The Pound for Nekos [Accepting!]

(heck to the yes....My Shotas and I will rule the WOOOOOORRRRLD and make every boy a shota and make every girl a loli x3)
(WHA!!!! sorry you had to all that ^////^)
(oh yeah! the RP lolz, yea sure :3....i think we're done fangirling)
(OK, lol.) Xandi continued walking until he reached the castle. He glanced back to see Kira.

Roland shook his head. "If you insist, but I don't think you are."
Kira stood at the door debating whether to go in or not. In all honesty she was scared, but tried not to show it.
she look away,"Y-yea...." she replied and followed him.

Emi heard the door open and her ears perked up.
Kira watched as he closed the door,Cant back out now, she thought.

Emi silently peeked from over the stair case rail and looked down at both of them. She got on the floor, set Leo on the floor beside her,"shhhh..." she told him. She was on all fours crawling. She got a little closer....

Kira looked at Xandi,"I dont know if i can do this...apologize i mean...What if she hates me? what if she never forgives me?!" she was talking about Emi.
Xandi rubbed Kira's back awkwardly. "You should apologize, even if she doesn't forgive you, which I believe she will. We I saw you earlier and apologized, I didn't expect you to forgive me. It just goes to show that you never know." He looked away, his face flushing bright crimson. "I believe that you can do this, Kira. I know you can."
Kira blushed too. "Thanks..." she smiled sincerly,"No one has ever--"

"KIRAAAAAAAAA D'X!!!!!' Emi interrupted her. She was running to her ready to tackle.

"WAAAHHHHHH!----" Kira was tackled to the ground.

"Sister! I forgive you! i forgive you! i forgive youuuu!!!!" She said ontop of Kira.

"Y-you do?!" Kira said in a surprised way.

"I really do!!! :'D" she rubbed her head under Kira's neck like a cat. But it was a little akward considering they were in their human form.

"E-Emi...this looks like Twincest...get off please..." Kira blushed and somewhat whispered.

"!..." Emi smiled and purred while rubbing against her sister.
"Kira i love mew~" Emi squeezed her.

Kira gasped when she was being squeezed,"Emi!"

"sorry...." She got up and helped up Kira aswell.

Kira dusted herself off,"Im really sorry...."

"Its okay! Youre my sis i cant stay mad even i tried nya~"

Kira blushed.
Emi blinked,"Hmm?" she looked around,"Wasnt Xandi with you?"

"huh?! O///O" she jumped,"O-oh yea he was...where did he go?..."

Emi smiled,"oh wait!!" she went back up to the stairs and picked up Leo again,"Kay there :3"


"I think we should explore the castle some...maybe theirs a huge maze in the courtyard like the movies!!' She jumped.

"err...i dont think so..." Kira said.

"C'mon!" She pulled her along.

(Idk if there is one....lolz)
(aww nighty night)

They walked out into the courtyard,"Whoa...." Emi said.

"We can get lost in that..." They faced the garden and stared at it.

"We could try?" Emi said.

".......Alright..." Kira said. They went through the entrance and started the maze.

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