The Pound for Nekos [Accepting!]

Kira glared at Xandi," he didnt have to roll his eyes, you did nothing wrong.."

"Its okay i dont mind" Emi's smile disappeared
Leo looked at them. "Don't mind him! I think his period came early this month." He signed.
Emi laughed loudly.

Kira looked at her sis,"tell me what he said!"
"i think its time i start teaching mew sign language" Emi told Kira.

"aww...." Kira wasnt really looking forward to it. 
Kira looked over at Nichole who was holding the bunny,"Aww..." she walked over to see it.

Emi jumped,"A bunny?!"

"Yeah! come see it! its so cuuuute~"

"umm..." she hesitated," Id rather...not...ill stay here.."
Kira looked back at her sister,"Why not?"

"Dont mew remember what happened last week? DX when we found that bunny and it bit my finger! Those things are vicious...=3=..."

Kira laughed, while she was busy looking at the bunny, Emi went to Leo,"I dont think I introduced myself, Im Emi, Kira's twin. We have different colored hair and personalities butwe're sisters" she smiled. "And mew are?..oh! i mean you not mew..." she blushed from her mistake.
Leo signed to Emi, "My name is Leo. Nice to meet you." He tugged on a strand of his blue hair.
Roland had been sitting at the table, staring down at his lap. "Hmm?" He asked quietly.
Roland sighed. "I don't mind. You didn't have to ask my permission..." He didn't look up.
nichole said"yay!...roland whats wrong?" walking over. she crouched getting to his eye level ears drooping. "are you ok? are you sick are you hurt?! who did it i'll tear them limb from limb!"
Roland blushed, looking at her. He purred and nuzzled her back.
Nichole walked up the stairs and opened a door and walked onto the roof. there was a beautiful garden! she smiled and said"here it is i grew this myself...i started when i was a kitten my friend helped me take care of it until...."trailing off stopping from telling a painful memory.
Roland looked at her. "Oh...Sorry...You sounded sad...But this garden is beautiful." He was not one to pay, but he wondered why she had stopped talking out of nowhere.
(the above post was supposed to say pry, not pay. dumb tablet won't let me fix it...)

Roland looked at her. "Oh no, you don't have to." He said nervously.

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