The Queen's Madness (Open)

Erikur Cetrix


"Indeed I am. What gave it away? My appearance or obliviousness?" He joked while the man placed his drink in front of him. Ah, mead. Such a sweet drink. He loved it so, it made him feel energized and awake instead of tired like he usually was but the drink sure as hell was sugary. It tasted too sweet sometimes, especially to those who didn't drink it often but Erikur did so his stomach was, in a sense, used to it. He kept his hand on the hilt of his sword as he drank, from past experiences that became a habit whenever he was at tavern's just in case. It wasn't like he was distrustful of the place that gave him bed and food he just tended to take extra precautions. Drinking his mug of mead reminded him of a song he once heard about mead but he couldn't remember the words to it. Perhaps this Allan would allow him to drink while browsing some of these books.



Joran Stronham

Knight of the Queen's Guard

"The Steel Wolf"

The old knight would back up, wondering what he had done wrong. He'd

tense, thinking on it for a moment. Had he come off like he was flirting with

the young lass? Maybe he was hurting her with his armor?

I'm sorry," Joran would murmur simply, tilting his head downwards and eyeing

Aurora carefully. For the intimidating and legendary warrior he was very much

perceived to be, Joran was a gentleman who respected others and was truly

kind-hearted in nature. Even if he himself thought that he could take an innocent

life for his vengeance. it was clear that he couldn't do so easily. The man was

truly of a moral nature. It was in his blood.

Still and quiet, the warrior awaited a response, nervously eyeing the younger

lady as if he were a scolded boy waiting for his mother to reply to a heartfelt


(Sorry it's so short, didn't know what else to do)

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Siara Whytewynd

Travelling Doctor

"The Scarred"

The tired and worn doctor would sigh as she rested her head

against the warped oak wood beneath her, stenched with spilled

ale and other mysterious liquids that she'd rather not know of.

With a turn of her head, Siara's eyes laid upon a girl. A few seconds

passed before the half-elf realized the girl possessed a pair of fox-like

ears. The beautiful and young stranger appeared to be a kitsune, which

Siara had only heard of through stories. They were a supposedly isolated

people, often driven out of forests by violent Elves and Easterners.

Though, their magic and dexterity often outmatched their foes, and so

they protected their small claims of land with efficiency.

Curious, the bastard would lift her heavy head from the table and

tug at her doctor's bag. Raising out of her seat, she would force

her exhausted yet wanderlustful body over to where the fair-haired kitsune was

sat. The fox-girl was alarmingly short, but Siara figured it was because

of her heritage rather than her actual age.

Ma'am, may I ask what a person such as yourself is doing in

Lathien?", the curious half-elf, who was still bruised by the slaver's attack

upon her right cheek, would stand nearby the sitting lady with a curious gaze

from her creamy brown eyes. She had always been of a wondering sort,

which had been the greatest cause for her liking of travel. However, it wasn't

like she had a choice. She still had a biological father who wanted her head...

Just as she asked the kitsune, a man would suddenly burst into the

tavern. Clearly drunk, the thug proclaimed that the bustling people within

the building should make room for their new favorite person. It caused

Siara to smile, but also naturally cringe from the aggressive nature of the

drunken man.

Though, the sudden event did ring a bell in her mind, albeit an

unrelated one. She wondered where Allan was, and if they could talk.

She hadn't spent any time the day before to speak with the rather

charming man...





(Errebody in the Queen's Madness, I think)




Lathien's Royal Spymaster

"The Smoke Seer"

After setting up the skeleton of a proper fortress within the

Great Swamps, the Lathien soldiers would quickly retreat

to separate tents and sleep. Despite the sun's presence

still burning bright, they had all grown exhausted in their march

through the unholy environment and the intense heat that the

murky waters all around amplified back onto them. Not

to mention the carrying of supplies that only made it harder

for the marching men.

Quinn had also retreated into his worn tent, rejecting the offer

of a drink from a younger corporal before crossing his legs within

the much more luxurious structure. Its scarlet-red roof a hexagonal

shape, the finely embroidered tapestries that hung from the marquee

was only reasonable for a Royal servant.

He sighed as he gazed down at a leather bag. With some fiddling

about, he'd finally rest his eyes on a set of various metal contraptions

and a small wooden bench. Spreading out the various pieces, he'd

finally rest his anticipating lips upon the pipe below, letting in a huff of

freshly burning opium.


The sensation was godly for the tired man, whom had gathered

a pint of boiled water nearby to help the process go along and to quench

his exhausted thirst.

Little did he know, far off, that a trio of wandering Histyr were

about to stumble into the tracks they left behind...


[border]Aurora Norok


Aura felt Joran back off of her and she let out a long breath.
See? I'm okay.. I can trust Joran.. He wouldn't purposefully hut me.. She told herself, but it didn't do much good. Aura has never been a very trusting person and the worst of this whole situation was Joran and the way he acted after she react to being encased in his arms. She knew he meant nothing by it other than to teach her the proper ways to hold the sword, and now that she was doing so on her felt right. The weight was more distributed and the blade was right where it needed to be.

Aura lowered the sword and turned toward Joran, shaking her head at him.
"No no. Don't be. It wasn't your fault Joran.." She said her head cast downward at the ground. "You weren't doing anything wrong..I'm just..really fucked up.." Was all she had to said about that. Hopefully Joran wouldn't ask anything about her words, but rather just take them like Asavar did. Aura peaked up at him, or at least it looked like she would of been if she could see. "Let's just get back to training, alright? I got the hang of how to hold it teach me what's next." She said, adding bits of excitement in her voice as to encourage him to go back to training her. Aura was ready to get back at it, and hopefully it would take her ind off what just happened.


((Sorry its so short x.x))[/border]

The three Histyr that found the tracks didn't think that it was a bunch of humies, they thought it was food. Buras' war band didn't carry around supplies, instead they acted more like locusts and sucked the land dry before having to move on to find yet more stuff. But when they saw the human camp set up, they knew that a.) they couldn't hope to fight them and survive, b.) that there would probably be some sort of loot in there, and c.) with the rest of the boys this little herd of humies wouldn't stand a chance against them. So, the 'stealthily' hurried back towards their camp, each step splashing in the water and the tips of their tails slapping it every now and again.
"No, it is an honor to have your help," Emmony said with a smile. "Having another set of ears is always a huge advantage." As she spoke she ran her fingers quickly and carefully through her hair, making sure it was free of tangles, and then put it into a loose braid, tying it off with a leather thong that was kept in the pouch hanging from her belt. There were a number of interesting things in there, a small textured rock that helped to ground her after an intense vision, a spare head scarf in case hers became lost, among other things.

Hair out of the way, she carefully removed her head scarf, storing it in her pouch so it wouldn't be lost. For some reason, having her eyes unimpeded allowed her to See easier. The solid hazel eyes, so strange without any sort of pupil, fixed squarely on where Amunet sat. "I'm afraid my request for a talk was a little misleading. We have to be over cautious when introducing new people into the rebellion, as we don't want any sensitive information to be leaked. Which is why I meet with every new person before we give them potentially damning information." She gave the woman an apologetic smile before laying her hands on the table, palms up, a subtle request for her to place her own hands upon them.

"Tell me, Amunet, have you ever heard of or encountered a Seer?"


The man laughed, storing the freshly cleaned mugs under the bar. "A bit o' both actually. But you're not as obvious as most. We had a real live Mantid in here two days ago. Bee folk. Interesting lookin' fuckers." He tucked the rag into his belt, distracted for a moment as another person stepped up to the bar, asking for a pint of ale. One of the regulars he was, and the man's least favorite of them all. A self entitled, drunken lecher. He'd been thrown out on his ass multiple times for accosting the serving girls.

Before the asshole could attempt to make conversation, thus ruining the man's night, he quickly turned back to Erikur. "No, you're not too obvious. We just get a lot o' foreigners through here. Learn to pick 'em out after a while. I'm Rob by the way." He scanned the room quickly, eyes catching on Allan as he made his way over, a thoughtful look on the small man's face. He waved him over, saying, "And this here be Allan, owner of this fine establishment."

@LadyArdent @Veyd Sahvoz (Ack, so many short replies, I'm sorry guys.)


Joran Stronham

Knight of the Queen's Guard

"The Steel Wolf"

Joran showed obvious concern as Aurora mentioned her scarred nature.

He wanted to question the girl about it, but she insisted that they resume

their training. At the mention of her wielding her blade correctly, the warrior

smirked. She had gotten onto it much more quickly than he had expected,

which greatly impressed him.

The knight silently walked past the Seer and bent down to retrieve his blade, then turning

to face her. He'd heft his training sword in his hands, eyeing the wooden edge ahead of him.

Now you'll have to learn to predict what I'm doing and move to block it. You can't see what I'll

do, so learn to feel it. If you can't do this, then I'm afraid it, honestly, may be useless to

try and learn swordsmanship."

He spoke honestly, truly. If she couldn't know where her opponent was coming from, then she

wouldn't be able to block, dodge, or counter against their attempts at her. It would just be a

massacre. She could know her stances, but it would be impossible for her to know how to apply

them against things she couldn't perceive.

With a sigh, he'd step forwards, closing the shortened distance between them with a lunge.

Joran was bringing the blade down vertically towards her left shoulder, holding back slightly so that

she may get a brief sense of what to do.

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Lathien's Royal Spymaster

"The Smoke Seer"

Quinn sighed as he laid back on the bundles of warm cloth beneath

him, his heightened state enabling him to become careless regarding

the humid heat of the Great Swamps. The soldiers of the camp had

issued their complaints verbally, but Quinn sought opium as his relief

against the burning heat.

The Spymaster let out another relaxed sigh before a soldier burst into

his tent, suddenly interrupting his smoky experience. Sighing, the

man would lean forwards, rising and eyeing the huffing youngster.

Well?", the Spymaster murmured, only for the warrior to raise his left hand.

He huffed and puffed wearily on for about three seconds before shooting up

with an obviously hardened discipline.

Ser Quinn, Ser Rod Cassel and a few other of the calvary men have gone off

to chase what they think are Ban or Histyr. We heard them rushing off, no doubt

to find others!", the soldier warned, resulting in a worn sigh from the Smoke Seer,

who would eye his burning incense and fine powders with an almost distantly hurt


I have no doubt Ser Cassel will succeed. Ready the others, though. This is

the Great Swamps, and there are worse things than Ban and Histyr to greet

us here."

The soldier would respectfully nod before turning and exiting the war tent, leaving the

drugged Spymaster to think further as he began yelling out to his fellow Lathien man-at-arms

and sounded the preparation of the camp's rushed defenses.


Ser Rod Cassel, the second-born of House Cassel, Lathien's primary nobility in both Elven

servitude and agriculture, had gone off heroically with a handful of other noble men on

horseback after the Histyr who rushed ahead. They were stalwart in their chase, which had

been drawn out due to their mounts' uncomfortable dally against the rough waters and slippery

branches that made the simple ride after the lizard-men a death-wish for the calvary.

However, the brave and noble-hearted lordling had no doubts as he continued on after the

loud Histyr, encouraging the other, lower-born, soldiers of Lathien to continue following him

with adamant trust.

Forwards! We mustn't let them reach their camp!", the young man roared. The others would

let out their inspired war cries in response, frightening the fleeing reptiles.

One of the five rushing horsemen would find themselves flung towards the ground at incredible

speeds as their armored brown mare awkwardly struck the outstretching root of a swamp tree

and plummeted forwards. The four other rushing riders, including Ser Rod, would valiantly persist

against the incredibly fast Histyr. They were in their naturally preferred environment, easily rushing

with kicks against the murky waters and strokes against the vined trees.

The chase continued. One of the four calvarymen was armed with a longbow, and had persisted

in loosing projectiles at the lizards. With another huff, he'd loose yet another steel arrow. The wooden

shaft of the whistling bolt shook like a dog's tail as it tumbled through the heated air and slammed into

the back of one of the Histyr. The lizard-man roared loudly, nearly falling. However, it quickly regained

its sprint, much to the dismay of the four riders.

When do they tire!?", one of the other horsemen asked his companions, looking over in agitation. Ser

Rod shook his head, glaring ahead at the three fleeing Histyr. "
They find unnatural strength in the heat.

With the swamp's humidity, they'll easily reach their camp without tiring out. We must stop them!", he'd

growl. The questioning rider would gulp, nodding shakily as he eyed the trio of killers ahead. The archer

fired yet another arrow, narrowly missing the lizards. The rider next to him would growl...

For Gods' sakes, strike the beasts or I'll strike you!", the bearded warrior yelled. Old with age, his

wrinkled face struck uneasiness into the now frustrated archer, who was opened his mouth to


I'm trying my hardest, damn it!", the longbowmen would retort, turning to draw yet another arrow.

Almost as quickly as the young man turned to fire once again, a thrown axe had sunken its way into

the lad's face, causing him to fall off the back of his rushing white horse, which sped away from the

remaining three riders.

The angered old man's face contorted in shock before he angrily looked ahead at the three Histyr.

Ser Cassel, there's no way we can stop them now!", the man yelled. The shaken youngster would

murmur to himself in fear as Ser Rod grew silent in thought. Suddenly, he'd turn to eye the older

rider to his right.

As I said, this swamp is filled with beasts.

Let's give them an offering."

The old man nodded, gruffly mumbling to himself as he turned to eye the distant lizards. The

young man nearby slowed down with the veteran after a few more minutes of riding.

Both watched as Ser Cassel continued his pursuit. The lordling had urged them to turn

back and warn the others, while he go to continue in their attempt to stop the lizards.

He had a flaming torch in his left hand and a dried pork ration in his right. With a

yell, Rod frightened his brown steed which bolted incredibly after the Histyr. The smell of charring meat

filled the Swamps, a trail of rushing food awakening her slumbering beasts. No doubt, the Histyr

and Ser Cassel were now both endangered.

The pair of riders turned back to head to the camp. Both didn't have regrets about leaving

Ser Cassel to his glorious plan, but both were reluctant to go. He was truly one of the few

good officers at the camp, albeit young. If the young Rod's plan were to work out, he'd be

joining the two calvarymen with the Spymaster soon enough.

@Beowulf ?

(I mean, if you haven't left yet)


[border]Aurora Norok


Aura nodded at his words, feeling his movements in the ground. Her hands would get back into position as well as standing back into the position before.
"It's not hard to predict which side you're coming from, but rather..hard to predict here the blade is. I can feel you moving the the ground..I know where you are thanks to your vibrations." She explained, hoping that would help him to teach her how to better predict where a sword might swing and come at her.

Though, right after her response, her must of swung because she heard a very faint air and lifted her sword to block it, but completely missed it. By a lot. After his lunge she'd swing her sword, trying her best to guess-temate were his body might be..but again..she missed a lot. It was humorous to watch her miss him by a landslide. It was would of been more so if she didn't know how to hold the sword.

Her swing was rather..clumsy and any proper swordsman would laugh their asses off at how horribly it was done but poor Aura had no clue how to do any of this. For her this was like learning to walk or learning to feel the vibrations in the ground when people walked.


((Sorry >.< It's really short..but I didn't know what to write.))[/border][border][/border]​



Joran Stronham

Knight of the Queen's Guard

"The Steel Wolf"

Joran smirked as Aurora missed. She felt the vibrations of objects and

located them that way? It was an interesting concept, one that was much

more inefficient compared to simply seeing, but offered many uses as

well. What disturbed him? The girl could feel vibrations easier than others,

predicting movement through it. His family blade, Vowforger, tended to

shake often. Finally, the arcanite longsword had found a weakness in a

blind girl who couldn't use a sword if her life depended on it.

Your movements need to be sharper. You can't be so fluid in a real fight.

You want to be fast, straight. The more your precision wavers the more

vulnerable you are to your opponent."

Joran would make distance between them again, this time charging forwards

with rather obvious stomps in the ground. The girl was failing enough, and his

heart couldn't take her simply failing further. Yes, sure, he was going easy on

her, practically handing her the victory to come with his comical movement, but

he was more of his mother, more caring and less stern than Lord Dragon ever

had been.

The knight swung downwards towards the Seer another time, gritting his teeth

as he did so. With mixed shame and anticipation, he awaited the parry to come

with hopeful spirit.

(I get that)


The Obsidian Executioner


Asavar looked out over the crowd after the last lash was done, rending through the flesh of the convict and leaving them hanging limply from his post. The rose tip of the whip, which was once a solid, silvery steel was now a deep red having torn its way through flesh, the rose whip finally living up to its red name's sake. As he had lashed, he had seen the seamstress walk by, while the look on her face was not one he would imagine was pleased, it did not matter. This was the Queen's Justice, if anything, he should have removed their heads and washed his hands of their existence, but the lashings would have to do. He half turned and offered the heavy whip to the nearby servant, who along with another one, would clean it, coil it and put it away where it belonged, out of sight but never quite out of mind.

Freed from administering punishment, for now, Asavar found himself with a rare commodity, something he hadn't had in a long time, free time. Well, relatively speaking. For a moment, he wasn't sure what to do, but his shoulders fell slightly with exhaustion. He had been awake for two days now, and, perhaps, he would be able to sleep tonight... Perhaps. He let his dark eyes roam the crowd as it started to disperse, their.... entertainment over. Asavar turned on his heel and walked back to the castle, his boots thudding heavily on the stone floors as he made his way back.

Asavar walked down the dark halls of the castle, pausing by a nearby window facing towards the training grounds just in time to see the seer and the old man walking onto the grounds and.. well, what better way to spend one's free time then to watch the old man try to teach a blind woman how to fight... also, it seemed she
still retained his cloak. He was starting to doubt he would ever get it back.

He took the nearest door, almost eager to be the one able to tease the old man, for a change, his heavy boots thudding heavily into the ground as he walked across the training field towards the odd duo just in time to see the old man stomping across the ground, almost like a man trying to forge their way through deep snow. It was... well, it certainly was a 'mighty' technique that Asavar was sure would terrify the new recruits in just how devastatingly effective it was...

His long legs carried him over to the pair quickly enough, and from the looks of the Seer, it seems he had already given her some instruction on her stance and how to hold a blade, it was far better then what he had expected to see coming out. Normally, he would nto approach so quickly and behind a fighter that was sparring as their reflexes could make them lash out, but he doubted the seer was a great threat not when the old man had to stomp around so she could know where he was.

@KillThemAll @Rui @xEmoBunnehx

The seamstress silently made her way to the kitchen. She requested heated wine and water in a bowl with spare cloth. The cooks, who liked her very well, granted this request. She was also given some bread and preserve, although she didn't intend to use it for herself. She waited until Asavar was gone and the crowd had dissipated before tracking down the two would-be rapists. She knelt beside the two.

"Hello...remember me?"

The two looked sad and broken. She bit her bottom lip, and got to work. She always had her sewing basket on hand, and once she had throughly cleaned the wounds and stitched them up, she fed the men with some wine she had set aside and the bread and preserve. They weren't bad people, she'd discovered. Idiotic, perhaps, but not evil. She forgave them, although she wasn't sure she could've had they succeeded in their attempts. She left them be, after that, returning to her room, her apron somewhat bloodied and her hands as well, but she didn't mind. She passed an open window, and looked down upon the group in the training yard. This made her remember her need to clothe Lady Aura. She smiled wistfully, but it soon faded into a tired frown. She hadn't ever really been jealous before. She wasn't content with herself nor her life, but she hadn't wanted anything else, because nothing she knew was better. Now, she finally had something she wanted, but he seemed to find someone else more favorable...

Her eyebrows knitted together,

He hadn't even looked upon her in the morning. Usually, this would please her, as it protected her modesty, but he looked upon the other woman...

She shook away these thoughts,

"No, no, Aster, don't be such a child," she murmured to herself, "Just because you want doesn't mean you must have. You aren't entitled to anything, silly duck." She sighed, her mask of false contentment reforming on her face. She walked back to her room in silence.

@Cosmo @KillThemAll @xEmoBunnehx

Amunet head claimed the chair opposite Emmony in the quiet room. The woman was fidgeting with her hair so it gave her a chance to look around. The room looked comfortable nothing out of sorts. Was she supposed to expect some crazy room with things for the rebellious cause? No, it wasn't that. Her blue eyes landed back to Emmony as she fixated a simple braid and removed her scarf.

Amunet examined her eyes intently. They were a curious sort yet beautiful in a way without the pupil. She noticed every shade making up the beautiful hazel of her iris. Smiling unknowing if Emmony could see it now or not. She caught the rest of her words when she spoke about what this meeting actually was.

Emmony placed out her hands palms up and Amunet sat up a little more. She didn't offer her hands at first when she decided to speak up. "
I can understand your hesitant feeling. Precautions are needed in matters like these. When I give my support I follow through with it..." Amunet wasn't surprised at the truth of this quiet meeting at all. She had a certain feeling Emmony was up to something but she had brushed it off and thought it was genuinely about the rebellion taking place. It didn't scare her away.

Finally she decided to place her cold hands into Emmony's own with a gentleness for the woman. Speaking up once more, "
No I haven't met a Seer before. I've only read about them in passing.." Amunet stopped smiling as she gave her full attention. She didn't know what would happen in this moment. She was prepared for whatever outcome. Amunet was naturally closed off to people since her turning so she was unsure of what exactly a Seer can do.

At the feel of Amunet's cool hands landing on her own, Emmony curled her fingers gently around them, giving the woman a comforting smile. The next part always had to be handled gently. Especially if they'd never encountered a Seer before. Most people tended to be uncomfortable with someone digging around in their past. It couldn't be helped though. If they were going to make this rebellion work, they had to make sure that every person would work for the best of the people.

"A Seer," she began slowly, choosing her words carefully, "is a being who can See into the past and the future. We are not a species in our own right, but rather, we are born randomly into human families." She paused for a moment, to let that information sink in, carefully thinking over what she would say next. While she had the same gift of charm her brother had, she did not share his gift of words. "To See into the past or future, we need a focus. That could be a person, or an object, or a place, or even a specific date."

There was another pause, a longer one this time, before she continued. "And so that brings up to our current subject. Every person we bring into the fold is brought first to me. I See into the person's past." Before there could be any protest or argument, Emmony quickly said, "Do not worry, it's not intrusive in the slightest. How it works is that I search through your past for anything that connects to the castle or the guards or the royal family. If there is a connection anywhere, I will See everything it involves. If there is no connection, I will See nothing at all of your past."

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Let the woman speak her words as she tilted head a little. Amunet had read somewhere that a Seer could see things. Of what she didn't know at all. Letting the words do exactly that sink in. Gently squeezing Emmony's hands in sure manner. Just to let her know she understood.

Emmony didn't need any charm for her to hear the truth. If this is what it took to get accepted into this she was willing to do that. Amunet didn't remember past from her human days. She let it be silent as she pondered on everything. There were pieces she remembered. The flashbacks that don't come much anymore. The memory itself was haunting enough. If she really had this gift Amunet jumped on the wagon quickly. She wanted to know was this a memory of her own? Or was it from someone else? She had been connected to so many people in her past who have gone.

In this particular matter pertaining to this deranged queen she had no connection at all to it. She was simply traveling through like she always does unless someone has need of her services. Amunet grew serious as she spoke up.
"I have something that might help me. I mean I truly don't know. I've been around for some years give or take. I just hope this helps you and I when you do what needs go be done.. This one particular thing I have in mind is..." Amunet paused some as she closed her eyes as two red tears escaped her eyes silently. The memory was haunting enough for her. Licking her lips briefly as she finished her words... "I can't tell if they are my hands. They could be it was just dark and these hands were so dirty... they held two previous children. These children were wrapped in these hands so tenderly... but they weren't alive. A boy about eight years of age, and a sweet girl maybe five or six.. they were covered in blood. They had many wounds they Bles from... the little boy was almost burned... there are screaming sounds beyond anything I ever heard. I just know I can't forget this image as long as I walk this earth. There are those of us who remember our previous life and those of us who don't. I'm of the few who don't. I'd like to remember if it is my memory..." Amunet didn't know what Emmony could do with that at all. Maybe it is something to help her reach as far back to help the Seer understand. Amunet didn't question if people like her were a species or not.

All Amunet knows is death. Continuous death by her own hands. By the hands of others. She does try to do good even with the outer belief that she is a monster. Did she have a life before this? Where those her own children? Was she married? Did she come from extravagance or simplicity? She lives modesty despite the riches she has gained... but is it enough? Hopefully Emmony can find what she needs and help Amunet in return too?


[border]Aurora Norok


Aura nodded at Joran's words, re-situating her position before her would ever charge. Idly wondering if she could really do this or not. She had to..she needed to. Aura desperately wanted to learn this skill more than anything she had ever wanted to lean in her life. Hell her life depended on it, not only that but her honor too. Aura wasn't much for 'honor' but this..this was something she wanted. Something she felt she needed to to do to get a better peace of mind as well as get her revenge on that man.

Being distracted by her thoughts, Aura nearly got she was fighting. Her feet felt two sets of heavy vibrations, one from the side of her and one in front. Had Joran used magic and copied himself? Or was this some kind of training exercise? Regardless this time Aura would get him..and she'd strike like she was told to.

Aura's hands gripped the sword hard as she concentrated on the vibrations, decided he was the one coming from side of her and not in front. No that was far too obvious and easy, he said he wouldn't take it easy on her and she was hoping he stuck to that. As the foot steps grew closer and closer, Aura finally swung out, hard and

precise. The wooden sword connected with Asavar's armor, causing a loud thunderous boom to reverberate throughout the training yard. The sword shook in her hands, and she freaked out slightly, unsure of why it was doing it; however, there was a giant gallant smile on her face. She'd done it! She got him!
"HA!! I GOT YOU JORAN!!" She cheered, her slightly yellowed teeth showing with her smile as she genuinely looked proud of herself as. In fact, she was. Aura never thought she'd actually be able to make hot on Joran, but holy shit she did it!

@KillThemAll @Cosmo[/border][border][/border]​

Erikur Cetrix


How much he would have liked to study such a being, a live Mantid. That was rare, here of all places too which is why he envied Rob for having the chance to meet one. There was still tons things he wished to see but it always seemed like he was the last one to see it or that he never got a chance to, which was a damner because at this rate he was slacking off. Instead of studying he was having a drink and chatting with a bartender, not that there was anything wrong with that though he preferred to read for just an evening if he could. "Lucky man." It was good to hear he wasn't to obvious as a foreigner but before he could reply he spoke once more, pointing to the owner, Allan, and just as he opened his mouth to say his name some man burst into the Tavern saying he was everyone's favourite person despite half the people probably seeing this man for the first time. "Oi, would you keep it down?" Said Erikur to the man calmly then quickly darting his eyes back to the bartender and continue on the small chat so the drunkard likely wouldn't bother with him hopefully. "My name is Erikur by the way. Pleasure to meet you."

@ianbabyyy @LokiofSP
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The Obsidian Executioner


"I am sure Joran will be reeling from that blow for sometime," Asavar said, his ears still ringing from the blow. It had not hurt him or the metal plate, but the loud boom had echoed inside his armor nearly deafening him. He closed his large gauntlet around the wooden blade and pushed it off his chest, the large smile that split across her face was one that reminded him of his own, only far more attractive then what had likely been on his overly large, distorted visage. The exhilaration of having done something right after trying and failing to do so numerous times before. It was a feeling that was hard to compare to others.

Still, he had not expected her to lash out and strike at him like that, "Seems I was wrong yet again," he grumbled under his breath, and truly, that was happening far too often for his liking and needed to change. Someone in his position could afford to be 'wrong', or moreover, start to doubt his decisions. A bad decision was still better then no decision at all. Trying to cut off the booming laugh from either of them for.. well... being used as a training post, Asavar turned his head towards Joran, "So, how is it coming?"

@KillThemAll @xEmoBunnehx
Emmony listened silently to the woman's request, nodding every once in a while. There was a very long pause after she finished before Emmony nodded somberly. "I believe I can fulfill that request. With your description, I should be able to lock onto that moment in time, and then I'll be able to tell you whether or not it is indeed your memory. Rebel business, and then I shall search for you."

The Seer closed her eyes, gathering herself. When they opened back up, fixed on a spot over Amunet's shoulder, her hand curled to firmly grip the other woman's. There was heat in her hands, as the connection was made, and then a rushing in her ears, is if she were surrounded by intense wind. Images, meaningless images flashed through her head as she slowly focused down onto this one woman's past, searching for any connections to the Queen. Her mind stayed quiet though, those meaningless images stilling and dissipating. There was nothing, anywhere, no sounds, no images, no feelings. It wasn't until she caught up to the previous night that she was able to lock onto anything, and that was only her conversation with Allan.

A deep sigh was expelled, and she smiled, relaxing her grip a bit. "You are in the clear," she said happily, a wide grin splitting her face. "Welcome to the rebellion."

She released the woman's hands for a moment to stretch. Looking into the past like that was only slightly tiring, but she knew the next part would wear her out. Taking a deep breath, she wrapped her hands around Amunet's once more. "And now to look for the moment you seek." She paused. "Don't worry if I seem odd, sometimes things like this create physical reactions."

That moment was set back into her mind. She pictured it as it had been described. The darkness, the screaming, the blood, the burns. The dead children, and the clutching hands. There were so many moments in time these could be, but she narrowed down her search to Amunet alone.

There it was. The scene swirled around her, screams echoing in her head, blood staining her hands. She wanted desperately to leave, to escape, but she forced herself to take stock of it, to figure out who was involved. And there was Amunet. She was sure of it. The only living being in the area. That meant that this was most definitely her memory.

Emmony's eyes swung down, to what she was holding, and as her eyes caught sight of the two children, she cried out. Her hands were snatched from Amunet's as she snatched her hands away, stumbling out of her seat. She wanted to throw up, stomach churning at the sight. She'd seen worse before, but they never failed to affect her.



Joran Stronham

Knight of the Queen's Guard

"The Steel Wolf"

Joran smirked as he eyed Asavar. He had held back his widening smile as to

not agitate the large man any further than he may have been. Being Commander

of the Queen's Guard and the Royal Executioner couldn't be easy, especially on a

Draxxan, whose feelings of stress were amplified beyond any other being's comprehension.

It's going the best it can," Joran murmured vaguely, tilting his head as to silently

hush his Commander. The old warrior was expecting criticism from Asavar, as he tended

to look at things from a rather logical stand-point, which was an especially unsettling nature

for creatures dominated by emotion. Though, Joran figured he saw everything in a black

and white. People and things useful to his Queen, and people and things that were not.

How he dealt with them was surely on a much more emotional and moral thought process.

Joran sensed the good in the rather dark and gloomy boy. It rather reminded him of his brother,

Jovan. No doubt the resemblance was part of the reason why Joran cared so much for

the gargantuan fighter.

Did you hear about the markings in the Dining Hall? Disrespect towards Her Majesty. There

will no doubt be another punishment for you to handle, unless you want to lay the mantle

down onto one of the younger guards," Ser Stronham would suggest. Experience was what built

Joran from a gifted young noble into a one man army. More could never truly hurt someone.



[border]Aurora Norok


The very minute Aura heard that familiar deep voice, she knew she had fucked up..bad. Asavar pushed her sword away and she let him, but rest it on her shoulder. Her once delighted face was filled with concern as she looked up at the man, finally knowing around about where his face would be..not that he could see her's other than that of her lower face and bit of her nose.
"I..didn't hurt you did I?" She asked him, genuinely concerned that she might of hurt him. Aura knew he wore armor, but she had never touched him to know if it was thick or not..or if it was even durable enough to not dent when she hit him. She doubt she really hurt him..but it couldn't hurt to ask him.

At his second comment, her face picked up a little and she looked over to where she guessed Joran would be standing.
"I told ya I proved him wrong once~" She said in a teasing manor. Honestly Aura loved messing with Asavar, even if he got upset about it, Aura just couldn't help it. However, knowing he was a Draxxan she would be slightly more careful as she didn't want him to hate her..she just wanted to playful pick at the big guy.

Asavar was too serious..he needed a break. Hell she could probably almost guess that guy never had one barely slept, and maybe even barely ate. She'd have to get onto him for that later, whenever later came. At Joran's comment about her training and the graffiti on the walls, she'd sigh deeply. That news would likely drive off Asavar..something she didn't want. Unknowingly, her free hand came up to gently run though the texture of his cloak, something she was becoming fond of doing. The texture of it was so nice..she really wanted to keep it..but it was Asavar's and if anyone knew better, the longer she wore this the more people would think she might be courting him. Not that it was anyone's business but still.

"Commander..I believe this.." She stopped to look back at him, her hand running over the texture once more, knowing it would likely be the last time she would feel it beneath her hand. "Lovely cloak is yours.." She said, a small pout making it's way across her face. If Asavar wanted it..he could remove it from her..just like he put it on her. Question was..would he? With the pout on her face, Aura looked rather young..younger than her actual age. Which..she had no idea what that even was.




The Obsidian Executioner


"No, you didn't," Asavar said, not really sure what else to say about... well, people didn't tend to worry about his physical well being, wasn't like there was a great number of things that could hurt him, especially through his immensely thick armor. The loud echo that had run through his armor and bounced around his skull was a far greater inconvenience then the blow, itself.

The best it can... Well, that didn't sound very encouraging. Still, if anyone could make a swordswoman out of a blind woman, even one as odd as the seer, it would be the Old Man, "You'll manage," he replied simply as he was quite sure the old man would overcome this newest... challenge, although how good a swordswoman she would be was in doubt.

They had defiled the walls of the castle with... Asavar's right hand gripped, the metal of his gauntlet groaning under the pressure being applied as if he was imagining one of their heads were clasped into his hand, the creaking of bone before it gave away in a crack then exploded under his hand like an over-ripe tomato. The whelps would dare do something like that under the Queen's very own roof? Castle Guard or Servants, there could be no other so foolish as to attempt such a thing, he wanted someone else to handle it? A recruit? Asavar felt an immense desire to tell him no, to handle them himself, to tear them limb from limb and cast each part and piece out a window to land in the streets below.

It would be good experience for the younger Queen's Guard, to investigate and find the culprits, but Asavar also had a nearly overwhelming desire to do it himself, but... "Fine," Asavar grounded out between clenched teeth, "Some of the younger guards may search for the culprits and deal with the situation according to the letter of the
law," Asavar stressed as he had no desire for the culprits to get off lightly due to misplaced sympathies or compassion.

His dark eyes snapped over to the seer, his rage was still seething, bubbling, and it was taking some level of control from keeping it from boiling over, so he wasn't quite sure what Lady Aura could want from him at this possible moment, and through his anger fueled haze, he struggled with divining her purpose in rubbing his cloak and talking about how lovely it was. She made no move to give it back, so he could only assume she wanted to hold onto it for longer and, at the moment, he cared not a whit about the fur, "Then hold onto it," Asavar said dismissively.

@xEmoBunnehx @KillThemAll



Joran Stronham

Knight of the Queen's Guard

"The Steel Wolf"

Joran nodded, bowing slightly in respect towards his Commander before turning to leave

without warning. It looked like the training with Aurora would have to cease for the day,

as the Queen's Guard felt the atmosphere had turned sour with Asavar's rage. He continued

his walk, moving on to go inform the recruits he'd choose of their new task. Considering

Lady Aura, though, he would not forget her. Many of the most respected warriors in both

the North and in Whytewynd lands would give their trusted blades names. These swords

would grow in fame with their wielder, and were often passed down from father to son.

He figured that Aurora would appreciate a blade worthy of such a tradition. Who better, then,

to craft such a weapon, other than the Royal Smith? The seclusive mountain dwarf often dwelled

in his hidden chambers deep beneath the Keep. Rumors said he was so old that his hair had

simply stopped growing, and that his white locks were replaced with ones of silver. Said to be

responsible for the creation of many family swords and the greatest of the Royal Arsenal, there

was no better craftsman to be called for within Lathien. Aye, Jormung Ar Toz was who Ser Stronham

would approach.

After the thought, Joran would shift his focus to another. Josef Sword-Bearer, or Josef the Bloody,

a respected knight under oath to Her Majesty and an unofficial member of the Queen's Guard, had

rode West to Longshore in order to suppress the growing tensions between the territory's people

and the Crown. While Ser Stronham had opted to go in Josef's stead, the warrior had refused,

seeing the rebellious land and its people as his responsibility, especially after he had quelled the

threat of rebellion there quite awhile ago. Though, what worried Joran the most was that Josef hadn't

received his liege Queen or Commander Del'Vorra's consent to leave. No doubt there'd be a quarrel

when the rather peculiar man returned from his journey.




Jon Cassel

Lord of House Cassel

"The Silver Steed"

An explosive rumble of laughter and the clashing of filled mugs erupted along the lengthy

caravan as the merry bards accompanying the armored knights and sellswords finished their

impressive rendition of "The Backalley Whore". Lord Jon Cassel, a respected leader and

warrior known for his honor, would laugh alongside a few of his companions. Knighted nobles,

low-born warriors, and swindling mercenaries came together and embraced in the warm-hearted


The good four-hundred men in the caravan all rode on the sturdy and strong Cassel Steeds, whom

could go days and nights without a single second of rest, and were as gracefully beautiful and

majestic as they were soul-crushingly strong. The stallions and mares are what had allegedly earned

House Cassel their lordship in the first place. When raiders from the Imperial Isle had come to

conquer along the coasts of the West, their horses are what fueled both Camelot and Lathien. The

meager village of Casselton had then grown from a secluded settlement to a large and expansive

holdfast known for its simple but rough nature.

Each knight sworn to his House had taken on their coat of arms. Their armor, plate, mail, or leather,

had been coated in the oaken brown-like dyes of the Crestfall Trees that dotted House Cassel's lands.

The sigil of House Cassel, a rearing white horse, was painted into their shields and chestplates. Many

of the warriors proudly represented their allegiance to the House, a stigma of power that drove many

peasants everywhere to work their way into serving beneath powerful lords.

Jon Cassel and his men were on their way to Draede. The respected lord hadn't been to the capital

since the coronation of the last King, whom he had served under oath and will. Now, though, he was

not so sure. Oath still bound him to the Crown, but the rumors about the supposed "Mad Queen"

drove Lord Cassel into a worried state. If she were such a fiend, no better than Histyr, then the lord

would have to side with the rebellion his advisors were so sure would rise up in her tyranny.

Lord Jon had never enjoyed Draede, or cities. The simplistic charm of a hamlet hadn't left the mostly

wooden Casselton. However, the dirty streets and slums and wicked nature of the city-dwellers in the

capital often drove those from his house's territory into disgust. They were of an honorable and dignified

sort, like the rough Northerners, and their xenophobic doubts of outsiders was simply yet another push that

drove them away from leaving their roots.

Yet, ironically, Lord Cassel's firstborn, David Cassel, had become a Highscribe in the Scribes Guild of

Lathien, which dwelled to the West of Draede. His secondborn, Rod Cassel, had sworn an oath and

knighthood to the Crown, becoming a part of the Royal Military.

Finally, though, his thirdborn, Ramsey Cassel, had taken up the offer of heir. He was the most like

his mother, whom had died birthing him. However, this only separated him further from the people

he was born to lead. His mother, Sarah Cane, was from a small house in Longshore. Her older brother,

Arthur Cane, had fought alongside Lord Cassel when Akaviri raiders advanced on the Southern Houses.

During the small campaign, Jon was introduced to Sarah, and the two were quick to marry. He was

brown-haired, she, black-haired. He was honorbound and stern, she was talkative and witty. She had

a temper, too. Quick to anger and make reckless decisions. Arthur was also reckless, which had led

to his death at the hands of an Akaviri ambush. Though, Lord Cassel couldn't complain about it. Despite

their camaraderie, Arthur Cane was a revolting man, sadistic and narcissistic in nature. At least his

much quieter brother, Lincoln, had taken stead. In fact, Lincoln was to meet them in Draede. Even if

Jon were to find the stay unpleasurable, it would be good to see "Link" once again.


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