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Active [The Republic - Gala'Kraoth] Return to Gala'Kraoth

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WINREY | Beastkin-Rabbit | Enigmatic
Winrey had decided it'd be good to just sit in a quiet corner and study for the time being. He didn't like the open air, since he was quite pale and being outside for too long could burn his delicate skin. He found a bit of shade beneath the giant sails of the ship, and sat comfortably down while he studied his Alchemy book. There were a lot of newcomer's who'd arrived after the introductions in the tavern, he supposed he'd have to get to know them sooner or later.

So far, they all looked to be quite capable. There was even a woman who seemed to be from high nobility there, aside from the actual princess amongst them. The ship ride would be quite relaxing all things considered, as nobody on board was rowdy. It'd been so long that Winrey had quite forgotten what it felt like to be on an adventure with seasoned adventurer's.

I might not have to work as hard...that's a relief. More time for study then. Come to think of it, I haven't gone over the funerary rites in a while...He swapped the alchemy book out for the funerary rites he carried with him. A relaxing ship ride indeed.


Languages: “Common” “+Mictlantecuhtlian+” “%Analog%”

Mentions: Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario Shadow Survivor Shadow Survivor Lolory Lolory Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Megilagor Megilagor Tobi Naefaerne Tobi Naefaerne

Teuihua would look to Viole a bit surprised, to hear analog since he hadn’t seen any other individuals who looked like constructs or who would be speaking it other than Regula who he knew was more than capable. Teuihua would then give a wave to Viole in response.

“%You are here to assist, I take it? Welcome, it looks like we will be working together, much can be discussed.%” Teuihua had no idea what Viole was talking about after that with Ul, wondering if she actually knew who this construct was.

It seemed that Ul had been reincarnated? It wasn’t all so often that Teuihua had heard someone claim that, but he had certainly heard rumors here and there of people from other worlds coming here, but it was seldom to his understanding. For Regula however it sounded like she had met many more than Teuihua knew about which was most curious.

Of course there were beliefs surrounding reincarnation in Mictlantecuhtlian culture and religion so the concept wasn’t lost on Teuihua for what it was. Sometimes there was a belief that an avatar of a Mctlantecuhtlian god might manifest that way.

He’d also take note of the fae, Levren joining into the fray of the journey who he would have asked if he was okay, but he said he was fine and it wasn’t long after that that Regula had used an AOE heal of sorts. He’d give him a wave too.

“Salutations, I am Teuihua, it looks like we will be working together, there are plenty here who can answer your questions if you have any. For brevity, I am skilled in security and combat, as well as lifting heavy objects, I have also visited this island once before.”

The information which Chorus shared was much like the first trip so the information wasn’t super new to the golem who had already gone once before.

Upon hearing Chorus he would nod however. “I will say to be wary if we travel through a great fog closer to the island, there was a suggestion that there might have been an increase in activity from..I suppose an appropriate word in common might be “spirits? .” He said seeming to recall Kota’s assessment when the fog had come up on what he had sensed.

It felt pretty self explanatory about why one should be more careful with those sorts of beings around

“But of course I intend on assisting where I can.”

He would respond to Regula of course, giving her a nod, feeling glad that she felt similarly about being happy and feeling good to see him in return to him feeling that way about her.
He would of course respond reassuringly,
“+I understand, watercraft travel does yield a more vulnerable feeling, Thankfully we are traveling with capable people so if trouble arises I believe we’ll manage.+”

“+Oh there are devices like that in this time from tinkerers? Interesting, I wonder how they function here in the now…much of that sort of longer communication was handled through magic and magic items in my time.+”

It wouldn’t be long before the construct was idling about making sure Regula was safe, the conversations sounding straight forward enough, nothing too alarming..but then not long after he had spoken with Chorus he would detect something strange moving in the water, that he wasn’t certain what it was, being a [Sentry] and being on high alert so often, he’d look with his [360 degree vision] feature to try to discern what was going on, before he would speak aloud to those who were there in common.

“I do not wish to incite a panic but I believe our vessel is being followed by something unknown below the water. We should be on high alert and be prepared for the worst case scenario of engagement if it is necessary.” He would announce to the group in a more pronounced and serious tone than usual. Also taking note that Miyuki looked a bit nervous. This was feeling a bit unsettling like the first time he traveled there..a doubly good reason to report this immediately.

Title Leveraged:
-Character excels at guard duty and is likely to be tasked with it a lot. Character inspires a sense of safety and rest-assuredness.
Mentions: Femboy Femboy Lolory Lolory

Noticing Winrey had taken the time to be alone. Izuru thought to do the same. Wiggling in his barrel to a more enclosed space so he could take a nap. The dragonkin noticed that the weather was getting far more grey than before. Squinting at the heavens for doing this when he decided to take a ship to an island. Izuru contemplated hiding in the barrel and waiting out the possibility of a storm. Unfortunately there was the very real possibility that his barrel would get thrown off said ship if he sealed himself in here without paying attention to what was going on. Crawling out of said barrel and letting it presumably get used by someone else. Izuru dusted off his clothes before taking in a breath of that salty sea air. Ships weren't something he traveled on very often. Something about the ocean unnerved him, especially on days like this. Luckily he lived in a world where he could simply imply he was concerned about the probability of sea monsters and people would believe him. The crew was hard at work, which meant sailors doing their best to keep their little ship afloat. Since he wasn't built for the kind of intense labor these guys were doing. Izuru picked up his cane and wandered about the deck looking for something interesting to look at.

.Appraisal E on the clouds

Languages: Common | %Analog%
Mention: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Teuihua, Femboy Femboy Ul Dyril

Viole stood up after the young mistress started speaking to him. Her words did make his thoughts hazy for a short while, after all, he thought he had found the young mistress, but it turned out not to be the young mistress but at the same time it was the young mistress.
"Reincarnation... I have heard of that term, your grandfather often spoke that his father was someone not of this world, that he reincarnated into this one. Then your journey through reincarnation must have been a hellish one young mistress."
Viole simply looked at Teihua as he spoke in analog, and performed a small wink in the giant's direction to signify he heard what he said and was correct in what he said.
He then turned his face to look directly at Ul's face, no straight into her eyes, which could potentially creep her out but Viole had no prior teachings of what is socially acceptable or not.

And while looking at her he began speaking once more this time though placing one of his hands on his own face feeling it up, as even for him his current looks are unfamiliar.
"Not remembering my face would be normal young mistress, after all, back when the previous you were alive I wasn't like this. I didn't have a definite appearance, the only thing that remained since then was my voice and what they called me. I am a Vivid Intelligent Optimized Learning Entity or Viole for short. To jog young mistress missing memory my core was created by accident but I as I stand today was created to assist in the works of your grandfather as his assistant as well as be someone who could stand by your side in your time of need."
Viole's facial features as well as voice did not falter at all, all came out in an almost robotic fashion if not for a hint of emotion in his words. After a short pause to help her process what he said to her, and to alleviate some stress from the situation. Then he spoke once again this time breaking eye contact, not willing to look his young mistress in the eyes as he felt it was bad for him to do so now.
"Though I wish to know young mistress, what should I call you now? From what I know of reincarnation people usually take a different name after it, for example, your great-grandfather's name was Nikola before reincarnation, though in his life here he was known as Thomas. I will give you some time to think young mistress."
After all that, Viole bowed down to Ul before walking off to the side allowing her some time to think alone, but his servant side did not let him go too far staying within earshot so he could respond whenever it was necessary.

Some time passed as the ship sailed towards its destination the weather began to grow worse, clouds gathered and congregated into darker clouds, the gentle rocking of the waves became rougher and rougher, and the sounds of seaside birds dulled out till it nearly vanished.
Such an atmosphere wasn't a great one, but because Viole never was on any ship he mistook it for something normal. Truthfully he enjoyed the sound of crashing waves it was a symphony to his ears, but even his small moment of enjoyment was cut short as he heard his mistress call out to him, so he came closer to her.
"Yes, young mistress!"

Viole announced his arrival as she ordained to him, having heard she had to ask him something he listened with a minuscule smile on his face.
Her question did spark a few thoughts in Viole's head, mainly one stood out, one that would entail a simple concept. If I am no longer her in body am I really her, it was a classic case of a Theusus ship paradox. What she probably needed the most right now was affirmation that she was in fact herself even if changed so he knelt in front of her looking straight at her face and began answering her question in his most earnest of ways trying to fill most of the gaps in her memory he could think of as well.
"That is most ascertained young mistress. As long as the three rules your grandfather ingrained in my being wouldn't be broken I will follow your every word. Just in case young mistress lost those memories as well the rules are as such. First rule: Under no circumstances shall I work to the detriment of the family, or in this case the sole survivor in spirit aka you young mistress. Even if that is your order, the only exception is that not following your detrimental order would lead to your death. Second rule: Always prioritize living family member's safety, happiness, life, and wishes. Third rule: On the off chance that all family members are dead continue the family legacy till I either find someone who is like the second coming of the family, or until the family's role in the world is rendered obsolete."
As he was nearing the last words to his answer Viole stood up from the deck of the ship and performed a deep sincere bow, a bow so low in fact that he bent 90 degrees to her.
"So as long as the three rules are not broken, then all your words will be my wish and command young mistress."

Hearing Teuihua's words about something following them underwater did worry Viole, he was mainly created as a servant not much of a fighter but even so he could at least be a meat shield to the mistress.
"I might not be much of a fighter but count me in when it comes to helping out when they come."
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Lolory Lolory Elvario Elvario Megilagor Megilagor Tobi Naefaerne Tobi Naefaerne Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia
Ul scratched her chin as she intently listened to Viole, doing her best to pretend like she fully understood everything that was said like it was completely normal, yet in reality she was just internally desperate that trying to be the master of Viole wouldn't somehow end up coming back to kick her violently. She knew that if she ever had to encounter one of these 'creators' or the 'young mistress' Viole had believed her to be, then her time could be in very awkward trouble... then again, she did say something about a workshop accident and thinking they were dead. Hopefully they were actually dead... wait, that's a lot worse of a thought to hope, not that she'd actually wish some strangers she met were dead, just that she wished that the outcome was confirmed... well that didn't really do anything to make it better. She would continue when Viole had been called back.

"Right, riiight. Well, I go by Ul Dyril now" she first introduced again, seeing as Viole wanted to know her 'new' name. Thinking over the rules she had heard, she made sure to ask.
"Sooo... you're absolutely, positively, one-hundo percent sure that all the other family is dead and that, I died and reincarnated, as being your young master? Like, you've seen the evidence that they're all dead right, it's not... a mystery up in the air, or something? No reason why, just curious. Lets keep to those rules, it's a fair and good idea, although just in case, and I'm only being entirely fully hypothetical here, but if it somehow at some point turned out that I wasn't a reincarnation of this person, which I must be since you've clearly expertly pinpointed visual clues, like how I look and having used to dress in all purple... w-which I suppose my reincarnated self carried that idea since I wear all green now and that symbolises... like, growth, and rebirth... you know what, nevermind it's not important" Ul said as she passed off the last part, moving onto another point.

"But, what it makes me think is, maybe at least for the moment, we should probably act like I'm not the reincarnation of someone else, you know, since it's not really like there's proof that I'm that person. So, for the moment, lets just acknowledge that for the most part, I am Ul Dyril, and you are my humble companion servant Viole. Because that alone is much simpler to explain and understand, and is much less likely to bring up complications, since you know... it'd probably be a little tedious and a detriment to the family if we tried to go around using their name like that. So, maybe we should work on our own name first, and then we can go look for the family name at a later time when things aren't so busy since as my reincarnated self, I've got some other things I need to do. Sound like a plan?" Ul put together, she was hoping to get Viole as an assistant follower to make her time much easier, though she really didn't need any past affiliations of Viole ending up being a difficulty for her. So for the most part, she'd do her best to work on that 'being a second coming to the family' while she waited for said family to become obsolete, or dead, or both. She'd have to put in some research in the meantime when she was back from Gala'Kraoth.

On Teuihua's callout of potential trouble in the water, Ul overlooked the edge of the ship down into the water with a raised eyebrow.
"Hm... " she hummed under her breath, hearing Viole's interest in contributing to counteracting trouble. At least this doll likely wouldn't act as unrationally like the last doll she was on a ship with.
"Unless you got any questions you want to ask me, I suppose you can go do... whatever it is you do in your own time, or go take a look at other people around, since we'll probably be with them for a while" the elf spoke. During said whole conversation, she hadn't notice Levren glance her way, yet the man was likely someone she'd want to question later about their capabilities. Making friends with similar interests seemed like a good way for a so-said princess to build her future.

Miyuki didn't really register Levren's mention of the word 'Pretty' when facing her, supposing that he might've just been a bit confused after having a little oopsie and bonking by a ship mast. Though, hopefully Regula's healing assistance would help him back on his feet and good as new.
"Thank you, Caelia" Miyuki spoke quietly on the matter of healing their new friend Levren. Looking back to said newcomer in general, she gave a soft smile.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Miyuki. I assume you're coming to Gala'Kraoth with us too, though were a bit late to meet us around the table. Still, it's nice to meet some new friendly faces that'll help us along the way. It's okay, I'm sure things will go well and your help will be well appreciated. May I ask as to if you have any special talents or things you're well versed and experienced in? I like your whole look, it's very pretty and attractive" Miyuki complimented to the man, hoping that they could get on good terms. It seemed like a good idea to get on good terms with people you were going to be stuck with for a while, at least to her. She only silently hoped she wasn't been too pushy or energetic about it.

The kitsune was glad to hear that Regula wouldn't have any trouble with stuff going wrong back at her barony, shivering a little and growing hesitant when Regula had suddenly leaned in close. She hadn't been expecting her to, not sure what was about to be said until she had actually heard it and sighed. Fidgeting her fingers together, she quietly answered.
"O-oh, sorry I didn't m-mean to, I'll keep quiet about that... " she answered back softly, having not though that it would be something Regula wouldn't be interested in hearing for the moment. At least it wasn't anything weirdly surprising-

AND THERE IT IS, the sudden random additional comment of calling her 'Love' that so suddenly caught her offguard even when she was fully expecting it. Being a little twitchy and embarrassed, she felt a little flustered up until Regula pulled out something most intriguing. She held her tongue on asking what it was, since she was soon enough asked about the matter of striking a pose.
"A... pose? I-I mean, I don't think I'm really good at that kind of thing... but if it's what you want, I can try... " she answered, it hadn't been her first time at all doing poses or anything related to fashion. Back in her own time, she was very much used to that sort of thing, although it didn't mean she ever got used to or comfortable about it. Though, if it was Regula asking her, then she supposed she could do so.
"D-does this work? Or maybe this one? I'll j-just, do some things and you can tell me what looks good, I'm not really sure what you're looking for" Miyuki answered as she just proceeded to go between some different poses she could try to think of just to give the Baroness some choice on whatever was supposedly good. Not suggesting anything that Regula might want to draw, since drawing Miyuki herself would probably be easier, but it is in fact pose E that has the most unobscured view of Miyuki's tails. Just incase she was wanting to look but you know I didn't say or suggest anything. This decision very clearly matters and is a very important decision, if they were interested anyone else around would probably be able to see and give their input on Miyuki posing. Because it's so clearly an important decision. There is clearly not going to be an effect on the story depending on which you choose, no there is no foreshadowing of the sorts going on when I say this.

Chorus listened to what Teuihua had to say about spirits, and then what he said aloud about such things in the water. He gave a brief nod.
"Thank you, Teuihua, I'll be sure to keep an eye out" he briefly answered, people working the ship and keeping things running had heard and took acknowledgement to what the construct had said about underwater lifeforms also. Spirits was something he hadn't been prepared to face, although it hadn't much come to his attention that it'd be something he would have to worry about on the way to the island. Although he supposed that it would probably only matter once they actually made it to the island. For now, he kept an eye on the sides of the ship for any such things following, as did some other crew members who were free to keep their eyes peeled.

In the meanwhile, two crewmembers who weren't doing much for the time being had gotten themselves rather distracted. Quite frankly, they were very visibly drunk likely from spending too much time in the tavern before the ship took off. For the moment, they had found a rather interesting maiden to pester.
"Oi'yae lass, ain't'cha'bit young t'be out'ere alone? Don'cha know what boat yer on?" one of them asked, as the other added.
"You're quite a- hic- c-cute one though, those ears a headband or whut? Y'seem a bit lost, y'know this is the boat to Gala'Kraoth, rrriiight? Or y'lookin' for men 'ere? T-this- hic- is a man's job after all. You're'uh'bit prettied up for all'o'this, you goin' on vacation or some'in?" the other mentioned also, to Winrey, who was probably not going to get a break from the misunderstandings anytime soon. Chorus had glanced in their direction, seeing as two people were suddenly bothering one of the Gala'Kraoth adventurers, keeping an eye on to see if things would worsen and someone would have to intervene. He had given a small look to Winrey just in case he started looking around to see if anyone else also saw what was going on, just to give try and give him the know that he could always get the help.

In the ALSO meanwhile, Izuru's immense investigation into the clouds wouldn't prove him much luck. Most of them looked like clouds, some of them were slightly darker shades of cloud-colour than the other clouds. If he looked really close, he could probably see a cloud, but from just a normal glance he was able to see clouds. Then, he would soon enough attract the attention from an onlooker.
"Hey, weirdo with the cane, you look lost" they had abruptly spoken, having watched him with his barrel-related shenanigans for a little while. Someone had appeared pretty close to them out of thin air, clearly using some sort of magic to have hidden themselves rendered invisible for the time being. A red-haired woman wearing a strangely-hornlike adorned hood with a thin whiplike tail looked him over for a moment, before speaking once more.
"You got a walking stick? You lost old man? A lotta odd faces on this ship, but the rest of them seem like they got something to do, what's got you coming here? I was gonna keep my mouth quiet from prying around, but a lot of people here seem like they have interesting things to say or interesting things in their pockets. Was coming to Gala'Kraoth plannin' to keep to myself, y'know an island full of untouched secrets is just waiting for someone to take the initiative. You don't look like the adventuring type, you look like some prettyboy wordsmith that'd spend his life boxed up in the big city. Name's Ohmadesna, close people call me Dessie, just this once I'll give a complete stranger the opportunity to give me that, but only if you don't make it sound awful or cringe" she spoke with a small smug smirk, her eyes drifting to his horns and his draconic tail for a little moment. Her investigation of his physical traits wasn't even subtle.

"Hm? Say, you mind if I take a look? Don't often see someone looking like this" she asked, already reaching with her hand to touch Izuru's horns. The man would probably have to answer fast if he were to disagree with the request.​

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