The Pound for Nekos [Accepting!]

Kira was surprised this that this girl sensed who she was. She walked in looked around "this place looks bigger on the inside OoO" she said. She shook her head "but im here for Emi..." She reminded herself
Roland squirmed and looked up at her. He sat there and looked down. (Yeah...Wow... :3)
Roland opened his eyes and smiled, starting to wake up. Leo purred, which was pretty much all he could do.
Kira just followed the girl that answered the door, "i smell her scent..." She said to herself
All the boys looked shocked. "What are you saying? It's amazing!" Nikki said. The rest nodded. They just had a lot on their minds.
Emi had a bright smile on her face while eating. "C-Can i another serving?" She asked shyly.

Kira spotted her sister,"Emi?..."

Emi smiled at her sister,"Come sit with me! And eat some of this~!"
"Emi we have to go..." Kira kind of whined.

"But....but theres food...mew know how hard it is to get food out there.."

Kira sighed. She glared at Xandi just because he looked at her.
Nichole nodded and gave her some more smiling. she purred happily then got out dessert it was a berry tart with lemon custard. ''eat as much as you like theres plenty and i'll show you to some rooms later!''
Kira's eyes quickly darted over to the pastry "Emi lets...lets...not leave yet" her attention distracted by the delicious tart.

Emi giggled "if you sit and stay with me you can have my serving ^w^~" she said.

"Kay *o*" she quickly ran over to Emi, sat next to her, and ate the tart. For some reason when she ate something sweet she herself became kind of sweet. She acted more like Emi when she ate dessert, she felt like a child

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