The Queen's Madness (Open)

Aster awoke, cringing. A nightmare awoke her, as they usually did. Her thick hair lay around her like a cloak. She turned over, finding a small lump in bed with her. The little girl...

She sighed, getting up and carrying the little one. "Come on, dear, we have to take you back to the servant's quarters." She held her against her hip, the pain in her back causing her to stumble and lean against walls. She wandered for a bit, trying to find her way to the familiar path.

@Cosmo @KillThemAll
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Joran Stronham

Knight of the Queen's Guard

"The Steel Wolf"

"I know. That's why I'm drinking," Joran murmured,

bitterly eyeing his alcohol before downing the entirety

of the wineskin in one quick go. He
wanted more.

Needed more.

You know how badly I want to leave this crumbling

shit-hole, don't you? To renounce my title to the Queen

and go home?", he'd think aloud. It was some

of the few honest words he had spoken in awhile.

If I don't kill Gregor, he'll only come for Lathien

in the future," the, technical, Lord would guarantee

Asavar as he continued to eye his now empty wineskin

with a biting thirst which did little to nothing when

it came to concealing the aching pain he felt biting at

his insides. It wasn't physical pain, of course, but emotional

pain. An inner struggle mixed with anger, at

The sighing knight turned to eye his helmet on the floor,

the Southern design quite a strange thing when compared

to the Western world's armours. It stood out. Like Joran.

He didn't belong in Lathien. He wasn't of Lathien descent,

didn't truly indulge in their customs, he was still a foreigner

at heart, no matter how adapted he had become to

their ways, or their government.

Would you even allow, just me, to ride and kill

Ser Gregor alone? Or, is that too painful for you?

It isn't wrong, if so. Your needs would override mine,

considering you're a Draxxan, and my friend."


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The Obsidian Executioner


Asavar didn't speak, merely listened as he talked, getting the weight off his shoulders. It wasn't the first time this had happened, but... it was worse then the other ones. Asavar tilted his head slightly forward, yes, he knew how badly Joran wished to leave, wished to ride north... He tried not to think of it, but he knew.

His head shot up and his dark eyes widened, that was a first. He had never asked to leave before, "I can't spare you," Asavar said instantly, he couldn't. He wouldn't.

"I need you here, Lathien is on the brink of rebellion, problems keep arising and they grow worse with every passing day," He said, "I need someone I can trust to help me manage it, I can't do it alone... and you are all I have," he admitted. It was... pathetic, Asavar was well aware of it. He had the resources of the kingdom at his disposal, thousands of men and women under his command, but the Old Man was all he really had, the only one he could trust.

"Old man, If you ride north, you won't come back. You will die," he said, his deep voice almost soft, as if speaking a secret he had long knew but never wanted to tell him, "You are older now, he is even stronger. You cannot beat him. You will be left broken and bloody in a ditch, but you won't come back from it this time."

Asavar raised a large hand to place on his shoulder, "If he marches south, if he declares war on us, we will march north and kill him. We will liberate your home... if he comes south, I promise."

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Erikur Cetrix


The kingdom looked mighty to him indeed. A mighty kingdom needed a mighty ruler, something this kingdom lacked from what he had gathered from asking around. There had been rumors around all across Lathien about the Queen going mad, making ridiculous and severe laws as she went away. That is what led Erikur to the capital, Draede, so he could see if these rumors were true himself instead of assuming that everything he was told was entirely true.

That morning he had spent scouring the capital for any rumors or 'reliable' information that could give him some indication of what he had previously heard would be true but all he heard was more rumors and lies. He may or may not have gotten annoyed with the old seer in one of the shops he passed but that didn't matter at the moment because every place he went someone mentioned a tavern literally called the Queen's Madness. A name which sounded absolutely stupid in his point of view with all the damned laws and punishments in the city, not to mention straight out speaking against the queen. Out of the many questions he had about this place one stood out; why had the place not been burnt to the ground by the City Guard? With all their rules and laws he'd thought that this place would surely be destroyed within moments after news of it reached the Queen and her guard. But no. It was still a place, and a very known one from what Erikur had gathered from the places he'd visited so he decided to see what it was like. A new place to go in a new city, surely it would show some promise.

The many more places he passed in the large city and he finally found this Tavern, while also having to ask for direction from several different people where it was. He was new to the city so what might one expect? From the moment he opened the doors he couldn't help but feel a sense of welcomness but also a bit of oddness both at the same time, it was a fair enough place to say at least and appeared decent. He walked inside a bit more, looking around for someone that worked there "Anyone know of the rumors going on about the Queen?" He asked out loud and slowly headed towards a seat. Hopefully that was alright because he didn't plan on getting up until he was served.​
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Joran Stronham

Knight of the Queen's Guard

"The Steel Wolf"

Joran eyed Asavar, desperately wanting to punch his Commander

in the face and to storm out to ride north. But, he sighed and contained

himself, something he had been doing for years, and simply nodded.

Fine, I'll stay in Lathien. But, you must

promise me that House Sinclair survives.

I don't give a rat's shit about my duty,

not compared to my homeland, honestly.

I would rather see Lathien burn than

allow Gregor Whytewynd to die a peaceful

death in his bed. You're my friend, a comrade,

a brother and son to me. I

won't abandon you, but I cannot forgive

you if Gregor gets what he wants."

With that, Joran turned and left Asavar's office, picking

up his helmet and throwing it on as he walked out, the

door swinging absently as he pushed past it. He allowed the rain

to soak his armor, angrily drawing his sword and cutting at one

of the courtyard trees, leaving permanent markings in the flesh

of the grounded being as he let out some of his tension

and frustration at his inability to do anything.

He was



Father's Bane.

And he hated himself for it.

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(Reposted because now I can collapse in the proper place x3)

Aster stumbled until she finally slumped against a wall, her face contorted in pain. The little child was fast asleep in her arms, and didn't wake up to her quiet sobbing, her shining purple eyes sparkling with tears, which ran down her alabaster cheeks. She hiccuped a few times, wiped them away, away with the back of her hand, and kept up, determined to get the child back to bed before she got into trouble again. The crisscrossed wounds and scars on her back looked almost like a pattern, the lashes on her back from times past leaving trails for the blood to flow down her back from the new lashings. Her gown was already torn in the back, leaving them revealed, causing her more pain with the air biting at her wounds. She collapsed once more against a door. She wasn't sure who's, but she made a small 'thud' against the door, and groaned in pain.

I swear this is makeup
xD it's from an FX makeup website <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.d25714597b3d923f54714229452391e7.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="134615" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.d25714597b3d923f54714229452391e7.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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He was almost surprised by her blunt question. Almost. The man thought for a very long moment before speaking, wanting to phrase his answer just right. If he could do this right, the rebellion could end up with a powerful ally. "My opinion is that a rebellion is definitely needed. There's only so much longer this kingdom can go in this direction without collapsing in on itself."

Those green eyes were intense on hers, though the smile didn't slip. "And I stand with, and for, the people of course." A thought skittered across his mind briefly, wondering if she'd catch his subtle hint as to his involvement. "The people have been downtrodden and spit on by those who run the kingdom. It's time they have some form of hope." It was a great risk, talking so openly about the rebellion and his distaste for the Queen, but he had a very strong sense of people, and he was certain that this one wouldn't betray his trust.


Sat up straight as she licked her lips some. Reaching over to close the book finally as her attention slipped back to him. She wouldn't betray his words at all. In this moment she would finally reveal in ways of what she was. The same hand that closed the book moved some strands out of her eyes. Amunet spoke softly..

"I can hear things. A lot of things more than a normal person could... I hear the talk within the city. What do I do? It is for the good of people, and more for myself. I don't remember much from a life prior to all this. I just remember the after parts... I listen..." Amunet paused some as she traced her lips some in absent thought. Yes, she was taking her own risk here. Her own kind wasn't exactly well liked. She did her best to keep it secret. By now one could tell she didn't exactly look human. Her own blue irises looked back to Allan.

Speaking up her thought, "I
seek out people. I listen to them. I feel them in a sense. They are the most vile of anyone. I rule them out. Snuff out their candle so to say. It helps this world be a little less horrible. I don't do it on account of some gods or evil. I may be an evil in itself from some of my earlier ways... but I feel better when they don't live anymore. If that makes sense... I live off of their blood.." Amunet finished her words while biting her lip. A slightly anxious look on her face. This is one of this rare moments she is truly herself. On the outside she generally is something entirely different. Maybe because of how she woke up and what she felt from his sister. It just diverted her mood entirely so she was somewhat vulnerable. But.... she wouldn't betray him in any way. She had a feeling he was a sensible person, strong in his beliefs.

Black Lightning Grepher

He sat as still as ever, eyes trying to understand as much of this place from his stoic spot without having to expend what little energy he had left. As he sat, he observed much, but nothing that would pique his interest. That is, until again someone happened upon the tavern. Now, normally Dai was not one to poke his nose into others' business, and he would've treated this case as all others he had. However, there was one key difference between this and the others: they shared a very, very important interest, or so he thought. At least, it seemed to somewhat be that way. As he eyed Erikur, in the back of his mind, he thought of the fiction his late mother used to tell him to sleep him- tales of monsters and men alike.

"Dracula." That was the first word Dai had with Erikur, who sat in the seat next to his own. His helmeted head rose, and turned slowly to face the vampirish man next to him. "That is what you look like." He let silence fill the void between them, before he turned to face his table again. He winced, though such was not known to anyone else thanks to his armor, at the pain in his abdomen. Again, knives were being juggled by his stomach, demanding sustenance he did not have. Hoping that idle conversation would ease the pain, or at least distract from it, Dai turned to face Erikur once more.

"You've heard the tales, surely. Of the man- or creature, however you view him- that drained others of their blood. Stood their corpses on stakes." Raising his armored hand, Dai pointed at Erikur's tumbling, greasy-looking locks. "That's what really does it. But, I doubt your name is Dracula, correct?" Dai courteously bowed his head before continuing. "What is it, if you do not mind myself asking?"

@Veyd Sahvoz
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mewbot5408 said:
"Not quite. I only have two demons, I have bound many other creatures in my travels actually....though I've known Lazurus since I was a child. He's rather territorial when it comes to my favor and can be a bit of a handful but he and spicame are all I have left..." He says softly with a exhale shaking his head lightly and giving a shrug smiling a little. Fiolan tilts his head frowning a little for a second. "Please don't be formal with me, I may be a Nobel but I much rather you call by name if you must.....Fiolan or simply fi. I do apologize if I'm coming off a bit rude by this request but calling me by a title makes me a bit.....uncomfortable..."He says looking down brushing his hair behind his ear which is pointed with a earring in the shape of a tear drop with glimmering blue. He looks up at the female again.
Sarah Alistair

Sarah nodded slowly. That was kinda cool. Kinda like she had had Squeaks for a whil-SQUEAKS! She panicked and practically slammed her glass down on the table, frantically searching her satchel and pocket for her pet mouse. "
Squeaks! Where are you!" She cried, looking for her pet, barely paying attention to what Fiolan was saying about addressing him. Finally she spotted him in a corner of her satchel asleep. She sighed heavily and gently took him out of her satchel, the pain she'd caused herself looking for him well worth it since he was safe. She then looked to Fiolan, figuring he might of thought she'd went nuts briefly. She presented Squeaks in her palms for him to see. "Sorry about that..I thought I'd lost him. This is Squeaks, my pet mouse and buddy. Squeaks, meet Fi." She told them, smiling excitedly at her pet being safe.

The Obsidian Executioner


Asavar nodded, but he wasn't sure what to say. Save House Sinclair without entering into a war with the north, stop a rebellion from growing, keep peace in the capital, punish the guards and protect the Queen, and he could not fail at any of them or he would fail at them all.

He leaned against the desk, ignoring the way the heavy oak table groaned under his weight, he suddenly felt exhausted, but he knew that this was just the calm before the storm. It was only going to get worse as time went on, he could feel it, and somehow, someway, he would have to hold it all together.

His dark eyes examined the papers stacked up on his desk, he knew of only one way to protect House Sinclair... legally, without declaring war on Lord Gregor, but it was far from perfect and could very well lead to war, but it was all he had. Asavar's head jerked to the door at the soft thud, Joran must have something else to say.

Asavar pulled open the door, his dark eyes widening as a figure fell in, moving on instinct, he reached out to grab the person, now a woman he realized's, shoulders to keep her from tumbling in.


[border]Aurora Norok


As Aura slept, her body did not. Now that she was in a deep sleep, her body would begin to move on it's own with Asavar's cloak wrapped around her like it was a makeshift dress of the sorts. The woman would rise from the bed then exit the room, mumbling nonsense about needing to go somewhere.

After leaving her bed, Aura would make her way out of the room and into the one where she gave Asavar his reading. From there she would leave the room too, and walk down the halls. As she walked, she soft of stumbled due to her still being very much asleep.

The pale, and ghostly looking Seer, would silently make her way though the castle. She would mumble the same thing over and over about needing to escape and go somewhere. But where was her dream talking about? Regardless the basically naked woman would wander on until she ran into a man. The sleeping Aura would lean on him rather heavily as she continued to mumble about escaping and going somewhere.


((You're the unfortunate soul I have chosen for this~ xD ))



Jorah Stronham

Knight of the Queen's Guard

"The Steel Wolf"

Jorah was walking back to his office, wet with

sweat and rain before suddenly feeling a force

on his right side, leaning against his back and right

arm as it mumbled.

He'd turn to eye the half-naked woman pressing

against him, lightly blushing with a startled smirk.

He was amused by the sudden situation, and it had

certainly distracted him from being any more angry.

Sighing, he supposed he should do something about

the lady, lest he allow her to wander into some

clever young squire's chambers "on accident".

Jorah was surprised at just how heavily the

woman leaned on him. Years of tests to his endurance

and her light weight made it easier to move her, though.

The first thing he noticed was how fair she was,

then he'd shift his gaze to her warped and

damaged fingers. Her cuticles were scarred

and torn, her fingernails jagged and misshapen.

Clearly, she wasn't a noble lady.

Sighing, he'd attempt to walk the mumbling

and sleepwalking lady along with him towards...

He'd pause. Where would he even bring her?

He wasn't very sure where she had come from,

and her talk of escape almost made her sound like

she had sleptwalk her way out of the Castle Dungeon.

Shaking his head, he figured the best thing to do

was to wake the woman. And so, he'd lean against the nearby wall,

soaked with rain, and would gently guide her along with him.

After attempting to sit her down, he'd try to wake the woman

with gentle, metallic, taps onto her left shoulder.


[border]Aurora Norok


Aura's sleeping self would allow whatever it was to guide her, though did mumbled something that might of sounded like a complaint..or perhaps just random curse words. Who knew. As her sleeping body was guided, her dreaming mind came up with someone who would be dragging her. This would make the Seer fight against whoever was helping her.

The fighting wasn't much of anything other than a tug here and there, curse words, more tugging, and then a very poor excuse of a push that was more of her caressing his chest in an awkward fashion. As she fought him, the brand on her left hand wrist would show up here and there then disappear as she moved. The poor giant cloak slowly slipping as it wasn't meant for all.

When the man tried to set her down, she swatted at him, but nothing was successful. Ever. Since the poor girl was swatting at nothing. As she sat down and her butt came in contact with the cold floor, she nearly awoken; it wasn't until the man started to try and wake her that she did, in fact, wake up.

Aura's eyes would open and look around, though that was pointless since she was blind. Her milky white irises would scan around before looking to the hand that woke her.
"Who..who is there?" She said, her voice soft and sleepy but held tones of fear as she curled up into a tight ball. Her knees were brought to her chest and her arms wrapped around them. A defense mechanism. A poor one..but the best her sleeping mind could manage. Aura had no idea where she was right now, to her sleeping mind she didn't recollect leaving the bed Asavar had placed her in.



Joran Stronham

Knight of the Queen's Guard

"The Steel Wolf"

"It's alright, my lady. My name is Joran Stronham. You

bumped into me on my way to my room. By your looks,

I figured you were sleepwalking."

The knight sighed as he gazed over at the bare lady

to his right, the two being pelted by the constant

rain. Joran would shake his head and smile, suddenly

failing to resist the urge of chuckling at the situation,

letting out a sudden laugh without warning.

Truly, it was hilarious. An awkward and unexpected

scenario that had certainly broken Joran out of his

pitiful rage. It was just what he needed, actually.

He'd have to thank her later.

Do you remember where you slept, my lady?

I could escort you back."


[border]Aurora Norok


Aura's eyes would move up to land on the face of the man who'd spoken. He'd said told her name, and as nice as it was, she was still quite frightened. He had explained to her that she was sleepwalking, something she remembered she used to do.

With a small yawn, Aura would uncoil herself then stand, wobbling here and there and paying no mind to the fact that she was getting rained on..again.
"I..I see..My name is Aurora can call me Lady Aurora or Lady Aura.." She told him, as her arms wrapped around her; this helping to keep the cloak on her.

At his laugh, she would jump slightly. She was still half asleep and scared. What was he laughing at? She was so confused and lost. Her white/blonde hair was beginning to lay down due to the rain and perhaps from where Joran stood, he could see the jagged scar on her face.

At his question, her face would turn the faintest color of pink. She didn't remember where she was sleeping..Asavar had never bothered to tell her..all she remembered was happened; that caused her face to grow in even more color.
"I..I don't remember..Commander De'Vorra took me there.." She explained, another yawn escaping her. Before she didn't use Asavar's last name, but her more logical side told her it was better to say it now since there might of been other commanders.[/border][border][/border]​


Joran Stronham

Knight of the Queen's Guard

"The Steel Wolf"

"Commander De'Vorra? Asavar? Hm, the lad didn't tell me

anything about bringing a lovely young lady into the Castle.

He must like you."

Joran pondered on this for a moment, wondering if Asavar

had really been charmed by this woman earlier into the day.

He was sure the Draxxan couldn't be convinced away from

his unloving Queen, but this woman possibly represented

the development Joran wanted the younger Asavar to take.

That Queen would never love him, and she didn't deserve his

devotion. She wasn't the same person her father was.

I'll bring you to his quarters, then. We'll ask him where

you were, and then you can hopefully sleep the rest of this

damned night away," Joran murmured, eyeing the blind lady

once again before noticing her blush. This was definitely intriguing.

And amusing.

What interested him even more was her terrible scar, lightly concealed

by her dripping hair. That, and her murky white eyes that could

only belong to the vision-living Seers, whom he had encountered

various times in his life, albeit a rarity.


[border]Aurora Norok


Joran's first words only caused the blush on Aura's face to not only deepen in color but grow across her face, thus caused the scar to become more apparent. There was no way in hell that man liked He may of been nice to her? No. No. No. No. One did not simply like her. Not possible. She was too.. Wait..maybe he hadn't meant in the way she was thinking..maybe he meant it in a friendly way..right?

Aura would awkwardly clear her throat before speaking,
"I think..that might be best.." She agreed, though in her current attire she became a lot more..anxious. Aura felt very exposed and she wanted nothing more than to hide herself, but all she had was Asavar's cloak and though it was was not meant to be worn as clothes but rather an accessory..for the back.

The way the cloak was on her right now, it looked like a very short and furry dress as it came down to only the very top of her tights. There was no way it was covering enough of her back or any of her for her to be content. The anxiety coursing through her made her grip her arms more as well as wake up the rest of the way. From the way Joran spoke about the night, he seemed unhappy and this made her slightly curious.
"Why is this night damned?" She asked him, anxiety mixing with her voice as she waiting for him to respond and lead the way to Asavar's chambers.

It was likely very impolite and improper for a lady to curse, but Aura was no normal lady..and where she came from it was completely okay for women to curse and do
very unladylike things.



Joran Stronham

Knight of the Queen's Guard

"The Steel Wolf"

Joran liked the attitude this lady had. He found many of the highborn in

Lathien to be too fancy or self-righteous and disciplined. Especially when

they were compared to the Northerners and Easterners Joran had spent so much time around.

The knight eyed her cloak, then shifting his gaze towards the nervous and blushing

girl's face. She was clearly still not very comfortable about the situation,

and that unnerved Joran. He always respected that he wasn't a brute like

many other men in the world, at least when it came to women. The woman

couldn't have known that, but he was so used to seeing familiar faces that

he wasn't quite sure how to handle a nervous stranger conscious about

their vulnerability when it came to sexual misconduct.

Though, he was sure he could work around it.

Joran was about to speak before suddenly being interrupted by a curious

voice. Lady Aura asked him a question that only resurfaced his earlier

emotions, and so he grew suddenly quiet, sighing heavily as the rain pelted

his armor and sung a nameless song with its natural rhythm.

There's trouble in my homeland. An old enemy is crushing

innocent friends of mine, and I know I could defeat him, but

Asavar won't allow me to meet him in combat. He has his

reasons, but so do I. I'm just agitated, is all."

Joran smiled in pity towards himself before leaning his head over to eye Aurora.

Now, you'll answer one of my questions in return.

What's a Seer like yourself doing here? Specifically."



[border]Aurora Norok


Aura listened to the lovely sound that came with the rain hitting Joran's armor. It was rhythmic and pleasing to hear. She was sure it was pretty obvious she wasn't comfortable, especially not in her current state, which only made her angry at herself for showing such a thing..but it was already too late. Joran would of noticed by now.

As he answered her question, she nodded. Aura could understand this man's need to return home to aid his people and what struck her as strange was that Asavar would not let him go. Why? The man seemed honorable..and Joran's need to return was evident. So why? Asavar had to have very good reasons for this..she hoped.

"Perhaps maybe I can sate your mind? Read your future too you and tell you the possible outcome of this war?" She suggested to him. He had known she was a Seer when he asked his question, and so since he seemed to want to make this into a sort of question game, she'd have to tread very lightly. "As for your question, I am here for refuge. Only a short while and then I shall leave.." She said then got a genius idea. "Perhaps in return for a reading on your can give me some combat training?" She asked, a small sly smirk making it's way across her face.



Joran Stronham

Knight of the Queen's Guard

"The Steel Wolf"

Joran smiled brightly at the offer of a vision for combat training.

He'd immediately go to poke Aura at the neck, ensuring her

demands with a soft "
Yes" as he prodded at her.

I'm going to be teaching a blind person. You'll be the first,

and I can't promise it won't be hard, but I'm confident that

I can do it."

The Vision can come later. It's late,"

he'd insist after the poke and accepting words,

sighing as he suddenly remembered the rhythmic song

the rain was playing on his armor. It had been there for

awhile, he had just quickly forgotten about it.


(Short post because I'm a a lazy)


[border]Aurora Norok


All the anxiety seemed to wash away the moment Joran said yes to her. Finally..finally someone could teach her how to properly fight! Something she had longer to learn, something she needed to learn if she was going to make her death vision a reality.

Aura was so thrilled, that she didn't even notice Joran poke her neck or that she wore a huge grin. She was truly happy, though dark thoughts crossed her mind as she knew exactly where this combat training was going to be applied.
"Good. I wouldn't have you take it easy on me because I am blind. Train me as hard as you would any soldier." She demanded confidently.

There was no way Joran would ever know just how happy he had made her by granting this exchange. Truly both of them could benefit from it, and Aura could finally stop running. Finally stop trying to escape and face that man. The one she hated with all of her being, but those thoughts could come tomorrow..for now she really wanted to get back to the safety of her room and stop being rained on.

"Lead the way to Commander Del'Vorra please." Aura requested, seeing as nether of them had moved since she was awoken. Now of course a small voice in the back of her head told her that Joran could not be trusted and that he would not grant her wish of training, but she ignored that voice as she was far too excited to begin the necessary training.


((Tis okay~))[/border]


Joran Stronham

Knight of the Queen's Guard

"The Steel Wolf"

Joran was pleasantly surprised and amused by Aura's sudden happiness. He'd

always found immense satisfaction in teaching others the art of combat, so he

figured training Aura would be a highlight of both of their days.

What impressed him even more was Aurora's request to be trained as hard as

any other person Joran had taken under his wing. That meant Asavar, too.

Wouldn't it be a sight to see the blind seer sparring with him, one day? It would

certainly make Joran proud. Of both of them.

He basked in her happiness for that short while in the rain. She suddenly spoke,

requesting to be headed to Asavar. Sure that she was experiencing a boost in

eagerness due to his acceptance of her deal, he wondered if she really did want

to be led back to the beastly man, in the end. Joran was sure of it, but he did

plenty of things that he regretted after they passed, especially when they seemed

right due to a little emotional push.

Alright, Lady Aurora. I'll be taking you on as my

apprentice as soon as I can formalize it. You have

my word," the older man would ensure as he reached

to aid Aurora in standing up on the wet cobblestone

beneath them.

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When she fell, she tucked the child to her chest. God, the little one was almost too deep a sleeper. She made a small yelp, like that of a wounded dog, at the suprise of being caught, then a wince, at the pain of someone touching her shoulders. Tears sprung back into her eyes and she attempted vainly to blink them back. She quickly attempted to sit up up, her breathing heavy as she tried to keep it together. She glanced upwards, eyes squinted as she rode through the pain, to see the one person she least expected.

"S-sir...?" She murmured, she glanced at his hands, now marked with stains of her blood. She frowned slightly, feeling sort of guilty, odd as it may seem.

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[border]Aurora Norok


Aura could not wait for this night to end and the next day come. She was so certain that she could do this..that she could fight and use a sword just as good as anyone else. She was also confident that she could use the sills Joran would teach her to take down that retched man. Yes. Revenge would be had. She knew it would be a long and hard process for her to learn swordsmanship, but it would be well worth it. Aura was going to do this..for herself and all the people that man had wronged.

Aura nodded eagerly in response.
"I cannot wait, Joren." She said, his name rolling off her tongue for the first time. Joren, of course, had not given her a title to add before his name or really anything else besides his name, so hopefully unlike with Asavar..he wouldn't get mad at her for using his first name without a title.

Another yawn would rise from Aura's throat as she reached up with her left hand and rubbed one of her eyes. She was tired and really wanted to get back to bed..soon.



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