The Pound for Nekos [Accepting!]

Kira and Emi went downstairs.

"Lets play hide and seek!!" Emi smiled from this brilliant idea.

"Awwww but i dont wanna pla--you seek first!!" She took off running and laughed.

"Theres gotta be a good hiding place in this big castle somewhere!"

"Awww thats not fair!!!" Emi pouted but she counted anyway.
Roland held her, stroking her hair softly.

Leo tilted his head at the two.
Emi stopped counting and looked at Leo,"wanna play?" She smiled.

Kira ran down a corridor looking for a place to hide,"Why arent there secret placed?" She asked panicking, she wanted to find a place quick.
Emi jumped,"yay~! Go hide hurry hurry!!" She started to push him a bit to get him going.

Then she continued counting.

Kira kept a running, she didnt know where to hide. Then she found a sort of drawer/cabniet thing. "I think i can for in there..l she opened it, got on all fours and squeezed her self in.
Leo padded off down the hall. He ran around until he found a clothes hamper. He hopped into the hamper and grabbed some clothes to bury himself with. He curled up and waited.

Roland tilted his head.
the ring beeped again"danger is near danger is near!" nichole's eyes snapped open. the ring said" bomb detected bomb detected!" nichole went into serious mode. "EVERYONE SINGLE FILE IN FRONT OF ME NOW!" she picked up clove and handed him to roland. her ears picked up the faint beeping.
Emi's cat ears popped out and twitched,"huh?" She said when she heard Nicholes voice,"i have tofind Leo and Kira!!"

Kira's ears twotched as well,"what? And emergency?" She opened the door slowly. She attemted to get out but her finger got caught between the cabinet and cabinet door,"ow!"

She tried to pull but it hurt, she turned to a cat and her whole paw was stuck in there. She meowed. "Dang it!!" She thought and struggled
Roland cuddled Clove.

Leo turned into a cat and jumped out of the hamper, making a grumbling sound. He ran down the hall and tried to find someone.
Emi found a cat but it wasnt her sister, it smelled a little like Leo,"Leo?"she asked
Kira pulled harder, her breathing getting heavier. All that was going through her head was "emergency" "run" but she couldnt. She hissed and growled basically cursing.
Emi held Leo and ran to Nichole,"i cant find Kira!" She hugged Leo with tears forming.

Kira looked around with her ears perked and tail swaying aggitadedly. She chewed on the door and pulled. Finally she came loose and did a little back roll. She shook her head and ran as fast as she could! She looked around for Emi.

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