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Fantasy The Prophecy - Ceyphus



The separate world where Calico was sent. Whilst humans know of the world, they are unknowing on how to enter. Only those with magic powerful enough are able to create a door into this different world. A hell like place with roaring fire and blackened stone, this is the world where Calico and his followers were sent to, yet it seems someone has learnt how to open the door..

(Known as the second Hell to Humans, it was believed to be a myth until the day the black mist began to drift through the land.)
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RPNation rules apply, most important of all!
1. I understand that some OC's will have strengths compared to other, but remember there is a difference between being strong and being OP. Keep this in mind when creating your character and Role playing.

2. Do not be rude OOC or bring IC happens to OOC. If you disagree with something please message me so we can sort it in the best way possible.

In account to rule 2, do not hate the Member, dislike the character they have. Remember that they are not the person they are Roleplaying as.)

3. My word is final. Should you disagree, I am fine with listening, taking all opinions and thoughts into consideration, yet I do have the right to make the final decision.

4. This is a role play that may include, fighting, romance, different sexual orientations etc. Anyone who says against this, please look for another Roleplay.

5. If you create more than one character, please make them in a different thread, not in the same as your first.
Along with this, please make your characters diverse, otherwise we may see the same personalities etc. (Does not count for history if they are related.)
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Mood: Neutral
Location: His throne room
Speaking to: All followers.
Equipment: -
Calico had been away from everyone the past few days. Locked in his chamber rooms he'd been planning but battling. Nightmares were something he had always struggled with ever since the day he'd be sent away by his lost love. The nightmare of his own death and hers plagued his mind again and again, yet it was something he'd never reveal to those around him. To look weak wasn't in his dictionary and never would be for now. Sat in the throne room, he gazed over all the followers that bowed towards him, waiting for whatever he was going to say. Yet it was silence that drifted through the room. Barging in was one of his scouts. "Your greatness. I have no news to bring. Apologies." The pitiful man stuttered out. Calico was in no mood. Standing up from his throne he walked towards the scout that had approached. Hand raised fires lit round him burning the very soul from the scout out from his body as his screams filled the air. Calico's face was nothing but that of a blank wall, no emotion came from his eyes, mouth or cheeks. Searching round the room he slowly began to speak. "Do you see what happens when we fail? Death. Do we encourage death? No. I want all my closest followers to stand in-font of me. Everyone's else be gone. Now!" With a wave of his hand the few cowering witches and warlocks left as Calico wandered and sat himself down back to his throne. Waiting.
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Viskur Blacksteele

To be on his knees was not something that was part of Viskur, but it was passed around as honor here, to pledge allegiance to another. He has had many kneel to him. A few times to be knighted, but many other times to become his servant of whatever sort. Just to think that he was kneeling, a subject of weakness in his own eyes made his being boil, but he held it back. Just for this one man, he held it back. He knew that to follow under the immense power before him was the most wise. It was something primal that was understood between sorcerers, nothing like the 'Battle Tactics' that he had seen others carry out with various figures and maps and such. He normally took a closer look at the little statuettes, sculpted with such detail, and painted with a deft hand. He couldn't perform either of those skills if he wanted to, but the purpose the figures served were meaningless to him. Tactics were something foreign to Viskur. If the thing that needs to be beaten cannot be beaten by squeezing its head between your palms, then clearly it must be punched, or burned. Otherwise, you need a friend to hold it down so you can pierce its belly so you can feel the warm lifeblood between your fingers. Only then, when you grasp its heart in your hands, can you assume victory. Nothing like how the miniatures represented armies and how different terrain incurred a plan of attack. No, that was foolish.

Distracting him from his thoughts, a singular man failed to creep into the throne room, and decided to run in as if it were his purpose to be here, in the eyes of Calico. His mistake. He brought nothing to the table, and he paid for that with his life. Fool, if there was nothing to announce, why take everyone's attention? Almost suffering from an self inflicted aneurysm trying to comprehend the reason the messenger would arrive, his thoughts were thankfully interrupted by Calico speaking.

"Do you see what happens when we fail? Death. Do we encourage death? No. I want all my closest followers to stand in-font of me. Everyone's else be gone. Now!"

Rising to his feet, the golem realized that he couldn't have suffered a condition that required the lifeblood found in living things. His conscious decided for his own safety that organs were stupid and that he shouldn't be thinking too hard in the first place. It brought him to the present, where there was the leader of the recent raid they held on the grounds of Zoarus. His face only betrayed his thoughts with a grin, something that many attributed to Viskur as a forewarning for something that Viskur thought to be 'Fun.'

He thrusted his chest outwards, and faced Calico wordlessly, imitating something like a flaming, pissed off, statue.
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Peach Crawford
Peach couldn't move much. She was in pain and her mind was plauged with all to recent memories. Her wrists wouldn't move much, swollen and bruised just like parts of her face. Looking out, the man she'd been told was evil, Calico, spoke.

When the messenger spoke nothing of Aura, she tried not to cry but a few noises did escape her dry lips. When he was killed, the girl's went as wide as possible, her left being black and yellow. "P-please don't kill me..." Peach whispered. Though her normal volume was a whisper, her actual whisper was almost inaudible however in that room, it was magnified as were her movements to the back of her cage. Collar chinking as she moved. All she wanted was to leave. Not go back to the Golem. Not go back to the memories that would haunt her forever or her abusive boyfriend who seemed to only poke her compared to the torment and torture she face now. The pinkette just wished to see her kitten again and one of the only people she knew and trusted:Aura.
Drake Darklight

As the messenger was so brutally killed and the other magical beings fled the grand throne room, a dim shimmer of light seemed to materialise from the corner of the room opposite to the cage at the back. The light grew until it formed into the bright shape of a tall man before there was another flash. Now, stood before them with a regal air of humour, stood Drake the Illusionist. And he had arrived with something that their exalted master might deem satisfactory. Walking forward with that strange grinning smile stretched across his dark handsome face, Drake came to a stop before Calico's throne and knelt, "My master, I, Drake Darklight, have returned. I have brought news of our enemies. I believe it to be a matter of great importance and I ask that you lend an ear to my findings." Drake did not acknowledge the golem beside himself just yet and remained bowed throughout his little introduction, his smile remaining as tenacious as ever as if he actually enjoyed being subservient to another. Of course, Drake was only playing a role. He was completely familiar with the workings of hierarchy and diplomacy and it would only allow him to further his own influence should he stay as Calico's second in command. Drake wasn't planning anything silly like betrayal, not just yet. He was the type of man that simply enjoyed watching things burn and took his pride and joy in destroying and ruining that which honest people spent their livings building and protecting. Did that make him evil? Perhaps. But it was no different to those that hunted for sport, not to eat. Or those who killed innocents that strayed into the wrong woods...

K Kiowa
Mood: Neutral
Location: His throne room
Speaking to: All followers. Kloudy Kloudy Cosmosis Cosmosis archur archur
Equipment: -
Calicos eyes were red hot as they moved around the room. As Drake appeared Calicos lips turned into a slight grin, a simplistic nod came from him as he stood facing those who had arrived. "Well. As we all know..you are pitiful. There are few who stand before me right now who have succeed in something I have requested." He turned and faced Drake for a moment, brows furrow before opening his arm, almost presenting the followers that stood before them. "You have our attention. You have my attention." Calico sat himself back down as he scanned then room. His eyes soon locked on to the woman who was caged. His eyes almost softened as his gaze set on her, but a blink and a shake of the head soon changed that. Turning cold and steeled he looked at Drake waiting for his information he was about to give out.
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Drake Darklight
"Of course, master." Drake stood with his ever-present placatory smile despite the palpable situation, seemingly unfazed by the insult casually sent in his direction. He hadn't lived nearly four centuries to die due to his pride over some comment, no, he had a more important purpose on this planet than something so... Meaningless. Sending a cursory glance about the room to see who still remained, he magnetising gaze paused briefly at the girl in the cage, an eyebrow raising curiously for but a moment before his eyeline rested back upon Calico, "For the starter, I have the inconsequential news that it appears that your beloved Aura and her forest tribe in Zoarus were attacked by the Hunters that so despise us magic users. However, Aura's men seemed to have made it through with light injuries and have now stepped up their guard. Everyone leaving the protected area must have a companion, triple the amount of watchmen- all things to be expected." Now, Drake's eyes lit up with excitement as he spoke this next part, his grin growing ever wider on his noble features as his hands clasped together, "And now for the main course: The Hunters of Vosmars, the ones that work in tandem with those pathetic mortals, appear to have greatly reinforced themselves as well following their attack. An estimated 2000 infantrymen travel to the famous forest in Gialea in an effort by the king to support his Hunters."

Drake's eyes creased as he appeared to find this particularly funny, before he finally bowed to Calico again, "I would expect a move to be made by those magic-hunters soon enough, master. Perhaps they endeavour to finally wipe Miss Aura and her friends out completely this time?" The masterful illusionist straightened up, happy with his very informative update to the leader of Ceyphus. Perhaps it would convince him to finally leave this hellish place and actually attempt to lay waste to the more peaceful lands beyond, perhaps he would finally wipe out those pesky Hunters that seemed hellbent on destroying any and everything that wielded the magic touch. Or perhaps he would finally settle the score with Aura in an epic battle for glory. Drake almost couldn't contain himself, but of course he did with a knowing regaility that shone in his body language and facial expressions, from the "I know something you don't" look in his eyes to the easy way he held himself, his muscles relaxed as if he had nothing to fear. Of course, anyone would be tense when in the same room as Calico, but apparently not Drake. If anything, being near the man left the half-dark elf invigorated, energised- like he had a purpose. Something was going to happen soon and Drake wanted to be there when it did.

K Kiowa
Viskur Blacksteele

Mentioned: K Kiowa Kloudy Kloudy Cosmosis Cosmosis

The golem wasn't at all surprised when the tactician merely 'appeared.' In fact, he expected it, considering all the time he spent under Calico, as the person who carried out the rare operations. The ones that needed conquering to happen, or the type that needed a little extra brand of brutality. That was Viskur's job. As per usual of these meetings between the more important followers of Calico, he had to simply stand nearby the throne, and wait. He didn't bother to listen, as the culmination of the knowledge gained would be related to him as 'Smash this here, really hard.' That's all he was waiting for, the order to smash. Viskur gave deep sigh as Drake kept talking about how the Hunters have been assailing Aura, and how they might be strong enough to steal all the challenging fights from him.

The talk of battle was boring to him. Surprisingly enough, the aspiring warlord didn't care much at all for tactics. If you were simply better at fighting than others, then you would win every single time. Others tell him that this is a very flawed phliosopy, but usually those are his enemies who try to talk to him in the midst of battle (whom he crushes beneath his foot), or various servants of his or tacticians. But this time, Viskur had a idea besides from 'SMASHSMASHSMASH'. "NOT TO BE RUDE AND INTERRUPT, BUT SINCE THE HUMANS ARE DIVERTING FORCES TO MARCH UPON OUR ENEMY, WHY DON'T WE ATTACK AS WELL? AURA MIGHT ALREADY HAVE HER HANDS FULL, OR WE CAN DIVERT TO THE DEFENSELESS MORTALS." He shouted at the top of his figurative lungs. Viskur only knew how to shout, so him talking sensibly was just his inside voice. He grumbled a bit to himself, turning over a few separate thoughts. "OR, WE DON'T." His comment was accentuated by a short burst of flame from the tops of his shoulders, a mild mood read for the rest of the room to figure out.

Though he put in his two cents, he didn't care much after that. That was a thought for the leader and the tactician to consider, not the guy who went out and did the job. Losing some interest, he looked around the room, when he spotted a girl with annoyingly pink hair in a cage. "HOLD THE FUCK UP." He said. "WHO'S SLAVE IS THAT." He pointed towards her. "NONE OF THE PEONS TOOK HER WITH THEM, SO IT'S ONE OF OURS." He simply stated. He remembered his company, and swiftly concocted a apology. "AGAIN, I DO NOT TO BE RUDE FOR INTERRUPTING, LORD CALICO, BUT I CAN'T FUCKING THINK WITH THIS WHORE HERE." He said honestly. It was the little things that bugged him sometimes. He could get on without an eye, but if one side of his castle was just bright fucking yellow, it would enrage him to no end.​
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Mood: Angered
Location: His throne room
Speaking to: All followers.
Equipment: -
Eyes fixated on Drake, Calico listened intently. Drake was one of the few that had been loyal for the most part, but when you are the on the wrong side of the chess board, you have to be careful who you put your trust into. One way or another the information given was exactly what Calico was waiting to hear, sort of. His heart never stopped aching and Drake was possibly one who knew that, yet Calico couldn't be sure. His brows furrowed as Drake continued but he stayed in his cold silence until he has finished. "Aura is more powerful than the hunters, if we can take out the hunters first-.." Calicos eyes soon burned as Viskur spoke. It was out of turn in Calicos mind. It was not acceptable on any level. His voice grew large and deep as his eyes glowed red, addressing the golem. "YOU WILL SPEAK WHEN SPOKEN TO. DO YOU UNDERSTAND!?" Calico neither cared or feared Viskur, although he was large and contained strength Calico was powerful, not only in his own abilities but in the numbers around him. Turning back to Drake he nodded his head. "Once done here go to the forest. Send the sweet Prince a little, message." Calico grinned hoping Drake would understand not to kill him straight away but give a warning. Once done, he turned towards the cage and dragged the woman out putting her in the middle of the throne room in-front of everyone around. Strolling back over to the edge of the small stairs before the throne Calico stood arms crossed and back straight staring down at her. "State who you are." It was a demand, not a question.
Viskur Blacksteele

A growl of anger was all the comment that he allowed himself to give Calico, and a burst of flame. This certainly wasn't the time or place to start a fight, and this certainly wasn't the person to start it with. It would be with a demon of some sort in the rings. Yes... The rings would calm him down, and provide a fight. After all, he felt he could use a little extra cash to spend on himself. A good reinfurnacing would suffice. He had some chills due to not wearing any clothing. "APOLOGIES." Was all the came out of his mouth, his eyes dead on Calico's face. It followed Calico as he gave notice to the girl.

"State who you are."

At least Calico had some consideration to the brute's words, as he verbally put the girl into a stranglehold. Viskur folded his arms into place, still furious at the backlash Calico gave him.​
Drake Darklight
The grim smile curled more at Calico's response, the mission Drake had been tasked with being of the utmost interest to him. A message to the Head of the Hunters? Drake was not primarily an assassin and there were others in Ceyphus more suited to the task, so Calico must want him to actually send a message rather than make an example out of the prince to the other mortals. That was fine, Drake was a messenger as well after all. It was one of the many roles he played. Of course, that didn't mean he was forbidden from causing a little mischief amongst the hunter clan whilst he was there.

Bowing graciously again to Calico, Drake replied with his usual charm dripping from every syllable, "But of course, master. I shall see through your message as you see fit." The dark elf briefly glanced from the golem to the slave girl and seemed to hold a brief hint of disappointment in his expression that he could not stay longer before his usual regal features resumed their natural smile, "I bid you adieu." He said to Calico before turning and walking away. Before he reached the wall his body exploded into a small contained blast of light, which immediately faded to nothing, leaving no trace of the Illusionist aside from the conversation he had just had.

K Kiowa
Mood: Angered
Location: His throne room
Speaking to: All followers.
Equipment: -
Eyes fixated on Drake, Calico listened intently. Drake was one of the few that had been loyal for the most part, but when you are the on the wrong side of the chess board, you have to be careful who you put your trust into. One way or another the information given was exactly what Calico was waiting to hear, sort of. His heart never stopped aching and Drake was possibly one who knew that, yet Calico couldn't be sure. His brows furrowed as Drake continued but he stayed in his cold silence until he has finished. "Aura is more powerful than the hunters, if we can take out the hunters first-.." Calicos eyes soon burned as Viskur spoke. It was out of turn in Calicos mind. It was not acceptable on any level. His voice grew large and deep as his eyes glowed red, addressing the golem. "YOU WILL SPEAK WHEN SPOKEN TO. DO YOU UNDERSTAND!?" Calico neither cared or feared Viskur, although he was large and contained strength Calico was powerful, not only in his own abilities but in the numbers around him. Turning back to Drake he nodded his head. "Once done here go to the forest. Send the sweet Prince a little, message." Calico grinned hoping Drake would understand not to kill him straight away but give a warning. Once done, he turned towards the cage and dragged the woman out putting her in the middle of the throne room in-front of everyone around. Strolling back over to the edge of the small stairs before the throne Calico stood arms crossed and back straight staring down at her. "State who you are." It was a demand, not a question.
Peach Crawford
When Peach was dragged from the cage, she didn't resist. As she was set in front of everyone in the room she stood there without wavering, looking at the man named Calico.

Rubbing her fingers together, the girl exhaled slowly. "I'm... I'm Peach Mary Crawford. Sixteen years old as of yesterday i think." She stated. It was a good thing the room was big or else the man couldn't have heard her quiet voice.

Slowly, her hand rose to her face, moving her greasy pink hair from her eyes. "I'm not a mage or witch, wizard or the sorts. I-I'm only a human who is good at being a medic of simple injuries, giving advice for the more serious ones." Peach wiped her puffy eyes, wincing as she touched her swollen one. The girl was trying not to show her true feelings but upon her capture and what occurred on her birthday she had been broken like a clock missing a partially needed cog.

'Aura please... Please don't worry about me. I couldn't accept myself if anyone got hurt because i was careless...' She sniffled from her thoughts as she stood upright. Now wasn't the time to cry or be weak. Or was it?
Mood: Angered
Location: His throne room
Speaking to: All followers.
Equipment: -
As Drake left, Calico's eyes didn't move from the woman on the floor. He knew that Drake would do what he needed to and do it well enough for him not to have to worry. His head tilted as the woman spoke but his eyes remained ever cold and angered. "Well, Miss Peach. Welcome to Ceyphus." A wicked grin grew across his face as he looked to her, cruel and content he didn't have much other emotion to her before looking up to Viskur. His eyes pinched together slightly before returning hi gaze back down to the woman. "As you seem to not understand how things work here still Viskur, you can take care of the girl. For the rest of you, prepare yourselves. Melt iron and steel, practise while you can. We are going to give a small welcoming to the Hunters when Drake returns." He wafted his hand, dismissing everyone who was in the Throne room. His eyes never left the poor girl in-front, only for a second was there a shimmer of other emotion, only a lucky and careful eye would notice, even that was dangerous in-front of all those before him.
Peach Crawford
Looking at the Golem, Peach started to breath quicker. He was a fire golem no less one that yelled. Then Calico mentioned they were in Ceyphus...

"We're in Ceyphus?"
She questioned, backing up a bit before her legs gave way and the girl fell. As she tried catching herself, her left wrist was crushed and she yelped, not wanting to cry out. "P-Please... I need to leave sir. I-I have to tend to people's wounds. I'll give you almost anything you want if i can go as soon as possible." The pinkette said after he finished giving orders out.

Aura had told her of Ceyphus being a wretched place that no one had made their way out of. Yet someone just vanished from sight! There was a way but how? 'My wrist isn't harmed to much. At least i can still move it... But Aura's sick can't heal themselves! Those who don't like magic to heal need me. But without magic, can i leave here safely?' Peach thought worriedly as her head spun. She knew the Golem was bad, Calico even worse but how could she even run? It wasn't in her vocabulary because she did almost everything asked without too much fuss. If escape was impossible now, she'd have to wait and do everything she was ordered to do. Survival was all it came down to now and she planned to survive for as long as her body could allow her too.
archur archur K Kiowa
Viskur Blacksteele

"MOTHER OF-" He exclaimed. Before sighing heavily and scooping the pinkie in one fell swoop of his massive arm. Carrying her in a lumber-jack fashion, he barged his way through the doors. "I CAN'T EVEN FUCKING BELIEVE THIS SHIT, WHY THE FUCK AM I STILL DOWN IN THIS FUCKING PLACE." He muttered/shouted to himself, taking long strides to his abode. They passed a few burning houses, probably in-fighting in the realm that couldn't be bothered. When the rats fight for scraps, nobody takes notice. His large feet clunked on the paved road, which was fittingly made of bones and stone. It was only three miles or so out from the meeting place earlier where all the Calico's followers congregated. Just beyond the horizon however, laid a somewhat magnificent place. It wasn't exactly a house. And it wasn't a glorious mansion either. It would be unfitting to call it a bunker or fortress, but the purposes all served the same. It was a place where one could call home, and yet defend it properly. No need to, Aura always was on the defensive and the Humans haven't yet found a way into Ceyphus, but it was Viskur's personal taste. The only announcement Viskur made when entering the great hall was a low grumble that permeated the hall. It was a large hall by human standards, but Viskur has around three feet above his head, perfect for him. The house however, wasn't completely silent, as a few groans were heard from the dungeons, where Viskur was about to throw the girl. "WHAT THE FUCK." Setting her down forcefully into a nearby bench, he began to investigate. "WHAT THE FUCK!" Those groans weren't just of pain, there were pants and moans. And a lot of people for some reason. The dungeon simply wasn't supposed to be used for that. "LYKRA YOU FUCKING BITCH I'M GOING TO HAVE YOUR HEAD." He proceeded to mash various followers of Lykra into various shapes, many of them dying in ecstasy. He didn't need to use magic on cultists that didn't fight back, so he somewhat monotonously broke their backs and snapped their necks. After he was done, he was coated in blood, some of it boiling and evaporating on the places where it met the open rifts on his body where fire lurked.

He came back into the main hall, where he seated his new slave. "I HAVE BUSINESS TO ATTEND TO. MAKE YOURSELF WELCOME IN THE DUNGEON. IF YOU LEAVE I WILL HAVE YOUR HEAD." He tromped over to the entrance door, and lowered a very heavy siege brace, so she wouldn't get any ideas. Angrily, he went to the farthest door of the hallway, not bothering to close it behind him. "LYKRA, WHAT THE FUCK WHERE YOUR CULTISTS DOING IN MY GODDAMNED DUNGEONS?!" Lykra was one of his various champions, powerful fighters in his pits that garnered plenty of cash for themselves and for him. She was a purple demoness, with little horns on her forehead, and ample features. She was good at distracting the enemy so she can use her sorceries on them to erase their existence. "They're just looking to have a little fun sugar, you don't have to get so uppity about it." She gave him a playful wave of her hand, in a catty manner. "THEY'RE DOING IT IN MY DUNGEON. THAT IS DESIGNATED FOR PRISONERS YOU COCK GOBBLING SLUT." "But you don't have to be so mean! You could've asked me to find somewhere else for them!" "LISTEN HERE FUCKFACE" He grabbed her by the neck with his large gauntlet-like hand. "YOU'VE GOTTA KEEP THESE FUCKERS OUT, OR YOU'RE GETTING THROWN ONTO THE STREETS."Lyrka began to speak through his vise grip. "You... Need... Me... Without me... your business... Is nothing!" Viskur threw her to the side of the room, in which she smashed into a bit of furniture. She sat down, aching, coughing, recovering. "KEEP YOUR FUCKING CULTISTS OUT OF MY DUNGEON." She looked up to him first with contempt, then quickly giving him an alluring smile. "Yes darling." She croaked. "I WILL BE IN MY STUDIES." He grunted, and left her to her own devices.

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Viskur Blacksteele

"MOTHER OF-" He exclaimed. Before sighing heavily and scooping the pinkie in one fell swoop of his massive arm. Carrying her in a lumber-jack fashion, he barged his way through the doors. "I CAN'T EVEN FUCKING BELIEVE THIS SHIT, WHY THE FUCK AM I STILL DOWN IN THIS FUCKING PLACE." He muttered/shouted to himself, taking long strides to his abode. They passed a few burning houses, probably in-fighting in the realm that couldn't be bothered. When the rats fight for scraps, nobody takes notice. His large feet clunked on the paved road, which was fitting made of bones and stone. It was only three miles or so out from the meeting place earlier where all the Calico's followers congregated. Just beyond the horizon however, laid a somewhat magnificent place. It wasn't exactly a house. And it wasn't a glorious mansion either. It would be unfitting to call it a bunker or fortress, but the purposes all served the same. It was a place where one could call home, and yet defend it properly. No need to, Aura always was on the defensive and the Humans haven't yet found a way into Ceyphus, but it was Viskur's personal taste. The only announcement Viskur made when entering the great hall was a low grumble that permeated the hall. It was a large hall by human standards, but Viskur has around three feet above his head, perfect for him. The house however, wasn't completely silent, as a few groans were heard from the dungeons, where Viskur was about to throw the girl. "WHAT THE FUCK." Setting her down forcefully into a nearby bench, he began to investigate. "WHAT THE FUCK!" Those groans weren't just of pain, there were pants and moans. And a lot of people for some reason. The dungeon simply wasn't supposed to be used for that. "LYKRA YOU FUCKING BITCH I'M GOING TO HAVE YOUR HEAD." He proceeded to mash various followers of Lykra into various shapes, many of them dying in ecstasy. He didn't need to use magic on cultists that didn't fight back, so he somewhat monotonously broke their backs and snapped their necks. After he was done, he was coated in blood, some of it boiling and evaporating on the places where it met the open rifts on his body where fire lurked.

He came back into the main hall, where he seated his new slave. "I HAVE BUSINESS TO ATTEND TO. MAKE YOURSELF WELCOME IN THE DUNGEON. IF YOU LEAVE I WILL HAVE YOUR HEAD." He tromped over to the entrance door, and lowered a very heavy siege brace, so she wouldn't get any ideas. Angrily, he went to the farthest door of the hallway, not bothering to close it behind him. "LYKRA, WHAT THE FUCK WHERE YOUR CULTISTS DOING IN MY GODDAMNED DUNGEONS?!" Lykra was one of his various champions, powerful fighters in his pits that garnered plenty of cash for themselves and for him. She was a purple demoness, with little horns on her forehead, and ample features. She was good at distracting the enemy so she can use her sorceries on them to erase their existence. "They're just looking to have a little fun sugar, you don't have to get so uppity about it." She gave him a playful wave of her hand, in a catty manner. "THEY'RE DOING IT IN MY DUNGEON. THAT IS DESIGNATED FOR PRISONERS YOU COCK GOBBLING SLUT." "But you don't have to be so mean! You could've asked me to find somewhere else for them!" "LISTEN HERE FUCKFACE" He grabbed her by the neck with his large gauntlet-like hand. "YOU'VE GOTTA KEEP THESE FUCKERS OUT, OR YOU'RE GETTING THROWN ONTO THE STREETS."Lyrka began to speak through his vise grip. "You... Need... Me... Without me... your business... Is nothing!" Viskur threw her to the side of the room, in which she smashed into a bit of furniture. She sat down, aching, coughing, recovering. "KEEP YOUR FUCKING CULTISTS OUT OF MY DUNGEON." She looked up to him first with contempt, then quickly giving him an alluring smile. "Yes darling." She croaked. "I WILL BE IN MY STUDIES." He grunted, and left her to her own devices.

Peach Crawford
Though Viskur's grip had hurt, being released was like heaven, even if she had passed out on the way to the new place, she'd woken up before the woman was thrown.

Slowly she stood. Once up, Peach went over to the woman who had been thrown, looking about for some cloth. "Oh my... I hope you don't mind miss but this may hurt." She said in her normal whisper voice, cloth being ripped off of the shattered furniture and her own clothing for later as her healing nature took over.

Moving her forearm that was directly impacted, Peach saw her shoulder had popped out. "Bite on this please..." She stated, handing the furniture's leg into the unknown person's mouth. Peach wasn't strong enough to just push the bone back into it's socket so, moving it in place, the pinkette slammed the other woman into the wall as a 'Pop' resounded between the two. The cloth that had been ripped earlier was used to clean off any blood and then used as a placeholder, tied around a gash on the woman's head.

"T-there. I'd give medicine and clean the wounds but my bag isn't here... I'm sorry if i hurt you. I didn't intend to i promise." Peach said, embarrassed slightly. "I'm Peach." The girl smiled a small bit, hoping to comfort the injured person as much as she could. The room was big. Being focused on helping the woman, she still hadn't noticed the dead around her and due to being passed out, she hadn't known what was going on besides the poor woman being hit for seemingly no reason.

In truth, Peach looked horrible. A swollen black eye, greasy hair, torn skin on her wrists and sad maroon eyes. Not the best looking gal currently, she knew. But the golem seemed to be a master of sorts and the way he spoke made her shiver. Yelling commands and using physical force were things Peach hated and here she was, thrown right in the middle of it. Right now that didn't matter. The woman in front of her did.

"Does it still hurt? If it does, where exactly? I must know so i can treat you. I'm a sort of nurse where i came from so don't worry." The pinkette spoke soothingly, coughing afterwards as her breathing came out raspy. Patient's health comes before your health in most situations and this was one of them.

(Note, Peach has already been impregnated Ace!)
Viskur Blacksteele

"Yes, i'm fine dearie. He does this all the time." She did as she was instructed, biting hard on the chair leg, and moaning a little when her shoulder popped back into the socket. Not because it was painful or anything, she endured this sort of tantrum from him most every single weak. It was that she would have to hire a healer, and then pay them, but stinginess and whatnot. It was a complicated process, but she was happy that 'Peach' was here. Cut at least 14 steps out of the picture. "Say girl, what brings you here anyways? Not often does he recruit people, but somebody like you? You've got to be real strong or something for him to pick you up like that." She chuckled a little to herself. "Lykra, maiden of Pleasure. Not often do I meet a kind soul." she said through breaths. "Look, you make yourself home in here all you like. I'll find you a healer around here somewhere if I can alright? Just lie down on the right side of the bed. Not the left."

Meanwhile, in the master bedroom of Viskur...

A few spells was all it was. Just a spell... Viskur was studying the art of pyromancy, something his very being was already imbued with. Within his chambers, which were mostly fireproof and sturdy due to the golem's nature, he was learning 'fireball'. He wasn't all to good with it, because the flame kept flickering before it left his hand, but he was able to sustain it while it was resting there. So, instead of forcing it from his hand, he decided that he was to have it engulf it. A flaming punch. Yes, that would work perfectly. "FUCKING HELL YES THIS IS COOL AS SHIT." He exclaimed to himself. All that was heard beyond the door however was just a muffled "HELL YES."
Viskur Blacksteele

"Yes, i'm fine dearie. He does this all the time." She did as she was instructed, biting hard on the chair leg, and moaning a little when her shoulder popped back into the socket. Not because it was painful or anything, she endured this sort of tantrum from him most every single weak. It was that she would have to hire a healer, and then pay them, but stinginess and whatnot. It was a complicated process, but she was happy that 'Peach' was here. Cut at least 14 steps out of the picture. "Say girl, what brings you here anyways? Not often does he recruit people, but somebody like you? You've got to be real strong or something for him to pick you up like that." She chuckled a little to herself. "Lykra, maiden of Pleasure. Not often do I meet a kind soul." she said through breaths. "Look, you make yourself home in here all you like. I'll find you a healer around here somewhere if I can alright? Just lie down on the right side of the bed. Not the left."

Meanwhile, in the master bedroom of Viskur...

A few spells was all it was. Just a spell... Viskur was studying the art of pyromancy, something his very being was already imbued with. Within his chambers, which were mostly fireproof and sturdy due to the golem's nature, he was learning 'fireball'. He wasn't all to good with it, because the flame kept flickering before it left his hand, but he was able to sustain it while it was resting there. So, instead of forcing it from his hand, he decided that he was to have it engulf it. A flaming punch. Yes, that would work perfectly. "FUCKING HELL YES THIS IS COOL AS SHIT." He exclaimed to himself. All that was heard beyond the door however was just a muffled "HELL YES."
Peach Crawford
"I'm not strong in the slightest. Calico ordered the golem to take me miss Lykra." Peach exhaled. "I can't make myself feel at home. I have to get back to other patients and if i make myself at home as you say, i may forget my duties. As to hoy i got in Ceyphus in the first place, I was taken from my home after the person did things to me..." An image flashed through the girl's mind, the pain from the image making her wince in the physical world. "It would be very kind of you to find a healer for me Miss."

Looking at the maiden, Peach frowned a bit. "I don't understand. Why lie on the right side of the bed instead of the left? Will i have one while i'm here?" Moving hair from her face, Peach bit her cheek. The longer she waited, the more scared she actually got. "I don't mean to be rude in any way but i need help getting back. I don't care how, i need to go! Any way besides death i'll take. Please!" Peach begged, sniffling. "I can't cry... Please... Help me." Peach whispered before putting her hands to her face to cover her tears that flowed freely from her eyes and onto the cold floor.

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