The Queen's Madness (Open)

Mother Alyara

The Royal Healer

"The Whisperer"

"Asavar? He's a poor soul, worse off than many are in the

kingdom. I remember him being brought into the castle

by the King. A sight to see, many of the girls would whisper

about him. He was scarred, no doubt from some sort of abuse.

However, he always persevered. A few whispered about

a conspiracy with the Crown, or that he was some sort of spy.

Though, they're all hanging their heads in doubt, now.

Say, Joran has been a faithful royal guard for years. Why

wasn't he named Commander? It's rather simple if you think

about it. Asavar is a Draxxan, beings with immense emotion.

They're honest beings, honest to themselves, unlike many

men. Asavar was made Commander because the Queen

knows he is absolutely loyal to her. It's a one-sided

love that will never see the light of day. Frankly, you can

do much better than that brute."

Mother Alyara sighed as she stood from her chair.

She had no doubt that the gargantuan warrior would

love to wring her neck for all that she knew. Though,

she had one too many cards up her sleeve to be

disposed of that easily.

The old woman walked over to check on her

bubbling solution before sighing and shaking

her head. She'd continue to poke and prod

at the heated vial.

Aster smiled sadly, "He seems so lost...I wish from my heart of hearts I could help him in some way. It's not sympathy that I feel, more empathy. He's...different." She murmured, "he seemed so gentle for the short while I spoke with him. He seemed stunned I'd even ask for his name." She shook her head softly, "it's man's nature to want to fix broken things." Especially when you, yourself, are broken.

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Mother Alyara


The Royal Healer

"The Whisperer"

"And man's nature is what gets us all into mess.

But, I'm not one to stop love from blossoming, or whatever

you want from the Commander," Alyara would murmur as

she stepped away from the bubbling solution. She'd take her

seat once again, sighing as she eyed yet another thing

in the far-off distance, then looking back towards Aster.


Sarah Alistair

Sarah's transistion to the realm that housed Draede wasn't pleasant, at all. While normally it would of been similar to simply walking through a door, Sarah had gotten a little distracted and ended up going to the wrong place entirely. Infact she'd ended up appearing literally in the middle of a massive war and nearly getting killed. At the last second she managed to slip away to a random location, which just so happened to be a graveyard near Draede. She was bleeding heavily from cuts all over her body and multiple stab wounds, none of the wounds entirely lethal if treated, but otherwise so if not. A smarter decision would of been to go back to Limbo, but she hadn't. She could only hope someone would help her now, or she very well could die.
"What do you always look at, M'lady? If you don't mind my asking." She glanced up at her curiously, "You always seem to eye the air as if it were living." She looked at the elderly woman in wonder, violet eyes glimmering in question. She seemed to be tiring, her vision fuzzier along the edges and her thoughts jumbled as a weary man's might be.


Mother Alyara

The Royal Healer

"The Whisperer"

"The ghosts of the past. They speak to me, child,

as well as you do. But, do not fret, they're lonesome

and gentle souls, like you. Now, rest. It seems

I won't be needing to use your medicine quite yet,

you're resting so well on your own, no doubt you're

tired from working."

Alyara smiled at this, shifting her brown-eyed gaze over

towards the bubbling
concoction with a tilt of her head,

as if planning what to do with the solution.

Yes, I could mix it with that. Or, would that cause an

explosion? No, that would be the dragonfyre mixture,

you old hag...

She nodded silently, drifting off to sleep before she knew it. She liked the kind old Alyara. She reminded her Francine, the cook who'd raised her. She was elderly as well, none too fragile, and kinder than any soul she'd ever known.

I wonder if Lady Alyara can see mother, too?

With that, her mind went blank, slipping into a deep slumber.

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Fiolan looked up to see a female and a rather injured one at that. He approached quickly with light steps of his boots and found himself silently move his slender pale arm around her. The necromancer found himself bring her into his arms and picked her up taking her with him walking down to the mansion. "Stay still and don't be afraid....I'm going to help you..." He whispered in her ear. The two were opposites. It may have seemed odd for a being of death to help a Angel but his words were honest. Fiolan carried the small female into his mansion gently setting her on the couch going to the other room coming back with rags and bandages. He took and injected a sort of anesthetic in before seeing up any deep wounds and cleaning everything up properly. He starting wrapping up her injuries nextly giving a soft exhale. " how exactly did a cute little thing like you get mangled up?" he asked softly brushing his very long purple hair from his mismatch eyes moving his cool gaze up then looked back down at he finished dressing her injuries. A month appeared and sat on his head then so did another. His mansion was very gothic and that of someone who studied A lot,it was noticeable papers, books and journals lay about in stacks. On shelves were various plants and ingredients with typical alchemy and medical arrangements on a desk. There was a fireplace in the room across from the couch and it was noticeable there was a cat or two about. The mansion itself seemed quiet lacking the usual maids and seemed unoccupied by people other than the necromancer himself despite a slight demonic presence it appeared to be feline.
Emmony nodded at the man's thanks, hands trembling again, her palms stinging from where her nails had cut little half moons. Just barely she managed to keep them from clenching, fiddling instead with the scarf around her eyes, as if ensuring that it was in place and tied tight enough. A frequent nervous habit.

She was thankfully saved from having to come up with a reason to stay as the woman snagged her hand. The smile she flashed her was tremulous, but it was still a smile. Very carefully she took the free seat, appreciating the woman's help. Normally she wouldn't have needed it, would even have brushed it off with a laugh, but she just... couldn't today. The fact that she couldn't seem to recover from the vision was almost as bad as the vision itself. Well, not quite. There'd never been anything worse than that vision for her.

"My name is Emmony," she said, her voice soft in comparison to the Northerner's. "No need to keep calling me Seer. What did you wish to speak about?" The woman paused then, lips turning down into a slight frown as she sniffed the air. "What is that strange smell?"

@SirFlabberghaspy @Beowulf

As she reached towards him he smiled slightly, turning his hand over as hers set down on top of it. Her touch was cool, cold even, but he didn't comment, allowing her to keep her secrets. Many people who came through his tavern were sensitive about their race and their privacy. He was never one to invade. Without permission of course. More often than not people ended up opening up to him however, being as nonjudgmental as he was, and it was always interesting.

He thought for a long moment as she finished talking and removed her hand. His eyes met hers, and that small smile grew slightly mischievous. "There have certainly been rumors, people whispering here and there about some sort of rebellion brewing. It's no surprise of course, we're certainly all upset. Whether or not you put stock in those rumors, well..." The man shrugged noncommittally. "I certainly agree that something needs to be done, and if people are putting plans into action I fully support them. It's certainly important for anything concrete to stay quiet however."

@LadyArdent (I'm so so sorry, the writer's block is insane.)
mewbot5408 said:
Fiolan looked up to see a female and a rather injured one at that. He approached quickly with light steps of his boots and found himself silently move his slender pale arm around her. The necromancer found himself bring her into his arms and picked her up taking her with him walking down to the mansion. "Stay still and don't be afraid....I'm going to help you..." He whispered in her ear. The two were opposites. It may have seemed odd for a being of death to help a Angel but his words were honest. Fiolan carried the small female into his mansion gently setting her on the couch going to the other room coming back with rags and bandages. He took and injected a sort of anesthetic in before seeing up any deep wounds and cleaning everything up properly. He starting wrapping up her injuries nextly giving a soft exhale. " how exactly did a cute little thing like you get mangled up?" he asked softly brushing his very long purple hair from his mismatch eyes moving his cool gaze up then looked back down at he finished dressing her injuries. A month appeared and sat on his head then so did another. His mansion was very gothic and that of someone who studied A lot,it was noticeable papers, books and journals lay about in stacks. On shelves were various plants and ingredients with typical alchemy and medical arrangements on a desk. There was a fireplace in the room across from the couch and it was noticeable there was a cat or two about. The mansion itself seemed quiet lacking the usual maids and seemed unoccupied by people other than the necromancer himself despite a slight demonic presence it appeared to be feline.
Sarah Alistair

Sarah was drifting in and out of conciousness when Fiolan walked over. At first she was, infact, afraid of him. She was worried she'd went to the wrong place again, or landed somewhere hostile, and she was about to be finished off. She didn't have the energy to stay full concious, let alone move anymore. Though...luckily he seemed to be helping her from what she gathered, causing he to relax a bit. She winced when he picked her up, but other than that remained motionless and completely silent.

She laid there on the couch as he sewed her up and cleaned her wounds. She soon regained conciousness, at-least enough to clearly see and hear Fiolan. "
I went to the wrong place.." She replied weakly. "Thank you for helping me." She added, smiling faintly.
Fiolan: the undertaker

Fiolan was tall and extremely pale with two different colored eyes and very long purple colored hair. He was dressed in dark colors with bandages around his throat that were lightly red with blood. He nods and looks away before returning his cool gaze to her."seeing as you're condition at the moment you are more than welcome to use one of my guest rooms if you need a place to stay....." He says softly and has a light hum to his voice as he rises leaving the room for a moment coming back with a glass of herb water. "Do you think you can sit up?" He asks.

"Don't know, but I'm being paid to take care of it." Gareth said, setting down his spoon long enough to scoop up the bag and set it on the ground. "She won't tell me what it is either. It's nasty, whatever it is." Something seemed to be wrong with Emmony, she was probably surprised at how calmly he took her vision of his death. That would explain a lot, most people don't react calmly to news of their death. Or perhaps there was something she wasn't telling him.
mewbot5408 said:
Fiolan: the undertaker
Fiolan was tall and extremely pale with two different colored eyes and very long purple colored hair. He was dressed in dark colors with bandages around his throat that were lightly red with blood. He nods and looks away before returning his cool gaze to her."seeing as you're condition at the moment you are more than welcome to use one of my guest rooms if you need a place to stay....." He says softly and has a light hum to his voice as he rises leaving the room for a moment coming back with a glass of herb water. "Do you think you can sit up?" He asks.

Sarah Alistair

Sarah could tell Fiolan wasn't entirely mortal..or exactly usually considered a good entity, but..honestly she didn't care. Sure, he was kind of scary looking to the poor girl but she'd have to try to ignore that bit. He did save her life after all. She had noticed the bandages on his throat as well..maybe when she regained some of her strength she could repay the favor and heal whatever injury that was? It was the least she could do, especially with him offering for her a place to stay. "Um. Okay, thank you very much mister." She replied. She wasn't entirely sure where she was, or how far she was from her intended location. Staying with Fiolan and getting a map of the area would prove to be beneficial. When he came back and asked if she could sit up she nodded, slowly pushing herself into a sitting position and wincing slightly from the moderate amount of pain. "I really appreciate the help. My names' Sarah. If you need anything let me know. I kind of owe you my life and stuff." She told him with a shrug.

[border]Aurora Norok & The Obsidian Executioner


Asavar's lips parted slightly as his black eyes took in the petite 'seer' before him, the soaking wet robe starting to cling to the curves that the very same robes had been concealing just before. It took but a moment for him to register he was staring, but it took longer for his mind to follow what his body was doing.

His large hand came up and slapped the clasp holding his warm, heavy bear cloak to his armor, his other hand pulling the edge of the cloak and in one smooth motion, he swung it around to drop over the seer.

Asavar stepped around the Seer, not permitting himself to see whatever her reaction to his actions had been. Actions he would soon justify to himself to have been... preventative actions to avoid the soldiers being distracted by a soaked woman wandering the halls, but for now, he had other things to do, exposing her to be a fraud chief among them as he passed the threshold into the castle and into the grand hall.

Aura had been waiting a good moment on the large man to lead the way, and the longer she waited the more uncomfortable she became. The woman feared not the rain or thunder..but rather her clothes clinging to her small frame. She was not one who liked to 'flaunt' what she had, but rather conceal it to the point where she looked unflattering. That being one of the things that set her apart from a gypsy.

A few more seconds and she was going to turn around to question him, but was rather surprised by the executioner's actions. He had taken his very own cloak and wrapped it around her, effectivly concealing her curvy yet petite figure.
So he does have a small soft spot..or at least enough courtesy to cover a woman up. Aura thought to herself as a small smile tugged at her lips. "Thank you.." She would say before following the vibrations given off by the massive man.

Asavar gave a small nod, realizing only after he nodded that she wouldn't be able to see it, but he wasn't going to call more attention to what he had just done if he didn't need to.

He set off down one of the side passages heading towards the East Wing, where they tended to keep guest such as other nobility or visiting dignitaries from other nations. Asavar didn't really have anywhere else to put her, he wasn't going to bring her to the servant's quarters where news of her arrival would spread like wildfire, he wasn't going to bring her to the barracks where, in her current soaked state she would be ogled, thick bear furs or no, and he certainly wasn't bringing her to his own chambers... which left him only the East Wing.

"After your... reading," Asavar said, his voice rumbling through the long stone corridor, "You may stay until the rain leaves."

The idea that she would be able to preform such a feat not even entering his mind, her failure assured, but he wasn't so cruel as to send her out into the rend in just her soaked robe.

He finally paused at a dark mahogany door and pushed it open, "After you,"

Aura followed the man, gasping at how cold the stone floors were, due not only to the fact that she was soaked but also that the castle was quite cold..or at least the floors. The sudden chill on her feet made her shiver, causing her to wrap his cloak around her tighter to keep warm. Sometimes it sucked having sensitive feet.

When he spoke, she could hear the faint echo of his deep voice reverberating off the stone walls of the castle. This, made her believe that wherever they were was rather empty.
"Ah. So you do think I will fail. interesting." She said with a small sly smirk as her own voice bounced off the walls.

When she was told to enter, she did so. For a moment, Aura's mind raced to believe that Asavar would harm her now that they were alone. The thought scared her..almost made her question her decision to be in private quarters with him..but..surely..he wouldn't harm her..right? With that thought in mind, she turned toward him once far enough inside that the two of them could fit in and the door be closed then locked should he choose to do that.

"Commander.." She started as she set her staff aside on a nearby dresser. "I do hope you will forgive my earlier rudeness. I was unaware that you had a title. My deepest apologies." She said, her voice sincere as she spoke to him. There was not a single underlying tone that would imply she didn't mean it, nor was there any hint she was joking. Aura was serious about her apology, so much so that the grin from seconds ago was gone.

Asavar entered the room behind the gypsy, his eyes looking over the dark room. Normally, light would be spilling in from the numerous windows, but the dark storm clouds outside obscured the sun's warm rays. As the room wasn't in use, the servants had not bother to light the candles. A small wooden table sat before the fireplace, a few chairs around it sitting upon a large rug. Two doors flanked the room, one heading into a wash room with a basin and a large tub while the other led to a bedroom where a large mirror, empty armories, a large goose feather bed and a unlit fireplace within. A common enough layout for rooms in the East Wing, enough that Asavar could already imagine exactly what they looked like and exactly what spot they would be in.

Asavar looked down the corridor testing to see if he could spot any servants, get one of them to light the room, get a warmed basin ready in his room so he could wash later and ensure food was brought to his, and this, room.

His head turned back into the room, brought over by her voice, his eyes falling on the small woman wrapped up in his cloak, and he simply stared. He wasn't sure what he had expected, but an apology was not. Asavar could not recall a time where anyone had ever apologized to him, and he wasn't quite sure what to do. She seemed sincere and he almost wished she hadn't, would have made dealing with her easier. Perhaps it had simply been a misunderstanding.. a simple mistake. Either way, it didn't matter as she would not be staying longer then a night.

"... Accepted," Asavar said for lack of... knowing what else to say.

He crossed his arms before his broad chest and tilted his head, "So, how does this work?"

A long silence seemed to carry on after she had apologized to him. This worried Aura slightly as she had made an honest mistake...or so she thought. Though, while she waited for a response, Aura would reach up and pull her hood down, revealing her white/blonde hair and tightly bandaged eyes. Now that her face was free of it's cover, one could see her soft angular features that mixed well with her smooth cheek bones and lightly tinted pink lips. Should Asavar be an observant person, he may notice a long scar on her right cheek that ran from the end of her temple, across the bone and down all the way to her jaw, it stopping just a mere inch or two from her chin. The scar looked deep and jagged, as well as white from age.

As Asavar finally said something to her apology and then questioned her on how this worked, she let out a small sigh as her hand came up to let down her hair, just so it wouldn't get tangles and prove to be difficult later. As Aura undone her hair, the white/blonde mess of light waves and curls cascaded down her shoulders and stopped just at the top of her rib cages; her bangs resting over her left eye and somewhat covering the nasty scar.
"Well..first we sit." She said and took a seat on the floor, curling her legs up like before when she was at the castle doors. "Then I need you to sit within my arms length of me." She explained, "Hold your hands out to me, palms up and I shall lay my hands on yours. To further help the connection, I'll need your hands to be bare and for them to remain touching mine through the reading. The more they are touching, the better the connection. From there I shall read your past." Aura's voice was soft as she told him about this delicate process. For her, the connection of hands was far more easier than her trying to stand at a distance and read his past. "Should you feel that I have said enough, you may break away from me an the past will fade away from my eyes. Do you understand or shall I go further in depth?" She asked him, trying to make sure he understood what needed to be done as well as what he could do to sever the bond.

After speaking, Aura would reach up an take the long dirty bandage off her eyes. The bandage unraveled and lay in her lap as her eyes were closed. Slowly, she opened her eyes, the milky white irises now available for him to see. Aura, of course, had no pupils but rather a slightly more gray circle where pupils must of once been.
"I hope my eyes do not frighten you.." She said, her voice slightly off as she did so; thus giving away that perhaps someone had once insulted them or that many people were terrified of them because of how they looked.

Asavar wasn't sure if it was incredible timing on her behalf, or if it was just one of those rare moments that seem as if the Gods were playing some divine jest upon him as as she pulled down her hood, light spilled in from the windows as the storm outside abated.

With the new light seeping into the sitting room, Asavar's dark eyes were able to take in everything. The wet, almost, platinum hair that spilled out, freed from their dark confines fell to frame her delicate face. His eyes swept over her face, his mind filling in the blanks from before, before she was just a small nose and a pair of soft, pert lightly pink lips, now those same features were joined by an angular, yet... somehow still soft face, with nice smooth cheeks and a pleasing skin tone that reflected well with her almost ghostly hair. The long scar drew his attention, a scar that reminded him of some of his... many. The deep, jagged scar was old, but the way it was formed, jagged like that. It was not a smooth cut, not a fast wound. Most of his, especially on his own face, were the same, deep and jagged. Asavar would have bet everything he had that someone had held her down and carved into her... just like with him.

But she wasn't done, it seemed, with a few quick hand movements, her hair spilled lower, sweeping down past her shoulders coming to stop near her breast. The bangs swept near the bandaged eyes, but he was almost... saddened to see the scar obscured. The long jagged white scar was almost... beautiful in how it framed her face. A scar which should have taken away from her apparent beauty only seemed to add to it, and it hit him that, for the second time in a single day, he was alone with an incredibly beautiful woman and he wasn't quite sure how... well that sat with him.

"I understand," Asavar said in response to her question, his voice sounding far away as his eyes scanned her even as his body moved on its own, slowly unbuckling that clasps of his gauntlets and setting them on the nearby table followed by the inner leather gloves that ensured the armor never pinched the flesh beneath.

He looked back at her just as she started to unravel the bandage that hid her eyes, and upon reveal, Asavar drew in a short, sharp breath. The white irises rimmed by the cloudy gray was... beautiful. The eyes, the platinum hair, the fair complexion all worked together to give her an almost ethereal appearance. So unlike his own, he was pale, almost sickly pale, underneath his dark armor with eyes so dark they seemed black with long onyx hair curled lightly within his helm. He appeared sickly, but she, this, Lady Aurora, appeared otherworldly. His fingers twitched with an odd desire to brush back that lock of hair that obscured the scar running down her temple, to run a finger down the trail, an imperfection that only made her appearance more startling.

Asavar blinked, frightened? Of her eyes? Such an idea had never passed through his mind, how could anyone be afraid of eyes? Especially hers? Still lost in his thoughts, he spoke softly, "They are beautiful, Lady Aurora."

The words that slipped from his mouth brought him back to his senses, he had no desire to be lured in... she was simply seeking to... attract him and cloud his mind, make him not pay attention to her reading, he gritted his teeth willing himself to pay attention, "Proceed."[/border]

Aura felt rather..stared at. Perhaps it was her paranoia or maybe he was staring, she didn't know but it made her shift uncomfortably. If he was staring, it was likely either at her eyes or the long scar she knew adorned her face. At the thought of the scar, one of her hands came up and touched it. It was now just a crease on her face..but it reminded her of that man. Before her mind could become deluded with thoughts about him, she swiftly pulled her hand back and took off her 'gloves' and bangles; setting them next to her on the floor.

A long moment of silence seemed to stretch on between the pair, before she heard his gauntlets being taken off and set aside, though before that she was certain she had heard him take a sharp breath. Did he hurt himself? Did they pinch him? Surely not. Either way, Aura was prepared to prove herself to the man before her, but his soft tones and words caught her off guard completely. He was..complementing her? Moments ago he was sure she would fail and annoyed at he was saying her eyes were beautiful? This was not was trickery of his..trying to jostle her..trying to butter her up..make her mind cloudy so she would fail. Still, her manors proceeded her as well as her face was against her for she had a rosy blush on her cheeks from him.
"T-Thank you..Commander.." She had stuttered..why did she stutter? It was a complement. One meant to shake why?

Mentally Aura shook herself, and it seemed Asavar's tone had changed too as it was no longer soft but rather gritted, as though he was speaking through his teeth.
"Sit and put out your hands, please." She requested as her hands lay on her lap, palms down.

The blush that filled her cheeks nearly knocked away his hard fought control back over his senses. The light coloring of the cheeks contrasted starkly with her fair complexion making it all the more apparent it was there.

Asavar sank down to his knees, this new position still forcing him to look nearly straight down at the smaller woman, but at this distance, the whispers in the back of his mind grew, she was close. Within arms reach, he knew it was imagined, but he could almost feel the heat from her light blush from where he knelled, the warmth that blossomed in his chest reminded him of the unforgettable truth of her femininity.

Rather then say something he would regret, again, Asavar held out his hands, palms turned upward. He could see the thick callouses that covered his large hands, the small scars and nicks that marred their pale surface, and his eyes couldn't help but glance at her own, small soft looking hands and marvel at their stark difference. The ethereal beauty and the beastly executioner. It was almost comical. "Next?"

Aura could hear him sink to his knees, and she was sure he was still likely looming over her but..not as bad..or so she hoped. As he was now much closer to him, she could hear his steady breathing and feel more of his stare, or perhaps that was simply imagined by her still lingering paranoia. " may pull away at anytime.." She said, making double sure he understood that or maybe it was just her way of reassuring him that he could control just how much she was aloud to see.

When he had said next, Aura extended her hands and hovered them over his as her eyes wondered up to where his were, or so she thought they might be.
"Do not be alarmed if I grab you quite hard. Sometimes these visions feel so real that we Seers are able to feel the same pain." She explained before lowering her slender hands onto his. At first she was shocked at how warm his hands were, then at the fact that this feel..strange. Not in the way that it his hands felt odd but rather in a way she did not understand.

When their hands made contact, she felt around a little as she likes the texture of his hands. As weird as that was. On his side, her hands would feel soft an smooth but also had a few rough patches near the tips of her fingers and on the very lower part nearest her wrist. Another thing was her finger nails..they looked bitten and torn; the cuticles ripped to pieces as well as the skin on the sides of her nails.
"I shall now begin." She said as she began to concentrate on the man in front of her. At first she would feel a small familiar tingle in the back of her head, but the more she thought of him, his past, and the feeling of his hands under her's, she was able to slip into the man's past; her face becoming stony and her eyes glazing over.

The very first thing Aura saw was an orphanage, but one that looked quite run down and beat up.
"I see..a rather rugged orphanage. it not? A gang house maybe.." She said as the vision moved forward to where she learned it was in fact both. "Ah..tis both." She commented. The man's past continued, and she learned that the kids had to 'deeds' to survive and pay their 'dues' to the elder people in the house. The vision then landed on a small boy, very tiny and likely malnourished. "I see you..a small slender child with dark locks and a tiny frame." It moved on, shifting to show that he misbehaved and had quite the amount of anger. "I see that you are emotional and angry..but you cannot control it." Then the young Asavar attacked an older kid, this causing a small grin to show it's way on her face. "You attacked an older boy..then ran..but..what is..this?" The vision became dark and gruesome as she watched the older boy come back with friends at dark..they held him down..and cut up the young Asavar's face. "This boy..his name was Fenric. His friends held you down as he cut your face up with a rusty knife.." Asavar's pain in the memory became her's in the real world as she moved her hands to where they would be gripping the sides of his palms tightly. Should Asavar looked down at where she was grabbing on his hands, he may notice something on her left hand wrist. A black ink brand with the Roman Numeral for 1 and her initials A.N. The ink of course would be lightly faded, but still evidently there. Her face burned as she felt every slice..every cut..everything. Tears would well in her eyes and roll down her cheeks in reaction to this as well as her face become that of agony. "I-It h-hurts.." Her voice was shaky as she forced the memory forward, unable to bare the pain that was lancing through her face and body.

A dark brow lifted as Asavar doubted she could ever grip his hand hard enough to hurt him. His dark eyes traced the tiny, cool hands that were laid on his. They looked so... incredibly fragile lost within the confines of his much larger one. He itched to move his hand and explore it, but he didn't. Her hand felt incredibly soft in his own, if he closed his eyes, he almost wouldn't feel her hands on his own, only the light pressure reminding him of their presence.

His eyes stopped on the nails of her left hand before jumping over to her right nails, his lips setting into a thin line at the sight. She had to be an incredibly nervous bitter... one who never felt the pain she was doing, or someone had saw fit to damage her hands, torture, perhaps?

Asavar tore his gaze back up to her face, her unfocused eyes glazing over as she entered whatever practiced routine she used to 'read' people's past and futures. As she began talking, his own eyes started to phase out as he revisited his path with her, lost in his mind to the scenes she was describing.

Fenric. He remembered him. He wasn't sure if the boy had ever managed to grow into a man, if he was still alive... perhaps he should find out and remedy that. He could almost fill the knife slicing away at his nose, dragging beneath his eye and deep into his cheek to punch through.

The soft grip, brought him out of his memory, and his eyes fell down on her hands, the knuckles white from the force they were using on him, but it was far from uncomfortable. His black eyes traced the inked markings on her wrist. Her initials and a... 1. Slave markings, perhaps? By how faded they were, they were old. But... most slave markings he had seen were the brand or inked symbol of the owner... not of the slave's name... could she not have been a slave? Or... had it been an odd nation she had come from?

Her shaky, pain filled voice caught his attention, and his eyes lifted to her face, contorted in agony at what she was seeing. His heart leap to see the pain, her beautiful eyes tearing up before the tears broke free to spill down her smooth cheeks. Asavar fought down the urge to remove his hand and wipe the tears away, an... unfamiliar desire.

But.. but it wasn't enough. She could have heard that story from one of the 'caretakers' or, perhaps, Fenric himself. She could have researched this before she made her move, while few knew about that part of his life, it was still known in select circles. He needed more.

"Go on," Asavar said, his voice soft, his eyes still watching each tear that slipped out. Without his knowledge, his hands curled around hers, his left thumb gently rubbed the back of her hand in small circles while his right thumb, on her left, reached up to gently trace the inked markings, subconsciously trying to calm her.

Aura could barely hear what he had said to her, but she figured what she had said was not enough and so he told her to continue. The vision seemed to strengthen as Asavar's hands held her's, though she could not tell he was tracing her brand; to her she just knew that he had to of adjusted his hands to where they were no longer resting under her's..but rather in a more..connected state.

The memories shifted forward as she saw the image of young Asavar being drug through the market. Aura took a shaky breath in before she spoke, her voice soft and still in a lot of pain,
"You're being drug through a market for pick-pocketing purses, but you are saved by the King who was parading." She then saw the look in Asavar's eyes as he looked upon the queen. He thought she was stunning..the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen, but she did not think the same of him. "You see the queen and think she is utterly beautiful. Everyone pales in the beauty of her, to you...but she does not feel the same back.." Aura said, her voice soft as a frown made it's way onto her still pained and crying face. She was likely a wreck in the 'real' world.

"Due to her unliking of are forced to ride up front in the carriage until you are back at the kingdom..then you become the stable boy." The vision then jumped forward once more and she could feel an intense anger and hatred from Asavar in his teen years as well as a longing and extreme unwavering loyalty. "You became a squire due to how tall you are..and you were almost happy.. You watched your queen from a distance. She did not know you existed..but watched." Though the pain was still reverberating through Aura's body, a sadness washed over her. Asavar loves his queen..loves her with all that he is..and she doesn't feel the same..because he is 'ugly' by her eyes. This enraged the Seer, causing her to once more tighten her grip on his hands. Aura would have taught that prude woman a thing or two..if she had come along earlier..

It was now Asavar's eighteenth birthday, a very important day in most men's lives, but it is ruined because of his commander at the time. The man gave Asavar an unfitting position..executioner.
"It is your eighteenth birthday and you have beaten the man because he gave you an unfitting position for a man of your talents...but you still took pride in being the threw everything into became the Law." She explained as he hands loosened themselves and her voice was finally regaining some strength.

Unfortunately, due to the great pain she had experienced in Asavar's early memories, she was beginning to get a rather large headache..but still she must push through..this was surely not enough to please him..anyone could of known these things..right? The vision shot forward and now she felt Asavar's true rage, anger, and hatred. She saw how he looked upon the commander with anger and jealousy. Asavar wanted to be with his queen..he deserved to be! But that man had taken the chance away because he was more handsome by the queen's definition.
"It is much later in your are so angry and jealous at the commander. You could kill him cold blooded and not care at all so long as you could be the one that was with the queen. Your jealousy however, does not mask your undying loyalty to her may love her.. but you'd never wish to hurt you never got your revenge and the man slipped away. Now the queen is sick..and you are named Commander in his place.. " She told him, but the vision was getting blurry and her headache only increasing. Aura's mind was reeling and she felt sick..very sick. Her face would turn a ghostly white and just as she was going to say more, the vision left her and her body fell forward onto Asavar.

Aura's mind was throbbing and wailing in agony as she took deep breath; trying her best to stop the anguish in her mind.
"I.." She panted as her head rest against the thick metal of his breastplate. "P..p..please..for..give me.." She said between breaths as the world around her seemed to spin. Aura had returned to 'reality' far too fast and now she would pay the price of that. Her hands once again for the third time tightened on his, but this was far more harder than the other times. Aura was trying desperately to regain composure, but that was just pointless effort. The woman felt as if she was going to be sick right here and now; she probably would of been if it weren't for the fact that she wasn't trying to vomit all over Asavar.

Asavar brow furrowed as he listened... she didn't just describe the events, she was describing his feelings... with an accuracy that was unnerved him. Making him feel weak and vulnerable, something he was not used to feeling.

His eyes focused on her face, watching the emotions and pain flicker across, reflecting, more often then he liked, the very same feelings he was having within his chest. The pain of the princess, now queen's, disgust, the anger and jealousy that had threatened to destroy him, but the very same love he so desired being what kept the last 'commander' alive.

His onyx eyes took in her change, her face growing pale, almost pale enough to rival her luscious hair. His eyes widened, but before he could do anything, she fell forward, falling into his chest, her head resting against the thick, dark plate of his armor. His spine stiffed as he was unsure of what to do.

"Its fine," Asavar said, an automated response, her small hands clenched his own, harder then before, likely with everything she had. He gave her a gentle, by his standards, return squeeze with his left and slipped his right hand around, doing what he had seen many others do and brought it up to her back, and with a momentary pause, he laid his large hand on her back and rubbed it, his fingers running through the soft, slightly damp, platinum hair, trying to imitate what he had seen other people do when someone needed consultation, "I've seen enough, you can stay," he said softly.

And he had seen enough. A small part of his mind still whispered that, with enough time and resources, she could have found this all out and had made educated guesses at his emotions, but... another part of him wanted to believe this ethereal woman, and if she was right, he could use someone like her.

The cool metal of his plate seemed to help a bit, but still..she could not handle all the mix of emotions as well as the was far too much of a mental strain. She felt weak and vulnerable laying on him, her mind in ruins to the point where she couldn't move right now. It was the worst feeling ever, and it was the first time in a long time she had felt this way. Her paranoia soared with each passing moment as her mind was tore in so many directions that she couldn't concentrate on a single thought, so she closed her eyes and tried to breathe in deeply.

Aura had been trying her best to hope that the giant man wouldn't take control of her sudden weakness, but her fear came to life after he gave one hand a squeeze then moved his other hand around to her back. Aura's eyes squeezed tightly shut and her hands got seemed to put a death grip on Asavar's hand as her entire body went ridged. Her breath was held for who knew how long as she expected the worst, and in her weakened state..she could do nothing. All that fear was suddenly betrayed by the man gently rubbing her back and combing his fingers through her hair, both things that triggered long blocked out memories and emotions.

The feeling of his hand rubbing her back and running through the thick mess of half dried hair, caused her to release more silent tears as well as slightly relax. She had been so sure he was going to harm sure that he would toss her out..and yet he was comforting her. Aura let out the breath she had been holding, but it sounded like a small yelp. If there was any spot on her body that she couldn't handle being touched, it was her back. She couldn't handle such a thing, but yet..she found comfort in Asavar gently rubbing it. Hell..the man had even surfaced memories of
Him. The one person she had ever trusted and ever even loved. So, with Aura's mental and emotional state being in complete ruins..she cried silently against the stranger's chest. Something she had told herself she would never do, and yet here she was..doing it. What was wrong with her? Why could she on control this like she normally did?

Asavar wasn't sure what to do... He was trying to recall any scenes like this before playing out with others, and he was sure he was doing it... well, sort of. Holding them, letting them weep, rubbing their back was all things he had seen others do to comfort another person, but her tears weren't stopping, if anything, it seemed like he was making it worse.

Asavar looked down at the weeping seer, she looked so small, so fragile in his arms as if a single strong breeze would scatter her. Perhaps... perhaps she needed rest? She needed something, that was for sure, but he didn't know what it was and doubted he could provide it, so, slowly, as to not startle her, he whispered, "Lets get you to the bed," he said, wrapping up her small body, hugging her close to his chest as his arm slid under her legs and he stood up with her, her small body so light that if he wasn't looking down at her, he doubted he would have noticed her weight.

This was all so..unusual for Aura. So many firsts and so many things repeated..but yet..he was still careful with her..still trying to console the crying seer..but why? It was only hours ago that they had met for the very first time..that she's ever talked to him..and now she looked a China cup ready to break. Surely he must think she a weakling.

At the sound of his voice, she stirred slightly, grabbing onto his cloak that still hung on her as well as nodding. would perhaps solve would help..or so she hoped. Her fear had almost subsided, but it came back full force plus some when she was lifted from the ground. This caused her to utterly freak out. Her arms wrapped around Asavar's large armor tightly as she tried to keep from screaming bloody murder. She was terrified, but not of him..of the fact that she was now 'blind', in the sense that she couldn't feel the floor anymore or the vibrations..or anything other that Asavar's arms around her tiny body and his armor.
"I..I'm afraid of h-heights..y-ya k-know.." Her voice cracked and stuttered, but it was soft and just barely above a whisper. Out of all the things she could of said, her mouth spoke before her mind..and now he knew one of her biggest fears. Great.

"Noted," Asavar said, he wasn't sure where her fear of heights came from, could a blind person be afraid of the fall they could not see? But it was a necessary evil to get her to the bed and then for him to get out of the room, he had things to do and had to.... process what just happened. Asavar crossed the room in a few long strides, maneuvering her slowly as to try to lessen what fear he could, as he pushed open the door, it swinging clear to reveal the room beyond. The large four post walnut bed dominating the room.

Asavar moved to the side of the bed and slowly lowered Aurora on it, and untangled himself from her, his cloak still wrapped around her and clenched in her hands. It was unimportant, he would get it back later, "If you need anything, pull the rope here," Asavar said leaning forward to tap on the wall directly to her right, near the headboard, "It will ring a bell in the servant's quarter and someone will be here to see to your needs."

Aura continued to cling tightly to him, not daring to let go as he was the only 'ground' she had right now. Her heart rate was wild within her chest as her eyes shut tightly, as though that would help at all. The 'ride' was short though, nothing more than a few mere seconds before she was placed on a rather soft bed, perhaps the softest one she'd ever been on. Briefly she felt around the bed for textures, but all the texture was the same..smooth.

Aura adjusted herself slightly, curling into a small ball as Asavar's cloak was pressed to her chest tightly. She nodded to his words as her eyes followed to sound of his voice up to where she'd be looking at what she hoped would be his eyes.
"Before you go.." She started, a small blush adorning her face for the second time to night, "I' to thank you..for letting me stay..and for.." The blush grew to be a much more red shade, "consoling me..while I..'lost' it.." Aura had meant what she said, that much was evident, but she was also rather embarrassed about showing so much weakness and depending on a stranger within the first few hours of knowing him.

Asavar paused, and slowly turned his head back to the small woman curled up on the large bed, her ghostly platinum hair spilled out over the dark blankets, a deep blush lighting up her face, almost like a beacon in the dim room.

He had almost prayed he could escape the room as he had too much to think of, too much to disassemble for today, and Asavar was far more then just wary of the situation. He felt like he was standing on the edge of an abyss, and he wasn't sure what lay at the bottom, within the darkness.

Asavar bowed his head slightly before, like a fool, he recalled she was blind and so wouldn't be able to see the movement, "It is fine, Lady Aurora," Asavar said, trying to use the stiff, curt response to build some much needed distance.

With the... niceties taken care of, Asavar took a single step back and whirled on his heel, heading out of the room and pausing only to shut the door behind him. He paused once more, but only long enough to scoop his gloves and gauntlets from the table, securing them on his hands as he left her rooms, closing the last door behind him.

As he fastened the last latch on his gauntlet, he felt more... himself, now that he was, once again, entombed in his armor. Asavar waved a servant over, their... fear in his presence, almost, a welcome change. After all that had happened in the day, from the child, to the inhumanly beautiful seamstress, to the gang he crushed and now to the ghostly seer; a good dose of healthy, instinct fueled fear at his presence was... a feeling of normality he found he almost missed.

"Find Joran and tell him I need to see him in my chambers," Asavar said dismissing the servant who wasted no time in beating a hasty retreat.

After Asavar had left, Aura sat up and took off several layers of her clothing, starting with the huge belt around her waist. The relief that came from taking that off was quite phenomenal and Aura couldn't help but let out a satisfied sigh. As more layer came off, the more apparent her body shape became until she was in
almost nothing.

With a good portion of her robes littering the bed and the floor, Aura could now sleep much more comfortable. The woman returned to her curled up position around Asavar;s cloak, her keepsake for the night, and closed her eyes; almost instantly falling asleep to the strange smells of his cloak mixing with the clean bed.

((Fuck cleaning up my typos. xD IT'S FINALLY HERE!! THE MONSTER OF A POST!!))

@Cosmo @KillThemAll [/border][border][/border]​

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He held out the glass for her. "Drink'll help with t? pain a little."he told her brushing his long hair from his eyes. His gaze is on her and he carries a rather curious gaze. "My name is Fiolan....I should be the one saying that, you're injured and I'm caring for you.." He says softly giving a amused smile. A male suddenly walks in the room yelling in a different language than Fiolan, he has a long tail and pointed ears. He's a demon. He stopped in mid sentence glaring at Fiolan who looked back with a sharp gaze. "Lazurus, this a rather bad time...what do you need?" he asked and Lazurus gave a huff. "Cheating on me?" He asked and Fiolan shook his head. "Oh hush. It's not like you're my lover, you're just a familiar...." He says softly and looks back at Sarah. "I do apologize about him." He says softly and the demon vanishes with a puff.


Joran Stronham

Knight of the Queen's Guard

"The Steel Wolf"

Joran sighed as he stood in the rain, gazing down at a

worn down paper. Suddenly, someone would call his name,

resulting in a quick look in the direction of the noise.

The huffing servant would rest her palms on her buckling

knees before shifting her gaze up towards the old traveler.

C-Commander Asavar... wishes to... see you," the tired

girl murmured, breathing heavily from her mouth. Joran

sighed, hastily throwing the girl three gold dragons for her

trouble before walking off to find Asavar.

His mind hurt. Badly.

He had no clue what was going on, everything

seeming like a blur as he still struggled to take in

the news that had plagued him for the last hour.

The Weeping Women had all but fallen to House

Whytewynd. House Sinclair had been pushed back,

and the only remaining Sinclair forces were holed up

in the Scarlet Castle, the easternmost set of ruins within the

Weeping Women. From his reports, an estimated

eight thousand had fell on House Sinclair's side, and

an almost equal amount of casualties could be said

for House Whytewynd. Joran knew, though, that it was

the entirety of House Sinclair's army. He was sure

Lord Gregor could easily repair his crippled military

with the hiring of sellswords and the forced labor of

young men and children into the army.

The defeat angered him greatly...

Sighing, Joran opened the door to Asavar's chambers

hastily, crumpling the worn paper in his hand as he

entered the room.

mewbot5408 said:
He held out the glass for her. "Drink'll help with t? pain a little."he told her brushing his long hair from his eyes. His gaze is on her and he carries a rather curious gaze. "My name is Fiolan....I should be the one saying that, you're injured and I'm caring for you.." He says softly giving a amused smile. A male suddenly walks in the room yelling in a different language than Fiolan, he has a long tail and pointed ears. He's a demon. He stopped in mid sentence glaring at Fiolan who looked back with a sharp gaze. "Lazurus, this a rather bad time...what do you need?" he asked and Lazurus gave a huff. "Cheating on me?" He asked and Fiolan shook his head. "Oh hush. It's not like you're my lover, you're just a familiar...." He says softly and looks back at Sarah. "I do apologize about him." He says softly and the demon vanishes with a puff.
Sarah Alistair

Sarah was a bit wary of accepting the drink from Fiolan, her brother warning her about accepting food and drink from strangers. But in reality if he had wanted to hurt her or anything he could of already. Thus she smiled and took the glass from him, "Thanks." She replied simply, taking a small sip of the water to taste it. Surprisingly it wasn't that bad, it actually tasted kind of good. She slowly drank it as he introduced himself, making note of his different colored eyes. That was kinda cool, she wondered exactly why they were like that but decided to keep quiet about it for now.

Soon a demon walked in, causing Sarah to shrink against the couch in slight fear. Was that kind of thing common around here? Was it hostile? It didn't seem to be. Infact from what it was saying it held the relationship her brother and Pegasus had. She found it weird, She smiled and shook her head when he apologized. "
Oh, no. It's fine. Nice to meet you mister." She replied. " summon demons then?" She asked, referring to where he called Lazarus a familiar.

The Obsidian Executioner


Asavar looked up from his desk where he had been working through the large, growing, pile of paperwork that needed his attention as the door to his chamber opened, dropping the latest report, something about an armored vagabond calling down lightning in the city and attacking members of the city guard, it was an annoyance, just as Asavar knew it would be. Something he would have to deal with in the future if the hedge knight sticks his head up again.

With the Old Man present, Asavar stood up, pushing back the heavily reinforced chair to give him more room, "Today has been... eventful," Asavar said for lack of a better word. Each day seemed to get more and more eventful and he already didn't have enough hours in the day to do what needed to be done.

"Dealt with a small gang of pickpockets and destroyed a ring of child..." Asavar started before stopped, what they were doing was no longer a matter, he dealt with it, "Well, there should be some peace in the Merchant's Square for a bit. It seems we have a fool playing with lightning as well wandering around the city," Asavar said gesturing towards the report as it would likely take himself or the Old Man to put a heavy magic user like Asavar suspected this was into the ground.

Asavar took a moment to look at Joran, tilting his head to the side, perhaps it was his imagination, but something felt off, "Did something happen in the castle while I was away?"

Black Lightning Grepher

Dai stood, stock still, staring about the Tavern, looking for any form of help to come to him. None did. Sighing in frustration, he stumbled again, barely catching himself. He needed to eat. He wouldn't steal- that would go against the basest forms of chivalry- instead, he supposed he'd need to simply sit and wait. Not something he was fond of. So, resigned, he turned and plodded over to the nearest open table- a table for two, but that was not any of his business- and sat- heavily- into the wooden seat. Its creaking and groaning would've worried him, but he was too hungry to bother with it. His head hung heavily over the wooden spit before him- for the table was tiny compared to the many he'd sat at before. Drowsily, his head nodded, before he caught himself. He could feel his stomach painfully stab him over and over again, demanding food he did not have. He was sure that his stomach was on the verge of devouring itself for sustenance- like the mad snake that wishes to be one with Ouroboros- but still, The Blackblood Knight remained silent and despite how obviously tired he was, vigilant.

So... this was Draede. He mentally slapped himself. He'd made a crude mistake out there. It was complete idiocy to attack the guard like that. He had not thought straight when he saw that blade drawn against him. Like some kind of wild animal, he let his instincts take over, and his blade drew itself. Even now, he could hear that conversation going on in the back of his mind; he watched from the alleyway as his past self stopped, hearing the tromping of lightly armored guardsmen in chainmail as they marched into play. The muffled speak of one of the guardsmen. His own cold, nigh metallic and autonomous response- it was odd, despite using his voice regularly, it was naturally scratchy, as if he were sharpening his blade on stone. The angry, violent response of the head guardsman.

"Sheer idiocy." Dai muttered, eyes scanning the bar, though they wished to train solely on the spot in front of his helm in the middle of the table. He so dearly wished to pass into unconsciousness, but with his idiotic actions earlier, there was no way he could let himself do such a thing. He might wake with a switch in his side, or perhaps not at all. Again, he shook his head, and a bit more bitterly this time, he repeated himself. "Sheer idiocy."


Joran Stronham

Knight of the Queen's Guard

"The Steel Wolf"

Joran growled, throwing the piece of paper onto Asavar's

desk with a rage he often kept contained. The old man huffed,

his chest inflating and deflating with intensity before he crossed

his arms.

Aye, something happened in the Castle. Our men are bloody well

trying to rape servants, but that's not the only fucking problem,"

Joran angrily murmured before pointing towards the letter he had

placed on Asavar's desk.

A report on Whytewynd. Read it."


The Obsidian Executioner


Asavar's dark brow lowered, it had been sometime since he had seen the Old Man so worked up. It seemed it had been wise to bring Joran to his quarters as such an outburst would have raised issues if the men had seen it, he would have had to reprimand Joran, something he did not wish to do especially when the reason for his anger became known, Whytewynd, more importantly, Gregor.

The news that guards had attempted to rape a servant was something he did not expect and he took a calming breath to control his rising rage. He had just spent time earlier saving children from the very same.... attention, and now he comes back to find his own men have tried to do the same? Under the Queen's roof? He was gone for a few hours and it felt like things had fallen apart in his brief absence. Was his constant presence truly the only thing keeping them under control? He felt like a tide wall trying to hold back a tsunami.

"... Castle Guard, I hope," Asavar said lifting the letter, "... I assume you managed to stop it then? Did you apprehend the guardsmen responsible? And the serving girl... how is she?" he asked as he read, using the note to divert his attention. He would take time reading the message.... one issue at a time. He could not afford Joran losing sight of his duties once he addressed the Whytewynd issue.

"Not quite. I only have two demons, I have bound many other creatures in my travels actually....though I've known Lazurus since I was a child. He's rather territorial when it comes to my favor and can be a bit of a handful but he and spicame are all I have left..." He says softly with a exhale shaking his head lightly and giving a shrug smiling a little. Fiolan tilts his head frowning a little for a second. "Please don't be formal with me, I may be a Nobel but I much rather you call by name if you must.....Fiolan or simply fi. I do apologize if I'm coming off a bit rude by this request but calling me by a title makes me a bit.....uncomfortable..."He says looking down brushing his hair behind his ear which is pointed with a earring in the shape of a tear drop with glimmering blue. He looks up at the female again.


Offered the same smile as she listened to him speak. He had a nice quick touch. It wasn't anything out of disrespect to his space. Just a reassuring gesture as Amunet spoke once more.

Forgetting the ache entirely as this conversation took most of her attention. "
Granted best left unspoken. I think I know where you stand. Truly though what is your opinion on the matter? Where do you stand?" A small brow raised once she asked this question.

Upon speaking on the matter between him she is leaning towards maybe she could be persuaded to really stay, offer something to him on the matter. She liked him since he approached her. He didn't pry into her actions. Amunet noticed him seeing the little defects she caused, but nothing was said. Amunet respected that from him.

@ianbabyyy [see we both lack in that department.]

Joran Stronham

Knight of the Queen's Guard

"The Steel Wolf"

"The men were apprehended by Richard after we drove them off, and they're waiting for your

judgement in the Castle dungeon. The girl's fine, I turned her in to be treated by Mother Alyara,"

Joran murmured, avoiding mentioning the situation Aster was in prior to the rape attempt.

He figured that doing so would lessen Asavar's feelings towards the action, maybe even ensue

more punishment from the giant, whom was so sadly obsessed with the Queen that they were

both sworn to.

He eyed the worn letter again, then shifting up to get a good look at the giant. He knew the

man didn't want to bring up the news with Whytewynd. Truthfully, Joran wanted to leave Draede

and handle it himself. He knew that meant breaking his duty to the Queen, and he could even

earn the hate of the executioner he had trained for so long. Though, he still felt compelled to leave,

despite all the threats of consequences. It was his duty. His first and foremost duty...

Sighing, Joran would lean back against the wall next to the open door, which danced with the

wailing wind rich with rain. He didn't care about the water, not the source of it outside or the

streams of it that still dripped from his armor and onto Asavar's floor, he was too agitated

to care.

And so, Joran decided to take off his helmet. He'd casually drop it onto the floor next to him.

Regaining some of his mature wisdom, he'd decide to close the wooden door with a sigh.

Turning to face the Draxxan again, Joran reached for a wineskin of fine mead with a weakened

look in his eyes. He was, albeit silently, acknowledging the fact that he wanted to go to face

Gregor, and figured that involving some alcohol would help the conversation go along.

In fact, any time news on House Whytewynd arrived, Joran had notably gone to drinking

or grown somber or agitated. It was during those days that his sparring with Asavar grew tougher,

and when he isolated himself from the rest of the castle in his foreignly designed room.



The Obsidian Executioner


"I will see to her care and get her testimony... do my best to offer what..." Asavar paused trying to think of a word that would not sound... well, mercenary, "aid I can to the girl."

Asavar read the letter once... then once more, before setting it down. This was rough and was not a conversation he was looking forward to. He understood the missive well enough. House Sinclair was all but gone. Their army was decimated and they were hold up in their remaining stronghold while Gregor worked to rebuild his forces to finish off them and secure his control over the realm. This would be, their, no, the Old Man's, last chance at striking Gregor while he was still vulnerable. At the rate of attrition House Whytewynd was facing, their new troops would be young boys and forced conscripts, nothing more then meatshields and support who will scream, panic and flee at the first sign of real trouble or a competent foe. But... even that was more then enough to crush what remained of House Sinclair. If Asavar moved the army north, they would be able to defeat Gregor's depleted force easily and a rout would all but be assured especially if they caught them between the Sinclair fortress and their own army... but he couldn't do that. Not even for the Old Man.

"I sent Neil to the north to keep an eye on the border and Lord Gregor," Asavar said tapping his platted leg as he spoke, "We will know of what transpires soon and if he ever crosses the border, the information will be here far faster then we could have hoped for otherwise..." he knew it wasn't much of a comfort, but it was all he really had to offer the Old Man.

"I know it was your home," Asavar said, "And I know you hate this man, but there isn't anything I can do," his deep voice filled with almost... sorrow, not for the people in the northern realms, not for Gregor, but because he couldn't do this for the Old Man no matter how much a part of him wanted to.


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