The Queen's Madness (Open)

The small child, who didn't seem to want to let go, got in the way of him following orders. He was good at following orders. The quick, almost dismissive tone of them set him to work before he could think, could rationalize what was happening. Finally peeling the little girl from him, letting her cling to his back instead of his side, he worked carefully to start a fire, eyes flitting quickly back and forth between his work and the girl who'd been laid on the bed.

His job was abandoned quickly as she sat up, the man darting towards her, nudging almost forcefully past Asavar, though he did take care not to actually touch the overly large man. "No no no, none of that," Caelyn murmured, his hands going to the woman's shoulders and gently pushing her back to the bed on her stomach, situating a pillow under her head. "The more you move, the longer it'll take for the wounds to heal." Those brown eyes traced across her back, catching sight of the crisscrossed pattern of scars, the same type that should be crossing most of his body. His stomach rolled. "Please, stay still. Let us help you."

@Rui @Cosmo

Bit her lower lip as she though on his words. Truthfully she did have intentions of luring him into something. It didn't turn out that way. She became engrossed into the conversation they started together. The book was the former subject yet segued into other territory. Amunet thought on the subject after he spoke.

It would be more voices, more thoughts, more invasion of space. Right now she didn't want that from him. His hospitality and friendship in itself was enough. Smiling after the silence settling in. A genuine look about her as that ache was full blown. "
Thank you so much. Let me know when I am needed. For now all that I ask is for rooms more suitable for a longer stay. If you know a willing person besides yourself I am in a small need of nourishment. I just can't take it upon myself to ask from you. Allan, you are too kind for this. I wasn't sure about much when I came upon the city.. I'm glad I am here now. Truly. I'd also like to meet your sister in due time when she is well..." Amunent didn't say much more on his sister. She didn't hate the woman. It was she could tell there was a difference between them which had her caught a little.

It was her way of also letting him know she didn't want to take from him. She couldn't. Amunet wasn't ready for that constant connection. It had been a while. Hearing many people speaking more than an average person was one thing... thoughts connected was another.

Aster whimpered, though she was silently glad for it. She blinked back tears again, Violet eyes shimmering. She sighed against the pillow, and glanced back at the man who'd laid her down once more.

"Please, take care of her for me now." She asked, almost pleading, "if she gets caught now this will all be for naught."


The Obsidian Executioner


Asavar clicked his tongue as he watched the way the servant hovered over her, his bedside manner was leagues above his own, but that was to be expected. Most of his 'bed side manner' was telling wounded recruits and guards to stop belly aching and act like soldiers before seeing to their round, most often, putting back in dislocated joints.

"Stay with her," Asavar said, looking down at the serving boy, "I will see to the fire and water."

With a few steps, he crossed the room, using the nearby fire poker to let the small fire breath and grow as it started to heat up the pot of water above. With the water heating, it left only one more item on his agenda... clean linen, and he had not the faintest idea where the servants kept it, so he did the next best thing, moving over to the bed, which was cleaned every day and he never slept on, and with a few quick jerks of his powerful hands, tore large strips out of the blanket and set them in the simmering water.

He did not let them sit in long as hot linen was one thing, but too hot would simply burn her flesh. So he pulled the pot off the fire and sat it on the nearby table, ignoring the smell of smoldering wood as the hot pot burned the wood beneath. Asavar reached in with a large, blood covered gauntlet and fished out a strip of linen, the water seeping into the gauntlet and scalding his flesh, but it did not stop him from removing a long strip of white linen, he held it out across the room to the servant, "Here, use this to clean up her back. Be sure to get any dirt out of the wounds."

@Rui @ianbabyyy
Aster shook her head, "Please, take her back to her quarters first. I'll probably loose my head by tomorrow anyhow, I'd rather her's stay intact." She smiled brokenly, "Please. That's all I ask." Her eyes sought Asavar out, pleading with him to listen. She didn't need to be cared for. Once the bleeding stopped, all should be well. Lady Alyara had tended to her well enough she supposed.

Allan nodded his head, almost a small bow. "You shall have those rooms my friend." His smile echoed hers, eyes and voice warm. That room and so much more, if she so required. "I can understand your reluctance to take it from me. In all honesty, I'm unsure how comfortable I would have been. I would have no compunction about offering it in the future, in the case of an emergency." He wasn't actually sure if he'd be comfortable offering it even then, but there was of course the chance. Who knew.

"However, as I said, we've had a number of your kind come through our doors. And we always try to accommodate all of our patrons' needs." He paused and thought for a moment, mind going through a list of those who were involved in the rebellion. He didn't know all of them of course, even as the leader. It would be dangerous for one person to have all of the names in case of an information leak. There were enough though. "I do in fact know a man who would be more than willing to sate the hunger of a beautiful woman such as yourself. I can have him here within the hour if you so desired."

@LadyArdent (I'm not sure how much further to take this.)

"You have my solemn vow that this child will come to no harm, my lady," the man said, his voice soothing and melodic, one hand brushing a piece of hair behind the woman's ear as the other re-situated the child on his hip. In the back of his mind he was a little surprised by the fact that the man hadn't taken offense to the way he brushed off his order, but it was a passing thought. The only thing that drew his mind from the injured woman before him was the sharp sound of bedding being torn. It almost made him smile, softening slightly that the man would shred a blanket to take care of this servant.

The linen was taken carefully from those too large gauntlets and laid across the wounded flesh, allowing the heat to seep in and soothe some of the pain before he started to clean the cuts. At her plea he asked, "Would you like me to stay by your side, or would you prefer I see to the child?" There was of course no thought to whether or not the armored man would take the child back to their bed, of course he would, it was a child. It didn't matter who he was. "Though, I'm not sure the child will allow either of us to remove her. She seems quite... attached." She was indeed, clinging to him as her worried eyes stayed fixed on the lady. "I worry that she may find her way back her before long."

There was a pause, and then his eyes sharpened. "You will not lose your head." It was stated firmly, leaving no room for doubt though of course he wasn't technically in a position to ensure that. He would though. Before she could respond he removed the clothes, adding, "I'm sorry, this is going to hurt," and then gently beginning to clean the wounds.

@Rui @Cosmo
She whimpered at first, but grew silent. She'd had worse done to her. Her eyes grew dull again, the shine disapearing. She handled pain by mentally shutting down. Her gaze dropped from Asavar to the floor, not wanting him to see how weak she truly was and how badly it really hurt. She felt pathetic. Weak. Useless.



The Obsidian Executioner


Asavar turned from the fire he was tending to look at the seamstress for a few moments before giving a small nod and a large shrug of his shoulders, "If anyone ask, merely tell them she was with me. No one will question it," he said returning back to his work, passing linen to the servant as he cleaned out the wound and taking the dirtied linen away.

And they would not question it. Some may think they were lying, but they wouldn't want to take the risk they are not. Better to let a small transgression slide then get on his bad side, or, well, so the popular belief in the castle was.

@Rui @ianbabyyy
She closed her eyes in relief.

"Thank you." She murmured, her body relaxing slightly. She smiled softly. She knew what awaited her tomorrow but paid it no mind. The queen would summon her, probably have her beaten for enjoyment, and then she'd return to work. Simple, as always. Perhaps if she wore her veil and knelt lower she'd only receive a light beating. She nearly laughed. Sad that it'd come to that. The Queen and she were close in a way. Technically, she was like her ward. Her mother had written into her will the Queen would be her godmother figure in the case of her untimely death.
I suppose she never figured her death would be caused by the Queen.

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A slight smile was directed at the large man as they traded linen, tension easing away at how gentle he was being. The remnants of his fear faded, allowing him to focus on the task at hand, namely making sure that the woman's cuts were well cleaned. After a bit he shifted the child off his waist and onto the bed, with a warning not to disturb the woman. He eyed the wounds critically, before turning to look up, way up, at the man. "I dropped my bag by the door. Could you go into it? I believe there's some balm and actual bandages in there." And no letters, thankfully. They'd all been sent off to their correct locations long before. There was a dress in there though. Would that be weird?

Maybe. A lot of people didn't know she was a girl. Or a boy. A boy? Yes, he was a boy right now. As well he should be, it made him more fierce. Or so he thought. Was ferocity a gendered trait? Did it matter? Her head started to hurt as the questions swirled. Her? His? Right, his. He shook himself, rubbing his temples for a moment.

"My lady, would you mind if I asked your name?"

@Rui @Cosmo
"Aster," she said softly, "My name is Aster. What is yours?" She requested, Violet eyes glancing up towards him in question. He was an odd one, to be sure. She rather liked him. He would be interesting company. She glanced towards Asavar again, blushing as she realized her state of dress.

You just had to fall into his room, didn't you?


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[border]Aurora Norok


Aura could only shake her head. A homeland did not matter to her, or at least she figured it didn't/ What was the point of one? Perhaps she would never know or understand. Regardless, she did her best to put it out of her mind, it helped with Joran lightly clapped her back which sent her into nearly a panic. Second time today that someone had touched that part of her. The one spot she just..couldn't handle ever being looked at or touched in anyway.[/border]

When Joran had done it, Aura lightly yelped before looking to the man. "D-Don't touch there.." She said then bit down on her lower lip. Hopefully Joran wouldn't question this. As the man stopped, Aura became confused. What was going on and why had he stopped? The pair had been in the spot for a little bit of time, and while they were the smell of blood lingered here. " you smell that?" She asked him as she inched forward, sniffing the air. Where was that coming from?

The thick coppery smell was faint from where they were, but as Aura walked forward and continued to follow it, the small would grow. Was someone hurt? From the smell of it, and the amount of blood she had to guess there was..they were hurt bad.
"Joran..come on." She waved for him to follow her.

Much like a bloodhound, Aura sniffed out the cause of the metallic smell. She was lead into Asavar's chambers, unknowingly. Aura's ghostly wet self would make her way in, unaware of who was in there. The thick smell nearly made the Seer gag.

As Asavar spoke, she turned her head in his direction, then a woman spoke, and another male? What was going on. Aura would move forward, only to stop a few inches into Asavar's room. She had no idea it was his room, but right now..that didn't matter.
"Commander..who is bleeding?" She would ask softly, as her mind had completely forgotten about his cloak draped around her tiny figure like it was a towel dress.

@Cosmo @KillThemAll @ianbabyyy @Rui[/border]​

Erikur Cetrix


It took Erikur a few seconds to register what the man next to him had said but it humored him to hear it. When asked his name he thought of what to say for a moment but before he could the man started acting a bit odd. He hadn't a clue how but he could tell something was off about him, such as the liquid that could be seen on his forehead and temples in the light. Erikur looked at him in utter perplexion before he tumbled over out of his chair and landed on the ground, that was when Erikur stood up to see just what the hell was happening to him. It looked like he was having a severely bad stomach ache or was going to be sick, likely both! And if that already wasn't a reason for him to try and help him the man didn't even wait around to say anything he just started stumbling to the back room where the door then shut. It left a lot of the ones in the tavern area confused and stunned from what they just saw and none of them followed after him until they heard a thud coming from the room and then silence. Erikur was the first to go check it out, walking slowly to the back storeroom. What the hell came over him? Was the one and only question going through his mind at this point, first tavern he had been in after arriving at this city and some crazy random incident happens. "Hello?" Was what he said when he opened up the door, then a bit more, and a bit more until it was completely open and he finally saw what happened. Nothing. He wasn't even there. It was as if the man just walked in the room and vanished. Wait a moment his sword is still here. Why do I that yeast? Things were now beginning to get more confusing by the minute! He began sniffing the air for the smell of it, carrying the man's sword as well following the scent.

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The Obsidian Executioner


Asavar stepped back to watch the... situation unfold in his room. The servant, whomever he was, was doing a good job. He seemed calm and in control, which was good, as Asavar's preferred method of injury treatment, cauterization followed by bathing the wound in alcohol, before and after, then settling in to fight off the infection was... well, he doubted it would have worked so well on Lady Gale, or, Aster, as she introduced to the servant.

Some of those wounds were large, simply bandaging them would leave nasty scars, nastier then ones she already had. If the larger ones sutured close, it would help greatly, but they had to clean it, prevent infection and slow the bleeding first... something the servant had well in hand, so Asavar gave a small nod and retried the bag from outside the door, dropping it next to the servant as he resumed his post... staring at the sight before him and wondering how, exactly, it all came to head.

His dark eyes landed on the small girl sitting on his bed unsure of what, or where, to go. His eyes switched to the servant boy, appearing much like a mother hen, or, well, as close as one Asavar could imagine before his eyes finally fell on the seamstress, why she was wondering in this side of the castle with open wounds was still a question that would need to be answered... but later as the woman still seemed out of it. Still, it was odd, the beautiful scarred woman laying face down with her dark luxurious hair sprayed about her as her torn and shredded clothing barely hung off her, her back looking more like a child's markings in the sad rather then the back of a human, but it was a back he recognized as many, including himself, shared those same scars, the scars of lashings and floggings.

He doubted the situation could get much... odder, but as always, the gods seemed to delight in proving him wrong as his head turned to someone calling him before he stiffened at the sight. The or so familiar bear cloak wrapped around a petite body with long flowing ghostly pale hair spilled about her. Asavar blinked in surprise as he met those cloudy eyes before he noticed something else, just as interesting and disconcerting. The large bear cloak was hanging.. low. While he doubted it would be as noticeable to the others, from his considerable height, he could see a rather large portion of her soft bosom, "Lady Gale, the Queen's Seamstress," Asavar said as he stepped closer to the seer wrapped in his cloak, "She was whipped, and while walking, it seems her wounds have started to bleed again."

Finally within reach, Asavar reached out slowly and lightly gripped the top of the bear cloak, tugging it up to obscure the top of her pert breast from his view. The only way this could be worse, Asavar mused, was if the Old Man had decided to drop on by as well. One half-naked battered beautiful woman on the bed and one beautiful half-naked woman wrapped in his bear cloak. Truly, it did not look good.

@KillThemAll @Rui @ianbabyyy @xEmoBunnehx
Aster looked up, seeing a face she faintly recognized, or rather, hair that she'd seen before. It was rare to find hair that pale on the head of any maiden.

"Lady Aura...?" She guessed, glancing back at the woman. She'd spoken to her once or twice, simple conversations over meals or passing hellos in the streets between Aster's tedious runs to the castle. She pursed her lips at the other woman's state of undress.

She would look ravishing in red silk,

She thought dimly, and cracked a small smile at her own foolish thoughts.

@xEmoBunnehx @Cosmo @KillThemAll @ianbabyyy

Joran Stronham

Knight of the Queen's Guard

"The Steel Wolf"

Joran smirked as he strapped his helmet to his armour's belt,

proceeding into the room right behind Aurora with a pleasant

look towards Asavar. "
Oh, so you're a womanizer, now?", he'd

question teasingly as he eyed the giant, whom he feared not in

the slightest.

The man was soaking wet with rain, and the wounded woman

within the room only caught his attention after he looked over

towards the other side of the room. Aster? What was the whipped

girl doing here?

It made more sense as Joran put it together in his mind. Mother

Alyara was attempting to inform him that Aster was within

the office. It was the only way Mother Alyara could have been

involved, anyway. Not many escaped her infirmary without

her knowing, especially due to the "Whispers".

He'd sigh as he eyed Aster, obviously worried that she had done

something reckless. The girl was too much like him to be of any

innocent nature when it came to their adventurous side. If he had

to guess, the small girl in the room was someone Aster had saved,

perhaps the servant who she took her lashings for, whom had

gone to the infirmary to thank her. Obviously, if the guards found

her, the servant girl would be punished severely. And Aster, too,

he was sure.

The servant working on the young woman was of rather

impressive skill. He had seen much handiwork in his time,

and this obviously wasn't the best, but he wouldn't mind having

the lad on his side when it came to the battlefield. Many figured

drummers were just useless men who riled up the others, but

House Stronham's drummers were also experts in the medical

field, which saved his father in the past many, many times.

The Seer sleptwalk. She forgot where you put her to rest, so

I decided to bring her here," Joran explained to Asavar, slightly

frowning due to all the confusion in the late of night.





(Fuckin' hell guys, Asavar's Late Meet-Ups)

(Asavar's office can be the Queen's tavern)

(I'm gobsmacked)​

[border]Aurora Norok


The coppery smell in this room was awful, but eventually Aura's nose would adjust. She really had no idea where she was, but perhaps she could assume it was Asavar's chambers. She was so very concerned for whoever it was that was bleeding out, the poor person had yo of lost a lot of blood. Aura's milky eyes remained on Asavar, the worry and concern clear in her eyes.

As Asavar told her who the poo soul was, Aura could only shake her head. What had happened to Aster? Before Aura could question any further, Asavar told her of the whipping. This sent Aura's temper flying through the roof as a flame of rage ignited in her eyes and anger coursed through her body. She was pissed. Her anger might even rival Asavar's.

Aura had been so mad, that she never noticed the giant man move closer and pull up her lame excuse for a 'dress.' In fact, Aura was so enraged that she could careless about anything to do with her appearance or what others saw right now. It was unimportant.

"Get me some fucking thread and a damn suture needle.." Aura said between gritted teeth. She cared not for how unladylike that was, as it was imperative that Aster be taken care of and sewn up immediately rather than let her blood continue to flow out.

As Aster said her name, Aura's eyes would look over to her give a small sympathetic look before waling over to her and running a hand though the girl's hair.
"Don't worry. I'll stitch you back up in no time. Won't have to worry about too many bad scars." She said, her voice surprisingly soft, compared to how it was when she was demanding medical supplies.

Aura knew the pain Aster must be in, she knew it too well actually. The first whippings were always the worst..and surely this was Aster's, if she had to guess.

@Cosmo @KillThemAll @Rui @ianbabyyy[/border][border][/border]​

"Aster. That is a lovely name, for a lovely woman," he said, smiling at her gently before digging around in his bag for the salve and bandages. It wouldn't be a fix of course, but it would tide her over until they could get her to an actual healer. "My name is Caelyn. I wish we had met under better circumstances."

Whatever he'd been about to say was interrupted by the sudden arrival of a multitude of new people. Well, two. It was two new people. He could handle two. He thought. The man focused on spreading the salve on the woman's back, listening intently to what was happening behind him while ensure that his hands stayed as gentle as he could keep them. Of course now he couldn't bandage her. Her dress was in an awful state of disrepair, and he had the feeling that it would fall off if he tried to move her too much. There was a spare dress in his bag, and while he was sure that he could persuade the woman into letting him help her, it certainly wouldn't happen with so many people around.

Brown eyes darted between the three other people crowded into the room. Two men and a woman. The man who'd been here was by far the largest he'd ever seen. But he'd been gentle enough that Caelyn was at least slightly comfortable. The new man was also a warrior he could tell, and seemed to be on good terms with the large man. That was, well, at the very least it didn't scare him more than the sudden surge of people already did.

The woman was different however. It didn't take him long to identify her as a seer. Having been around Emmony for so long, the sings had become easily apparent to him. And then suddenly she was there beside him, running her fingers through Aster's hair. Lady Aura? Is that what she'd been called? It seemed to fit her.

"Lady Aura? Is that your name?" He asked tentatively, before forcing his voice to firm up. "I'm happy to see someone who can better handle wounds. I'm good at patching people up until a real healer can come, but not so much with closing wounds. Please allow me to assist you." Well that was more words than he usually said at one time.

@Rui @Cosmo @KillThemAll @xEmoBunnehx
Her knowledge of other Seers was interesting. She certainly hadn't met others like those, but she could certainly see the draw of becoming a hermit. It would be a simpler life. And with how the visions could overwhelm a seer, simple did sound quite wonderful. The sudden whistle hurt her sensitive ears, and she was a bit startled by the topic change. Doctor? Who was a doctor? Emmony tilted her head, trying to ascertain who the northerner could possibly referring to, but it seemed that she'd sat down, and wasn't making a whole lot of noise.

"That level of observation is a good skill to have," she murmured, smiling slightly. "I do sometimes wish I could see people in that way, take cues from body language and actions. I mean, I can in a way. But for me it's more about the vibrations, the sound of their feet hitting the ground, the tones in their voices. I can tell when a person is lying, or when they're omitting facts." Well that was a subtle, not-so-subtle way of letting on that she knew the woman was holding things back. "Being unable to see, my other senses are of course heightened. It doesn't quite make up for it, but then this is the only way I've ever known. You can't miss something you've never had." That smile was slightly absent, her mind and voice wandering, until she finally shook herself out of it. What was with her today?

"I'm sorry, I'm rambling. I was wondering more if you knew in any way of how a seer's ability actually works. There aren't many who do in this world, which makes it hard to explain visions."

@SirFlabberghaspy @Beowulf

The Obsidian Executioner


Asavar's brow lowered at the Old Man's comment, and for once, Asavar was not happy to see the old warrior as this was, well, to say inopportune timing was a gross understatement. His dark eyes glinted within his helm, the Old Man had better not engage Asavar in any sparing for the next few days, as he would make the Old Man pay for that comment that bit a little too close to home given the day's events. He didn't know what was going on with his.. well, his routine lately, but it seemed he had become a magnet of sorts to all kinds of odds and ends, and he was not pleased by the change. He much preferred his quiet days where people went out of the way to avoid him, not gathered to his room as if it were some warm pub.

Lady Aura caught him off guard with her attitude, her fiery temper. He had seen a glimpse of her irritation at his use of her last name, but this was different, and, well, considering she was merely wearing his cloak and nothing more, it created quite the spectacle as it seemed she hadn't been aware she had been baring large portions of her breast to him just moments before, too lost in her rage. Yet, as quickly as the anger had come, was it gone, replaced by a level of caring he was not aware she was capable of. The seer certainly was... odd. Even odder then he assumed. Asavar dragged his eyes away from the seer who was preparing to sew the seamstress closed, an amusing thought that would have been more humerous if it weren't for the situation, and turned to the Old Man as he explained his, and her, presence. Sleep walking? That was odd. Granted, he had never told her which room she was in, he assumed when she awoke she would summon a servant who would answer any relevant questions she had... well, that hadn't worked out quite so well.

"East Wing," Asavar said, "The Dorian Chambers," he said referring to a specific set of rooms that was reserved for visiting dignitary. He wasn't quite sure what conclusions the Old Man would jump to, but he mentally prepared himself to deal with jabs about keeping his mistress in luxury later on. The servant, it seemed, had stepped up once again. Perhaps, after this was over, he would offer the lad something a bit better, suited to his skills. Perhaps assign him to the healing ward or make him a field medic.

He stepped forth, rolling a clean strip of linen into a small soft, but thick, tube and moved over to the side of the bed, next to the Seer and close to Lady Gale's head, he held it up as he explained its purpose, "When she starts to work with the needle, bite down on this," he finished, holding it out to the seamstress.

(My last post for the night loves, supppper freaking tired. Just want to curl up and sleep, so I'm going to.)

@KillThemAll @ianbabyyy @Rui @xEmoBunnehx
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Aster began to sit up, trying to see what was going on, while avoiding bending her back. Instead she used her chest to sit lead upwards. Subsequently, gravity kicked in, and her poor shift had had enough. The thin white fabric slid from her skin before she noticed, revealing her milky white chest, unbeknownst to her, until a few moments later when she noticed the chill. Her blush was so forceful that the entirety of her face, ears, shoulders, and tops of her previously exposed breasts were tinted hot pink in shame.

She managed to stammer out, "T-that won't be n-necessary...I'll be fine without it." She gently pushed the cloth away, her other hand securing her dress.


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[border]Aurora Norok


Aura's anger was no where near gone, but she knew it was best to speak in a kinder voice toward those who were harmed, it tended to keep them calm. It had been quite a while since Aura had last sewn someone up. If she had to guess the amount of would likely be six or maybe more. She could still remember the time she was taught the skill. The woman who had does so was kind, for the situation they were in. This woman began Aura's medical training, but some else down the line later finished what could be taught to her. But now was not the time for remembrance. Now twas time to act.

A voice beside her spoke to her as her hand gently pulled away from Aster's hair.
"I will gladly let you help, as I am a little rusty at this." She admitted before continuing, "I'll need you to, first get me a suture needle and thread then after that keep any blood cleaned up as well as add a steady and gentle pressure. Can you do that?" Aura spoke calmly, but there was still that rage..that anger and hatred for punishments like this.

After explaining to the boy what she needed him to do, Asavar had already placed the thing Aura was just about to make next to Aster. He'd beaten her to it, but that didn't matter, she'd thank him later for the help. Shortly after he did so Aster sat up.
"Well. Should you decide you do need it, it's there." She said in the same informative yet kind tone like she did to the boy. After doing so, Aura would climb up onto Asavar's bed, uncaring of what may have been revealed from the short dress as she did so. Aura would then crawl around to Aster's back and place a cold hand on her shoulder before she lightly felt around the girls back with he finger tips. This shouldn't hurt Aster at all, but rather just feel like ice sliding around on her back. It could feel good, just depended on Aster.

@Cosmo @KillThemAll @ianbabyy @Rui[/border][border][/border]​

Black Lightning Grepher

It took some time, but eventually The Blackblood Knight stirred. He was not sure how much time had passed since he'd nearly passed, but he could tell by the drool pooled within his helm that it had to have been a reasonably substantial amount of time. Groaning, he pushed himself off of his soft, fluffy place of rest, and as his eyes slowly adjusted to the deep blackness around him, he realized just where he was. A bread storage. Hmm. Odd. He frowned, trying to remember what had happened before. Nothing. He could remember not what brought him to such an odd resting place. Still, he realized that now he could think straight once again. His mind was no longer clouded with hunger. Now, he was in desperate need to quench his thirst. Nodding to himself, he rose to his feet. After brushing breadcrumbs from his armor and shield, he turned to the door and rested his hand on the handle.

Instantly he felt a feeling of dread, akin to being watched. And yet he knew better than to look behind him, for somewhere in the back of his conscious, he knew that if he looked behind him, whatever was watching him would make its move. So, in a swift manner, he opened the door, and immediately shut it behind him in an extremely skillful manner. After a moments rest, a sigh left him. He really needed something to wet his thirst. So he turned, only to stare down the hall at a familiar face- the very one he'd left behind at the bar.

"What a coincidence to meet you here, odd man." He said to the man who resembled Dracula fairly well in his mind. He'd not expected to see him here- holding his sword much less. That deeply disturbed him, and as he strolled up to Erikur, it was obvious by the way he moved that he was cautious of the new man. "And even odder- you are holding my sword. I believe it's in your best interest to relinquish it. It is highly illogical to hold a knight's blade for any reason. You understand." It was much less a question and more so a statement. He stuck out his hand, keeping Erikur at an arms length. He had no idea how the man could hold his blade with such... calm. It was disturbing. Even he hated touching that blade. Perhaps it could not speak to him.

@Veyd Sahvoz
She could tell if someone was lying just by the way they spoke? The Queen would no doubt love to have someone like her in her court. Before and after the changes, she always did want a more reliable way of making sure the nobles weren't lying. A way that didn't involve money exchanging hands. A lie detector in the court would force the nobles to speak the truth while they were there, choose their words carefully, or not speak all together. The Great Game, or the Game of Houses, was a confusing one. A subtle dance and a bar room brawl thrown together for the nobles to play with.

That game had always been a pain for him. Poisoning, assassinations, subterfuge and blackmailing, they would do anything to advance their standing in the world. It had gone down by a large amount before he resigned, but that was just towards the Queen. Who knows what is going on with the other Houses.

"Don't let the queen get her claws on you." he growled. They didn't need to be able to see into the future, controling the queen was bad enough.

@ianbabyyy @SirFlabberghaspy
Yara eyed Emmony carefully, her left hand drifting towards her golden mask as she did so. If the Seer knew when one was lying, did that mean she knew Thoros wasn't Yara? Or, perhaps, she hadn't given it away, yet. She just needed not to lie, and that meant not telling Emmony her name. Perhaps, she could tell them her actual name. A strange one for a woman, but it might just work.

"Hon," she'd murmur towards the tense Gareth, leaning forwards slightly as she reached out to calm him with her hands. Yara tilted her head, smiling slightly as she continued to speak. "Why don't ye throw the bag out? Shouldn't take ye long," the Northerner ensured him, her gaze turning stone-cold as if something bad was going to happen if he didn't. Not to him, of course, but something involving the contents of the bag. She didn't want the Seer finding out by asking too many questions, rather, she wanted to distract the lady.

"How about we play a round of 'ah game? It's called Spider's Web. You tell me two truths and one lie, and I have to tell ye which is which. Then it'll be my turn. And, don't worry about cheatin', you should be able to tell if I do, no?", the scarlet-haired woman would ask with a knowing look. If Emmony wanted information about her, this was the only way she'd get it.


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