The Queen's Madness (Open)

"Thank you." Taking the offered food, he sets it in front of him and begins to dig in. The food was warm and didn't have bugs in it, the two things he had on his checklist. The fact that it didn't taste terrible was simply extra. Then again, it wasn't the best thing he'd eaten but what did he expect from an inn's cook? As for the blushing Seer, he ignored the fact that she had bumped her head on the table then beat a hasty retreat. She was blind, it was only to be expected that she bumped into things once in a while.

Leaned against the table some resting her chin within her cupped hands. Looking at him intently while he spoke. The city is in a very bad way. The queen doesn't leave her castle and this madness is seen within the walls. It was true the few places she went to they didn't have as much care because they weren't really affected by the politics of the place. Just as long as they paid their dues they carried on with life. It is first where she heard the rumors. Amunet kept to herself even shrugging off the opinions.

He spoke of how it was simple before and then it was getting worst. The last of his words were noted especially. For her she watched those who she did let in create families as they came and went. Honestly it hadn't had any smear on her life. Amunet hasn't made any attachments to anyone for this particular reason. She wasn't sure what it felt like to lose anyone.

In the years after being turned she had only glimpses of a life she can't recall. Even now she rarely remembers. In those glimpses she feels a quick pang of pain, but they felt like from someone else. Amunet sat up then as she reached over to touch his hand if allowed. Tilting her head as she spoke. Determined to persuade his mood with her words, to something of a lighter mood. "
It does seem like hard times. It must be hard to known you may not see those very friends. It is troublesome to create these bonds but having to at a certain distance because of these outlandish laws.... and deaths. I'd hope that something is being done. If the Queen isn't answering for these ludicrous ideals there should be someone more competent to help bring peace.." She sounded as if she could possibly be on his side. The mood of lightness would be that if hope... a determine type of hope. Before allowing her touch to remain too long she moved her hand to rest on the book. Looking at him with determination herself.

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Joran Stronham

Knight of the Queen's Guard

"The Steel Wolf"

"What got you those lashings? I'd hardly expect a servant like

yourself to be capable of a crime," Joran murmured as he wiped away

the last splotches of blood from the girl, gently taking her arm to guide

her towards the infirmary.

He had seen many die on the end of Asavar's axe for rather

light crimes, crimes the Queen's father would've forgiven. It truly

disturbed him, but it didn't shrink his sense of duty, either. While his

Queen was not the most kind or charismatic, he was still

bound by oath to serve the Royal family until his death...

at least, until he decided

to escape Draede...

A pain suddenly resounded through Joran's body as he

felt the need to travel once again. He usually ignored this sense

of wanderlust, especially since he knew the reason behind it.

Travelling meant meeting people. People meant potential

allies. Potential allies against Gregor, which would lead him

to break his oath by abandoning the Queen's Guard.

However, another agony quickly replaced that one.

When Joran looked upon Aster, he saw the same beaten

dog that he had been after Gregor put him to the dirt

and had taken everything from him. She had the same

expression, the same way of containing it. It truly

disturbed the old warrior...

Yara smirked as she eyed Emmony's blushing face, grabbing at her right hand to guide her into a seat. "Come on, now, let's talk, Seer," the Northerner would proclaim loudly, chuckling as she pulled at the tavernkeeper. Her gaze seemed to lock onto the woman's eyeless sockets, as if she could see something within them. Truly, the girl was something special.

Over on the other wooden table, the enchanted bag which contained the acidic ooze would begin to slowly, but surely, make its way towards the end of the table. The shaking of the tavern due to rowdy customers and a clumsy drunkard who had bumped into the table was only making the pursuit towards the cliff faster. The bag seemed to vibrate as the noise and impacts continued to edge it on, encouraging the container to begin its descent. The very edges of the bag had now reached the end of the table facing towards the trio, growing dangerous potential. An even worse sign was that the substances within the bag were steaming, a small opening in the tied top threatened to spill the acid quite a distance upon its fall to the floor.


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The Obsidian Executioner


Asavar tilted his head slightly to the right at her having been 'expecting' him. How long had she been waiting for his return? And more importantly, why? What could a gypsy possibly want with him? His head turned slowly, looking behind him and down the steps before the castle, ensuring none was lurking behind ready to pounce on him now that his attention was diverted, but there was no one. He almost would have preferred there had been. Would have made this simpler... and he could use something simple after today.

His dark eyes watched as she moved, lifting her staff out of the way and unfurled her legs, the robe flowing around her at the flowing movements, he noted her feet were bare. A question for another time. The hooded head slowly tilted back as he pictured her eyes climbing the mountain before her... before coming to a stop at his chest. Which was incredibly odd. Looking at his helm then back down was far more common, but she had not glanced at his 'face' once. From the new angle, he could see the bottom of her small nose, her thin chin and the soft lips that moved to form the next step in the formality of greeting coming to stop in a small, almost mischievous, smile.

It was all certainly odd. His gaze fell on the hand she held out... which was aimed dreadfully close to his groin and he fought down the urge to step back and create distance. 'Lady' indeed, he was not aware the gypsies had any nobility, but whatever she lacked, it was certainly not confidence... or, perhaps, ego. His black eyes slid over the small hand that was too close for comfort, the 'glove', if one could even call it that, that covered only the center of her hand, the purpose of such a glove was beyond him.

The gentle, almost rhythmic, voice pulled his eyes back to her lips, the only part of her face he could really see, the mischievous, fox-like, smile no longer present as she made the reason for her presence known as well as what she was. A Seer? Indeed? That would explain why she was staring at his chest or why her hand was perilously close to unmanning him. She simply couldn't see him. But a seer? Asavar had no stock in such a race. They were likely nothing more then blind gypsies feeding the folktales in order to scratch out a living. This one had gumption, if she was willing to try that trick with him.

Finally, Asavar moved his large gauntlet hand up and took hers... well, more 'engulfed' her's in his own. He took care to not crush her hand nor allow the joints in the gauntlet to bite and pinch her flesh, "Norok," Asavar said purposely omitting the title she had, more then likely, bestowed upon herself just as she had omitted his own title in her greeting, "Perhaps you can explain why I have need of false predictions from a blind gypsy?" He asked releasing her hand, a soft rumble rising from his chest in, almost, amusement, something that surprised him given the events that had transpired earlier.

Aster sighed, walking beside him in silent thanks.

"I...well, a little one, spilled blood upon the queen's gown. I covered for her. The stain will come out quickly...but I fear these scars will not. It isn't the first time, sir." She chuckled bitterly. "It doesn't matter, anyhow." She felt as though she could trust this man, despite hardly knowing him. He did save her, after all.

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[border]Aurora Norok


It had been quite the while of silence before the man before her did anything. Much to her surprise, a giant hand engulfed her and shook it. Most people didn't dare trust her when it came to this, then again this man wore heavy armor on his hand, or so it felt that way. After the small handshake, she would pull her hand back and let it rest idle at her side. Then the man spoke, and in his words he had made a mistake by using her last name. Something the displeased her and dishonored the title she had worked quite hard for.
"Asavar, I would ask that you not ever speak my last name again. You may not care much for titles, but it has taken much time to earn mine." She said rather sternly. Aura would not be dishonored this way. Her normal expression turned into that of a frown as she let out a sigh.

"From what I hear in rumors, you will need my help. Even if you will not admit it. But, since you do not seem to believe in my power..allow me to prove to you that it works. I will read your past." Aura's words carried confidence and strength as she knew it would be quite the ease task to do so. "Should you not believe me after I read it..then you may turn me away. How's that?" It was dangerous to offer such a thing, but Aura did not seem to care, to her this was a gamble on whether or not he'd trust her enough to do this. It was also her chance to get him back for calling her by her last name that she loathed so much. Truly if the woman could remove it..she would.


Black Lightning Grepher

The afternoon, in Dai's eyes, was relatively cool, all things concerned. After all, the sun WAS still up, and shining, so for it to make his skin crawl with chilled goosebumps was an anomaly. An anomaly. A word he'd picked up at the last village in passing. He'd asked, he remembered, for the way to royalty, and had been pointed in this city's direction- reluctantly, he might add- and as he left, he heard the people around him mutter that word. It was a pointed word, he knew, but he was a logical man. Not a smart one, but a logical one.

And as logic showed, the city would be his best chance at finding out his past. It wasn't amnesia, in his opinion. After all, it wasn't as if there was a void where his memories should be. It was more like someone had tossed a wool blanket over those memories. A long, dreary sigh left his person, it lost to the clanking of his steel armor. Normally, it'd be heavy and cumbersome, but for one who'd lived in it for God knows how many years like Dai, it felt like an extension of him. Of course, this proved to be an issue whenever he tried to enter gated cities like this one. Often, a pat-down was required, and his blade and shield were taken. This time was no different. However, the few eyes that did spy him at this late hour were horrified and surprised to see a foreigner with a weapon.

The blade never left him, he tried to tell them, but they wouldn't have it. And, sure enough, a few moments after he'd entered the city, he found it glinting in an alleyway, its black light calling to him. All he could do at that instance was sigh heavily and pick up the blade again. It now slapped around inside its scabbard as it had done for the past week. Dai's heavy, steel-toed feet dragged across the road beneath him, the way he stumbled down the nigh-empty street a clear indication of how tired he was. He needed respite. But where, was beyond him. So, he was left to his own devices on this chilly evening. He was leaning forward ever so slightly, and his arms swung at his side. Still, in his mind he was thinking over his predicament quietly and carefully, wondering just how long it'd take him to find somewhere to lay his weary person.

However, he soon stopped. Draede. The city, no, the capital. It was always busy, or so said the people. So this silence was unnatural then. Inconvenience was soon to be upon him, Dai thought. No use feigning ignorance. Resting his hand on his blade, he looked about, searching for the source of the silence. Soon enough, the tromping and clattering of metal against metal- all of these and more common knowledge to The Blackblood Knight- reached his ears, and before Dai could make a move to leave, in front and behind him, guards flooded the streets. It appeared word of his grievance had reached the guards. Finally.

"Hey! Knight! Lay down the blade immediately!" This they bothered to yell whilst pointing their own sharpened bits of metal towards him. The insolence. Don't they know that such a thing as that was a challenge to a knight? He frowned deeply, and drew his blade. The grating it made against its scabbard was loud and piercing, the sharp scratching of metal against metal making just about every guard flinch physically.

"I suggest movement be made. You obscure my knightly path, wanton buffoons. I have no quarrel with men of your caliber." He muttered this, as he swung his sword in his hand lazily. He had no issue fighting these fools, but murder was not on his list of things he wanted to do in this city.

"Buffoon?! Do not mess with us, you base scullion!" The head knight roared, as his own blade was drawn. He did not notice the gathering clouds above.

"Again-" Dai muttered. "-I recommend movement be made. You obscure my knightly path, wanton buffoons. I have no quarrel with you lot." Looking up, and letting his eyes wander to the castle- over which the overcast was lightening, as its clouds moved to his position. Pointing a finger, he began again. "There is but one I wish to speak with. Your queen, men." Of course, with words like those, each man was set on edge. That wasn't happening.

"Fine then! If you refuse to come quietly..." The knight slid into an offensive posture, ready to strike. "Then force must be applied! Hya!" Leaping forward, the knight flung out his blade, its metal whizzing as it slashed through the air, looking to eviscerate Dai. His eyes glinted, and with a movement more fluid than a river, his own blade shot out, knocking aside the head knights, and sending it whirring into a blackened alleyway. It was dark as night, as the sun had disappeared from the square they stood in- it being replaced by black, ominous clouds, and now, large, fat droplets of rain. "You... Really are him, aren't you?" The knight muttered, eyes looking up into the black clouds above.

"My reputation proceeds me." With that, a ferocious cry ripped its way from Dai's throat, as he swung his blade out, just as lightning blasted his blade, cloaking it in electricity. The fizzing, sparking electricity leaped from his blade in an ark, blasting the head knight far, far back, as if he'd be struck by lightning in the stomach. He screamed, before slamming into a fountain, breaking it in half, and slumping over, silent. He was not the only thing silent once again. Besides the wet sounds of rain splattering against the pavement, no creature dared make a noise. "Do well to do as I say next time, wanton buffoons." With that, and the scratching of metal against metal once more, Dai Grepher took his leave, his mere presence enough to make the guards move. This was no good. He was no doubt known here. This would do wonders for the infamy he'd gained traveling- as if he'd needed more of it.

"...My reputation proceeds me. That is of great concern. I must attempt to remedy this issue." Again, Dai sighed heavily, his eyes tracing their way up the buildings and into the sky, which had started to clear once more over the square, letting orange afternoon light faze in. "But first, my hunger must be sated, and my thirst wet."

Luckily, Dai did not have far to walk. A few streets over, he spotted what he hoped to be an inn, of sorts. Or perhaps a tavern. Either would do. He saw no name carved into its side, nor hanging above its humble entrance, which as he entered, he had to duck to avoid smashing his face into. He entered quietly, turning his way this way and that, his armor gleaming with wetness.
"Is there any person here to serve me? I am in great need of water and bread. Any food would do." With that, he felt himself stumble some, though he'd caught himself. His vision was blurry. That lightning had taken a great deal more out of him than he'd originally thought. Not good. In this state, he was extremely vulnerable. He needed food.


The Obsidian Executioner


"And you think mine was freely given?" Asavar bit back at the gypsy, "Perhaps, if you want someone to use your title,
you should do so first," this... this woman. The soft tapping filling the silence as his left hand started up the motion, tapping the armored fingers against his plated leg as his annoyance grew. She came to the castle, calls him by his first name omitting his titles and any sign of respect and then has the gall to snap at him when he, at least, called her by her family name, "If you will refer to me as Commander Del'Vorra, or simply just Commander, I will call you 'Lady' Aurora."

The sight that escaped the hood brought down Asavar's brow, he had just met the woman, and she was already managing to vex him in the way very few individuals managed to do. It would have been impressive if he wasn't already in a bad mood from the blood caked linen cloth under his armor that saw fit to stick and cling to his body in incredibly awkward spots as he moved.

Asavar tilted his head, an offer to read his past, well, it would be easier to prove or disprove then having her 'see' the future then having to wait to find out if the prediction was true. It likely wouldn't take more then a few minutes to prove this woman a fraud and proving
this woman a fraud and tossing her out would be more enjoyable then he cared to admit, "Very well. You may... regale me with stories of my past."

He expected her to do it right then and there, but the sudden rushing in of clouds, the falling of thick raindrops that pinged off his armor and the sharp crack of thunder followed by the blinding light of a lightning bolt descending in the city stopped that idea. His dark eyes narrowed at the display, someone was playing with magic... while that was not of great concern, in and of itself, it did mean he was likely going to be buried in reports of the event as well as expected to launch a formal investigation if anyone was hurt, which he would have done regardless, but that meant more paperwork... the same paperwork he was still dangerously behind on. The Gods, it seemed, truly did hate beast.

Asavar raised a hand and motioned for the guards watching above to open the gate, "You may come in and regale me with your skills," he said down to the woman as that gate lumbered open behind her.

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Joran Stronham

Knights of the Queen's Guard

"The Steel Wolf"

Joran sighed at this, shaking his head as he eyed the girl. "

too much like me, and it'll only get you in trouble. I'm not telling

you to 'do the right thing' and turn that young girl in, but I'm

also not commending you for your actions, either. Though, it is


Ser Stronham would continue guiding the girl towards the infirmary.

In the distance, the building, embedded into the Castle walls, would

come into view. In front of the establishment a blind, hunched-over,

elder woman in intricate white robes would grasp at a wooden cane,

warped with age and dented through years of use. She was surrounded

by younger women, who all aided her in simple movement out of the




Aura was taken a back. She meant no disrespect to the man at all, if fact she did not know he had a title. At the sound of his tapping, she knew he was unhappy..just as she was. An apology was to made very soon an on her behalf.
"Very well, Commander." She said, as if it was normal for a non-guardsmen to call him that; to her felt unusual given the fact that she wasn't under his direct command. It would be easier for her to call him Sir Asavar or Sir Del'Vorra.

As the silence rolled on once more, Aura could almost hear his doubt..which was to be expected. She was a stranger in his land and claimed to be a Seer. Any logical person would doubt her and probably throw her out or lock her away for trespassing; which he was more than welcome to do should her reading of his past be wrong. Aura knew she wouldn't, but still..should he refuse to cooperate with her methods of doing such a thing..then she'd have quite the problem.

Aura, being blind, could not tell that the clouds came or that a storm was rolling in until it began to pour rain and a thunderous boom was heard. The thunder made her jump as her sensitive ears began to lightly ring. This caused her to place her free hand on her ear, checking to see if it was bleeding. When sh did this, she found no blood, thankfully. The pings that came from his armor due to the rain brought a brief memory to her mind, but she pushed it away. She much rather preferred the sound of his armor and the rain over thunder.

As she heard the gates open, she turned toward them with her back now to the giant man.
"May we please hurry? I'd very much like to keep my hearing.." She plead, her tone now slightly begging. Should another thunder like that one sound off again her ears would be screaming. Aura wanted nothing more than to hurry inside, but it would do her no good since she knew not were to go. So Aura waited, getting drenched in the rain as she would let Asavar lead her in.
Aster sighed, "she won't kill me, sir." She said softly, "for some reason, the queen values me. Perhaps for my services, or her friendship with my mother..." She shook her head sadly, "she doesn't value the little ones the same way. They would be dead." She looked over at the knight, "I'd rather be beaten beyond recognition than have a poor child die. The queen wants to mutilate me anyhow, I don't see why she hasn't done it yet." She smiled somberly to herself.

Fiolan put the small fluffy cat down and walked into the mansion coming back sitting down a bowel of milk. The cat meowed quickly lapping up from the dish like it had never eaten anything. He exhaled softly and goes out into the shack to tend to the bodies. Pushing up his sleeves he tends to the female corpse on his table applying the proper preservation and fixing anything that was messed up. He nextly dressed the corpse in a lovely white dress and fixed the hair neatly. She had been the daughter of a nobel,was killed in a sort of accident. Fiolan was working on everything hoping to help ease a little of the pain the parents carried from losing their daughter. He just about finished the body and carried her out of the shack setting her down in a large casket full of white flowers. He set her peacefully crossing the arms over the chest placing a single blue rose in her hands. He closed the coffin watching as the parents came into the graveyard and the father pushed it open as the two stared at her daughter starting to cry. "She so peaceful..." the mother cried out and the man nods. It isn't long that they carried out the funeral and things are said. The coffin is buried under a tree.

Joran Stronham

Knight of the Queen's Guard

"The Steel Wolf"

Joran sighed as he kept his gaze on the infirmary ahead,

still incredibly bothered by the girl's stubbornness. He

knew her sense of immunity to a death sentence would only

lead to her being too reckless, which it had.

Don't act like you're immortal, now. That sort of

thinking will get you killed. But, I understand.

You're stubborn and selfless, two traits that just

make a troublemaker out of people..."

Keep it up, Draede needs good people now

more than ever."

The Steel Wolf turned his vision over to look at Aster once more

before continuing towards the infirmary. The buzz of nearby bugs

and the rustle of the courtyard dirt beneath them only added to

the noise of the castle. Talking, laughing, crying, screaming even.

However, the old woman seemed to be completely oblivious to

all of it. She stared forwards, as if she were somewhere else. Her

maids tugged at her to aid her in her walk, but she always shifted

her gaze towards something they couldn't see... and stared at it.

Joran didn't know what this was. Magic? An issue with

the old woman's brain? He knew for sure the blind lady

wasn't a Seer, so he didn't know what caused her to act

the way she did.

The warrior and the innocent girl next to him were right ahead

of the infirmary before the old woman suddenly stopped, turning to

look in their reaction.

Joran, honey, is that you...?",

the old woman croaked nicely.

That it is. I have a wounded

servant. She saved a guard from

a bandit, so show her some


The old woman smiled. "

souls always find their way,"

she'd murmur as her silent elven

servants aided her in moving towards

the two.

In the meantime, Joran would eye Rui and

whisper over to her...

If you ever need my aid, go to the fourth

tower in the castle and ring the signal bell."

And with that, Joran would take a few paces back,

eyeing the old Mother Alyara as she offered her withered

hand to Aster.

Aster nodded in a silent thanks, and took the old woman's hand, cupping it between her own.

"Hello." She murmured with a small smile. "How are you today, M'lady?"

She looked upon the elderly woman with much empathy and kindness, greatful for her help.


Mother Alyara

The Royal Healer

"The Whisperer"

"Oh, I'm doing quite fine, my child. Though, I can

sense your pain. Quickly, we must get you to rest

within the infirmary..."

The hunchback would smile warmly and turn, urging

the younger lady to follow her with tugs from her weak

and frail hand as she waved off the other servants, who simply

stood by and watched as the elder took Aster along.

Now, I may need to put you to rest with some

potion. I'll treat the pain with opium. Trust me,

you won't feel a thing. Now, let's hope I don't

mix the containers of opium with the opium

and hemlock. That wouldn't end very nicely. Luckily

for you, I'm only kidding," the old woman would ramble

on, guiding Aster towards a made bed of various



Aster followed diligently, listening along and chuckling at the old woman's humor, although she'd admit to being slightly alarmed at first. She laid down, allowing the elderly hunchback to do her work.

"Whatever you see fit to do, M'lady. This isn't my feild." She smiled and chuckled, her eyes gleaming. She hadn't laughed so freely in quite some time; it was refreshing, to say the least.

Mother Alyara

The Royal Healer

"The Whisperer"

The old lady would smile warmly, looking over and following something

across the room, something invisible to Aster, with her blind gaze.

She'd nod to no one at all, grabbing a few bottles and hastily mixing

them into a bowl, sloshing the bubbling solution about with a wooden

spoon before pouring said solution into a vial. Mother Alyara then

mixed that vial with another, labeled "Potion of Numbing". With that,

she'd put the bubbling mixture up, waiting for the chemicals within

to finish their important reactions.

In the mean time, she'd take a seat within a warped wooden chair next to Aster's

bed, eyeing yet another invisible entity before turning her gaze back on the young


What is your name, my dear?"

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"Aster Gale, M'lady." She replied, her eyes fluttering closed, "and you are Lady Alyara, so I am told." She sighed to herself, the pain in her back dissipating. She sighed in relief, finally able to relax.

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Mother Alyara

The Royal Healer

"The Whisperer"

"Aster Gale. A wonderful name, my child.

So, you saved a warrior from a bandit?

Sounds like quite the tale."

The old woman smiled at this,

shifting her blind gaze over towards

the bubbling solution in the corner of the

infirmary before eyeing Aster once

again. The room contained only a few

beds. In the back wall, opposite of the

entrance, laid various bookshelves with

different ingredients and potions

laying about. Ahead of the bookshelves

was a curved wooden desk in the shape of a

crescent, where various contraptions held

the solution still as it went through


She smiled sheepishly,

"Honestly, no M'lady. I didn't. The truth behind my injury is far less heroic than Sir Stronham would have you believe." She sighed, "I took the blame for a child's mistake. It's something anyone would do, I suppose." She sighed, "I wish it hadn't come to that here. This palace used to be so safe for everyone. Times have changed." She patted the old woman's hand. "Times have certainly changed."

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Mother Alyara

The Royal Healer

"The Whisperer"

"Times have changed, but people haven't. I'd

say your true actions are far more heroic. The only

men taking up arms for the Queen now are brutes and

thugs searching for the protection of a banner to flaunt.

A child is a truly innocent creature. Even better to

save them then a man.

Mother Alyara smiled, sighing as she shook her head.

I remember the day Ser Joran arrived and knelt before

the Queen's father. Her father could have sent Joran to

die at the hands of the Whytewynds, but he spared him

and allowed the old exile to serve in the Royal Guard,

no less. If the Queen had her father's kindness and his

charm, I might have a single ounce of love for that


The old lady would frown lightly, before sighing

with a smirk. "
But, at least Joran still stays true to

his nature. A reckless soul, perhaps. I'd prefer

brave. Like yourself."

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Aster blushed at the compliment, "Thank you M'lady." She sighed, "The Queen was good once, I believe. She and my mother were the best of friends. I remember as a small small child, when the queen herself was still young, she used to sing to me, and allow me to sit with her for tea. Childs play, albeit, but a warmer gesture than she shows anyone now." She smiled, "what was he like?...the old King, I mean."


Mother Alyara

The Royal Healer

"The Whisperer"

Kind to his people, welcoming and respectful

to those he didn't know. He was a great man.

A holy man. Handsome, too, a bonus for us


Alyara chuckled at this, smiling warmly as she

took a bronze bell and shook it. The two loud

clangs would be the result of the almost

instant appearance of an elven servant, who brought

the old lady a wooden bowl of warm chicken broth.

The old woman nodded thankfully, only succeeding

in scaring the young Andal elf away. Sighing,

Alyara would take the soup and gently place it

on the stand next to Aster's bed, offering her a spoonful

of the food.

"Poor souls. No matter how nice I be to them,

they won't forget the abuse they suffer at the

hands of half-wit degenerate buffoons. Now, eat,

you need it.

She nodded her thanks and sipped the soup, her training in manners apparent by her silent sips versus the slurping you could find amongst the peasants of the street. She smiled in appreciation, the soup tasting better than any food she'd ever had. She knew it was simply because of her hunger, but it made no difference.

"Many thanks, M'lady."

She paused, "Would you mind my asking about a certain man in the palace? His name is Asavar..." She began, "He seemed awfully mysterious, do you know much about him?"


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