The Pound for Nekos [Accepting!]

"B-but im happy your lovely tail works :D its amazing how quickly your nerves reattach." She said surprised

"Hm!.." Kira leaned against the wall.

"What?" Emi looked at her sis

"I just wanna know who was responsible..."

Emi and Kira looked at her,"who?" They said in unison.
Nichole said" it was this rouge neko that tried to court me....he was trying to mate with me on the spot...i rejected his advances and now hes trying to kill me..."
nichole's ears perked up and she looked out the window walking onto the balcony. "show yourself i know your here..." the neko jumped onto the balcony. "hey babe change you mind? hmm camo looks sexy on you..." nichole said"save it haou why did you try to kill us?"glaring. he said"kill you why thats absurbed! maybe you can jog my memory with a kiss doll?" smirking leaning in. SMACK! Nichole was breathing heavily and said"dont ever come near me or my friends ever again if i even smell a whiff of you scent anywhere i will hunt you down and take care of you myself...i promise you you wont be able to even breath by the time im donw with you..." her voice thick with venom.
Xandi's eyes narrowed at the strange neko. So this was the piece of s*** Nichole had been talking about.
Kira looked disgustingly at him,"What a jerk!" She had an irritated look.

Emi looked around not really knowing what was going on. All she knew was that this neko was trying to flirt with Nichole...Emi blushed,"Oh my hes persistant..." She said.
he grabbed her wrist in a tight grip. "did i say you could leave?" nichole winced and said"let.go." haou smirked."not so tough now are you?"adding more pressure. nichole squirmed. he pulled her to him roughly and said"now listen here you will be mine and like it do you understand?" yanking her up by her hair. nichole screamed and struggled he held her over the edge of the balcony.
Kira's face looked shocked. She stopped leaning, and hissed,"Whats your problem?!" she yelled.

Emi cringed, she could feel everyone tense up and didnt like it. Emi isnt one for conflict, shes submissive and tranquil. The only time she'll actually fight is if shes doing it for her sister.
Xandi moved towards the neko. "Let her go before I rip your f****** guts out." He hissed.
haou said"ok..."smirking he let her go. nichole screamed and closed her eyes crying as she fell. a light appeared under her and out came a pegasus. it caught her and said"are you alright?!" nichole said"huh?!" looking at it. she repeated"are you ok?" nichole nodded slowly. "hold on!" flying up to the balcony. she landed and reared up at haou. "you dare harm this child?!"
"What the f-..." Her mouth was covered by Emi.

" bad words! *o*" Emi had stars in her eyes with a very happy grin. She was mezmorized by the pegasus, like a child.
haou cursed backing up. "you dare to lay your filthy hands on her?!" as nichole climbed off. the pegasus charged at him and kicked him with her rear hooves. there was a crack as he fell off the balcony. "hey hades got another one!" as a hole opened swallowing up haou.
Emi ran to the balcony looking down,"Magic OoO.." she said.

She raised Leo in the air and spun around for a bit,"It was magic~!" She sang.

Kira looked at her," It was freaky....>o>..." She said sourly.

Emi stuck her tounge out at Kira. Kira did it back.
Emi purred as well and rubbed his ears," Your ears are so fluffy and cute~"

"Why are you so happy?" Kira hissed at her sister.

"Wha?" Emi looked at her.

"Youre always so happy, especially during the wrong moments. Why dont you get a sense of reality and grow up already..." She passed Emi, bumping into her shoulder. She stood on the balcony leaning on the rail.

"I dont understand...what did i do?..." She looked around at everyone, hoping theyd have the answer. Emi's face was sad and confused
Xandi glared at Kira. "She did nothing." He hissed. Leo seemed to agree, nodding his head.
Kira's cat ears popped out and turned toward Xandi. She turned with them,"You have something to say...?" she growled.

Emi looked worriedly back at forth, from Xandi to Kira and back...
the pegasus said"its ok deary shes just having a rough time.."placimg a wing on emi's shoulder. nichole said"who are you?" "oh pardon my mannets! my name is angelic sparkle! just call me angel!"
Xandi glared, his eyes focusing on Kira. "Yeah. I do. You're annoying."
"Who are you to say what I am?" her canine teeth grew larger,"I dont care what you think! You arent perfect either. You think everyone enjoys your cold hard presense? Tch...Youre better off by yourself, cause you most certaintly act like it. Keep it up and you'll die alone too...." She walked out of the room and down the stairs.

Emi watched her leave and didnt say anything. She was so confused and didnt know what to do. Follow her? Or leave her be? She started to get up, wanting to follow.

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