked back to the entrance, starting to head towards it.
"We should catch up to the others quickly, we will have to postpone setting up easy transportation since Regula is carrying the portal materials in a pocket dimension and has left us to go in already" he spoke. Ul didn't entirely want to go in, but was too far here now to just give up. So she prepared for whatever else she might see or encounter and followed Chorus in.
"Best of luck... " Ul muttered to the group.


Meanwhile, as Regula and Teuihua entered further they would find themselves soon enough feeling rather isolated from the group. The way grew rather dark, and whatever the weird creature that took their fox friend was moved surprisingly fast for some big person-eating flesh amalgamation. Though Teuihua would eventually been able to catch up with Regula at some point, they would have went quite deep into the ruins in order to chase the creature.

Until, they were brought to an open chamber where the walls were adorned with lit torches, methods of restrainment and imprisonment, with what was some sort of ritual circle in the center of the room. The creature walked to the circle in the center, and promptly spat out an unconscious Miyuki.. then the creature violently shrieked before melting into mush that slowly sunk and absorbed away into the circle.

"PRIME! PRIME, PRIME, YES! THE SUMMONED MORSEL HAS RETURNED, TO FEAST ON THE GIFT AND RIP FREE THE OTHERWORLDLY ESSENCE SO THAT WE MAY DINE AND THRIVE FOR INFINITY!" a very mutated-sounding voice spoke from one grey-skinned individual. There were a multitude of other grey-skinned 'cultists' in the room, roughly 18 others plus the one who seemed to be orchestrating the whole thing.

Then, he turned to see the two strangers who had arrived, uttering a gasp of surprise and shock.
"INVADERS! SKLAK TVARI KONYIO! GLAAI!" he immediately pointed and ordered, seeming to start talking in some unknown language to his companions. Others pulled out staffs, makeshift bows, swords and ritualistic daggers as they turned to the two arrivals.

"QUORIELYET, GHAVNK TOSIKNHEIK, VLAP!" he spoke again, and some wielded staffs to the ritual circle. Four of the cultists raised their staff, with the one orchestrating the whole thing raising his hand which emitted a crimson demonic glow. The still unconscious Miyuki, was levitated above the circle as multiple dark tendrils bound her in place. Whatever the two had interrupted, the strangers present in these ruins were clearly were trying to finish their work no matter what.


Meanwhile with the others, for those who else chose to enter would be able to travel somewhat far in before finding the way blocked. Clearly, Regula and Teuihua had been split off from the rest of the group, of which infuriated Chorus.

"Of course, fine, someone find a way around, or a way to open the door or something, we have no clue what those two are doing" Chorus answered, gesturing for people to investigate.

The area they found themselves was a pretty wide ruin chamber, of which in different corners and places appeared to be shut boxes and chests, papyrus, books and writing equipment that have clearly been used, some sort of alchemy and science experimentation area, and even some strange large cages. On further inspection, crystalline dinosaur creatures like the ones seen outside would be noticeable albeit a little washed of their colour. One of them was another green raptor, like the one that let them in. There were multiple levers (six) somewhat near them, but there'd be no clue on which does what, so it might be risky pulling any. The cages appeared to be glowing slightly, with some sort of energy rising into the top and being carried off elsewhere to somewhere unknown.

In another corner, laid untouched equipment. Strange, unique weapons, catalysts and such lying on the wall and on a makeshift weapon rack. Some were bloodied. There were a lot of cobwebs around, and listening quietly felt like movement and sounds could be constantly heard around and in the walls. It was probably very discomforting, though with how dark it could be it was sometimes hard to see everywhere.
"Keep an eye out for trouble or suspicious activity... " Chorus mentioned as he took a look around the door to see for any secret switches or such.

Though obviously and weirdly blatantly on a pedestal was a glowing, bright pink gem that was pretty decent in size. More than a handful, and was clearly sparkling some sort of magical energy. The pedestal however was covered in some weird black rot, and looked like it was bubbling and slimy. The gem just kind of, tantalisingly hovered there. Making... cool little energy sounds, like wooooooom or waaaaah like a magical shiny gem.

"Right, you heard him... only get mildly distracted" Ul answered, mumbling to herself the last part as she went over to eye the books and writing work. Maybe there'd be some answers or interesting information. Heading over, she looked what she could see and picked up a hefty and dusty book that aroused her interest.

"Ohoh? Interesting~... " Ul smirked, reading it over. As she flicked a few pages, whatever she was looking at was clearly so  very intriguing that it was more distracting than the big thing eat the person that they just saw.​
Designer (10).png
WINREY | Beastkin-Rabbit | Enigmatic
Winrey followed behind the group, and kept pace with them. When they arrived to where Teihua and Regula had split off from them, they'd been blocked by another mysterious wall. These ruins were much more curious than the last, however. The dinosaurs which were trapped in cages, the levers and alchemical lab set up that had been shoddily placed in the corner, and the washed out miserable appearance of the trapped creatures reminded Winrey of his own past.

This looks kind of like...Madame Oakwell's basement. His creator had trapped him in a similar situation to these creatures, though she'd never tried to harvest anything from him. He decided to go and inspect the alchemical lab corner with Ul. She appeared to be reading some of the writings, and Winrey had to admit it also seemed interesting to him.

"Whoever owns this place has been dabbling in organic Alchemy it seems...but with the express purpose of harvesting something from those creatures in the cages." Winrey explained to her. "What have you found, Miss Ul? Anything of interest?"
So far, the puzzle to solve getting out of here was not so plainly laid out. He eyed the corner with the weapons rack, and wondered if those belonged to the owners of this place or....if they were the weapons of past adventurer's who hadn't been so fortunate when making it out of here. Everything seemed too risky to mess with, the strange pink gem was covered in some toxic ooze that Winrey knew better than to poke at. The levers could lead to anything, including the cages of those dinosaurs...

He eyed their cages once more, and an idea began to form. "Do you all think perhaps we should try and free those dinosaurs? Since we've been on this island, they haven't been nearly as hostile as I'd imagine. And the last dinosaur we saw helped us find a passage through...perhaps they know a way as well?" It was risky obviously, but these creatures already seemed weak willed and defeated. If they were going to attack the group immediately upon release, wouldn't they growl like animals do? And become agitated by their mere prescense? Of course, any trapped lab creature would use that opportunity to escape...oh well, I suppose it can't be helped anyways.

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Languages: Common | +Mictlantecuhtlian+
Mentions: Femboy Femboy | Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

She didn't care too much about getting isolated. Whether it was her [Prideful] nature or not, she felt like they wouldn't add enough of use to his rescue mission to warrant waiting on them. The only one she was glad was keeping up, eventually at least, was Teuihua. “That's... awful.” She stated, upon seeing what room she'd ran into whilst chasing the creature that'd taken Miyuki.

Seeing the creature spit out Miyuki, Regula was at least relieved to see that she was still alive. Whatever cultist words were echoing along in their chanting, however, she did not like whatsoever. With how they reacted with hostility and with how things seemed to be on a timer, she'd jump straight to action, rather than trying to talk first. They didn't seem to grant any room for diplomacy, as Miyuki's life might be in danger at this very moment.

First, she'd use [Take it All B] in an attempt to put Miyuki in a [Pocket Dimension] and away from these freaks. “Give me my desires. For I yearn to make this mine and keep it close. To take all that I can without reservation. To [Pocket] that which I value where none else shall reach it. For my greed shall fuel my power.”

Take It All – Magic B, Magic Area of Effect C, Energised B, Pocket Dimension B, Selective B – Character Pockets everything in a wide (500 ft) radius around them into their Pocket Dimension. - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown.

Having attempted to pull Miyuki away, she'd switch to the offensive, pulling out her Hextech Gun. Taking one action to [Aim], she'd next lay waste upon all these fools trying to mess with someone she cared about. She didn't want a single trace of them remaining, regardless of what they were even attempting to do here. (With 50 targets, she'd aim at each of them twice and focus the leftovers on the 'leader' like one.)

Hextech Gunfire B – Magic B, Energised B, Magic Range C, Undetected [Hearing F], Magic Range C, Penetrating F, Magic Targets C, Homing D, Accurate F – Character fires their Hextech Gun; 1 mile away – 1.6 kilometres, without sound, 50 targets, ignoring 1 grade of item defence, homing 3 times, treating speed 1 grade lower. - Grade B Energised – 3 Post Cooldown.

1 – Take it All B
2 – Aim
3 – Hextech Gunfire B

Regula Be 0/3
Boots of Swiftness B 1/4
Hextech Gun B 0/4

Languages: Common | %Analog%
Mention: Femboy Femboy Ul Dyril,

"That sadly is true Lady Caelia. My facial muscle actuators aren't working properly along with a few other things in my body since a certain accident a few years ago, but I am slowly repairing myself to a proper state. So forgive me if my attempt to smile right now made you distraught."
Viole answered Lady Caelia's question, though his answer might have brought more questions than answers seeing as he appeared human while being a construct, truly the craftsmanship of the family was magnificent to bring something so close to a human to life. But this was not the time to dwell in the past.

He followed the group closely taking in the sights of the surrounding areas and wildlife as they ventured off, though as they approached ever so closer to some area his vision was turning blurrier and blurrier till it cut off completely. Viole panicked a bit and began to recalibrate his manaitic pathways so he could see again, what caused it Viole had no idea, all he could sense nanoseconds before it happened was a weird and unusual spike in mana response when they approached the weird door.

By the time Viole's eyesight returned after recalibrating the door was already open and he saw Lady Caelia and Tahmuras rush inside of it followed by faint screams from Miyuki deep inside. When Ul spoke to Viole he simply nodded along before giving her his answer.
"I will come along my Lady. Though I might not be much use in combat against such a being, I was created to serve so I have to fulfill my duty."

He then followed everyone else inside the chamber they arrived in felt weird to him. The animals hanging in cages, with an energy akin to mana flowing from their tops to somewhere, the strange crystalline pink gem on the pedestal, which sparkled with magical energy, the black slimy rot that nearly encased it, and those six levers.

"Can someone check the notes or near the levers for any clues? I'll try sensing where the energy from the gem and the top of those cages is going. I just hope the black rot has nothing against bio-synthetic beings." Said Viole loudly, while slowly approaching the pedestal with the gem, hoping to learn something from this by using his knowledge and magic, but for this he needed full focus, so slowly he dulled his senses and focused them all on this task appearing as if in a trance. And as he came closer to it he began to sense its magical aura, and its flow, though it will take him a bit to fully realize where its going.
Last edited:
Mentions: Femboy Femboy Lolory Lolory

Once the group entered what appeared to be a research lab set up in the ruins of some old timey time building. Izuru took to wandering around as if looking for anything that stood out to him. Noticing the near identical raptor to the one who had helped them enter the premises. A theory began forming in his mind. Did they do this to you? Are you asking us for help? thought the dragonkin while gently resting his fingertips on the glass tube. He gave it a quick analysis using his knowledge of magic, although this was closer to the field of alchemy which would be Winrey's realm of expertise. Izuru himself was no real scholar of the arcane arts. He just needed some form of excuse that wasn't an outright lie in order to get to Gala'Kraoth. However Ul and Chorus probably expected him to already have a few well constructed deductions about their current predicament.

Making his way over to the obvious glowing gem that would grab anyones attention. Izuru knew this was possibly some form of power source for whatever the group who commanded the abomination was using. The lab in the ruins had confirmed Izuru's suspicions that this was part of something bigger than expected. A few of his party members likely found this to be incredibly irritating. However when one is confronted by the unexpected on Dinosaur Island, it was best to face it with an open mind. Twirling his cane in his hand, Izuru began to incant a spell. A circle of eyes made from shadow appeared around the gem, just far enough to not touch the shadow of the pedestal. Magic was all about experimentation. Today he was going to see if he could push his investigation a little further via inspecting the gem with a new spell.

1: Inspect Tubes = Appraisal E + Arcane E + Investigation F
2: Rest for a bit
3: Probe the Gem for its secrets = Appraisal E + Arcane E + Investigation F + Magic E + Darkness F
it was concerning to say the least to see this morphing flesh monster like being become a cultist, not only that Teuihua had become aware of the separation, putting even more pressure on him to help protect miyuki and Regula. Probably in later thanks to his [Fear] resilience he would face the danger head on, even though they were out numbered, he knew Regula was strong and capable knowing full well If she could grab with the pocket she would to protect the one which he had been tasked with watching, the golem would act accordingly, lighting up with blue electric energy as he made his way between the hostiles and Regula ready to intercept if need be and use his mechanized fighting style at a moments notice, he wasn’t letting an ally get killed or inflicted under his watch, if Regula failed he’d try to throw himself in, to get Miyuki out of the possession of the enemy even if it meant he’d take the fall as a result.

Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario
Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
The presumably head of the little 'cult meeting' they had intruded in upon looked to Regula as she had made a quick movement to try and rescue Miyuki away from whatever was happening using a pocket dimension. Whilst movement of pulling her close like it was attempting to work was visible, whatever spellcast powers of restrainment were holding her in the air tried to remain strong against her pocket dimension. Though it was clear it looked like it was urging her slightly freer from her position, the unconscious-seeming Miyuki umcomfortably squirmed and grumbled with her shifting facial expression looking like she was in pain from the split hold from both sides was causing.

Meanwhile, as the cultists pushed forward with their spell, the purple hues on Miyuki became slightly more overtaken with a lightish-blue as inner mana gently flowed out from within her into the local air. It looked like they wouldn't need much more time at all to complete whatever ritual they were doing, so Regula and Teuihua would have to act fast.

Teuihua's presence alone would be a surprising and intimidating appearance, of which Regula's overwhelming capabilities soon enough laid easy waste to those within the room with them. Whilst many either had died or were clearly trying to clutch onto life on the ground, three of them in total managed to survive. Two members, as well as the lead orchestrator.

"Tlaak? Qkviese. Lahk, boht. Sievn" the lead spoke as he raised his hand, the two others dropping their weapons and to their knees at said words. Corpses and injured around the room began to shudder and shake at the glistening of the Leader's crimson glowing hand, before those holding onto life as well as those who had already lost it had their bodies eerily slide into the center of the room where the ritual was taking place. Along with the two living sacrifices that were the standing members, they too were conjoined into a mass of now morphing together bodies that would encompass Miyuki and the ongoing ritual as it was visibly noticeable even the surface of the ground itself had been consumed into the centre of a forming abomination.

The creature was quite substancial in size, it was clearly trying not to hit the ceiling with its height and was taller and larger than even Teuihua. The Leader gestured his hand to the two, some sort of dark energy forming in his hand as it seemed clear he was ready to engage in combat with said intruders.
"Guivych, lyat! Kivakiva!" he ordered, of which the grotesque creature that had the ritual consumed and contained into within it shrieked and tried to spread its split maw as it skittered towards Regula and Teuihua.

Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Lolory Lolory Megilagor Megilagor Tobi Naefaerne Tobi Naefaerne

Ul was glad to hear that Viole was willing to help, keeping it in mind to make sure that they didn't get into any unnecessary trouble along the way due to her own actions. Hearing Winrey come over to investigate the same place, and at the same time remembering that said bunny was a boy, she fumbled a little as he asked her if she had found anything interesting. Honestly, the thoughts and observations they put out were a lot more thoughtful than what she was currently thinking and looking at. Spluttering a little and hurriedly turning the page a few times, she stuttered.
"O-oh, nothing much. Just... pictures of guys and girls and stuff, nobody I recognise, it's not important. Uh, honestly, I can't really understand most of this. It's just gibberish all of this writing, I wouldn't be surprised if whoever's here is just so out of touch with society that they can't speak Engliiiiiiiiii-guage. Any language. I mean, like, the common tongue" Ul said as she got a little distracted, hearing out Viole's request and hesitating.

"Uuh, well, I'd suppose we'd maybe have a translator... who, maybe got eaten? Sooo I'd suppose we'd be a bit stuck, unless someone could somehow just become a multilingual prodigy of any language at a moment's notice. I'd try to look for pictures that seem related but... you know, we don't need to look at the pictures, it's not important, they seem completely unrelated and just meaningless scribbles and stuff. I'll... keep an eye on them just incase they make sense but I'm pretty sure it's nothing" Ul spoke as she tightly clutched the book in her hold, looking to the levers once Winrey suggested about freeing the dinosaurs.

"... Depends if you're feeling lucky, I suppose. I think the dinosaur whisperer is a bit busy elsewhere" Ul mentioned as she looked to Izuru. It was noticeable he and Viole were taking investigation to the gem. While Izuru had been investigating, to the touch he would grasp that the cage cells holding the creatures felt like it was draining mana to the touch of which was clearly being funnelled somewhere likely through the unknown connector tubes on each of the cages.

Chorus was poking around near the shut door that had blocked them off from the way Regula and Teuihua went, feeling like he was starting to figure something out as he searched for weird feeling marks and pressure plates on and around the door. He was a bit too focused on trying to get it open for the moment, and his adventurer senses were a-tingling when it came to open sesame'ing the door. Meanwhile, Ul hummed and spoke up.
"Oh, this looks like that gem over there! I think I found a thing, not like I can tell what it says, but there's like a bunch of swirly things and... stuff, and then like a lot of flowers on one side of the picture and a lot of ominous black scribblies on the other" Ul blankly spoke as she looked to said gem. Meanwhile this was going on, Izuru's prodding of said gem would soon enough start sucking some of the strange mossy ooze into it, and soon enough a bunch of rotting, gross material would flow up like liquid from the cracks in the ground around the pedestal.

It would surround the gem for a moment, before looking like it was slowly disintegrating and burning away. The smell was horrible, though it had an illuminating glow to it. Chorus looked to it for a moment in thought. Though, amidst it, small rocky spiders would be noticeably attracted in the room crawling from webs and in the cracks. They could fit well enough in the palm of ones hand, and had small glowing fungi on them.
Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Languages: Common | +Mictlantecuhtlian+
Mentions: Femboy Femboy | Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

With Teuihua backing her up, she felt like this would be easy. Yet it wasn't. Her attempt to free her by using [Pocket Dimension] had failed. Worse, however, was that the cultist kept chanting. Somehow, three of them managed to survive her onslaught. As if that wasn't bad enough, it got even worse, as she was shocked by what started to happen to Miyuki. “By the gods...” She mumbled, slightly panicking and wondering how something so foul was allowed to exist. “Don't kill it, we might be able to undo this!” She'd call out to Teuihua, not willing to give up hope just yet, even though it looked really bad. Perhaps... perhaps Miyuki was still left in there and recoverable?

For now, however, the goal was very clear. Although the creature's size was extraordinary, it should also make it far less able to move around freely. Which she could use to her advantage. Using Boots of Hermes C with [Boots of Swiftness], she'd attempt to parkour past it by jumping at the wall and wall-running alongside it. With some luck, Teuihua would keep the morphed Miyuki occupied enough for her to pass along more easily.

Power of Hermes C – Fast C, Jumping C, Water Speed C, Special Movements F: Wall Running, Wall Bouncing, Ceiling Bouncing, Uneven Terrain Running, Ledge Running – Parkour; speed 90 mph – 144 km/h (max), jumping vertically 100 yards 91 meter / horizontally 333 yards 304 meter, Swim Speed 100 mph 161 km/h, running along walls, bouncing off of walls, bouncing off of ceilings, running across uneven terrain and narrow ropes and paths. - Grade C – 3 Post Cooldown

Rather than landing on the other side, she'd jump off of the wall in order to lunge at the remaining standing cultist, drawing her Faeblade, she'd jam the dagger into the cultist leader and give him a full taste of the Faewild's Wrath B. Hopefully killing him would cancel out the ritual. If not, at least she'd be able to try focussing on using healing magic or anything else she could come up with to cure/free Miyuki afterwards with him out of the picture.

Faewild's Wrath B – Magic B, Penetrating B, Blight [Faewild Mana] B, Accurate E, Blind Fighter F, Contagion F, Continuing B. - Attacking with the Fae's wrath; ignores 5 grades of defending item, blighting someone with Faewild Mana (+5 effectiveness), treating speed 2 grades lower, working in dim or no light situations, spreading through contact, dealing 1 continuous damage for 5 more posts. - Grade B – 4 Post Cooldown.

1 - [Boots of Swiftness C]
2 – Parkour / Lunge at Cult Leader
3 – [Feawild's Wrath B]

Regula Be 1/3
Boots of Swiftness B 2/4
Boots of Swiftness C 0/3
Hextech Gun B 1/4
Faeblade B0/4
Designer (10).png
WINREY | Beastkin-Rabbit | Enigmatic
What a strange girl...Winrey thought as he eyed Ul's odd behavior. He tried to peek at the book, but the words were too hard for him to make out, and clearly she didn't want him snooping around. He supposed everyone had their secrets, he wouldn't pry into it too much. Winrey turned just as the other two were busy investigating the mysterious gem that sat on the strange, disgusting pedestal. He was slightly impressed that Izuru was foolhardy enough to go and just poke it with out any precautions, like gloves or a prod.

Though clearly something began to happen, as it glowed and viscous liquid came from the cracks surrounding it. Winrey's face screwed up in digust at the acrid stench that came from the gem's disintegration, and an uneasy feeling settled in the pit of his stomach. Perhaps prodding at the gem was not the correct choice...And besides that, the small skitter of insects could be heard as spiders, though with a strange enough appearance, showed themselves. In a place like this, there were bound to be some pests. The Alchemists who used this ruins as their personal lab weren't the best at hygiene.
"I fear we have made a grave mistake...we need to find Miss Regula and Teihua now, poking around ancient ruins can only cause more trouble." And he really didn't like the smell of rot that wafted through the small room now, or the tiny spiders that had made their appearance. This seemed less like a place to perform alchemy and experiments...and more like a place for an estranged cult to sacrifice living beings readily.

Mentions: Femboy Femboy Lolory Lolory

Izuru watched as his attempt to scan the gem yielded a horde of little spiders. A simple glance-over at the small arachnids would indicate they were closer to golems than abominations. Not as advanced as Tehuihua but far more numerous in number. As Winrey had stated, this may have been a mistake in prodding the sparkly rock. Izuru was of the opinion that taking a few risks was necessary in pursuit of ones goals. Although leaving the area was likely the logically sound option. The dragonkin was worried about the dinosaurs in the tanks. It was obvious their treatment at the hands of these alchemists wasn't very good. Unfortunately freeing them may summon something even more dangerous than the spiders. Currently the critters hadn't made a move yet but he was certain that they'd be quick to swarm the group should anyone make any sudden moves. He had been able to talk down the dinosaur outside. Izuru hoped he'd be able to solve this current situation with words once more.

Thus Izuru decided to make his move, which was to snatch the gem from its pedestal. No doubt this would pair well with his research notes on abominations. He had no idea what he'd do with either yet. The chance to make something interesting happen was too much to give up. Once the gem was safely in his hands. Izuru turned his attention to the little spiders. "Who stole the gem? Seriously who would be so uncouth as to snatch this important piece of research material?" stated the dragonkin, laying on the faux surprise. "You... you didn't think it was ME, did you? For shame, little spider friends. This is outrageous! Pure projection! You just don't want to admit you don't know anything about whats going. Play the soulless card and hope it gets you over this hurdle. I have half a mind to complain to your supervisors about YOU" spat Izuru at the tiny golem tektites.

1. Snatch Gem
2. Gaslight the Spiders = Persuasion E + Deception E

Languages: “Common” “+Mictlantecuhtlian+” “%Analog%”

Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy

Unfortunately for the golem he wasn't really able to act fast enough to stop the cultist activity from going off, the pocket dimension not freeing Miyuki in a way that he had hoped, staying on guard. All Teuihua could really do was do his best at this point and trust in Regula's skills.

Normally when a creature like this attacked Teuihua would be quick to use his available arsenal to dispatch it, however this circumstance was different as he heard Regula speak up, She told him not to kill it, in order to save those afflicted it looked like that was the right move, so instead the golem decided he would have to try his best to hold it back moving toward it as quickly as he could manage, despite its size he would try, using probably between his [Fear] Resilience once more and a combination of his Superstrength D in order to grip the cultist's creation on either side in an effort to hold it in place, exerting a great deal of mechanized force, not wanting to hurt, but instead counter push and try to do his best to assist Regula, hoping that what she was up too would be successful with her apparent effort at attacking the one responsible for this monster which had been created. All he could do was hope they could free Miyuki and any other innocents when all was said and done.
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Elvario Elvario
The Cult leader kept on with his attempt to try and finish whatever had been going on, huffing for a gasp of air as they felt the blade of Regula's weapon strike deep into them. Shakily grasping onto Regula in a last attempt to wish to pull them off, a glow eminated from their wounds as it looked clearly apparent in his last attempts of trying to cling to life he chose to try and heal himself. With what was likely similar to the flesh-morphing magics wielded prior, could he try to heal his own wounds to no avail of removing the sword even if his recovery magic tried to push it back out. Darkened blood profusely leaked out of his body, coughing as he glared to the strange ritual-containing creature that Teuihua had went to try and restrain. At this point, his healing wasn't helping but was only prolonging death.

As Teuihua kept hold of the creature, it did its best to squirm free as it hissed and shrieked a little, though after a while it quietened and settled more as its cone-like hump of sorts bloated a little. The cultist was clearly starting to struggle to stand and was fighting to stay alive to see the results of his efforts, of which soon enough the creature's underside cracked open and spilled forth a thick purple ooze along with its contents. Though it'd look a little familiar, it clearly wasn't the exact same of how they would've remembered her looking before.
Miyuki's hair and fur was very clearly of a different colour, something much brighter. Apart from that she'd look pretty much the same... except for something which Regula probably would've noticed. Her tails were smaller, stubbier even. Or well, the ones that were there anyway. Whilst clearly smaller, only four of her tails physically remained. There was clear remnants of her other five, but they had appeared to been reduced to a ghostly and spectral form that became more translucent the further out they extended. The creature emitted and spat out a few large chunks of flesh and solidified goop before eventually collapsing having spat out the entirety of its insides. The hard outer shell of the creature started molding and turning into sludge slowly, decompressing back into rotting flesh as the Cult leader huffed a small chuckle before spluttering his final breath and falling to the jaws of death. His body had also decided that it was just going to start melting into blood in order to seep onto and into the tiny cracks of the floor.

Miyuki, slowly coming back to consciousness as she leaned up to try and push herself off the ground, blinked and hesitantly looked around the room until laying her eyes at Teuihua then to Regula. Stuttering softly a little, she looked for words.
"U-uh... do I... I-I think, I know you, right?... Regula and, Teuihua, but... why do I know you exactly... why am I here, l-last time I remember I was... exploring those crystal caves... " Miyuki asked softly, looking around before slowly standing and noticing her tails. She was a little silent for a brief moment, gently reaching her hand to reach for the ghostly missing tails.
"W-why do I have these... ghost tails?" she added, of which another voice interrupted.

"Yeah, I think I can answer that, I've been waiting for ages to speak my mind, and I'm sure Miyuki here has been waiting ages to get out of another person's body" they added, as some of the large chunks of flesh that came out of the strange monster were shuffling about with their contents trying to free themselves.
"Why is this so gross and uncomfortable" another voice complained, struggling.
"It's not meant to be comfortable, sweetheart".
Where in the first place there had only been one kitsune, crawling out of the remains of the monster that had just overtaken the ritual were two more. One with blindingly white hair and fur, with the other a soft pinkish-purple similar to what Miyuki had prior albeit in a noticeably much lighter tone. For matters of interest, these two did actually have all nine tails. The white kitsune having tails like that of Miyuki did before although much longer in length than poofier. On the subject of poofy, the pink-purple kitsune's tails were... well, what felt like entirely that. Not long persay, but each tail was very big, so much that it didn't look like they could even compress together much. With the pink-purple kitsune taking a little seat on the floor to recuperate, it was pretty noticeable that they splayed in a peacock's tail sort of fashion being a literal fluffy tail throne for her.
"Uh... you two, I don't recognise at all... should I... be recognising you two, because I've never seen either of you before in my life" now light bluish Miyuki asked, of which the white kitsune shook her head.
"No, you wouldn't, but I'd much know who you are. Aquaia, correct? I doubt it entirely about this one here, but I've been stuck conscious the entire time even whilst you... or well, the physical body of you hasn't been. I think I've had enough time to get what's going on exactly, but I'm also aware that there's probably other people awaiting or curious where we- or well you all are that should probably be gotten back to. It'd likely be better to explain somewhere not here... Miyuki, don't touch that" the white kitsune spoke as the one they spoke and gestured to, 'Miyuki' was looking at and lightly prodding blood and flesh nervously. Hesitating and jumping a little as she looked back to everyone else, her ears fell flat as she spoke.

"I was a little distracted, I-I don't really... like this place" she spoke softly, looking to Regula a moment and hesitantly moving to take a step forward towards the woman before remaining reluctant and holding in place for the moment.


As Ul dropped her focus on the book to look to Winrey who had stated the importance of finding the others who had went in deeper, she nodded.
"Right... so, have we found anything on how to get that door open or something?" Ul asked, of which someone fell a little less amused at the question. Looking to Chorus who had been investigating the door, running his hands along markings and small buttons and pressure plates among it, he glanced back.
"I'm still working on it, though I think this is starting to make sense. Just don't do anything that'll make any problems, or at least say if you've found another answer... " Chorus answered, wanting this done with as soon as possible so the burden of this trouble didn't have to linger on any more. Watching Izuru who nabbed the gem and start to try holding a serious conversation with the little rock-spider creatures was mildly amusing, if not questionable if it was the right time to do it. The elf silently contemplated if nabbing the strange gem was truly the smartest idea, of which she just gave a small look to the little creatures he was talking to.

The little rocky buggo-boys, at least the ones paying attention to him, just gave him a silent look and occasional tilts of the head clearly having no way to speak back to him. It was debatable what their actual opinion was, but he at least wasn't getting swarmed by them for his attempt to pin the crime on them. With nothing bad actually happening, it appeared as if this was one sparkly special gem the dragonkin was actually going to get away with.

"Hm, don't really know how to free these creatures either... maybe Mr. Extravagant's right and these things do understand us... " Ul muttered, wondering if Izuru was actually onto something with talking with the local wildlife population or if his absolute insanity was just conveniently working out for him. Though, audible sounds of shuffling and grinding stone could be heard from the shut door as Chorus pressed a last big button on the door.

"That... might be it, if I'm not mistaken. I'm not even sure how I figured that out, but maybe whatever these people communicate in isn't so alien to learn after all... though then again, didn't really learn anything but pressed some buttons" Chorus answered as he finally got the door open. It opened very slowly, actually painfully slowly, Ul looking to the door as she awaited for it to finally open. When it slowly crumbled open, Chorus could notice multiple figures in the dark approaching their way. Though at least after a look, some of them looked familiar. Especially the big construct, that one wasn't mistakeable.


The group, after a trip back, would have managed to reconvene at the beach. A large camp with many tents and amenities had been set up with multiple wards and fences to try and keep creatures from coming close to the area. They had gotten pretty productive during the time everyone was gone, of which Regula's return and acquiring the portal supplies from her would allow them to get started to quickly setting it up. After deliberation, other scouts and planners had decided that trying to set up camp somewhere else for the moment was likely very dangerous especially after the news of what Ohmadesna had delivered. She was at camp somewhere though hadn't shown her face up to the rearriving adventurers.

Everyone's return was highly received and celebrated however, with the sky starting to turn into a glistening yellow-orange as the day moved into the later evening and the portal was just being finished. It would make travelling back and forth between Gala'Kraoth so much easier, and for further exploration and work to be done so much easier. A joyful feast and celebration was held, of which the group of adventurers were thanked profusely for their aid especially into dangerous situations. While it had been dealt with, there was a suspicion that the hidden danger on the island was much higher than expected... that, and there's likely a significant undiscovered problem that would have to be looked into.

But for now, people would be able to peacefully enjoy the rest of their day and relax, and if they wished to, return through the newly set-up portal to return back to the mainland way easier and faster than it took to arrive. Outsourced assistance for Gala'Kraoth would most undoubtably be sought for another time, but for the moment things could be handled from here. Although, one of the last matters to mention would be Izuru's acquired gem. Whilst a mysterious item likely of value, at some point in the camp when he would go to check if it was on his person, he would find it mysteriously missing. In its' place, a small note of paper with a drawn heart symbol and the brief text 'Thanks, Cityboy~'. In the local air near his ear, he'd be able to hear from a stealthed invisible person a familiar voice.

"Thanks for the gift, Cityboy, I knew you'd find a beautiful gift to give to a pretty lady since she couldn't come along. Hope we meet sometime again, it was fun~" Ohmadesma smugly chimed in from an invisible presence, making her departure away from him in order to hide herself away.

The End. Or at least, until next time :3
(Thankies for joining my RP teeheehaha, you guys can go on and join another RP and such now. There'll be a continuation in this RP specifically for Regula, but everyone else is free and done here. You can Unfollow the RP if you don't want RPN to give you notifications for when you're finished here)

Elvario Elvario
Meanwhile, during this event in the camp, the three floofas were all sat around one of the made campfires by themselves talking amongst eachother clearly trying to get discussed everything that was going on. One of them would have to formulate and explain it to those handling the expedition and such since... whatever happened with the ritual clearly didn't make a whole lot of obvious sense. The pink floofa had noticed Regula, and gave a smile and wave and greeted her.
"Hi Regula, i-if you're not busy, do you wanna come talk with us? That's fine right?... " they awkwardly asked, albeit a little hesitant. They were sat in that 'fluff throne' fashion with nine very large, poofy tails to comfort them as their throne.

"Oh, that should be fine as long as she's not busy... I guess it's not like we've had the proper chance to meet, well... sort of any of us in specific with her, even though they're being hospitable and granting us stay. Maybe it'd be fine to ask if the Barony has some stay for more people, if for a little time... which reminds me of another thing" the 'original Miyuki' said, who was now blue instead. The white kitsune nodded and laughed awkwardly.
"Yeah, I think this is probably a bit weird, but uh... Regula, this is Miyuki, who was kind of a bit of the mind of Miyuki before probably because a little of me... " the white fox said, gesturing to the pink fox who gave an embarrassed smile and small wave.
"And then that's Aquaia, if your jumbled up memory that I was sorting through is right. From what I get, you were summoned here before us, and then... from what I suppose, used as a vessel to summon others that are similar to you, though I'm not sure why they'd want to do that. I'd assume for experimentation but... " the white fox said, looking to Aquaia's tails. Specifically, the ghostly ones.
"As I believe, you didn't have nine tails prior to us being all stuck together. So that was just because you had a nine-tailed kitsune inside of you. Though why they'd remain is still a mystery... maybe it's just remains of what once was, maybe you did end up getting them but splitting us apart used up part of you. I don't really get it either, I'm just spitballing... oh right, and I'm Kagamiyu, I don't really know why I'm here also, but I suppose it's because Miyuki got summoned and we're kind of related in a sense" Kagamiyu spoke, eventually coming to a consensus. She'd assume this was probably a lot for anyone to take in.

"Uh... it's okay, t-take your time, I don't even get what's going on either. I, or maybe we, can at least try to ask questions if this is... all a bit too much, but from what I maybe get... n-no, actually I don't think I get it" Miyuki awkwardly spoke, looking to Aquaia who lightly raised a hand.

"If I get this straight, I was the physical body used as a vessel and the first one who appeared here. Then, Miyuki was summoned here which by proxy summoned Kagamiyu by, whatever reason or other. Miyuki took over myself mostly as a vessel, so our selves were kinda... mixed, a bit? Of which because Kagamiyu was just kinda floating around, she was just sorta stuck in here as a spectating spirit... yes?" Aquaia questioned, Kagamiyu hesitated a bit on answering.
"That sounds like it makes more sense than I could put it... also makes no sense at all, I'm sorry" Miyuki answered, thinking for a moment.
"Weren't there... others? What's their face? Do you- do you remember?" she asked, looking to Kagamiyu. The white fox thought for a moment, before her expression dropped in realisation.
"Oh, right, those two. So, those Briarhild and... Koyuki? No, Chiyoko? Sounds more right, I don't believe these two are real. Maybe spies or, fake amalgams or failed summons or something. Though, I'd believe they would've ran from the barony elsewhere within our absence which... is probably something that'd have to be dealt with. The whole 'kids' thing as I imagine was some sort of false mind-manipulation to keep tabs on you in case you escaped, though considering you came back to Gala'Kraoth and got caught again... well, it maybe seems like they wouldn't need that anymore. That must've been how they were prepared for this... " Kagamiyu considered, trying to remember the details of what she had witnessed as a spiritual spectator. Miyuki's face suddenly lit up in excitement for a moment at a sudden thought.

"Wait, Gunhild's here? Yes?" she asked, the sudden wag of her tails simply bluntly hitting Kagamiyu's face entirely.
"Stop, stop, yes she's here somewhere, calm your bushy tooshie Miyu-" the white floofa muttered, trying to free her face from being assaulted by wagging fox tails.​
Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Languages: Common | +Mictlantecuhtlian+
Mentions: Femboy Femboy | Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Glad to see Teuihua adjust to her request not to kill and instead start holding back the creature, she could focus solely on the cult leader. Then again, she would do so already, as she'd trust Teuihua without even looking back for confirmation at this point.

Her blade piercing the cult leader without issue was a relief; it meant that this should stop soon enough. Though she was surprised at how long he managed to keep going. Yet the contagion and continuing effects countered his attempts to heal and recover well enough, it seemed.

The moment the flesh amalgamation was defeated, she'd use her cloak's Safe Zone B in case Miyuki or Teuihua had gotten injured. Selectively ignoring the cultists and monstrosities, but healing all others, including the two newcomers.

Safe Zone B – Magic B, Healing B, Energised B, Area of Effect D, Selective Magic D, Control Environment E, Magic Duration E - Character creates a safe zone; healing significant injuries and resurrecting the recently diseased, 500ft -152m radius around them, lifting bad environmental conditions, ignoring undesired targets, lasting 1 day - Grade B Energised – 3 Post Cooldown.

Seeing a somewhat familiar form, though in different colours, she was confused. “Miyuki? Are you... are you alright?” She asked, her voice dripping with genuine concern. She did seem somewhat injured, mostly in the tail department, but there were no other wounds visible, which was a relief. “What in the world was all that?” She asked next.

With monsters and cultists decomposing into rotting flesh goop, she realised she could use a bath soon. That said, she sighed in relief. “It seems we somehow made it.” She'd carefully, yet optimistically, say to Miyuki and Teuihua.

When she realised Miyuki was rather out of it, judging from those questions, however, that optimism was toned down a bit. “Yes, yes. You know us. We're friends.” She'd confirm. Hoping the girl hadn't forgotten too much or that it'd return to her shortly. “We were exploring this island together, when some cultists grabbed you with some sort of flesh-monster.”

That's when she got even more shocked. Hearing another voice, she'd turn around, hand on her blade, but she kept it sheeted when she saw what appeared. That was definitely not a monster or cultist. Neither of them was, to that extend... For a split moment, the inner [Tail Freak] flared up at the sight, but it was quickly dimmed by her continued concern about Miyuki. Someone she did start to care about in more way than mere tail-lust.

Regula's question was the same as Miyuki's. Somewhat. “Were you two also victims of these cultists?” That'd make the most sense. Right..? She was thoroughly confused. “Aquaia..?” She turned to Miyuki, as that wasn't a name she was familiar with.

The next bits of story really didn't help her understand much. “Wait... Miyuki is... what?” She got even more confused when the Miyuki she knew wasn't addressed as Miyuki, but instead the other pink one was? Seeing the woman hesitate to approach her, she'd normally have gone straight in for the hug. Yet having no idea who was who or what, she'd chose the next option. “It's alright.” She'd state with a disarming smile and comforting voice (Baroness' Charm B).

Baroness' Charm B – Character Grade B, Appraisal B, [Baroness of Caelia] title, Persuasion B, Seduction B, Energised B – Using her position as a baroness and her social prowess, Regula attempts to charm someone into being more agreeable. - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown.

Whatever was going on here, she had to agree. “Alright, I'll wait for my answers until we're out of here. Although... would you mind if I destroyed this place once we ensured that nobody else is held captive here and got any information about what happened that we can bring along? Just in case?” Should they allow her to, she'd unleash some B-grade [Hextech Gun] attacks on the place on their way out. That should ensure this place wouldn't be usable for such foul purposes ever again. She would, however, be clever enough to at least look through the rooms for any information about what these cultists had been up too and either write it down or put it in her [Pocket Dimension] before just destroying the rest of it.

She was surprised by how efficiently the rest had gotten up defences on the beach, but she wasn't in a party mood. She'd just place down the supplies she'd brought for them and went her own way. At least the way back to her barony would be very quick with the new portal set-up. That said, there was one more thing she wanted to get sorted out beforehand.

To her surprise, it was the pink one that asked her to join the three floofa's. “Of course, I'd gladly hear you out... and try to understand what happened.” She stated, joining them. She was so confused, in fact, that her eyes for once didn't keep wandering to the many tails on display. If anything were to show how genuinely concerned and caring she was right now, it was probably that.

At the very least there was one thing she could rather easily respond to. “Don't worry there's always a place for you all in my bed... bedroom... keep. In my keep.” Okay, perhaps the [Tail Freak] had subconsciously still been going. “Sorry...” She mumbled. “I've just never been more confused than I am right now.” She tried to explain herself.

Looking between the new Miyuki and the old-Miyuki-now-Aquaia, she honestly tried her best to make sense of this all. “Right... it's nice to meet you. Miy.. Aquaia, Miyuki and Kagmiyu.” She'd reply, almost mixing up past and current Miyuki as she went by them one by one. At the very least, starting to try get their names right seemed like a good place to be at in all this confusion.

As they were explaining more, however, she started to realise something. “Wait... so which of you has memories of what.. like, you know... that evening, with the brushes... was that...” She couldn't even formulate her sentence well, confused as she was. She started thinking back upon that fateful evening showing off her brush collection to 'Miyuki' and really wondered which of these three, if not all of them, had that memory at this rate. Or well, which of these three she'd technically bonded with at that time.

“Wait.... Briarhild and Chiyoko aren't' real? How? They passed the black orb tests getting into town and even Gunhild remembered them, it seemed, treating Briarhild like her own daughter and all that?” That seemed even more strange. “We even discussed them, right?” At least one of these three should remember that discussing, right? “Wait, so was any of that real? Does Gunhild not have children after all then and is her memory also altered or something?” It was getting more confusing by the moment.

Seeing the mention of Gunhild make them happy, she smiled a bit. Totally not jealous of the treatment Kagamiyu was getting. “She's a good friend of mine and my barony overall, so even though she's currently on a mission of her own, I'm expecting her to drop by often.” She stated.

That said, there was still some confusion left. “So... if I were to want to hug the 'Miyuki' that I'd travelled to this island with... Would I have to request a group hug?” She'd state (Baroness' Charm B again) as she was curious how they'd react at this point. That and she genuinely wasn't getting the full deal of this explanation, but since it sounded like things were 'good' in a way, regardless of how confusing it all was, she really just wanted to confirm it with a hug at this point.

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