The Queen's Madness (Open)

The beasts of the swamp weren't the only thing that smelled the burning meat. Far off in the war camp, a couple Histyr smelled it, Buras being one of them. Frankly he didn't think twice about it, it was probably a stupid skink that walked a bit to close to the fires that had another's meal on it. He could care less what his ladz did, as long as they did what he told them to do. However, the other things of the Great Marsh weren't so care free about the possibility of a cooked meal. Slowly, beasts came crawling out of the ooze. Some backed away, sensing the presence of the others and deciding that it wasn't worth it. A good majority, however, stayed for the easy meal.

The three Histyr sensed these predators stirring, and if anything that gave them more speed. They did not want to be eaten or impaled by a lance. One of them had already gotten struck by an arrow, and that one was now leading the way having the most motivation to not be left behind. The sent of blood tickled their nose, both human's and Histyr's smelled the same really, and they realized that if they could smell it so could other things. Things that liked the taste of things that bled.


Ser Rod Cassel

Second-Born of Lord Jon Cassel

Officer of the Queen's Army

Rod continued his ride, pushing his steed to its very limits as it stampeded through the thick and

dangerous swamp. One mis-step could mark the end of the horse and its rider, whom valiantly

continued his burning of the pork as the three Histyr ahead sped forwards in renewed fear. The officer

was determined to root out the creatures and destroy them.

A few more minutes of exhiliration passed, the pursuit not growing easier or harder. The knight

clenched his jaw, unsure if his plan had really come into fruition...

That is, until the ground began to rumble, and a deafening scream pierced his ears and caused

him to jolt in his saddle. The knight turned to see a looming figure in the distance, slowly but surely

picking up a running pace after the smell of roasting meat. The beast was covered in dark green scales

and had a nasty multitude of legs. Its massive tail dragged along the shallow waters beneath it, and

the terrifying high-pitched roars that assaulted Rod's ear-drums were the defining point of the creature.

Multiple necks sprung from the creature's torso and led into a set of reptile-like heads. The jaws of the

beast were hung open to a disturbingly unnatural point, unhinged just enough to show off the vast number

of large and jagged teeth that threatened to end the knight if he dared to ride close to the draconic creature.

Hydra," Rod Cassel would murmur, a mixed feeling of relief and fear assaulting him. His plan would work,

but there was certainly not guarantee he could make it out of the Histyr's camp without dying with the savages.

No, it had to be a Pyrrhic victory. A heroic sacrifice for the good of Lathien.

His stomach slowly churned at the idea of being slaughtered by the hydra, as he would no doubt be, most likely

in a brutal fashion. He was truly afraid, but rode forwards anyway. Rod didn't know why, but he just felt like he had

to press on, further and further.

Suddenly, he'd smirk, yelling loudly towards the sprinting Histyr as the hydra followed, each head still occasionally

screaming as their unhinged jaws laid motionless in their display.

Do you hear that, beasts? That is your doom! Run all you like, it won't save

your hides!"

Buras heard it, a fight. And from the ruckus, a damn good one at that.  However, the three Histyr that were now also being chased by the hyda weren't as excited about it as their war boss. In fact, it was quite the opposite. Shrieking in terror they edged just that little bit further ahead. All of a sudden, one tripled over something and fell. First trampled by a horse, it let out one last terrified shriek before the hydra ripped it apart. But still it wanted more, and continued it's chase. This time however it had tasted blood, and a frenzy was starting to cloud it's already hazy sight.

The two remaining Histyr made it to the camp, the rider in hot pursuit of them and the hydra in pursuit of him and the histyr. And to greet them was Buras himself, who punched the horse as it rushed by before charging the hydra, ax and club in his hands and roaring his own challenge at it. It was a seemingly one sided fight, the hydra having the clear advantage. However, Buras never had concerned himself with what seemed like would happen. And so, off came one head, and another, and another, until finally there was only one left. The largest head, the oldest head. It would take more then one chop to take it off. Meanwhile, the warband gathered around their new captive, confidant with their leaders capabilities to handle an over grown newt.



Gareth was exhausted. He couldn't take it anymore, he had been the captain of the Queen's Guard. And now here he was, trying to scrape a job together just so he could eat. He had even thought about selling his swird and armor just to eat. Selling what made him what he was. But then how would he get a job? Walking into the Queen's Madness, he was struck by a sudden realization. Why not get a job here? They looked like they needed some extra muscle here, so why not? But first, he had to find one of the two owners. That Seer, yes. He recalled that she wanted to talk to him about what she Saw.

Aster held up the basket, presenting it to the pair.

"Please, eat. I made it all myself." She explained sweetly, holding a wine skin to Asavar. 

"It may be a bit sweet, but midday wine needn't be horribly strong, anyhow." She smiled, a bit proud of herself. 

The old cook had taught her well. 

She took another nibble of her warm bread, then set it down, cutting off another piece and thickly spreading on the butter for Lady Aura.

"Bread, M'lady?" She asked, extending the hunk so it brushed Aura's finger tips. 

@Cosmo @xEmoBunnehx
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