The Pound for Nekos [Accepting!]

Roland looked at Kira frantically. "Where are we going to find a doctor?!" Then he remembered. "Xandi. Xandi's trained with this type of stuff."
Kira looked at Nichole,"shhh just rest..."

She turned to Roland,"lets take her right away!"

Emi looked at Leo,"theyre taking a while... Im worried..."
Roland's eyes widened. "S-She's hearing music! That's not good!" He nodded, gently picking her up.

Leo looked around, his ears twitching nervously.
Kira nodded. She took off running in the direction Roland pointed.,"Xandi!! Xandi!!" She yelled looking for him.
Xandi had been calmly sitting, hunched over. He turned around to find Kira running shoes him. He narrowed his eyes. "What?" He asked, coldly.
"Look i dont need your attitude now..." She grabbed him by the collar of his shirt to make him stand, then she let go,"Nicholes in trouble and can potentionally bleed out..i came to ask for help >w>.." It was hard to put her pride aside but she had to for Nichole.
Xandi softened up. "OK. I-I'll help." He said, softly. Roland brought Nichole over to him.
"Shes bleeding out a lot from a hole in her side she probably has some bedros in there and her...tail...her poor gone." Kira informed him.
Xandi took Nichole immediately and had the others bring him a few items. He began to work on her, not missing a thing. He disinfected, sutured, and bandaged. Finally, he was done.
"Thank goodness!!" Kira sighed

Emi worried even more,"theyre taking a really lobg time.."
Xandi sighed.

Leo made his deep rumbling sound since he couldn't meow.
Xandi watched her. "She should be OK now. I expect her to not be so impulsive next time."
Emi looked at him,"she we go look for them? " she asked while getting up.

Kira leaned her back against a wall and tied her hair up.
Kira looked up at them with her arms crossed,"More importantly, who placed the bomb...?" She looked at the floor and put a hand to her chin,"and why...?". 
Kira realized what Nichole said,"uh oh....." She put her hands up,"im nor explaining."
Xandi shrugged. His eyes rested on Nichole's tail stump. "You did something very courageous, yet idiotic. Your tail didn't make it."
nichole's eyes went big tears threatening to spill."its gone?"she squeaked. "hic hic...WAHHHH!!!!!!!!" a river of tears spilled down her face.
Xandi groaned. "S***. She's crying. I hate it when girls cry." Roland knelt next to her trying to soothe her.

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