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Fantasy The Raven Knights OOC

@Oddball - We are unfortunately going to be halting any new applications for the time being. If you like, I can send you a pm whenever we open things back up. Thanks for the interest!

Also, just letting everyone know I'm alive. Hungover, but alive. I'll make a post tonight after work for those waiting on me. :)
@Oddball - We are unfortunately going to be halting any new applications for the time being. If you like, I can send you a pm whenever we open things back up. Thanks for the interest!

Also, just letting everyone know I'm alive. Hungover, but alive. I'll make a post tonight after work for those waiting on me. :)

Alright that's understandable. Should you have an opening please let me know, thank you.
Just as an FYI, anybody that already has an application up and was making revisions and/or posted before the cut off, you are still eligible for approval.
So, @HumansArentReal @StarBabyPixel @Lexi Whittaker and @Haus Of Alaska

Since we're gonna be doing a time skip to cover the majority of the ride, I wanted to fill you in on what Humans and I decided on for the traveling. You guys can get one more round of posts in setting up the departure, then we're gonna fast forward to the next night as we set up camp, giving our characters time to get to know each other and stuff. Then after a bit of that, we'll fast forward again to Loenshire for Humans' character Asbjorn, which will also situate us just outside Arranhall. After that meeting, we'll start the next phase of the plot with King Dedrick. King Deddy. Foreshadowing?! Nahhhh. >_> <_<

Thanks, guys!
Greetings, mortals.

This seems like an incredibly interesting roleplay with an extreme amount of depth and effort put into it. I'd like to be a part of it, but I'm aware that new applications are currently not being accepted. So in the event that they will be accepted in the future, would an admin kindly notify me when that would be the case?

we got a guy off his rocker, lets be honest whos gonna have the tougher time of it :P

@HumansArentReal - do you dare challenge Nymeria to a flirt off? :P

I am basing her off the dornish of Game of Thrones which means shes a complete flirt xD
@Haus Of Alaska Challenge accepted.
But Asbjorn is a complete flirt too, and makes many lewd jokes. So I suppose we might just have to see if there'll ever be a winner xDD
@Ronin Ezekiel - I'll be sure to keep you in mind when we open back up! Thanks for the interest!

@HumansArentReal @Haus Of Alaska @StarBabyPixel @Lexi Whittaker

You two need to get a tent. ;)   ANYWHO.. if you wanted to get another post in, Humans, go for it. I'll give Lexi another couple hours before moving forward. Other than that, we're right on track.

Also, to all those of you going to Montiven to meet up with @Andraus and @RunicFollower, be sure to tag them in your posts the moment you guys are inside the ruins. Shit is about to get very real and I don't wanna have the Revenant beating on anyone who isn't there by accident. Thanks, you beautiful peoples!
@Lexi Whittaker - Don't sweat it! Life comes first, as is always the case. I appreciate you even taking time out to post! And we'll be sure to keep a spot saved for ya throughout the story so Ylva doesn't get left behind. ;)



Heya, boys, I know we're excited to fight the Revenant, but let's keep in mind that you are only controlling your own characters here, not the creature. I'll let those last couple couple slide for the sake of continuing, but from here on do stick to your own characters actions.

Thanks, guys. :)

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