The Pound for Nekos [Accepting!]

Leo's heart pounded hard and fast. This was terrifying for him. It probably was for the others too.
Emi cooperated and went outside still holding Leo. She didnt want to she wanted to look for her sister but wanted Leo to be safe as well 
Kira was happy she found Nichole. She brushed past her And ran outside. She looked back for a sec then kept going. She saw emi and jumped onto her shoulders.

Emi smiled,"Thank goodness"
Emi looked down at him and hugged him tighter,"Dont worry i got you."

Kira mewed and rubbed against Emi. Emi looked at her,"im glad you found us." She gave a sigh of relief
Emi scratched behind his ear in nervousness

She sat on the floor and waited for Nichole and Roland
With Leo on her lap she grabbed Kira and put her on her lap too,"I guess all we can do is wait guys." 
Kiras ears perked and her eyes were wide and she stood still as she turned back to face the house and explosion.
Emi stood up, she smelled blood and covered her nose cringing.

Kira turned into a human and hugged Emi,"Dont worry..."

Emi started to cry,"i dont like b-blood! I dont like it!!!" She screamed.

"Hey..hey that was years ago dont remember that now...right now we need to make sure Nichole is okay. Stay here with Leo kay?"

Emi nodded and picked up Leo

"Ill be back.."she kissed Emi's forehead. Kira ran into the house looking for Nichole.
Roland ran around and looked for Nichole.

Leo shuddered, but tried to comfort her.
Kira followed the scent of her blood. She ran to her and got on the floor and pulled her out, laying her on the ground,"ROLAND!" She yelled,"dont worry youll be okay, just stay with me.." She said
Kira saw the blood everywhere and Nicholes wounds,"Emi can dissinfect and i can suture but Emi has a hemophibia, she hates blood. Its best Nichole sees a!" She said while looking at the wounds

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