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Fantasy The Raven Knights OOC

Just brilliant xD now all I can think of is an Orc in a bo-peep outfit with a little sheep following it.

Pretty much, she kept it on her back.

Also the reason why we had to decapitate a pig was because the ring leader of the bad guys was planning to kill one of the Merchants who was planning to flee already because I persuaded him with a NATURAL 20 and told him the ring leader spread some bad rumours about his business. So, yeah, it was basically all my fault. 

OH AND the ring leader asked for his a head of his wife or the merchant (cant remember) in a chest and I thought "fuck that, lets get a pigs head and put minor illusion on it" so, I did fix it my fuck up in the end. 

DOUBLE OH AND we helped them flee the city and the merchant gave me his ring and told me if i ever needed a favour, to visit him <3 
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RIP me, somehow close my browser and it deleted all the awesome content I had written. Feelsbadman

huh when i respond to the rp, my pc died but when it loaded up, it remembered what i wrote

Thats when your creating a new post, editing however is manual, meaning you need to press the save edit button so you can save the changes of the post your editing.
Head's up, friends! I just wanted to let you all know I'll be gone for a little while. Catching a concert tonight and I'm likely to return drunker than Fjord Fjordson was during the Gathering. So, with that in mind, send your love, err, questions to Skaia or HumansArentReal tonight, as my replies may likely be awful.
Head's up, friends! I just wanted to let you all know I'll be gone for a little while. Catching a concert tonight and I'm likely to return drunker than Fjord Fjordson was during the Gathering. So, with that in mind, send your love, err, questions to Skaia or HumansArentReal tonight, as my replies may likely be awful.

Remember Oni

@BlightGiver No. Unless decided by the ones in charge for it to be something important, I am just going to have him sell it.....I AM THE TRUE LORD OF THE RINGS THOUGH!
Ah, right, I didn't know what your character was doing but since the people in the Grove don't actually know that Yaro and Reynold are already in Montiven, so it's more than likely more people like Gareath will go. @NostalgiaOwl

Also, are the character applications still open @HumansArentReal because 12 people to read from is definitely enough especially since so many have a complex background and have some complex goal for themselves.
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