The Queen's Madness (Open)

As a drunken man burst into the tavern, loudly proclaiming his importance to the world, Allan sighed. Though such things were indeed annoying, he still managed to keep a friendly smile on his face. It was important in his line of work, to keep his mood light, to keep that charming smile on his face, to laugh and joke with even the most stressful of patrons. That didn't mean he didn't want to take them down to the well concealed basement, hidden behind a secret door next to the wine cellar, grab some rope and his- He took a deep breath. No, that line of thought led to a bad place. Hopefully someone would fuck up soon. He was getting antsy.

Another deep breath, in time to catch Rob waving him over. That smile became a little less forced. He liked Rob. A loyal worker, and one of his closest confidants in the rebellion. If there was someone he wanted him to meet, then it was well worth it. Rob was a good judge of character.

The small man made his way over to the bar, bright eyes flicking from Rob up to the man sitting there and then back. "Hello Rob. How are things going tonight? Too much trouble?" They flicked back up to the new man, that smile turned particularly charming. "Hello friend. I've never seen you around here before. I'm Allan, owner of this here establishment. How are you enjoying this evening? I do hope Rob is being good."

@Veyd Sahvoz (Sorry it took so long.)
Erikur Cetrix


Erikur had noticed that both men said 'This here establishment', which was silly but he tended to pick up on small things, he didn't know whether it was the both of them together trying to sound sophisticated for their jobs or what but he wasn't going to point it out or be rude about it because this was the only decent place in the city that didn't have guards coming to them frequently proclaiming about laws and what not while people tried to sleep, like the few places he went when he arrived in Draede. Both Rob and Allan were alright fellows, kind and open for chatting. He was starting to enjoy this tavern actually, but he was getting off topic now. Rising up from his seat, taking a quick swig of his mug of mead, Erikur looked down at the owner and extended his hand for a handshake. "I'm quite fine thank you. Rob was just telling me you had a small collection of books, yes? I was wondering if I could browse through it, I've had some trouble locating a library in this city." Explained Erikur, setting down his mug of mead after finishing it completely. He hoped the man would have some texts on magic that he could read, a night without reading was as boring as hell. Not that Hell would be boring....

@ianbabyyy (It's aight)

[border]Aurora Norok


Aura cringed slightly the the sound to the metal. It made her teeth feel weird as well as make her ears ring ever so slightly. The groaning of the gauntlet,and the tension of Asavar's anger made the entire mood change to something sour; making Aura slightly uneasy. Knowing now that the man's emotions were heightened due to what he was.. she almost would guess he was having issues not ripping apart the miscreants right now. Aura knew, just from looking into his past and his current display, that Asavar was protective of this Queen. Whoever she was as well as didn't like her castle defiled in away way. Idly she wondered what it must be like to have some kind of connection like that..Was it..good? Surely not for him..His Queen mistreated him and called him horrible things for something he could not help. What kind of woman did that? Does she not know that beauty means nothing?

Aura let out a huff. Brats. That's what all nobles, Queens, Princesses, Princes, and other high standing people where. They all cared about appearance..but none cared about what was truly important. The heart. Ugh! That made her so irate. How could someone be so blind to what was most important?! Aura might be literally blind, but she knew better than to like or love someone thanks to their appearance. What even made appearances so important?! Aura did not know, nor did she understand society..thus why she always avoided it and made herself an outcast.

At Asavar's word to her, her face would light up ever so slightly.
"I shall take good care of it." She said happily. Aura was about to ask Joran if they could get back to training, but it appeared that he was leaving. Great. Now she was alone..with Asavar..again. How would this go this time? "Sir..I'd like to make a suggestion on how you that..anger." Aura turned toward him, the pair only a few feet away from each other as she took the sword off her shoulder. Hopefully Asavar would be willing to help Joran's place for right now. She realized that she was quite..short in comparison to her..but there was her staff he could use to poke and prod at her until she got something right. Surely a distraction would help him..right?



The Obsidian Executioner


Asavar had not meant to interrupt their training session for so long, especially, long enough for the Old Man to simply leave his 'protege' there with him. Their training couldn't have been even close to over as he doubted they had been out here for very long. It was possible he had gone to have the... issue taken care of, to organize which of the younger Guard would investigate, although he had a feeling it would be one of the new recruits, it was still odd for him to simply leave her there unless he expected him to keep an eye on her? Which... did sound like the Old Man, now that Asavar considered it.

His dark eyes snapped down to the Seer as she spoke to him. It took him a moment to connect what she said to.. well, what she was talking about. He wasn't sure what she could do to the bear cloak that would damage it, but he also wasn't willing to issue a challenge on it either as she had a habit of surprising him. Perhaps he would get it back shredded or dyed an odd color?

He was quite sure what to say or do at her suggestion, Asavar tilted his head, recalling images of the naked seer that was outside of his ability to control. It took him a moment, but he dispelled the thoughts through sheer force of will as he gave his head a powerful shake, "What did you have in mind?" He asked, curious despite himself.



[border]Aurora Norok


For a long moment, Asavar was quiet. She almost would of guessed he was still mad at everything that had transpired in the kitchen this morning with the defiling, but that was laid to rest when the man spoke. He was..curious? What did he have on his mind that change his emotions so quick? Aura tilted her head the right a little bit at his voice. He hadn't said anything about the cloak..other than she could keep it for a little bit longer, which made her wonder why he would allow her to. Unknowingly, she used her free hand to pull the bear cloak around her tiny and unflattering frame tight around her.

Aura let out a sigh, as she thought on it a brief second more. Maybe he liked her wearing it? No..surely not. Perhaps he was just being nice? Yes. That was it. He was being nice to her. Nothing to do with her appearance, not that she had much of one while wearing so many layers of robes to hide her true figure. Which..he had seen..Oh dear..Aura's cheeks turned bright red as she shook her head a bit. Asavar would only be able to see just the slightest bit of her red cheeks from his vanish point, but anyone on her level would see them quite easily.

"You could continue my training.." Aura pointed to the area she had thrown her staff when the training began. It stuck out in the yard like a beacon, the intricate wood carvings, aquamarine orb atop it, and a Indian like wrapping just under that with a small hawk feather. "I realize you are much..taller than I am, so you may use my staff to help guide me. Feel free to poke and prod at me until I am correct. If you don't wish to help, then perhaps I can help you with something? Or maybe you would like to relax?" She offered, knowing training her would be a handful..and the man likely didn't get much time to and relax with someone. Not that he'd probably find her entertaining. Aura had stories, but Asavar didn't seem like the man who wanted to talk..he was more like a listener. Then again..she did kind of owe him a few stories of her past since she read a good bit of his.


Black Lightning Grepher

Dai loosed a long sigh, his breath barely catching the white on the air. It was unfortunate. He was not geared to handle the cold, even though his body was strong enough to withstand it. A prolonged time down here was not what he wanted, but he supposed that this was what was needed to make the people feel safe. Even if his name was not known here, his actions against the guards were, and thus he belonged where he was. At least he wasn't being flogged. Or hung. He wasn't afraid of death-- not all that much, anyways-- so the thought didn't perturb him, instead the thought of dying master-less made him shake to his core. His silver armor glinted in the shimmering torchlight. In the time that he'd slept (sort of) a new guard had taken their post. A woman, by her stature and shape.

"...How long have you been there, woman guard?"

"Long enough. Why're ya askin'?" She grunted back, not a hint of care on her words.

"...I have been asleep. I was talking with another guard-- I forget his name-- but you are not him." His armor creaked as he looked up her back, and focused on her amber hair, which was just barely peeking out from underneath her metal cap. "You can understand why I would be confused." She was silent for a while, before she adjusted her weapon's strap, and shuffled in place, feeling the cold, grey stare of the prisoner on her back. She was new, that was evident enough to Dai, but not too new. Of course, it would hardly matter if she was new: if he attacked with killing intent, Arclight could pierce chainmail with ease.

"I suppose I do." A long silence passed between them. In that time, a few drops of liquid dripped onto Dai's armor. No matter if it was water or... something else, he'd have to clean his armor later. Buff it out, somehow. Just... get rid of the stench of fetid air that the dungeons were rank with. Finally, she broke the silence again. "You're that hedge knight that attacked a group of guards yesterday, right?"

Dai was silent for some time before answering, the soft sound of water splattering against his armor's plating echoing out of the cell. "Yes. But I am not sure what a 'hedge knight' is, woman guard." Again staring intently into her back, Dai posed the question. "What are they, exactly?"

"They're what they sound like. Knights that wander the brush." She jutted behind her, presumably out of the castle. "The 'hedges', get it?" A slow creaking from Dai's helm moving up and then down in a slow nod made it clear he understood. So... that's what he was, huh? A wandering blade? A soul without a body. He clenched his fist, the armor clanking together softly as his entire body shifted in place. It hurt, the knowledge of what he was, anyways. He'd always figured that he was what the woman guard had described, but having heard himself described in such a nonchalant manner... it burned. It burned his cheeks, his eyes, his nose and brain. It just... burned. After a while, his frame was still, though the air of despair emanating off of him was practically palpable.

"...What's up with you?" The woman guard asked, oblivious to Dai's plight.

"Say..." He croaked, his normally monotonous voice dry and yet wet at the same time, "...what is it like having a place here at the castle?"

"Ehh...?" She muttered back, shifting her armor and arms again. "It's comfy, I guess. Comfier than the streets, that's for sure. Or the wilderness." For the first time since she'd arrived, she shot him a look, surprised to see him staring at the ground instead of her. "Why do you care, hedge knight?" Dai was silent again, flinching on the inside.

"...I cannot say, exactly, why I care, woman guard. Just that I do. Dearly." His voice was a little more controlled now, a monotonous undertone taking foot. "I feel it has something to do with a time in my past that I cannot clearly remember. That has been obscured to me. ...But you do not care, do you?"

The guard shrugged, going back to staring at the wall. "No. I suppose I don't." Dai's armor clanked softly once more as his shoulders fell, before rising again. It seemed he'd fallen asleep once more.

Aster Gale

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.8d1e5a87760472de15b3a1bbe9047970.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="143450" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.8d1e5a87760472de15b3a1bbe9047970.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Aster went about putting on something unbloodied, and decided to bring the group some lunch from the kitchen. She stepped out into the yard, bearing a filled basket and some wine.

She paused, her feet haulting mid-stride.

Do I want to do this...?

I must. It's kind. I must allow others to be happy, and surely this will make them happier and allow them to train better...

Then why do I feel so miserable?

She smiled to herself, trying to fake her usual happiness. She approached the group.

"Hello," she gestured to the basket, "I thought you may like some lunch?" She said, extending it to them.

She looked towards Aura and Asavar, looking as though she had something to say, before she regained focus and forcefully turned her gaze to the floor.

(Gotta get back in the action. Also, found a good picture for Aster.)

@xEmoBunnehx @KillThemAll @Cosmo



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The castle always seemed cold to her, compared to the city. To her? To him. He'd already changed forms multiple times since entering. There'd still be a couple more changes, though not all of them gender thankfully. It was a relief not to have to completely change her outfit each time. His outfit. Caelyn shook himself, focusing on his work. He tucked his brown hair behind his ears, grey eyes scanning the corridors for people, dropping to the floor each time someone appeared. He didn't want to make eye contact. Eye contact made it more likely someone would stop and talk to him.

He made his way through the halls quickly, as if in a rush, clutching his bag to the side. While he wanted to hurry, he also took care to make sure that he didn't look suspicious. Just a servant late to fulfill his duties or meet his mistress. Which is where he was headed at the time. Well, not to his mistress per say. But she was certainly a lady. This would be his last paper message. After that would be the royal cook, vocal message. And then a castle guard. Also vocal message.

The door finally appeared in front of him and he took a deep breath before knocking. A soft voice called for him to enter. As he slid into the room, the woman didn't look up, too focused on whatever it was she was writing. When she finally did, the corner of her lips twisted up into a smile.

"Hello there Asher," she said, turning in her chair and smoothing her skirts. Always a different name. Sometimes it was hard to keep track of them all. "Always a pleasure to see you again. What do you have for me today?"

Reaching into his bag, he pulled out the small message and passed it to her, careful not to let their skin touch. She frowned slightly at his reservedness, before turning her attention to the message. Her eyes scanned over it quickly, widening slightly as she finished.

"Oh, well this is a surprise. And not a pleasant one either." She tapped her delicate fingers on her desk, lost in thought, before nodding. "Alright, I'd like you to deliver a message to Allan please. A spoken one." Caelyn just barely managed to hold back a sigh. Of course. She was one of the people who seemed to enjoy making the quiet creature speak.

"Tell him that I promise to keep a close eye on the nobles, on who is coming to and fro from that part of the city and whether or not they're bringing back whispers of this incident." She paused for a moment, thinking, before nodding her head. "I think that's all." Her full lips twisted into a sad frown. "And tell him that the Queen is in a bad way today. I'm worried she's getting worse, if that's possible. Anyways. Please repeat back the message."

Caelyn took a deep breath, calming his nerves, before saying, "Lady Marione says that she shall keep a close eye on the nobles coming to and fro from that part of the city and whether or not they're bringing back whispers of this incident. She also says that the Queen is in a bad way today, and she's worried that she's getting worse."

The lady smiled softly as he finished. She always enjoyed listening to his musical voice, and often wished she could take him for her own servant. Ah, to be able to listen to him speak more frequently, to have this sweet and delicate boy near her whenever she wished. With a sigh, she dismissed him, turning back to her own writing.

The changeling was gone in an instant, hurrying back down the corridor. Lady Marione was one of his least favorite people to visit. Not because she wasn't sweet, which she was, but because she seemed to like him too much. It made him uncomfortable. Thankfully their next visit never did that to them. The cook they had to visit was a gruff older woman, who reminded him very much of the cook at the tavern. It was a comforting comparison.


They paused in a hallway they knew was always abandoned this time of day, dropping their bag to the floor and quickly stripping their shirt over their head. The shirt was exchanged for a dress, as their hair slowly changed, dark brown traded for auburn, falling now in curls halfway down her back. Grey eyes were replaced with light blue ones, and her face softened slightly, body beginning to fill out the dress with small curves. She shook herself once the change was done, stripping off the pants and changing her shoes, stuffing the old clothing back into her bag.

Off to see the cook now. Her visit this time was much shorter. The woman listened, grunted with assent, and then sent her off without a return message. Off she went to find the castle guard. This was harder. Unlike the lady or the cook, he couldn't generally be found in the same place. It took a while, but eventually she found him, stationed at the door to the dungeon. He leered at her as she delivered her message, making her shudder, before sending her off with a message to another guard.

The usually placid changeling huffed. She wanted to get out of this castle, and she wanted to spend a bit more time in one form. She'd already changed more today than usual, and now she had to do another complete gender change to see this other guard. In a rush, she stopped in a corridor she knew to be generally empty this time of day, and dropped her bag to the ground. Normally she'd never do a change this close to where people went about their business, but she considered this safe enough, and besides, she just desperately wanted to leave.

The bag was dropped to the ground, as her form began to change. Female to male, she always changed her form before changing her clothing, unlike the other way around. They grew taller until they stood at about 5'6, their tallest form, and the curves melted away, replaced by a delicate lankiness. Their hair shortened and lightened to a sandy blonde as their eyes shifted from light blue to light brown.

They settled more slowly into this form than most others, as it wasn't one they used very often, and thus took much longer to get right. With a sigh he ran long fingers through his hair, brushing it from his still feminine. This form, as was the case with all of them, seemed to be in their late teens, and had an air of delicate fragility to it. It was a useful trait for someone who'd become as weak as they had.

Change done, he sighed again, reaching down for his bag. Now to change clothes.

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Amunet had grown frustrated at herself for crying even the slightest bit. Smiling to Emmony with a nod. She will allow the woman to do what is needed to ensure her place in this business. Was she too forward in asking about this memory? Amunet has gone through the years unknowing. It was the biggest memory dancing around in her mind whenever her thoughts danced in that direction.

Sitting there watching Emmony with their hands clasped firmly. There was a heat against her skin rather than within. It felt a little odd since she doesn't have time to think. Amunet kept her eyes fixated on Emmony's own eyes she sat in the quiet. Waiting to see if there was something that may call to her attention pertaining to the rebellion. Amunet herself sat like a statue intensely watching Emmony as the moment's passed by. The firm grip was loosened as Emmony came back like the snap of one's fingers. Amunet returned the smile with a slight nod accepting the real welcoming.

Letting go so that Emmony could relax she did the same. Rolling her upper body a little as if she grew weary herself. Sometimes emotions could do that. An odd request for a stranger she just met. It's funny she usually has a certain exterior to the world. As of a few days ago that really changed once she came to the tavern. Funny how things can do a turn around. Truthfully she was anxious to know was that her from a time before this present? Feigning a sigh she would offer another silent smile as she offered up her hands once more. Once grabbed she closed her eyes as if to brace herself for whatever this reaction would be from Emmony.

There they sat in silence with clasped hands. Amunet didn't want to think of anything to do with that memory itself. It was always disheartening feeling because of those two children. Amunet didn't really hold Emmony's hands tight so that she would be able to let go if need be.

There she sat listening as the woman conducted her business listening to the sound of the tavern. She heard Allan's voice amongst new people who had arrived, conversations, kitchen sounds... The usual sounds one can expect from a tavern. Amunet listened closely to everyone as best as she could.

Before she could grasp something that could be if there was cold where warmth would have been. Hearing wood scratch against wood caught her attention completely as opened her eyes. There Emmony stood up pale as ever with tears running down her own face. Amunet gasped at the feeling she caught similar to what she felt yesterday. The exact same one.... and it was from Emmony.

Amunet sat in silence as the emotions ran through her and she gasped staring wide eyed at Emmony. This time she closed her eyes letting the tears flow freely, two red rivulets last that ivory skin... "
I'm so sorry to have asked that from you... maybe I should go.." Amunet didn't know how else to react she just lowered her head some feeling defeated. Against all hope she didn't want the to be her, and it was. It was like she gets to mourn this for the very first time after so long. Amunet also raised a hand to her stomach feeling sick almost which never really happens.

Emmony was shaking all over as the scene swirled around in circles in her head. Her nerves were already shot from the vision the day before. Two days of painful, emotional visions made her want to curl into a ball and stop existing for a while. It was overwhelming, so much so that she barely caught Amunet's words. After a moment, they sank through her panicked haze, forcing back the nightmare in her head. She stumbled forwards, dropping painfully on her knees next to the woman's chair, hands landing on Amunet's leg.

"I'm so sorry," she whispered through her tears, hazel eyes wide. "I'm so sorry Amunet. It's your memory. I'm so sorry." Her eyes squeezed shut as a small sob shook her already trembling body. "It's so painful," she said, though not to anyone specific. "It hurts. It's agony."

Her hands clenched the the skirt of the woman's dress as she tried desperately to collect herself, to focus on the woman again. "I'm so sorry you had to live through that, to experience that loss, that pain." Slowly, she released her hold on the dress, hands coming up to scrub at the tears in her eyes. "Of all the things that I have Seen, the death of children is always the worst." The pain was fading, enough that she was able to stumble to her feet, to find her chair and sink into it. Trying to regain a sense of normalcy, she reached into her pouch and pulled out a black head scarf, wrapping it quickly around her head to cover her eyes.

"Please do not go. I am honored that you have asked me to help, that you have allowed me to see such a painful part of your past." Her breathing was starting to calm, panic eased enough that she was able to speak better.


Allan took the extended hand with a firm grip, shaking it briefly before letting his hand fall back to his side. A laugh escaped at the mention of a library. "Yeah, you won't be finding much in the way of libraries in this part of the city. We have many foreigners pass through here, but for the most part our patrons aren't too prone to sitting down with a book." He tucked his thumbs into his leather belt, body held loose and open and friendly. "You are more than welcome to peruse my collection of books, and afterwards I could direct you towards some of the nicer libraries in the city. I try and visit them often, though the tavern tends to keep most of my attention."

His gaze swung from the mug Erikur had set down towards the bartender. "Another mug of whatever he's having, on the house. It's always nice to meet another scholarly type." Rob grinned, snagging the empty mug and meandering off to fill it, returning quickly and placing it back on the bar in front of the man.

@Veyd Sahvoz (Gah, sorry for the short responses. I'm gearing up to start the event in the next couple posts.)

Amunet just sat squeezing her stomach as she suddenly herself felt hollow. There had been life inside of her before. She didn't get jealous over the years with women who had this ability. It was life and she accepted who she was. Learning the hard way through the hunger, the bloodlust. All of it called to her with bits and pieces of a life she wasn't sure who it belonged too. Now she knew the truth. It made her sick. Yet she couldn't wretch up anything.

Instead she bunched up the frantic of her dress and let the tears fall silently. It was the only composure she had in the moment. The life started to be pieced together. The sounds, the screams -- the smells made her feel sickened. The emotions from yesterday and today just broke her. Finally after some time she heard Emmony reset the chair and she looked to her. Amunet said nothing.

No amount of words could push past this. She never had a chance to mourn her family. They were beautiful she could remember that. There were memories before that too, but it was all connected now. Those were her babies left alone never properly put to rest... they took her before the shock wore off.

Raising a hand to wipe at her bloodied face she spoke calmly..
"I had thought maybe it was from a victim... sort of haunted flashbacks.. they were my own...." Amunet watched Emmony scoot from her chair and kneel by her side. Feeling the tug on her skirts as she looked down at Emmony. Shaking her head as she calmly wiped her face. Amunet felt weary too. Getting my emotions from another person amongst her own drained her. This was the bad part of what she was. You'd think one could get over it.

The feeling in her stomach receeded a little as Emmony let go of her skirts after composing herself. Amunet reached out to gently take Emmony's hands after she wrapped up her eyes.. if allowed she would squeeze them gently. "
Thank you for giving me an answer I needed. I still don't remember much, but it makes sense. I just didn't have a chance to grieve and now you've seen what I endured... and you felt the raw opening of it... thank you for taking that risk. Again thank you.." Amunet offered a sad smile to Emmony as her way of saying she will be okay. It just shook her core that's all.


The Obsidian Executioner


Relax? He wasn't sure how anyone could do that, and, well, trying to force oneself to relax was a bit of a contradiction. Asavar severely doubted he would be doing that anytime soon... if ever. He could rest and relax when he was dead and he was rather attached to being alive. Still training her... She would be better off with the Old Man, Asavar had his own style of fighting that simply wouldn't match hers that he developed over his lifetime of training, sparring and the melding of various techniques taught to him by the Old Man. At most, he would be able to check her form and teach her a few things, but he didn't have the experience of the Old Man, had that been why he left? To 'get him experience' in new field even as he handed over the job of punishing the... rebels that should have been his duty? Perhaps.

"..." Asavar paused still not sure he really wanted to do this, but well, what better way to spend one's rare free time then trying to teach a blind woman how to swing a sword? Probably thousands of ways, but... this would do. Asavar stepped over to the staff and plucked it out of the ground, taking care not to harm it as it appeared valuable... either materially or sentimentally.

"Show me your stance," Asavar said, letting the staff hang at his side.

Before he could really do anything, an unexpected interruption, but then, was there any other kind these days? Arrived in the form of the seamstress who had.. brought them food which was... odd. No one simply brought him anything, much less food, without him requesting it, or when he was younger, his appointed time to eat. He opened his mouth to tell her she wasn't allowed to be out here, it was only for military.. he paused, it was respectable that she was still able to walk around. A quick glance around the grounds told him all the other soldiers were now fully watching the trio, no doubt caused by the two attractive women... it wasn't a distraction that was healthy as a guard's dropped guard in a spar could lead to serious injury or even death, but they should be able to fight no matter the distraction.

Asavar lightly tapped the staff on the ground, not quite sure what to do, once again, as this was all outside of his realm of experience, "Thank you," He said at last, although.. he wasn't sure what else he should say, "Leave it there, if you would, we are training. You may stay, if you so wish."



Aster Gale

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.gif.e49df5b8c0fe5193996dfea1b51cbfa4.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="143938" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.gif.e49df5b8c0fe5193996dfea1b51cbfa4.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Aster set down the basket she was toting as directed, and turned as if she were going to leave.

"I..." She clasped her hands together, "I suppose I can stay, maybe for a little while." She smiled thinly, and stood off to the side, clearing the way for the two to spar, lest she loose an arm to Asavar or the blind woman chucking a sword.

That would be most unpleasant.



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[border]Aurora Norok[/border][border]


A long silence seemed to stretch on between the two. Had she done something wrong?Aura didn't know.. Perhaps it was what she had said to him? Maybe he took it in the wrong way.. Aura thought for a long moment, debating if she should explain herself to him or not. As she thought, one of her hands had clutched his cloak quite tightly, a new forming habit, one that was much better than her pulling at her hair when she got nervous. Thus part of the reason she wears it up.

After the long pause, he finally told her to take stance, and just as she was about to, a familiar voice said something about lunch. Aster. She had brought them lunch. How sweet of her! A small smile danced across Aura's lips as she turned and waved to Aster.
"Good afternoon Lady Aster!" She said cheerfully before letting out a sigh at Asavar's words. He had offered to let her say? That wasn't good. Aura didn't need a distraction, nor did she need to hurt the poor girl more than she already was.

With a sigh, she'd speak,
"Lady Aster..I do not mean to be rude, but I don't wish to harm you. I thank you very much for bring us lunch, but you see.." Aura sighed once more before continuing, "In this area..the vibrations from your walking are rather.. soft. Which means its had to locate where you are. exactly and.. I'd hate to harm you.." She explained before turning her head to where Asavar tapped the staff. "Shall we get started, Sir?" She suggested before doing as Asavar commanded before Aster's interruption.

Aura took stance, it being..slightly off by a good bit. Not as much as before, but it still wasn't quite right. Her balance was perfection, and the way she held the sword was also correct..but the fighting stance had a fair amount of flaws to it. Aura was a fast learner..but this was challenging for her, but just like her dagger and staff..she could master it. She had to.
"How's this?"



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Aster Gale

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Aster smiled weakly.

"I'll stay back quite a ways. Don't fret, M'lady." She murmured, eyes afixed to her feet.

She's trying to get rid of you!

No she isn't. She is simply being kind. She doesn't wish for me to get hurt...

Stupid, naive, doormat...

Aster sighed, sitting down and taking her head in her hands, trying her best to look contented.

@xEmoBunnehx @Cosmo



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The Obsidian Executioner


He... wasn't sure what was going on between the two, and Asavar was quite sure he didn't want to know if anything was going on, but the Seer seemed to know the Seamstress, and they seemed friendly towards one another... friendly enough, he supposed. Either way, he was just glad to have that taken care of so he could do something he was far, far more comfortable with.

Asavar tilted his head, looking at it, it had numerous holes and obvious points to strike at, a quick feint to the shoulder would tear it right open, but that was less stance imitation and more an issue of experience. He did not reply to her question, and instead, started to lash out at her with the staff using the end with the feathers to see if she could better pick up their whistling and rustling. The best way to learn, in his opinion, was through combat.

Thanks to his own reach and the length of the staff, he did not need to move from his spot as he shot the staff at her upper shoulder with more then enough force to knock her over, he wanted to see if she would attempt to block it, move, get hit or if she could manage to parry it.



Erikur Cetrix


"My thanks, lead the way then." Said Erikur with a plain expression but most definitely sincere. Any that sought literature for the glories of knowledge was a friend of his and one worthy of trust. He was glad to hear that Allan had the same lust for knowledge as he did, at least that was what he presumed. He thanked Rob for refilling his mug, moving his hand a bit as if picking it up but instead made it levitate to him where he then snatched it out of mid-air and began to chug half of it. Then another quarter until it was finally done and he set it back down on the counter. He preferred to pay for it, a bit uncomfortable by Allan giving him a drink on the house but it was a sign of hospitality that the owner gave it to him on the house so he let it slide, this time. What he was more focused on was reading for just one day, then possibly find a way to get Grepher out of the prison. If that was even possible with the laws and what not in this city, the guard was just as extreme if not more than the last place he was at in Lathien.


[border]Aurora Norok


Aura only sided at Aster. The woman wanted to stay.. but for whatever reason was beyond her. Aura was only trying to make sure she was okay and safe away from danger, she was also fairly sure that Aster wasn't supposed to be in the training fields as well.

It wasn't long after that, that Aura heard it. She actually
heard it. The sound of her staff whistling though the air at her. Asavar wasn't going to move, but rather use the staff for reach? Smart. This way she couldn't feel him. She'd had to listen for the staff. It sounded like it was headed for the upper part of her body so she ducked underneath the staff. It grazed her shoulder, making it sting slightly..but that was nothing compared to what she had been through.

Once effectively squatting, Aura then rolled to the right and whacked herself in the head with the wooden sword. After the roll and smack to the head, Aura only shook it off and stood again. Her stance was better, not still not totally correct..but far better than before, as she faced him head on. From the roll, her hood as now off, the once long hair now tightly tied back into and intricate braid that ran down her back. Her white/blonde hair shined against the bright sun and her bandages covered the moonstone colored eyes behind it. The jagged scar on her face was still very obviously there, but some of it was covered by the bandage. The spot where Aura had hit herself was a light pink color, a stark contrast to her porcelain skin.





Aster Gale

Aster watched in fascination. Sure, she considered herself a decent archer, albeit never in public, but she had always been fascinated by sword play. She could never learn, being considered a lady and having the reputation of her family name and her Queen to worry about, but she loved watching. The way people moved and the precision of the blows. She cocked her head to the side, watching the seer readjust. She seemed to be a bit better this time, from what Aster could see. It was more similar to the typical stance she'd seen amongst guards.

She smiled genuinely.

She's getting better.

The Obsidian Executioner


Asavar had to fight down the instinct to 'impale' her with the staff as she rolled, showing such obvious weakness and such a massive opening to him was unacceptable, "Never roll!" Asavar barked. Sure, the Old Man was fond of it, but outside of surprising a poor opponent, there was no real use for it in a real fight. The last time someone had tried something similar, Asavar had impaled them the second their back was shown.

Of course, there was the issue of her.. smacking herself in the head. She had to be aware of the blade at all times, or someone, most likely her or some poor serving boy walking by, could find themselves in a rough, bloody situation.. and her braid was rather.. well.. it kept her hair out of the way, but a small part of him could not help but muse how she had managed to do such a braid and how often she ever took her hair out of that as he had no doubt it was quite a time sink to put back into the braid.

"I could have stabbed you three times or cleaved you in half as you were throwing yourself," Asavar moved in and swung again, "Stay on your feet, move around, keep your elbows in so your guard doesn't get blown away," Asavar ordered as he launched lighter, quick strikes at her to see how she handed the flourish, and this time, should she retreat, or god's forbid, roll again he would follow and attempt to 'skewer' her.

"You're small and frail," Asavar said, it wasn't an insult, it was merely an observation, "You cannot afford to be caught on the ground in a grapple, you will lose. Speed and agility, are your only weapons."

@Rui @xEmoBunnehx

Aster Gale

Aster was mentally taking note of his teachings. She enjoyed watching the two spar. It was interesting to hear his feedback on her fighting. She pursed her lips.

Perhaps the dress I make for Lady Aura will need to be more practical than I once thought.
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[border]Aurora Norok


Aura nodded at his words and adjusted her stance immediately, now making it completely correct thanks to his command. Aura liked how he taught. It was hard, ruthless (almost), and gave her no room to believe he was going easy on her. She was told to be fast, swift and avoid grapples and never to roll. She'd remember that.

When Asavar swung, two of them hit her thanks to how fast they were in succession. On the last one, Aura surprised herself by blocking it. The wooden sword vibrated in her hands, making her grip the sword tighter as she was trying to make it stop. The feeling was odd, and she really didn't like it at all. Reminded her of what she used to do before she realized she could feel vibrations with her bare feet.

Of course, Asavar's swings hurt. They stung, just like the first one had only worse. wasn't the worst she'd ever felt. She could take it and then deal it back. After blocking Aura ran forward, faster than she had in a quite a bit. The braid swing behind her as she ran, the bangs that once hung messily before the bandages now fling backward as well. Her feet thudded against the hard ground as she swung the sword right. It wasn't as sharp as the swing from earlier, nor was it exact like it bad been..but Aura was still pretty close to Asavar to the point where two thirds of the tip of the blade might graze his armor if he didn't do something to stop it.

It was clear Aura was getting better, but with Asavar standing still, she had no idea where he was or if he was even close to her sword. She knew the swing was kind of clunky, but she was guessing where he was as well as guessing on how to swing the blade correctly. This was the first time she'd ever 'sparred', so it was impressive how fast she was learning.




The Obsidian Executioner


Well, it may not have been intentional, but her stepping in was the correct decision. With his far superior reach with his longer arms and torso, not to mention the staff which worked akin to a short spear, if she stepped back, she would have put herself at a distance where she could do nothing but defend, but by moving close, she would put pressure on her foe.

Sliding his hands up the staff to shorten the reach, Asavar did bother trying to dodge or block her swing, it was time for the next lesson... letting the blow land, thudding into the side of his breastplate on his hip, he jabbed out with the 'spear' at the center of her chest, a heavy thrust that would be quite painful if it hit, "I have armor, you do not," Asavar said, "understand your enemy. Just hitting them means nothing if you cannot hurt them."

@Rui @xEmoBunnehx
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Aster Gale

Aster looked on curiously. Aura was obviously getting better, but every time Asavar was still, she seemed to loose 'sight' of him.

Interesting. She can't see those who are still.

She noted this for further pondering.

She nibbled on a loaf of bread with butter, taking a small sip of the sweet wine.


[border]Aurora Norok


Aura's speed was nothing compared to the amount of damage and strength Asavar had. He could seriously hurt her if he wanted to, but luckily she had a small ace in the whole, one that was very quickly revealed with the giant man proceeded to jab her in the center on her chest. One blow, a very good one. She could afford more like that, but the rattle that came after his hit made her smirk.
"Never underestimate your's~" She teased, his voice guiding her more than he would likely ever of known. Still the main mail under the layers didn't do much for defense, but she had made sure there was think cloth between it and her chest to make sure it never pinched her skin.

Asavsar surely didn't think she a fool..right? Surely he would of guessed she was wearing a chain-mail shirt underneath all the layers..or did he really think she'd leave herself that vulnerable? After what she told him? No. The man was no fool..or would this bring him a surprise? Either way she wished she would get to see the reaction.

After him speaking out to he, she was able to better locate him now. This time Aura swung harder, sharper and with more precision that Asavar thick armor. She couldn't hurt him, but she would be able to make his ears ring for a little bit. That she remembered him telling her, so just maybe this would give her a small opening to go from there..or get him to move..which would help even more.

He wasn't aware she had mail, must not have been very thick as he had not heard it rustling as she moved. It would prove solid against slashing attacks, decent against piercing if there was some heavy cloth or leather under it, but it wouldn't do anything against blunt attacks, especially from someone like him. Still, it was good that she was wearing
something. It would protect against someone like him, but the chances of her ever coming to blows with something like him was very... unlikely.

Asavar let go of the staff to reach for her hands, intend to catch her hands and stop the blow in his grip.

Aura's chest was on fire, just from taking that blow from Asavar. She had no doubts at all that it would be bruised for quite some time, but she was willing to deal with that over a cut or stab wound any day. Of course Aura thought the mail would of absorbed more of the blow, but she didn't know much about armor so..she just figured it was because the metal was thin and old.

Much to her surprise however, her hands were grabbed and held within Asavar's, making Aura gasp. Within that instance, her face went from a playful yet serious look to something almost close to utter fear. Not because Asavar had done it, but because the flash of a memory across her eyes.

Aura was free..she was happy..away from the hell she once lived. The night was young and the Seer had decided to go on a walk away from her current home, which much to her surprise she didn't get far. Aura could almost swear she smelled the bittersweet aroma of this particular place. It was heavily and calming..reminded her of where she came from..before the 'incident.' Then suddenly..everything changed. The world around her was on fire and the coppery smell of blood coated the very air she once enjoyed. Aura's running, her feet hitting the soft ground as she calls for him and his girls. They had to be okay..they just had to.. With all her might Aura wished they were..but the reality of it was..they were not.

Aura had burst into her current home, the blood and ash attacking her nose, making it almost impossible for her not to vomit. As she walked through the wreckage she'd never be able to see, a small voice called out for her. Gentle and kind..just like always, but it was faint..oh so faint.. Aura hand to his side and reached out for him, not finding him at first until his hand the brought to calm her frantic ones. It didn't work to calm her, but she was glad to of found where he lay. They talked for only a few seconds..a few seconds Aura would never forget. His words were forever engraved in her head. Soon after his passing..That Man..the wretched man..he laughed with a sickening laugh.. one that made her rage and anger boil. Her hands slipped away from her love's and was quick on the dagger, pulling it from it's place on her thigh.

This..'Man' taunted her..but Aura was not one for him. He had crossed the line this time, and Aura would slay him were he was. Irate and broken, she charged at him only to be caught by the hands then slammed into a near by that had not yet been set ablaze. Fear spiked through her..quickly taking over body and putting aside those previous emotions. would she escape this?

And then...just like that..the memory is gone and Aura is back to the present. Her breath was held for who knew how long and the pain in her chest had seemed to increase tenfold. Th fear that was once there was not quickly hidden as Aura yanked on her hands.
"I think this is enough for now.." Her voice was hard and cold, very unlike it's normal tone. That was the only way she knew to keep her voice from wavering..quivering and reacting to the horrid memory the resurfaced as just a grip. If she was going to train..she would have to get better at placing these things under better control. Normally they were..but after reading Asavar's past..and feeling his intense would be much harder to do so, especially since she had been so..weak around him..

Asavar wasn't sure what was going on, and he was equally sure he didn't want to know. Somethings.. well, once said could not be taken back, and some secrets were best left in their burrows. He let go of her hands and took a step away to give her space.

"Then go," He said, a little... sterner, then he probably should have, but he wasn't really sure how else to respond, and a part of him was stung by her reaction to his training. It didn't appear she had much trouble with the Old Man.

Aura took a small breath before nodding and giving a brief bow to Asavar out of respect. It was deep and caused her braid to fall over her right shoulder and rest on her collar bone and run down to about the middle of her 'chest' area. When she leaned back up, her face came to rest on his, like her eyes were on his through the bandage.
"Thank you Commander, perhaps after some lunch we may continue? Your way of teaching if quite effective." She complemented. Aura sounded sincere as well very grateful to the large man who had helped her more than he likely would ever know. As for her mood..well it was ruined. She'd like to keep going until she couldn't any longer..but Asavar was a very busy man..and he was probably growing tired of training a poor sapling like herself. "Unless of course..You had an assignment for me? Or you are busy?" She prompted, the last option being that he didn't want to, which she would completely understand.

Asavar wasn't quite sure what to make of it, she said she had enough, and now she was talking about how his 'training' method was effective and wanting to resume after she had eaten, as he had no desire to remove his helm in public in order to eat... So, a small 'break' then?

He should be busy, it was odd that he was not busy, yet, for once, he did have free time as did, it seem, both the seer and the seamstress. He was almost tempted to say he did have something to do to get away from those two as he was certain he could find something to do with himself if he looked hard enough.

"Eat and we can continue," Asavar said, turning his head away from the seer and the seamstress to watch the other people 'practicing' on the field.

Aura nodded, but didn't move from her spot. Aster had brought food for everyone..and Asavar didn't seem to have much interest in eating..which struck her as rather...odd. The man was huge..and he certainly needed the nutrition from eating, even if he just ate a little.

Aura placed her hands on her barely noticeable hips and tried to give Asavar a hard look, but that would be kind of hard since her eyes were covered.
"Commander, you need to eat. Lady Aster was nice enough to bring us lunch and you should respect her wishes, even if all you eat is a tiny bit." She said firmly, not going to let the giant man refuse food, not when someone had been kind enough to bring it as well as prepare it.

"No," Asavar said, his eyes narrowing within his helm. He wasn't sure what gave her the idea that she could boss him around nor did he ask for the food to be brought out and he still wasn't certain of the seamtresses' motives for doing so, "If you are going to eat, then eat. If you are going to train, then train, but never presume to order me around, Lady Aura."

Aura sighed very heavily at his response. Did he really think she was ordering him around? Did he really think she had that authority? No..not at all..ash was only taking his health and well being into consideration. The man was huge..and honestly..she didn't know if the man ever had time to sit down and enjoy as nice lunch.

"Commander..Don't mistake my care for me trying to be authoritative. I'm simply looking out for your well being. You are very..large man and need much nutrition to keep you strong and working. Besides..when was the last time you got to sit down and simply enjoy a meal? Hm?" She asked, her eyebrow raising at him. Again, Aura wasn't trying to be rude..but it seemed she might of come off that way.




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