The Queen's Madness (Open)

The Obsidian Executioner


Asavar watched them work, Aura's hands working in rhythm, pierce in, pull out, twist the wrist, pierce in, pull out with the only breaks being when she fluttered her fingers over the gash to find where they were or how much was left to suture close or the boy leaning in to wipe away any blood. As his dark eyes followed the needle as it did its work, he was reminded of the guards he would need to punish, the ones who had tried to rape the seamstress, but they could wait for the morning, let them stew in the cells as they dreaded their fate. There was no rush for that particular event, and he wasn't looking forward to swinging the whip, it was a distasteful task. He looked over to the seamstress, her dress barely on any longer, fallen down to hang from her waist, her body pressed down onto the surface of his bed, she was dealing with the pain remarkably well. Stronger then he had given her credit for.

The heavy rustling of clothes snapped his attention away as the thick cloak,
his thick cloak, started to fall down her back with every movement. The thick furs slowly slid down her back, his black eyes tracing its descent unable to look away, much, as he imagined, was how the people felt when watch his executions. Know they really shouldn't be watching, if they were better people, they would turn away, but being unable to either through simple amazement or a perverse desire to see what would happen, perhaps both.

When the cloak finally settled, it pooled around her waist, only her small, arched feet poking out. His eyes swept over her back, the swell of breast that were only just visible through a curtain of silver hair, but his eyes were drawn to the large scars that covered her back. Some were jagged and thick, someone had taken their time and carved into her, something he already knew... the long, thin whip marks covered her body and one that went around her smooth hip and down her spine. A brand marred her pale flesh, a dog? A fox? He wasn't quite sure what the creature was. Just as before, with the scar that framed her face, and the lash marks that crisscrossed the seamstress's back, his hand itched with the desire to run a finger down them. They were stories, each and every one, stories of her past, of her struggles, of her pain and of her strength. A physical manifestation of the pain that must lurk behind those milky eyes.

The boy moved once more, and his black eyes snapped to him for just a moment, noting that whatever spell seemed to have been cast on himself had not effected the boy as he barely seemed to notice the Seer's nakedness. Either he had not interest in women, or he was a far better man then he. His eyes turned of their own accord back to the naked seer as he let himself go back to tracing her scars, eyeing the soft bend in her lower back as she leaned forward to once more tug the thin needle through the wound, the pile of cloak protecting what little modesty remained.

When the work was completed, something he only discovered when the boy spoke as he was too busy lost in his observations, he quickly took his leave, plucking up the small child that, until that moment, Asavar had forgotten was present. Knowing he was supposed to do, or say something, he stepped closer to the bed, to the pale beauty and reached out taking the cloak in his large hands and slowly sliding it back up her body, to cover her once more. Stopping only once to slide his large hands across her shoulders, smoothing out the cloak to ensure it did not bunch up and, once again, slide down, "You did well," Asavar said right before he took a step back, "Lady Gale will stay here tonight. I will have some servants bring something soft to move her back to her chambers in the morning."




"Thank you, Sir." Aster murmured, still averting her eyes. Her eyes moved to the seer.

"And thank you, Lady Aura. You have been most kind." She gave her a sincere smile, as best she could from her position. She sighed to herself, coming out of her haze and resisting the urge to cringe when the full extent of the pain reached her.

"Mm..." She made a sort of pained moan, unable to stifle it completely.
Black Lightning Grepher

Dai nodded in thanks as Erikur lead him to his seat. What an interesting fellow. He himself simply ordered water. He was not interested in fancy drinks or the like- such things were not for him, and alcohol made him sick to his stomach. For whatever reason, his body simply could not process such liquids. As he sat waiting for his water, he leaned back into his chair- perhaps the one thing he'd ever done in his life to even seem relaxed- and let his mind fall into a single thought. A single question. What- exactly- had happened to him that would lead to himself collapsing within that bread storage?

However, that thought faded into nothingness at Erikur's question. He turned his helmet to face Erikur, his face obscured by the shadows within his helm.
"I have heard them, scholar Erikur. And if I shall be frank, we both know we have no reason to doubt them. The way the guards act- it is extreme, even for a knight as myself." Turning his head to face the tavern ceiling, Dai was silent for some time. Eventually, he spoke up once again. His voice was lighthearted, but still monotonous. "We should head to the palace together. I have reason to be there, and you want to know more about the queen. It is logical." He turned to face Erikur once again, face still obscured by the shadows within the helm. "What say you, scholar Erikur?" Erikur's answer didn't matter to Dai. No matter how the scholar answered, Dai would head to the palace. Still, how interesting it would be for a scholar and a knight to appear there. Though... if the rumors were true about the queen... becoming her loyal knight would be an issue. And Dai hated issues.

@Veyd Sahvoz

[border] Aurora Norok


Aura had lost herself in sewing up Aster. It was not as though she found comfort in doing it, but rather she had been so used to it through the years that she could do it almost effortlessly. The motions were engraved in her head as well as the pain that she knew Aster must feel, though she had to admit the girl was taking it well. Better than Aura had her first time. That was many years ago..but she could remember it like it was yesterday. She had received her first lashing and gods did it hurt. She remembered nearly blacking out..and crying and screaming. Then came her savior..a woman she would always remember..a woman she considered her mother, but that was all in the past need to think about it while she was busy.

Sometime later, Aura had finished and gave a small smile to Caelyn.
"Thank you very much for your help." She told the boy before he left. Such a sweet boy, and so caring. Aura hoped to talk with him more and perhaps get to know him. After Caelyn left, Aura would finally sit back on the bed and put away the needle, which she could clean later. After doing so she let out a very small yawn, still unaware of the cloak's fallen state.

Aura would focus her attention on Aster.
"Lady Aster, Please get some rest and try not to make any drastic movements." She said, her voice soft and calm before she would tense up at Asavar's touch. She had nearly forgotten he was there up until he pulled the cloak back up on her and secured it. Aura's heart raced within her chest at his movements, but when she realized they weren't harmful, she relaxed just a bit. At his voice she would look back at him, the small smile appearing back on her face. "Thank you.." She said, not sure if his comment was directed at her or Aster, but she said thank you anyways. At Aster's thanks, Aura's eyes would move back to her. "No need to thank me. It was no problem at all." She said, her smile extending a bit more.

Aura's fingers and palms would have little bits of blood on them from where she had to touch and fee around, but she didn't seem to care at all. At this point..Aura was kind of used to blood on her hands. Realistically and other wise.
"Commander, will you help me down please? I'd hate to dirty your bedding." She said, her tone still soft with very obvious hints of tiredness.

@Cosmo @KillThemAll @Rui[/border][border][/border]​


The Obsidian Executioner


"This is the first time it has been used since the last Commander was present," Asavar said dismissively. He never used the bed, he did not care what became of the bedding or how dirty it became, but he would do as she bid. Stepping close again, he reached out to her taking hold of her hips making sure to press down on the bear cloak, letting it serve as a divider and lifted her from the bed as if she were no more then a child before turning and setting onto the floor.

Aura was slightly confused by this. Did the man never sleep? Or was there something wrong with his bed? Regardless, they didn't need to be dirtied..not for as nice as they were. When Asavar grabbed her waist, she yelped lightly then clung to him tightly as he picked her up. It may of been for a second, but the fear was quite real. Once her feet were firmly on the ground again, she let out a breath of relief. "T-Thank you."

Asavar tilted his head over before, once again, remembering she could not see it, "I will lead you back to your room," he said in lieu of acknowledging her thanks, something he doubted was all that important to begin with.

He turned on his heel and pulled open the door since the boy had not latched it when he took his leave, and he held it open for the seer.

Aura nodded and followed behind him then walked out of his room. She was quite exhausted and ready to get back to her room; where she could hide and be alone to process this entire day of oddities and hopefully get herself back on track. She also really needed to tell Asavar of the hunting problem.

She knew he could very easily take on the man who was after her..but still..she couldn't risk others and he needed to know that the man and his militia was a threat. Aura knew he wouldn't like it..but she could only hope he might still allow her to stay for the entire month.

They walked in silence, something that suited Asavar find. After the events of the day, he could really use quiet. He had a feeling it wasn't to last, but he would enjoy it while it last.

It didn't take them long to get back to her chambers, and he pushed open her door for her, once more holding it open, "If you need it, I can send a servant in the morning to help you get accustomed to the palace," he said as he held the door open.

There was a long silence between them as they walked, and Aura could only mill over how this conversation was about to go. Would he make her leave the next day? Probably, but then again..she had promised Joran maybe she could bring that up? Would that give her any leeway? Maybe. Her anxiety was rising with every step and before for long, they were at her temporary chambers.

Aura would nod to him. "That would be much appreciated." She told him before walking inside and walking for him to join her. "I told you I wanted to speak with you..would you mind if that talk happened now?" She asked as she reached up and pulled her long white/blonde hair to the right side of her, leaving the scar on her face to be seen as she started to braid her hair to calm the anxiety.

Asavar tilted his head, unsure of what she could possible want or need as she was still very much an unknown, but he had yet to regret letting her in, "Speak," Asavar said more then a little curious as to what she wanted to talk to him about.

After Asavar would enter, Aura would pass by him and shut the door then latch it. Precautions a paranoia making her do so. After that she'd walk back around to the front of him and get back to braiding her hair nervously.

Aura cleared her throat as she looked up at him, her eyes still unable to find exactly where his face was so they settled on his chest. " are the one who aloud me to stay..I feel that I should tell you this now.." She said, her voice soft and small before she continued, "I..I am being hunted.." She stuttered. "I realize that you may not care about me..but I wish to inform you that the man after me owns a rather..large militia called the Jaspeivera." (JAS-pea-veer-A) She stopped and bit her lip. " rather..insane and will stop at no lengths to get me.." Aura looked away, her scar being shown to him as she had finished the braid then undid it and started over again. It was very clear that Aura was nervous, as she normally did not have to explain this to anyone and she was sure he may have questions..which only made this even harder on her. "They should not catch up to me..but on the off chance they do..I wished for you to know.." She finished, her hands deeply tangled in her locks as her teeth were rapidly biting on her lower lip. Would he be mad? Would he kick her out? She did not know this man..and he did not know her, but the fact that she had told him this information meant that she was trying to save lives rather than endanger them as well as trying to lessen the amount of blood she already had on her hands.

Asavar tilted his head, listening to her concern. Some militia? He doubted a militia would cause any real concerns and dealing with them would be more of an annoyance then any great trial. Assuming they even showed up. While he was tempted to question their existence, her obvious discomfort of talking about it said it was likely true and she had yet to lie to him yet.

"Understood," Asavar said heaving his massive shoulders in a shrug.

At Asavar's words, Aura would let out a long breath. he wasn't mad and didn't seem to care very much. Still, it was slightly of putting that he didn't ask questions..perhaps she should give him an offer to? After the strange day they both likely had..and her knowing basically this man's entire past..maybe..just maybe she should allow some questions. If he wants. "You are more than welcome to ask me any questions.." She said, her eyes glancing back over at him before she would start to untangle her fingers from her hair.

"You said they were a militia. That they might find you," Asavar said repeating what she told him, "I understand. If any 'militia'," he said the word with distaste, as a real solider, militia were nothing but civilians with egos and clubs, "arrives, I shall deal with them."

He paused a second and decided he should clarify, "You are a guest of the Queen now, in her employment until such a time as your skills are no longer needed. We do not bow to threats and so your invitation to stay remains so long as you prove useful. As was the original agreement."

Aura could almost giggle at how Asavar had said the word 'militia'. It was with such disdain that made her feel as though he knew his men were good warriors and could deal with her little 'problem'. Aura had no doubt they could, but still she knew that militia well..she knew their skills and the man leading them was no fool, but regardless Asavar had said she was protected until she was no longer useful, which only made her wonder what she might be told to do. With a nod, she'd then speak, "I should tell you this as well, I shan't be here any longer than a month, but I am curious..what might my duties be?" She raised a brow at him. Better time to ask now then mess up later and be in trouble.

Aura could almost giggle at how Asavar had said the word 'militia'. It was with such disdain that made her feel as though he knew his men were good warriors and could deal with her little 'problem'. Aura had no doubt they could, but still she knew that militia well..she knew their skills and the man leading them was no fool, but regardless Asavar had said she was protected until she was no longer useful, which only made her wonder what she might be told to do. With a nod, she'd then speak, "I should tell you this as well, I shan't be here any longer than a month, but I am curious..what might my duties be?" She raised a brow at him. Better time to ask now then mess up later and be in trouble.

Aura nodded in response. "That should be no problem. As for the other, I can. I can also do it without touching someone, but that makes it rather hard to focus." She admitted proudly. "But..I will warn you now, as I know you have..anger issues.. My future visions are blurry and very unpredictable due to free will. Also, the farther into the future you wish for me to see, the harder it becomes to see as well as focus." She warned, making sure he understood her, as well as teased him slightly about his anger issues.

Asavar's brow lowered at the jest at his... control issues. She was... brave, that was for sure, and she seemed fit to constantly remind him of that fact. He can only wonder at how many 'jest' she had hidden up her...
his cloak.

"I understand," he said, "I don't expect miracles, I am letting you stay on that slim chance it helps."

He turned slightly towards the door, "Was there anything else you needed, Lady Aurora?"

Aura tapped her chin lightly. Did she need anything? Probably not. Did she want to poke more fun at Asavar? Yes. It was too easy to pick on him, almost
too easy. Aura also pondered whether or not to give back his cloak now..or tomorrow after gallivanting around in it. Hm. "When do you need this..lovely cloak back?" She asked, tilting her head the right as one of her hands gently felt along it. She just couldn't get other the texture of it, as..strange as that was.

Asavar's dark eyes narrowed within his helm at the way she said lovely.. and his eyes followed her hands as they ran down his clock and the supple body underneath, the same body he had seen just before.

"You may return it in the morning," He said through gritted teeth, crushing the odd desire to follow the paths her hands made. Perhaps he should have made her left, she was a complication he did not need.

Aura could almost feel his stare of annoyance as well as hear the tone in his voice when he spoke to her. A small fox like grin would dance across her lips as she nodded. "Very well." She turned on her heel, and started toward the bedroom, but stopped and looked at him over her shoulder. "Goodnight Commander." She said softly and kindly before leaning over and picking up her gloves from where she took them off earlier to read his past, a light blush coming to grace her features at the thought of that.

Asavar tilted his head to her, good night. How many times had someone said that to him? He couldn't recall. She was... an odd woman, that was assured. Pulling the door shut behind him, he was halfway back to his room when he realized he had tilted his head, once again, a movement she would not have been able to see, but such things happened and he wasn't about to talk back, he had enough paperwork before him as it was, and of course, he had to ignore the fact there was a bloodied half-naked woman on the bed while he worked.

It was becoming annoyingly complicated.




Aster, meanwhile stared at the wall, humming quietly to herself once more.

What a turn of events. I know I shall be summoned tomorrow. For death, worse, or simply to be ridiculed I know not. Ah, well, does it matter? Life is bland as is, perhaps this is a way of spicing it up, so to speak. Entertainment for the sick perverse gods above. Perhaps they don't care...

Her humming abruptly stopped as she considered this most unappealing idea.

Her eyes wandered to the door, lavender gleaming as it awaited an arrival; anything, anyone to enter. This night didn't seem to want to end, with this flurry of excitement and shock never wanting to cease. She half expected her mother, accompanied by God himself and a two headed dragon to storm in and declare her Queen. She giggled at her own absurd thoughts.

Sometimes I really can be an odd duck, can't I?

She smiled, closing her eyes and resting her head back down, lulling herself into a resting state, thinking thoughts of two headed dragons and queens.




"I put it in the alley down the road aways." Gareth said to her. Why she wanted to know where it was at, he didn't know. She might as well have kept it if she was curious. "Is there anything else you need done? You certainly paid for more then just me taking care of some tradh."
The sound of a group of men excitedly yelling out her name made Emmony sigh, rubbing her temples. Everything about this day had been off. She didn't normally have this amount of trouble when it came to dealing with people. It was that vision. It had to be that vision. It was screwing with her head, leaving her off balance and tired. "I apologize, we're going to have to cut our game short," she said, standing up carefully. "I do hope we can continue it some time." She turned then, towards the last place she'd heard the man's voice. "Gareth, I would very much like to speak with you privately some time soon. The future is never set in stone, and I believe I can help you change yours." With that, nodding at the pair, she turned to return to work.

@Beowulf @SirFlabberghaspy

Erikur Cetrix


Then it was true she was going mad, that would prove his assumptions and the reason about how ridiculous the guards were. Taking a sip from his cup of tea Erikur pondered on this for a moment. If the Queen truly was going crazy then why would Dai want to go to the palace knowing that the guards likely wouldn't let them in. Sure he would be open to going if there was a possibility of a library being there or some kind of knowledge that would interest him, wouldn't hurt to see if he could gather some kind of knowledge from there. Though it was just that, a possibility, meaning there might or might not be one there and he had no way of knowing. But what the hell, who cared about that? It was a palace and he never was one to pass up such kinds of opportunities.

"First off, please refer to me as just Erikur. Also...I accept your offer of going to the palace. Who knows what might be inside?" Said Erikur after finishing his tea. Usually he would have stayed up to speak with Dai but he just wasn't feeling up to staying awake. "As much as I would like to stay up and chat some more I best be getting some rest if we are to head out to the Palace." And with that he got up and took his leave, paying for a room just for the night since he likely wouldn't be staying their tomorrow.

@C O I S E
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Very loud swearing came suddenly from the kitchen. Allan turned from the bar, startled, his eyes swinging towards the kitchen door. There was a silence, a loud crashing sound, and then more cursing, this time a different voice. He rushed over and hurried into the kitchen, worried eyes roving the room. On the floor sat a dazed Caelyn, surrounded by the contents of one of the shelves. Emmony was standing next to them, frozen with a look of shock on her face. The cook stood nearby, her face red with frustration. As Allan came in, she looked up at him and pointed at the pair.

"Get them out of my damn kitchen!" She snapped. Smothering a grin, he hustled over to the pair, nudging Emmony first. She jumped and then shook herself.

"Sorry, sorry," she said, obviously flustered, the scarf around her eyes askew. "I can help clean up-"


Suppressing laughter, Allan reached down to lift the still dazed changeling to their feet before gently leading them from the room, Emmony following close behind. Once they were clear, he stopped fighting it, laughing so hard his sides hurt. Emmony huffed and disappeared upstairs, presumably to clean bedrooms. With her gone, he gently pushed Caelyn down into a chair.

"Are you alright?" He asked, laughter fading to be replaced with concern. The girl, as she was always a girl when she was in the tavern, looked up at him with big blue eyes. She was silent for a long moment, as if fighting an inward battle.

Finally she gave him a slight smile, saying, "Yes, hit my head. Emmony was trying to get something from the shelf. Tried to help, she tripped, I fell."

He ran his fingers through her reddish hair, frowning. "I swear, Emmony will be the death of us all one day."

"I heard that!" She yelled from upstairs. The pair shared a grin before Allan stood.

"Caelyn, I have some messages for you to deliver in the castle," he said, helping the girl to her feet. "Some written, most verbal." She nodded, following him upstairs and into his office. While she'd never complain, she hated verbal messages. They were easy for her to memorize, but she disliked talking quite that much. With written she just handed it over, sometimes waited for them to write a response, and sometimes took some messages that they had as well. Easy.

As the pair worked on messages, Emmony puttered about the rooms, cleaning and making beds and muttering under her breath. She wasn't really aggravated, her nerves were just on edge. It had been around this time the day before she'd been hit with that violent vision. She could still feel that scream resonating across her bones. It made her shudder, stomach slightly queasy. The morning had been slow and quiet though, aside from her mishap in the kitchen. Which was reassuring. Hopefully today would stay that way.

"Alright, off you go," Allan said, brushing Caelyn towards the door. As they passed Emmony, who was about to head downstairs, the changeling stopped.

"Emmony, I forgot to tell you! I ran into another Seer last night at the castle!" The girl's excitement was laced with fear. Seeing another Seer had been amazing, but the memory of being trapped in that room made her not want to go back up to that castle. It was her job though, and she would do it. Without waiting for a response, she waved at the siblings and disappeared out the front door.

The siblings paused, both thinking the same thing. A Seer at the castle? That couldn't be good.

Welcome to Day 3

Amunet had an interesting day. The effects of whatever that was caused her to be woken up from the day before. It really set her on edge for a while until she met Allan. He extended his friendship to her and lured her to stay in helping. Really all she wanted to do was rest then travel in through but something about the sincerity in him about the people really gave her a change of heart.

She would keep her ears open if anything was heard. All that she asked from him was given. Amunet had acquired new rooms for a prolonged stay plus some refreshment of the sort. It isn't in her to give out freely what she really is. Currently she was resting in her room. It was a much needed one from yesterday. She was all over the place.

This time what she did manage to hear woke her up. Groaning a little with a small smile. When she is alone she is open to everything and it plays onto her mood for the day sometimes. The laughter was heard with undertones of serious business. Reaching for a pillow as she shoved it over her head. It didn't succeed in anything so she tossed it aside throwing the covers away. The woman was up. Remembering the laughter she heard moments ago Amunet smiled away. Let's hope for a better day. Afterwards she stood up after untangling from the cover.

An hour after rising she could be seen coming down from her room. Her look is much more relaxed compared to yesterday. She was able to be much more composed. Amunet hates being vulnerable in any sense it just didn't mix well in life. Auburn locks in a loose braid, similar dress yet different color today she chose a light blue with gold filigree, and all that wonderful jazz. Biting her lower lip as she looked around the place wondering who would be there.

Truthfully she wanted to know what could she do. After hearing more at night about this queen it really did help her believe she made the right decision. Amunet just hopes to be a good asset to this cause.

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[border]Aurora Norok


Aura was running and running over endless plains of sand, her feet unable to feel any vibrations. All she felt was the hot sun beaming down on her and her feet set on fire from the scorching hot desert. Her breaths were rapid pants, her body drenched in sweat. Where could she go? How far away could she run before He caught her? Aura was only eightteen, and had never left the 'home' which she had known for all of her life. In the distance, met where shouting, calling out her full first name, but none of their voices his her as hard as His did. She had never disobeyed Him.. Not since that first lashing. They were on horses and faster than she'd ever be on foot, but Aura had the jump on them...She'd been running since night fell. She had to escape. This wasn't her couldn't be. No. She wouldn't be caught. She couldn't. Aura ran faster and faster, hoping, praying, wishing something would happen..that someone would save her. But who could? No one knew where this place one knew who she was..all she had was herself. She could only rely on her strength to get her out of here. But how far could she go? How far...

How far?!

And that was the end of her dream. Aura awoke with a start, her heart pounding against her chest and her eyes wide open. She was drenched in sweat from head to toe and her eyes wide, searching the room. But what use was that? She was blind. Aura slipped her hand under her pillow and pulled out her dagger, holding it tightly in her hand. Was someone in her room? Carefully, Aura slid off her bed, her feet touching the cold floors, making her shiver just a bit. Cautiously she proceeded from the bedroom, her hold body on alert. She could hear a faint humming. A woman? Who? Aura came around the small corner, her dagger raised in case the woman attacked.

And then it all happened too fast, the woman must of turned and when she did, she left out a small scream before fleeing the room.
"Wha?" Aura's ears rang but she lowered the weapon to her side and walked to where the woman was at the dresser. Aura reached out, touching the cool wood before her hands came to a folded pile of..her clothes? Oh shit. The woman was a servant...first day here and she was already terrorizing them..Great. With a shake of her head, Aura would collect her clothes and head back into her room, grabbing Asavar's cloak, then heading into the bathroom and deciding that a bath would help.

Aura shivered once more at how told the bathroom was.
Damn..was everything cold in this place? She wondered before feeling around and finding a counter. She placed the clothes there, then completely stripped down after shutting an locking the door. From there she felt around until one of her toes came face to face with the corner of the bathtub. Ow. With a frustrated huff, Aura would lean over and turn the water on, adjust it to the right temperature, fill the tub, cut it off, then get in. The moment she was laying in it and relaxed, Aura let out a soft sigh. Now this was luxurious..she could really get used to it for a month. Only a month.

Several long minutes later, Aura was out of the bathtub, dressed in her normal and unflattering robes, eyes bound in the bandages, long white/blonde hair pulled back to where it wasn't visible, hood up, dagger on her inner thigh, and staff in her hands. Aura was now roaming about the castle, her staff tapping along to make sure she didn't run into anything. She was looking for the kitchen, or Joran. Which ever came first. [/border]

Aster awoke, still planted in Asavar's bed. She took a moment to recall the day's events. She moved, surprised by the lack of blood or subsequent pain resulting in reopening a wound, and hummed pleasantly. It wasn't comfy, but it didn't hurt horribly.

She smiled and stood, then her dress fell. Her smile was aprubtly wiped off, and she blushed and squealed.

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The Obsidian Executioner


The scribble of feather on parchment had not stopped throughout the night nor into daybreak as Asavar still sat in his heavily reinforced chair, the quill clutched in his massive hand looking almost comically small as he wrote... and wrote. How many missives had been answered and sent out? He couldn't recall, the 'to-do' pile was finally shrinking through his efforts, but he was also starting to feel the affects of his actions. He had not slept, again, and he was rarely eating anymore. Even his body needed rest, needed recuperation.

The missive to the north had finally been written. The offer of vassalize to the enemy of Lord Gregor. If they accepted, and if it made it in time, it would solve that issue as should Gregor siege the castle or not lift a siege in place, it would be a declaration of war on them, which is something he could handle. Channeling the people's fear and hatred to an external foe would be a gift from the gods, and a man like Gregor would make it all too easy to channel their fear at. Funnel their aggression away from his Queen and her... policies. Buy them time to secure their hold, if anything, a war where Gregor was the aggressor could very well work to their benefit so long as the war didn't drag out.

A loud 'eep' nearly spun him around in his chair and brought his blade to his hands, but he fought down both impuleses and reflexes as he recalled the half-naked woman behind him. Not wanting to repeat his... actions the night before where he stared at the seamstress and the seer, he kept his back to her and kept working, "There is a rope to your right, pull on it to summon some servants to bring you a change of clothes and to help you move to your own bed," Asavar said, determined to rebuild his distance from the others.

She gathered up the remnants of the gown and did as he bid for her to do. She quietly watched him after that.

"So...what am I to do now, sir?" She asked, eyes wide in question.

"I haven't given you proper thanks for your help last night." She began, then wrapped a blanket over her shoulders to come to his side.

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Joran Stronham

Knight of the Queen's Guard

"The Steel Wolf"

My lord, do you have a child?"

Not that I know of," Joran would murmur, slightly unsettled by the sudden question.

The servant boy he had been instructing at first light had returned with some food foe

his kind teacher, offering fresh bread and smoked ham Joran couldn't refuse.

Not that you know of?", the curious child asked. He'd tug at his finely made clothes,

red and gold to show off his sponsor's colors; House Freya, whom sent the disciplined

young child as a gift to the Crown for his impressive mind and ability to scribe.

I, well, another time," Joran assured him, his left hand grazing Vowforger's raven-black

pommel protectively. He'd shift his gaze towards the lively courtyard, noting a member of the

Castle Guard courting a handmaiden of the Queen. Despite their happiness, the handmaiden

couldn't go for ten seconds without nervously looking around, as if enjoying your time at the

keep was a serious offense. It caused Joran to sigh, his gaze falling onto a passing patrol of guards,

who's shield-captain tilted his head in greeting and formal respect for the Queen's Guard.

Joran nodded in return, slowly stopping his walk before patting the servant boy's head with his

free hand.

You'd best go see if Mother Alyara needs anything. I've got work to do."

The blonde-haired lad would nod wearily, slowly departing from the Steel Wolf's side with obvious

disappointment. Joran sighed as the servant walked off towards the infirmary, turning his vision

back to the hallway ahead. He'd pop his bearded jaw and continue his walk, the pattern of metal boots

against stone once again echoing throughout the cavernous system of halls.

Within a dozen minutes, Joran would reach the kitchens, where he joined a few of his trainees as they ate.

They'd greet him with their focus, one of them waving as he drew close. Joran would sit, then, resting his

aged body on the serpentine stone bench that served as their seat in the soldier's area of the dining hall.

Ser, are we going over Eastern stances again today?"

Aye, towards the day's end. In about a fortnight, we'll start learning some proper Northern

fighting styles," Joran assured the eager young man, eyeing the inhabitants of the hall that only

grew in number as more of the Castle awoke. He wondered on Asavar, and the two women from

last night. Certainly an interesting lair, the mystical Seer and stubbornly tough handmaiden.

Though, the servant who was tending to them was surely off...

Joran figured it was probably just his lack of sleep and emotional exhaustion the previous night.

The hardy man had collapsed in his bed almost instantly after receiving the attention from of Mother


Northern fighting styles? If it's anything like their women, I'm sure we'll be unstoppable," one

of the guards joked, resulting in a rowdy fit of laughter that broke Joran's thoughtful France, causing

him to jolt back into an aware state. He'd smile lightly at the unnaturally pleasant mood, yawning as

he recalled what he had sent Richard to do before retreating to sleep. The young man had been sent to

apprehend the fleeing men who had assaulted Lady Gale, having taken off almost immediately after

their conversation. No doubt he'd have to inform Asavar of the many details, lest any more tension

arise between the two old comrades.

Joran yawned again, peering aimlessly around the beautiful dining hall as

he embraced the chilling winds of the Castle and the extravagant music the Royal Orchestra

weaved into the air. It was very faint in nature, though, the music no doubt being performed

for the dining nobles in their much more secured hall, away from the lower citizens and warriors

of the keep.


[border]Aurora Norok


Aura will now of been hopeless lost in the castle. She had no idea where she was and the fact that the castle floors all had the same damn texture was becoming Where the hell was anyone?! If it weren't for her mishap with that woman this morning then she would know where the hell she was going! Gods be damned! Where the hell was everyone?! With a groan of frustration Aura would lay against a nearby wall.
Okay. Calm down. Maybe we can figure this out...without getting in trouble.. She told herself as she tried to calm her anger.

Aura laid against the wall for several hours before she felt it. Footsteps. From the feel of them, they were likely guards. As they got closer Aura could hear their armor moving and clanking. Now..where were they going? She leaned off the wall and followed after the vibrations which were swiftly moving. As she got closer, she listened to their conversation.

"Oui! What do ye thinks weh'll be havin'?"

"I don't rightly know until we bloody get there!"


"I don't know!"

Aura giggled. They must be headed for the dinning hall. Perhaps her luck was looking up. Or at least was until the two men began to change topic from food to..a woman who'd been whipped and nearly raped yesterday by some guards. Was it Aster? Was...was she really almost..raped? The thought made Aura's temper rise once more. Asavar had better punish those men..and hard too. They deserved it for doing something so damn disgusting. How dare someone think they could rape and molest a woman such as her after a whipping! UGH!! Pigs. Most men were pigs. Or at least the ones she had encountered. Minus four so far.

Quickly tuning out of that conversation, Aura followed them into the dinning hall, where her sensitive ears picked up almost every conversation going on in there. Jeez. Guess she'd have to wake up earlier to get some peace and quiet. Luckily though, she heard Joran's voice; which was coming oddly familiar by now. Aura followed his voice all the way up until she ran right into him..again. Only this time she was awake and not sleepwalking.
"Morin' Joran. Sorry 'bout that..I over estimated where you were.." She said with a small chuckle and a friendly smile his way.



Joran Stronham

Knight of the Queen's Guard

"The Steel Wolf"

Joran would freeze in surprise as an unknown weight pressed against him. Upon hearing

the familiarly pleasant voice, he'd shift his gaze towards the source of the noise; a lovely blind

girl who had probably run into more than a dozen people on her way to the dining hall.

One of the guards at the table pointed towards the girl and tilted
his head as he eyed Joran curiously.

Nearby, the other trainees would catch on and eagerly looked at the pair with interest. Joran shook his

head with a weary sigh before reaching out for Aurora's left hand
with his own.

It's fine, you haven't broken anything, as far as I know," the aged knight would jokingly respond, despite

the honesty that came with the remark. "
You should sit and eat if you haven't already, Lady Aurora. We'll

be wielding swords soon, after all."

The other seated apprentices of Joran would eye Aurora in surprise. Training a Seer in swordsmanship? It was

only something the Steel Wolf would dare to take on with enthusiasm. While they were likely not going to learn

alongside the curved woman, they could certainly admire the suppressed
eye candy from afar. If they were lucky, she'd join

them while Joran instructed them. The trainees expressed whispers and looks of respect, awe, doubt, or admiration

as they scarfed down their food. A yelp would indicate the instigation of some sort of

argument, a jealous lady loudly proclaiming that the young recruits would

fuck bears if they showed even the slightest hint of an hourglass shape.

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[border]Aurora Norok


Aura chuckled.
"I haven't broken anything..yet." She said, the keyword there being..yet. Aura reached out with her left hand and took Joran's hand. He was right, she should eat, but how did their dinning hall work? Did she sit down and wait for food? Did she go somewhere and get it? What? Shesh..she had so much to learn..and then it would all be pointless when she left. Though, she was surprised he wanted to train her first then do the reading. "Are you certain you want to start there? Because..I can very much assure you..I do not know the slightest idea of even how to wield a sword." She admitted, quite proudly too. Aura wasn't afraid of what other's though of her 'disability'. It was something she had lived with since she was but a wee wittle bae.

That thought was quickly cast away though, as she suddenly became aware of the fact that the other trainees there, male ones especially, were ogling at her. That made her rather uncomfortable, as Aura had tried very hard to hide her curvy shape under SEVERAL layers of robe, but was not near enough. At some point though. an argument was broke out by a female claiming the others would fuck bears if they even slightly resembled a hour glass figure such as her's. Not that Aura was directly mentioned.

The sudden fight made her uncomfortable levels lower a tinsey bit..but not much. Aura let out a long sigh before setting her staff at the table to hold her a spot.
" does your dinning hall work exactly?" She asked more quietly and to him. She really wished to avoid more eyes on her..but she was also very hungry and hadn't had a decent meal in quite the time.



Joran Stronham

Knight of the Queen's Guard

"The Steel Wolf"

"Approach a servant. If you're picky, you may just want to fetch food from the kitchens. You should

be able to hear the servants arranging silverware, right?", Joran replied, shooting a warning glare

towards the immature of the table, who were quick to cease their disturbing behavior regarding

Aurora. The older knight then gave a tilt of his head towards the now smiling girl, who had

scolded the perverse of the bunch for their obviously rude thoughts.

The young lady winked at Joran , sipping at her silver tankard of murky ale. Unnerved, Joran looked back

towards Aurora tiredly. The many individuals he trained in the art of combat usually came with strange

and outspoken personalities or mindsets, leading to a rather exhausting social life when it came to inside

the bustling castle. (Which already had its fair share of guests, the worst of which had always attracted to

Joran rather annoyingly)

Having gotten her fair share of amusement for the morning, the rather confrontive lady would stand from the bench

beneath them and begin departing from the hall, quickly followed by a few more recruits who had quietly

waited for one of the many to take the lead.


[border]Aurora Norok


Aura nodded, the question was though..could she make it to them without running into everyone? Perhaps Joran could lead much as she hated to ask him..she'd probably have to.
"To..avoid accidents, I think it best to lead me there." She said with an awkward giggle. Surely after she got adjusted to the place she would be able to navigate it better..but until then it would be quite the task. Hell it took her a miracle to find the Dining Hall.

After that was sound though, the sound and vibrations of soldiers leaving made Aura relax just a little more, and their comments stopped right before they left so either Joran had glared at them..or the female's words shut them up real good. Either way she no longer would have to deal with the comments right now, which was a blessing in itself.

(('s short >.<))



Joran Stronham

Knight of the Queen's Guard

"The Steel Wolf"

Lead her? It was certainly the chivalrous thing to do. Joran would nod and stand

up from the frosty bench beneath him. The knight would step over the rectangular

seat, keeping his gentle grip on her hand going as he peered around the hall, now

next to her. The main concern was servants and lesser nobles mistaking the simple

gesture as a courting one, which could lead Aura and him into who knew what.

With that quick thought out of the way, Joran would begin leading Aurora, stepping

around her to get to her left side. The way he kept their hands together was

much like a dance, his arm reaching over her as it ensured their grip. He'd sigh and

begin the walk, doing his best not to pull too hard or roughly at Aura, maintaining

a steady pace.

So, are you courting the lad, Asavar?", the old knight would ask the Seer rather informally

and with curious, but serious, tone. He had grown to be absolutly fearless of the

Draxxan he held in such high regard. It wouldn't be very wrong to refer to the

scarred young warrior as Joran's honorary son or brother.

(It's okay, shh~)


The Obsidian Executioner


"Wait," Asavar said as his quill kept scratching across the surface of the parchment. His hand stopped in its writing at her thanks, something he was not used to hearing but something that was, strangely, being spoke more and more often lately. Perhaps, at this rate, he would start to get used to it.

"It was my duty," He responded, his deep voice rumbling within his helm, the second he said that, the door swung open as two servants entered, breathing hard as it seems they had ran all the way to his chambers, and Asavar directed them to the Seamstress.

Setting the quill into the ink well, Asavar rose to his feet, the two servants shrinking back from him to give them as much distance as possible without trying to appear as if they were purposely moving away from him. He paused for a moment, doing his best to keep his gaze from the Seamstress, not wanting to repeat the night before, "I must go," He said tilting his head slightly to the Seamstress as he left the room, closing the door behind him. While he normally did not like leaving people in his room, especially when he had sensitive information in there, there was little he could do about it. He had task that needed to be done, and moreover, she would not be in the room long before the servants brought her what she needed then helped her return to her own chambers.

His trip came to an end outside the castle, upon the great podium where people suffered public punishment and executions. Asavar's presence caused ripples to travel through the crowds that would, no doubt, carry throughout the city as such things tended to do as people started to gather to see who would be punished or executed next by the ogre sized brute.

Asavar stood as a statue as the two guards were dragged out, their armor removed and their clothes stained with dirt, mud and other questionable substances from the dungeons and forced to their knees at the center of the dais. A herald stepped forth and opened a scroll, announcing allowed to the growing crowd of the crimes of the guards and their punishment,

"These men are convicted of the attempted rape of a servant within the palace!" His voice rang out, loud and clear, above the angry murmuring of the crowd at the revolting act.

"The punishment for such an action is expulsion from the Castle Guard and three lashes.." The herald said, there was a moment, just a moment, where the prisoners looked to each other, their brows raised in surprise and relief as smiles started to stretch across their mouths, the angry shouts of the crowd that was growing at the unjustly lax punishment before the herald finished, "To be administered by the Royal Executioner."

The smiles that were passing the lips of the ex-guards fell off, first in shock, then fear and finally panic as they struggled against the guards holding them, but to no avail as they were tied to the post holding their bodies wide, their arms and legs forced open, an X, that left their back open to the Draxxan. The guards stepped forth and tore the dirty shirts from their back, revealing the smooth, haired flesh that would soon be torn to shreds by the Executioner.

The crowd which had been murmuring so angrily before fell silent. Many parents were ushering their children away from what was going to happen, any thought that it was an unjustly light punishment was banished as the rose whip was brought out. The wickedly long whip had a metal fixture at the top, a terribly sharp rose, each petal a blade and along the whip large metal thorns sprouted out ready to rend and tear at flesh, the thick coiled leather was as large as a full grown man's wrist, fashioned just for the behemoth who held it now.

Asavar took the whip and gave it a single practice swing, the metal head biting and tearing a hole into the hard stone of the dais, the loud 'crack' of the whip sending a fresh wave of panic in the ex-guards held helpless before him and a new rush of murmuring from the crowd as some already started to turn away.

Without warning, Asavar swung the whip at one of the attempted rapist, it tore through the air like a mighty serpent until it met the pale flesh of the guard. The guard's entire body flew forward, propelled by the force of the blow as well as his own bodies desperate struggle to move from the whip's force. The thick ropes binding him groaned under the impact even as the loud snap echoed throughout the plaza as the man's shoulders dislocated from the joints. The whip and thorns tore through his body, tearing all the way down to the bone. There was a momentary delay before the man screamed. A toe curling scream that came from the depth's of his soul as his body finally registered the pain.

He gave him no time to recover as, once again, the whip lashed out the man's body, flaying him alive before the watchful eyes of the city.



Erikur Cetrix


The night passed quicker than Erikur had expected, it had only seemed like a second to him since he lie down and now he was awake with the sun shining in the room. Hm, perhaps I should get going. After taking a few moment to get himself out of bed he managed to do so and walked up to the empty dresser in the room, grabbing his sword and putting on its rightful place on his side before walking out of the room and heading to the Tavern part of the place. Nobody he knew was there so he assumed that Dai had already left and if not then he was probably asleep or whatever it was he did. Taking his leave from the Tavern Erikur just walked down the road and headed for the Palace since that was the place that Dai had said he was going to so that is where Erikur would meet him.

Walking through the market on his way to the Palace he stopped by to take a look at some food and various other items, he never rushed some place because there wasn't really a point so while he was there he might as well buy something. There were a pastries and bakery foods at one stand and fruits at another along with a few other stands with other things but he would check them out later. What caught his interest were the chocolate scones they looked quite delectable that he bought a couple, eating one right after buying it as he continued his walk onto the palace.

Mentioned- @C O I S E
Meanwhile, Aster was helped into a fresh set of garments by the servants, thanking them a million times over for their help. She was truly greatful for their assistance. Her mother always taught her that manners came first. Speaking of which...

"I must thank Asavar again for his kindness. I wonder where he has gone..."

She bit her lip thoughtfully, collected her torn gown, (shredded, but repairable) and headed on her merry way.

"I must also go to the market. The Queen did need silk, and I ought to make a gown for the seer, lest she run around indecent." She laughed quietly to herself, and headed off to her chambers, before heading for the gates.

As she walked through the markets, passed a man.

Odd...I do not recognize him. He seems lost...

"Sir? Are you lost? If so, might I direct you to where you must be?" She asked, cocking her head to the side in question.

@Veyd Sahvoz
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