The Queen's Madness (Open)

Joran Stronham

Knight of the Queen's Guard

"The Steel Wolf"

Joran smiled at the way he said her name. It was casual, and that's the way

he liked it. The way she said it was slightly off, but he didn't really mind.

He was so used to being called in different ways and even in different

names to ever really care about a simple accented touch to it.

You're tired. I could bring you to rest in Mother Alyara's infirmary

instead, if you don't feel like making it the long way to Asavar's office.

Or, perhaps you suddenly remember where you were left, now that you've

gotten what you want?", Joran asked with a slight smile, curious at the

Seer's true motives as they walked along the rainy stones. He had met

many people, and many people had an infinite variety of ways to

get what they want. He had learned to trust nothing. Whether or not Joran

followed that teaching was completely up to who was involved, though.


[border]Aurora Norok


Aura would shake her head at Joran's question, which almost didn't sound like a question..but more of an accusation? Np. Perhaps it wasn't that and her mind was just playing tricks due to tiredness. Yes. That was it. Hopefully.

"No..I'm still quite lost..I believe Commander Del'Vorra is needed." She said, sure of herself that she was right, because unfortunately this entire freaking castle all had the same damn texture with floor types and Asavar didn't bother to tell her where she slept in case she would ever need to return. Damn him. Aura knew he didn't tell her for the sole purpose that he was so sure that she would fail in showing him her powers, but she had proved him wrong and then a lot went down.. so..maybe she couldn't blame him. Not this time.

"Besides.." She waved her hand, "Don't mind me and my yawns. I'll be back in bed soon enough."


((Sorry. It's a small one x.x))[/border][border][/border]​


Joran Stronham

Knight of the Queen's Guard

"The Steel Wolf"

"Ah, a bed. Sounds like a warm plate of food after a long sail to my ears.

Today's been too bothersome,
" Joran murmured, eager to get some rest

as well as he did his best to lead Aura through various halls in-order to

get to Asavar's domain.

The outermost layers of the castle, while still populated, were surprisingly

quiet and absent of people as they proceeded through the night. No one

dared move in the darkness, where they could be taken easily or labeled

as a spy by their greatest rivals. No one wanted to be caught walking about

by the Castle Guard and accused of treason, executed for a crime they didn't

commit. And so, almost all of the Castle's denizens took to their rooms with

a sort of religious fanaticism when the sun began to set and the skies darkened.

Joran shook his head and nearly fell asleep as he walked to the melodic

tune of the pelting rain, exhausted from training and pushing his aging body

for so long, and from the emotional wears that just edged his exhaustion

even further.

He'd jolt awake, though, sighing as he moved to guide Aurora once again.

Eventually, a group of six castle guards did pass by the two, respectfully

staying out of the well-known knight's business as they nodded their quiet

greetings and continued on their late patrols into the shadowy abyss of the

inner castle.

"I'm going to make you my squire. It seems like the best way to legitimize

your stay here.



[border]Aurora Norok


Aura was careful to stay close to Joran's vibrations as to not loose him in the gigantic castle. As she followed him though, she could tell by his pacing that he was exhausted..perhaps too much so. She could also feel when the group of six guards came by at a respectable distance to the pair. She almost expected to hear them question why he had a half-naked woman basically hiding behind him to cover up how exposed she felt, but they didn't/ Perhaps Joran was high ranking?

Joran's second bit of words shocked her, as she had never imagined herself being such a rank in a kingdom. Actually she never thought she'd be sleeping in a castle. Though, she wasn't sure how to respond to that. She was thankful that she had such a rank, but Aura did not wish to relinquish her freedom to a kingdom and Queen she did not know.

"I thank you for that..but I'd rather not swear an oath to a kingdom I have no ties to." She said, hoping that he'd understand her reluctance to accept the position of a Squire. Actually, it was amazing to her how she could go from wondering Oracle to a Squire within a few hours.



Joran Stronham

Knight of the Queen's Guard

"The Steel Wolf"

"You wouldn't be swearing an oath to Lathien, you'd be

swearing an oath to me. And, personally, I have no true

ties to this place. I've been around the world, and there

is only one place I care about. Yes, I honor my duties,

and my sworn allegiance to the Queen's father, but I care

about people. People have feelings, hearts, and they ease

my pain. It's the people in the places I go that really matter,

not the patches of dirt and wafts of air that somehow define

who they are."

Joran sighed as he continued walking, moving past the

same endless pattern of bland wooden doors, wet stone

tile, and smoky torches as he trodded along with Aurora

closeby. He'd eye the wall to their left before speaking once


"And, personally, I don't care if you break whatever oath

becoming my squire puts between us. I've done much worse,

worse than plenty of people. All I ask for is your legalization

to prevent any possible troubles and for the Vision your promised



Allan listened quietly, that little smile of his turning serious for once, eyes hooded and intense on her. He slowly pieced together what she said, quiet for a long time after she finished. "So you're a vampire," he said bluntly. The man wasn't particularly surprised. The pieces added up nicely, and he'd certainly met vampires before in his time in this tavern. They had all sorts come through, with all types of needs.

"And a mercenary, it sounds like. Or an assassin." Calloused hands absently brushed hair from his face again, for once too distracted to mentally curse the dratted stuff. He was most interested in how much talk she could hear. Information was always vital. Were the Queen's guard suspicious? Were people whispering louder about their dissent? Was more concrete knowledge about the rebellion slipping out? There were so many variables, so many things that could go wrong, and it would only take one pair of loose lips to bring the whole thing crashing down on them.

"You don't seem evil to me Amunet," he said finally, reaching out to brush his hand briefly across hers. "And I have known evil. I've seen it. And you are not it." There was a pause, and then, "Anyone who can find the courage to snuff out the evil and vile beings who stalk this world are people that I am honored to call friends. May I call you a friend?"


[border]Aurora Norok


The passion of which Joran talked, and the way his words sounded make Aura realize that that the man near her was so much more than he seemed. Joran was honorable, caring, and made her smile a bit in his general direction.

"You are quite the inspiration, ya know?" She told him, putting her distrustful thoughts away for right now. The way Joran spoke of his country earlier and the way he spoke now made her long for a feeling like that. She wished there was a place she felt like that to.

When he said he did not care if she broke her bond to him, she was taken rather aback. He would not care? How odd.. regardless though, Aura would stay true to their deal and possibly their Oath. Of course, Joran would be the very first person Aura ever swore an Oath to.
"I shall not break out deal. I will sate your worries and woes." She said rather simply, but her tone was truthful and sincere.


((Sorry about how short it is. I'm exhausted x.x))[/border]

Black Lightning Grepher

"..." Grepher turned his gaze to the table once again. It seemed the man had no interest in him. At least, not when it came to conversation. Oh well. It's not as if this circumstance was unforeseen. Not many people who have such a goal as he or Erikur were interested in those around him enough to hold meaningful conversation. At least he tried. Still, trying would not sate his ever-growing hunger and thirst, the latter of which had dried his throat and mouth to the point where he'd no longer be able to talk, even if he wished. Again and again his stomach attacked him, slicing into him with long, drawn-out knives that cut him to pieces relentlessly. He grimaced, and groaned- this barely escaping his lips and armor- before he doubled over. Forget knives. It felt like a dragon had just smashed his stomach in with its tail, or perhaps he'd been gored by a rhinoceros.

"...I have felt many pains before... but this-" He let out another groan, finally falling out of his chair in hunger. "-ghh... This... is at the top of my ever-growing list." No more. He'd lasted long enough, but waiting any longer with the probability that he could die of hunger here becoming an ever-growing possibility was illogical. It wasn't stealing if he could pay for what he was about to do with labor. It's not like he had any money this country would take anyways. The wooden floors beneath him groaned as Dai slowly forced himself to stand, a few bystanders backing off who'd come over to help him. He could feel sweat run down his temple, then down his neck. If simply standing caused him this much effort, would he even make it to the food stash? Doubtful. He'd most likely die before hand. Still, it would be idiotic to NOT try.

"No more waiting." He rasped, his voice barely audible, like a pair of papers rubbing against each other in a light breeze. Slowly, he stumbled for the bar, having to rest every few feet to catch his breath and endure the pain growing in his stomach. Slowly but surely he made his way to the bar, whereupon he collapsed, holding onto it for dear life. Oh interesting choice. Mahogany. Mentally, he slapped himself. It was no time to be admiring the woodwork of this tavern. He needed sustenance, now. Forcing himself to his feet, he just about threw up his own stomach in pain. Instead, his head hung, his entire frame shivering in agony. With shaking arms, he pushed himself off the bar, and using but one hand, he guided himself around it until he reached the half-door that separated the tavern from the rest of the shop. With no regard, he opened it, and stumbled through. He could've sworn there was someone nearby who tried speaking to him, but all he did was mumble an empty "...sorry," before slipping into the backroom.

Now, where could he find that storeroom?

@Veyd Sahvoz (mentioned) @ianbabyyy (obligatory)
Yara smirked as she nodded towards Emmony. It was a nice name, which she hadn't ever heard before. After she brought up the smell, the Northerner would chuckle, observing Gareth as he spoke and saved the bag from its imminent collapse to the floor. She'd eye Emmony, then him, before grabbing her mug of ale and downing much of it, letting out a sigh of satisfaction after putting down the tankard. "Nice t' meet ye, Emmony."

"What are ye afraid of? There's nothin' special about it. Just acids, like 'ah said," the Northerner insisted, her eyes flashing as if she flaunted the fact that she was lying to their faces. She'd smile widely again before retreating back to her wooden container of ale, downing much of the yellow-brown liquid with eagerness.

"If yer so scared of it, 'ah can find another who wants t' carry it," Yara threatened hollowly, leaning back in her creaking chair after speaking to strangely inspect the inside of her mug, as if there were something in her ale. She didn't really mean to replace Gareth, when the task was so simple. Besides, she hired him for a specific reason.

"Fockin' southerners," she'd murmur, giving them a smiling look that she was only kidding about that remark a few seconds after she said it, her scarlet-hair bringing out her mischievous smile as she looked at the pair. They were just what she needed.


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Caelyn moved through the tavern, refilling mugs here and there, smiling shyly at the various men who called her name. Were they a she today? Of course they were, they were always a she when working at the tavern. She brushed her hair behind her ears, pausing to see if she'd missed anyone. Ah, there, two men seated at a table. Though one seemed to be attempting conversation with the other, they didn't appear to have come together.

Their voices had floated to her ears earlier, now that she thought about it. One demanding food, the other... information? Rumors? Those were dangerous things to inquire about so loudly. And could most certainly be damaging to the tavern. There were frequently guards in here, enjoying the company and the ale and the food. Both city guards and Queen's guards. They may be willing to turn their head about the name of the tavern, due to it's popularity, but questions like his were less likely to be ignored. Despite her fear of dealing with new men, she wouldn't allow anything to damage the tavern.

Oh, gods, one of them was getting up. Where was he going? Her already big eyes widened more as he stumbled towards the bar and into the backroom. Allan had gone down there earlier, accompanied by a lady, and she could only guess that they would be discussing rebellion business. Not to mention that customers weren't allowed back there. She looked around frantically, seeing that none of the other workers had noticed the man, and Emmony seemed to be caught in a conversation, a serious expression on her face.

So it was up to Caelyn. She hated when things were left up to her. The changeling didn't handle confrontation well. And the man had been in full armor, with a sword. That sword was more terrifying than anything else about the man or the situation. It made her pause.

She took a deep breath and squared her fragile shoulders, chasing after the man. Once through the doorway to the backroom, she called towards his back, "Sir, please, you can't be in here." No, that wasn't loud enough. He wouldn't be able to hear her. She cleared her throat and tried again. "Please, you can't be back here. Employees only."

Black Lightning Grepher

He hadn't made it all to far, in his opinion. Here he was, slumped against the wall, armor weighing him down like an anchor. He felt... weak. That was the only word that came to mind when he thought about why he collapsed. Sweat, by this point, was running down his face in rivers, and pooling in the recesses of his armor and body. By now, his stomach was a pit of pain and misery, and his mind was swimming in a pool of dreariness. If it weren't for his dry throat and empty stomach, one might've even thought that he was drunk. A dry cough escaped him, floating on the whispering winds like a single dandelion seed. The Blackblood Knight, reduced to this. Cruel, isn't it? How the world works?
Pitiful, how it breaks men.

He closed his eyes for a moment, and let the melancholy feeling of the situation fill him. It was illogical to just sit here and give up, but what was he to do? Press on? In foreign territory, where no hint of food had reached him? No. It'd be better to simply make this his resting place. It'd been too long. Out of respect for those in the last village, he'd stayed only long enough to learn of the home of the queen- not long enough to even have a single thing to eat or drink. He'd been a fool. He coughed bitterly, this one bringing a sickly, coppery taste into his mouth. His blood felt thin. His breathing grew more ragged and off-beat. What a shame to have lived his last days so illogically, without even a single soul to serve.

What a shame to die a sham of a knight.

That, however, is when a voice reached him. He blinked his tired eyes open, their grey irises searching for its owner. It was light. Dainty, even. Beautiful. Could it have been an angel's voice? He dashed his own hopes with a soft, pained laugh. No. He was no saint. There was no angel to save him. He would die back here, alone. As a sham should.

"It is best... If you go." He all but whispered, eyes slowly losing their shine. He turned his head to his left, and finally saw to whom the voice belonged. He blinked once, twice, thrice, before reaching up for her. "Who...?" He wouldn't get to finish his sentence, as the last of his energy gave way, and his arm fell to his side with a loud clank. His head hung, then swung, before it rested on his breastplate. He was on the throes of unconsciousness, he could feel it. Again, that cough escaped him. Dying, here. What an illogical conclusion to him.

"And a pleasure to meet you as well," Emmony replied, noticing that the woman had yet to give her name. Much of the nonverbal conversation was lost on her, the seer folding her hands in her lap and focusing solely on the verbal cues. "I do hope whatever is in the bag isn't damaging my tables." Her voice rang with a slight hint of worry. The rest was mostly ignored, as the business that seemed to be between them didn't really pertain to her.

Instead her mind wandered back to her vision, to the man's death, and to what seemed like his disbelief on the matter. She wondered idly if the woman would be about to help. The northerner had recognized her straight off as a seer. Did that mean she knew anything about her kind? About how their visions worked? Perhaps she could be persuaded to share some of her knowledge, so the man would have more than just her to listen to. Maybe that could make him understand. If he wouldn't understand, there was little chance he could change his future.

"If you please," she said hesitantly, turning her head towards the woman, wishing she knew her name. "You recognized me quickly as a seer. Do you know much of my kind?"

@Beowulf @SirFlabberghaspy
Go? The man seemed as if he was dying, and he was trying to make her leave? What should she do? What was wrong with him? Caelyn couldn't handle this kind of thing. If it was a servant of some sort, it would be no problem. Or one of the workers here at the tavern. Or a child. She could handle those things. People who were weak and helpless. But a man in full armor? There was no way. Even if he was potentially dying. That didn't make him weak or helpless in the slightest, he was still a warrior.

A slight gasp escaped her. What if he was sent by her owner? To drag her back into his grasp? His guards had shown up twice more since she'd been taken in by the siblings, and though they hadn't been seen in a very long while, that didn't mean that he couldn't have hired a mercenary. Or a bounty hunter. Someone who's job it was to track down missing people. No, no, she couldn't go near him. Maybe it was better if he died. At one point in her life, she would have hated herself for even thinking such a thing, but she was so scared now. All of the time. By everything.

Especially men with weapons.

She inched backwards, hyperventilating. No one would blame her. Honestly, there's not much she could have done anyways. If he was so close to death, no one here could help him. They had no healers. And there was certainly no one strong enough to carry him to one. She didn't even know what he was dying of. No, this would be better. She would run, and she would tell someone else, and then she would wash her hands of this situation. Probably literally. Such things made her feel dirty and nauseous.

And so she did. Turn and run that is.


Joran Stronham

Knight of the Queen's Guard

"The Steel Wolf"

Joran smiled as he was called an "inspiration". It wasn't the

first time, and it certainly wasn't the first time he disagreed

with that statement. He wasn't an inspiration, just an old warrior.

I have your word, then," Joran murmured with a smirk,

deciding to take off his helmet. He wasn't sure what the

point was, considering that she was blind, but it felt like

the sociable thing to do.

He'd cling the steel headwear to his right side as he walked

with Aurora towards the office, which was slowly but surely

growing in size as they approached it.

Where are you from?", he would ask Aurora curiously.

Joran had been around the world and some, he was sure

he'd have stepped foot in her birthplace.


(It's all good, mine are short too)​
"Aye, I know plenty of yer kind. The Seers in the North are born as shaman into the Clan. Those who live away from the Northern clans often become witches or hermits, tradin' with those who come to their huts. Unless they're hags, then they just kill ye for yer parts," Yara murmured matter-of-factly. She, truthfully, knew much more about Seers than she was letting on, but that was only because she was Yara, now, not the silent and truthful Thoros.

The Northerner smirked as she heard the tavern door open, turning back to eye who it was. A half-elf stood there in traveler's clothing, silently making her way to the table next to them, where the bag had been, before inspecting the doctor's bag on her belt. Yara would whistle at the half-breed, who turned to blush towards the red-head with a smile before returning to her doctor's bag. She'd dig through it, as if she were searching for something. Truthfully, though, the woman seemed to be simply counting what she had upon further inspection, her finger moving to each object as she took mental note.

"That one's a doctor. I can tell because of her bag, the way she walks. Same way I can tell yer a Seer. Your murky eyes, the way you move around the room and how people avoid you and how you avoid people. It's all very obvious, ye just got to observe."


Black Lightning Grepher

"Well... I did say... go..." This he muttered to himself, as he felt an itching in his stomach. It crawled up his esophagus, and settled in his throat as a heavy lump. He wasn't sure what the emotion was, but with all his effort he swallowed it. It was hard- harder than anything he could remember- to swallow that feeling, but he did so. Even if it was illogical, he'd die with his pride intact. He was not some child that needed protection: he was a warrior, and a warrior passed into the afterlife peacefully, staring death right in the eyes. So, with great resignation, he lifted his head- an effort that got easier with the weight lifted from his shoulders- and looked up.

And was met eye to eye with something that made that weight settle even heavier upon his shoulders. He was sure it was some kind of apparition, but he couldn't be sure. But, there was one thing he was sure of: whatever it was, none could see it but him. Or, perhaps in his hunger, he was hallucinating. No, that wasn't it. That wasn't something HIS body did. Whatever this was... it was real. Very, very real. The creature was jet black- its hair, its skin, its nails, its teeth: all black- blacker than night, blacker than pitch. All, that is, but its eyes. Its sickly, yellow eyes. Bloodshot and hungry, it watched him, hunched, like some kind of animal. Tar-like slobber dripped from its gaping maw, and plopped wetly onto his helmet's face-guard. Those yellow eyes trained on him red irises that shined with a horrible menacing nature, and yet gleamed with a hint of great, great satisfaction.

A new feeling settled in Dai's chest that set his heart a flutter. He couldn't place this, either. All he knew, was that he wanted to get away. Away from... from this- thing. His breathing returned, much much faster than normal, and his eyes dilated, as bullets of sweat shot down his face. Eventually he himself was hyperventilating, his chest practically straining against his breastplate as his heart beat a million miles per hour. He found he couldn't swallow, and that he couldn't focus on the creature. However, whenever he tried to look away, the creature was there again.

"N-no..." He whispered, backing up even more, until he was in a half-stand, his back pressed into the wall. The creature stood with him, though it still appeared hunched. It still looked down on him.
Drooling. "No, no, no, no, no, no!" He screamed, drawing his blade and slashing at the apparition, that feeling encasing him like a coffin. "Get away! Beast! Menace! Leave me be!" Dropping his blade in horror, he felt that feeling begin to suffocate him even more; the apparition simply reformed, its shadowy figure melding back together like parted liquid. "No, no, no, no, no,no,no,no,no,no!" There was no way. There simply was no way. Whatever this was, it wouldn't die. Anything that couldn't die... No, simply impossible. Illogical. Improbable. These words and more rattled around in Dai's head as his mind swum in that feeling, that is, until a single moment of clarity cut through the smog of emotion like blacklight. It was... moving. Towards HIM! NONNONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONO

He didn't even think as he ran. He simply tore through the backrooms of the tavern, frantically searching for anywhere he could hide- his senses going rampant- flying into overdrive. He was acting solely on instinct. And instinct told him to
run faster. He ripped through hallway after hallway, past millions of doors, all while never looking back. Because he knew. He could feel its wet, cold breath on the back of his neck. It was right behind him.

He ran and ran and ran and ran. To no avail. Just as he was about to collapse from exhaustion, and let the tears run freely, a single scent reached him. He recognized it immediately- food. He was close to the stores of bread for this tavern. Perhaps the scent of this (probably stale) bread would throw the menace off! Booking it, Dai reached the door in less than a second- it was as if he were silver lightning- and wrenched it open with all of his great might, just about throwing it off its hinges. Throwing himself into the dark room, he grabbed the handle of the door once again, and wrenched it shut, slamming it with all his might. He hoped he'd taken off one of that menace's disgusting fingers.

Finally he could relax. He let out a long, painful sigh, as he rested his head against the door, and slid down it, sinking to his knees. He wanted to sob, but didn't have the strength to. He didn't have the strength to think, either. Or remember. One moment, he was resting against the door, using it as a crutch to stop him from flat-out fainting: the next he was wolfing down loaf of bread after loaf of bread, eating voraciously like a wild beast; the moment after next, he was on the floor, again on the edge of unconsciousness.

"...Illogical." Was all he could muster before his will failed him, and he sank into a long awaited sleep.

In the hallway where Dai once sat, there was no trace a living being had ever touched the spot he'd collapsed upon. It was spotless. Clean. And his blade, which was previously embedded into the wood was nowhere to be found. No tar-like liquid to be seen. Not even a mark in the floor. It was spotless.

It was as if he'd never even been there.


[border]Aurora Norok


Aura nodded.
"Of course you have my word." She responded with a light chuckle. She heard the man take something due to the sound of metal, and a small thought in the back of her head surfaced but she pushed it away. Joran was a man of honor..right? He wouldn't harm her..hopefully.

At Joran's question, Aura froze up. She did not like to talk of her past or her homeland. None of it was pleasant memories and most of it she had shut out. Though, this question she could answer with an honest, 'I don't remember.' Because..she didn't. Aura was gambled away far before she could ever remember what her home was like, or perhaps it wasn't that but rather..she never really knew what her home country was like.

" not remember..." Aura answered as her brows knitted together. She had never thought of her homeland after she was taken away..and now that it was years later..she couldn't recall anything about it.



Smiling at his words when he put the pieces together. It made her feel good for once today. Nodding as she spoke up, "Yes. I'd be delighted to be considered a friend. You have figured it all out with my words." Feeling his brief touch as she reached with her other hand to pat his own.

It had been years since she stayed in once place. She bad enough coin everywhere to push her through past a couple or so generations. The more they kept speaking she was persuaded in a decision to help in any way possible. Her lips were sealed tight. Before coming to this Tavern she heard idle talk of how the queen was barely in attendance with anything. Her guards had tight hands on everything with these ridiculous politics.

His words were comforting. They really were. In the moment she delights in taking from people. At first she didn't care who she went after. Some years later she had acquired her own skill. It felt better to take those out who were bad. A group of people approached her who liked her skill so they hired her. After that she realized it is the best living to make. She makes friends through it then offer her services and once the job is done she is paid.

I guess you can say assassin. The term used for this in my line of business is contract killer. I don't work for just anyone either. If a person has good reason for a person to be taken out I listen and determine their motives. If the said target is really vile and has done such deeds being accuse did then I finish my work. Off I go. I bounce around never staying for long in one place. But right now I feel staying around would be good. Offering my services to the good of people, because I want too." Amunet smiled as she just told him she would stay. If he had need of her or the rebellion itself she would help out in any way she could. All she knew was that this said queen wasn't good business.



Caelyn had stumbled outside in a daze, crumbled to the ground, and thrown up. Twice. She stayed there on her hands and knees for a long while, trembling and trying to calm her roiling stomach. Eventually she pushed to her feet, finding some water to wash the taste from her mouth. She couldn't handle it. She just couldn't handle it. Knowing that there was probably a dead man in the backroom, knowing that she'd probably let him die. Not that she hadn't seen plenty of death in her life. Had even dealt it out before. But she was so weak now. So so weak, so broken. She couldn't handle it. The man in armor with his terrifying sword.

The changeling begged one of the workers who was in deep with the rebellion for some messages to deliver. Anything that would get her out of the tavern. Anything at all, it didn't matter. The man took pity on her and sent her out with a bundle, instructing her on where each went. She nodded before making her way slowly to her room, changing out of the dress that now smelled of throw up and throwing on a pair of trousers and a loose grey shirt. Their form shifted then, to something different though they weren't sure what. Male, female, tall, short, they all tended to run together after a while.

They packed a small bag, including in it a dress, the messages, and some medical supplies, mostly a roll of bandages and a cream that would accelerate healing. It was mostly paranoia that made them carry such things, but if they were to become hurt in any way, changing forms would become incredibly painful and difficult. They'd found these things helped to ease their changes.

And so they left, traversing the city, delivering their letters and collecting more along the way, each taking them to a different part of the city. Dusk began to fall as they took a break to eat, people watching through cautious eyes.

He sighed as he finished his food, standing and brushing some dust off of his pants. Were they a he right now? They didn't remember. A hand came up to brush against short hair. Ah, yes, male. Now that he actually paid attention to his body, he could feel it. Never mind, it didn't really matter.

His travels finally took him into the castle. This part always made him slightly nervous. Luckily he only had one message to deliver and night had fallen. Nobody would look twice at what appeared to be a young solitary servant hurrying through the halls. At least, he was hurrying up until he inhaled the unmistakable coppery scent of blood. It made his stomach roll slightly, especially once he saw it on the wall. He almost ran, but the thought that it might be an injured servant crossed his mind. Okay, he'd follow it. No harm. If it was a guard he'd just run. If it was someone who needed help, he'd never forgive himself.

So he followed it, all the way to an open door, peering in to find a delicate looking, bleeding servant with a small child in her arms, held in the grasp of a very large man in armor. The latter froze his heart and nearly made him run, but the former stopped him. Was he the one who'd injured her? Red flashed across his eyes but it was fought down. It was okay. She could handle this. She? No, they were a he right now. Right.

"You look like you need help." The words almost sounded forced, as if the speaking was difficult, and it was unsure which of the two he was addressing. But there it was, his attempt to help. He'd help. He would. He couldn't leave such a woman in the grip of such a man.

@Cosmo @Rui
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The Obsidian Executioner


Asavar blinked a few times, the last thing he expected to fall through his door and at him was a bloodied woman holding onto a child. The blood seeping into his gauntlets almost... odd as he had yet to clean off the stains from earlier, a potent sign that no matter what happened, he would never be able to get clean, more blood was always on the way, lurking behind a closed door waiting to stain his armor and body.

His black eyes scanned the small child in her arms, as that was his first priority, but he couldn't see anything wrong, and so his eyes rose to the woman, and Asavar stopped. He knew that face, hard to forget a face like that especially when he had seen it just earlier in the day. His eyes traced trying to see where the blood was coming from, it had traveled down fairly far on her arms, and there didn't seem to be anything wounded on her front, her back then?

"Lady Gale," Asavar said his mind still trying to figure out what, and how, this had happened, "Didn't expect to see you here," he finished for lack of anything else to say, before gently tugging on her arms, "Come in, we need to stop the bleeding."

His dark eyes shot up to the door as a man... well, perhaps, boy, hard to tell, arrived and asked if they needed help. Asavar stared at him for but a moment before nodding, "Grab the child from her arms, we need to get her onto the bed and stop the bleeding," he commanded, his deep voice making it clear he did not expect much in the way of questions, merely action. Given it was a servant, he didn't think twice about it.

@Rui @ianbabyyy
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Aster was half awake, mostly out of it. Her eyes seemed dull. The little girl awoke, finally. She gasped and ran to the new man.

"M'lady!" She gasped, "the wounds have reopened!"

For Aster, things were moving in slow motion, like a lucid dream. She whimpered in pain, and cringed. "God, I hate that whip..." She muttered.


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Her response turned his serious expression into a bright one, green eyes lighting up, white teeth flashing in a wide grin. "You have no idea how delighted I am to hear that Amunet," he said, turning his hand to grasp her as she reached to pat it, squeezing once and releasing it, careful not to intrude on her space, but wanting to show how happy he was to have swayed her to his side. She would certainly be a good friend, and a good ally, to have on their side.

At her explanation as to the nature of her work, he nodded, having well figured that out from her words. As he'd said before, he didn't believe her to be evil in the slightest. Rather, a good person who did hard and dirty work, much like the people who helped along their rebellion. A certain hardness was required for it. "I feel honored to have been the one to convince you to stay. You are right that your services will be much appreciated here with us." His eyes lit brighter as they met hers, adding, "And if there is any way that we can help you as well, please let me know. Whether it's a personal matter or... something else." That was said delicately, so that she knew what he was referring to without having to say it aloud, unsure if it would make her comfortable. "As I said, we've had others of your kind come through here, and we like to ensure that we can take care of the needs of all those who come through those doors."

@LadyArdent (All of the shortness, I'm sorry >.<)

That stare made him tremble, but he couldn't run. No no, he couldn't run, he couldn't leave these two, no matter how the man scared him or how much he shook in fear. He jumped at the sound of the man's voice, nearly stumbling backwards, catching himself at the last minute. Couldn't show fear. Had to help. No choice.

The order was one he was happy to take however. It was one he'd wanted to do anyways, so having another person voice it aloud merely reiterated the desire. He took a single step forward, but found that his goal was suddenly interrupted by a small panicking child at his feet. He'd not put much attention into the muscles of his arms when changing earlier, not needing much strength in them to pass around letters, so picking the child up would be problematic. Muscles were easy however. It wasn't like changing different feature, changing their height, changing gender. Muscle was simply adding to what was already there.

It took but a moment for Caelyn to be able to pick up the child, making soft shushing noises. "We'll take care of her, it'll be alright." The words came easier with the child, as they always did in such cases. His touch and voice were gentle, trying to soothe the child, knowing that a panicking little girl would make the situation worse. He managed to stay calm himself up until the injured lady's muttered words floated to his ears. The man tensed, brown eyes swinging to her, that word bouncing in his head. His skin rippled slightly, muscles and bones groaning, trying to take on a form that was stronger, one that could track down the people who'd hurt her, to make them pay. Black tendrils of insanity traced the edges of his vision.

It was fought down, barely. The lady came first. Always first.

@Rui @Cosmo

The Obsidian Executioner


When the little girl ran over to the serving boy, Asavar pushed the servant from his mind. He had done his job and thus was no longer something to worry about, he had enough on his plate as it was such as the bleeding seamstress. He didn't pay much mind to the whipping comment, it was obvious she had been flogged. He wasn't sure why, but he also wasn't going to ask. It was fairly standard these days to flog servants who made mistakes or broke the law.

Asavar tried to be as gentle as possible as he maneuvered the small woman over to the large goose-feather bed to lay her face first, so he could examine her back in detail, "Why were you trying to walk?" Asavar asked rhetorically. After a flogging like this, she should have remained in bed until the wounds started to scab over and even then she should have kept her movements to a minimum.

He waved his hand at the servant, "The water basin is over there, see if you can start a fire. We are going to need hot water and clean rags to clean the wounds before infection sits in."

@Rui @ianbabyyy

Joran Stronham

Knight of the Queen's Guard

"The Steel Wolf"

Joran frowned slightly at this, taking pity on Aurora for her lack of a home.

It certainly made his love for his homeland a foreign idea to her, and it made

it harder for him to boast about being there once.

Do not worry, Lady Aurora. It's one more thing your

enemies cannot take away from you," he'd reply positively,

urging her along with a gentle clap on the back as they walked.

Suddenly, though, Joran would stop, the mesmerizing rhythm of

the clank of his armor's boots against cobblestone stopping as he

grew silent. Ahead, a hunched over figure would turn to eye them,

ten other shadowy and unnaturally still figures staring ahead with

the old woman. She'd wave lightly, then pointing towards the hallway to the right

before the figures gripped at her and exploded into shadows, the woman disappearing

after the magical darkness before them dissipated.

It had always worried Joran, dark magics such as this, but it hadn't

been the first time Mother Alyara and her ghasts greeted him in the


It's nothing, Aura, I'm simply catching my breath,"

he'd assure her before she'd ask, sighing as he regained

his composure. It had caught him offguard, something

he disliked.

They were now right around the corner from Asavar's

office, as well. He figured that Mother Alyara knew they

were heading there, but was unsure why she would go out

of her way to direct them there. Perhaps Aster had gone

to visit him, and she was warning them not to intrude?

You could never know with the old Royal Healer.

Aster sighed, glad for the strain to be taken off her back. The blood was drying quickly, the scars from previous injuries forming ridges in the maroon pattern on her back, like art, but painful. She dimly noted the scars on her wrists as well, from a far prior accident, and tucked them beneath her. She murmured a "Thank you" before slightly sitting up, much to her discomfort.

"Make no mention of her being out of bed. Please ensure her safety."

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