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Realistic or Modern ☯The Rejects☯


mors mea amans

"Stay away from Lakewood, Georgia."

Clarence Piper Donovan

Inhale, and exhale. The smoke poured out of Clarence's lips like liquid; a cigarette burning between her fingers. It was the fading weeks of December and Christmas was just around the corner. People were scattered around town looking for a way to make amends with rude neighbors, but it all seemed to end the same way. The neighbors would still be rude, school would be back in session, and Clarence would still be stuck in this god-awful town.

The blonde was taking her last gulp of nicotine before she left the butt somewhere in the snow. Grazing her hand through her hair she shook the cold off and started down the road. Occasionally she'd check her phone and stare at the time--not like it mattered--and slowly returned to reality. Her focus was getting from point A to B, no distractions. On this occasion point B happened to be the local bakery, which in all honesty would be the last place you'd see a girl like her. She had potential despite her reputation, but in a town like Lakewood nobody even had a chance. A reject. That was her label. A label she was proud to be placed, actually. It was the one sane thing she had left, and she took it with all of its "glory". She'd made a few friends along the way, but nobody special. Other than the few people that were stuck under the same name as her, nobody really cared, and that's just how Clarence liked it. No knowledge, no drama. Her one and only motto.

(Alright, I'm a bit sick right now and knew I had to at least post something so I wouldn't leave you guys hanging. Normally I post a longer starter post, but my brain just doesn't want to focus. The writing is probably crap, and I do apologize for that, but I promise later posts will be better. Anyways, Clarence will still be walking down to the bakery. Feel free for character interaction, etc. Sorry for the delay! c: I will post Landon's later.)

@oOBubblesOo @Piper
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Jake Murray

Jake rubbed his sore arm as he looked around his bedroom. Unpacked, finished, decorated. His mother had done it up as a way to cope with the absence of her son, and had unveiled it with an enthusiastic 'Ta Da', along with a brief explanation of how it was 'exactly how he liked it', though he couldn't quite agree. The room was too neat, pristine, crisp. Didn't even look lived in, though that of course could only be put down to the fact that it hadn't been lived in.

He'd only been discharged from the hospital this morning, finally allowed to leave, though packed heavy with medications and concerns. After being in a coma for a year you would expect to be filled with questions, but Jake didn't want to know. He had nothing to question, in truth. Having only just moved to the town when it happened, he had no one to ask about, nothing to tie up. It was basically like he'd just began to exist again, like he'd just moved there. While it was comforting to have the knowledge that Christmas was around the corner, there was still the melancholy vibe set into the undecorated house.

While Jake had been in a coma, his mother had become a sort of recluse. She devoted her time to either reading to him in the hospital or staying at home and making a general mess of the house. She didn't talk to anyone other than doctors, and the amount of clutter littering the house was quite bothersome. Though not his room. It was like everything in there was sacred.

Jake let his eyes flicker around the room, bright blue and empty walls stared at him, the only decoration being one single poster of an English footballer who Jake couldn't even remember liking. He walked over to his bed, each corner of the sheets smooth and straight, and sat down. He ran his hands along the blankets and licked his dry lips, before turning and looking at his mother.

"Do you like it?" She asked, her arms wrapped around herself almost protectively, a weak smile forced onto her face.

Jake had to force the words out of himself, after a year of silence and darkness he almost couldn't remember how to generate words. He had to lie, too, because no, he didn't really like it, but it would do until he could establish what he did like. "Yes."​
Melanie Taylor

Slipping out of bed and staring at the clock, Mel realized she had overslept once again. Yes, this happened quite often, but today it was important that she rose early but she hadn't done that at all. Cursing softly to herself, Melanie quickly changed into one of her favorite sweaters, pairing it with a simple pair of blue jeans. Brushing quickly through her hair, Mel rushed downstairs and into the kitchen. Stopping just outside the entryway, Melanie sighed and turned her gaze to the floor. Today had been her mother's 40th birthday and she had missed her chance to say happy birthday. Her parents were more than likely already on the road, heading off to the Bahamas for awhile in celebration.

Shuffling up the stairs, disappointment engraved on her face, Mel applied her usual makeup then wandered back into the kitchen. As usual, her parents left a short note saying that they had left, including some amount of money for her. Melanie scoffed at the note, crumpling it and tossing it into the trash and pocketing the cash before walking angrily out of the house. At this point, it was hard for her to tell if she was more angry at herself or at her parents for leaving yet again, despite the special occasion. Either way, she was in desperate need of a pick-me-up and she intended to fulfill that. Melanie shifted through her bag for a brief moment before pulling out a cigarette. Struggling to light it in the wind, she ducked her head back into the house to light it and continued on her merry way.

Mason Benedetto

'"Welcome to Lakewood, Georgia'... Sounds inviting," Mason mumbled to himself, reading off the sign as he drove past. Honestly, he hadn't really intended to end up here but he had heard some things at his last spot about this particular town that intrigued him. Adventure was what he had set out for and this town showed promise in that department. Well, the things he had heard about it made it seem that way, anyhow. The scenery up until this point was quite impressive and, so far, this town was also not a letdown in that aspect.

Minutes later, Mason found himself pulling into a hotel parking lot. Well, some place that appeared to be a hotel. The sign wasn't lit up and the letters were a bit battered but otherwise it wasn't too shabby. Getting out of his car, Mason turned around to look at the surrounding places. To him, everything seemed to embody exactly what you would expect from a small town. Some buildings were more well-known and others were quite obviously a hometown treat. Despite the street name, Main Street that is, the street could definitely have passed for any old road. Not too much happening but not too little, either.

Mason wandered hesitantly into the hotel, taking in his surroundings once more. "Can I help you?" Mason was taken back by the voice he was approached by. Turning to see the man, Mason forced out a smile. "Well, I hope so. I'm looking for a place to stay.. Temporarily... I'm just passing through," he explained himself to the older man. In response, the man tilted his head back and yelled up the stairs, "Adal! We've got ourselves another tourist come to see all that our wonderful town has to offer," he ended with a slight chuckle then handed Mason a room key. "Enjoy your stay... The best you can, that is." Mason stared blankly at the man, now officially freaked out. "Um.. Thank... I think," he said before turning and heading back out to his car.

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