The Pound for Nekos [Accepting!]

Roland kissed her on the cheek softly. He then left, quietly closing the door behind him.
Roland walked around before settling down on the ground. Then he closed his eyes.

(Honey... You can jump in anytime. You know that right?)
nichole looked around in her dream. she saw her and the others but something was going on. she saw she was wearing a beautiful dress then figured it out. //me and roland getting married?!// she blushed deeply in real life.
(Unfortunately, I think that's true... Guess what Roland's dreaming about? Nichole! I also like the way Nichole thinks.)
(im back x3) 
Kira's ears twitched and she looked around nervously. Her tail was still.

Emi looked at her sister,"Put them away! what if a human passes? we're dead..."

"Human ears suck...cant hear a thing..and do be so scared we'll be okay.."

"Mew'll get used to them i dont wanna get thrown in there again..."

"ill put them away when you stop saying mew all the time..." they argued.
Nikki was walking outside with Xandi when they saw two girl nekos arguing. Nikki tilted his head and Xandi crossed his arms.
Emi,with her tiny voice, told Kira "Why cant mew listen to me sis D: we are going to get in trouble!"

"No! We are not!!! Youre always telling me what to do!" Kira ranted.

Emi sort of panicked,"Okay. Okay. Just please lower you r voice youre causing a scene. Please.."

Kira looked at her angrily,".....youre telling me what to do again!!"

Emi cringed.
Kira stormed away steaming. Emi watched her walk away and soon realized she was alone,"W-Wait for me!! >o<!"

"Dont follow me!"

Emi stopped in her tracks,"aww...;w;" she had a sad look
Roland was still curled up.

Xandi raised his eyebrows. "Weird..." Nikki mumbled.
Kira bumped Nikki as she passed.

Emi called out,"Kira? ....Kira please dont leave D:" she just watched her walk away. Emi slumped a bit and sat on a near by bench. She was planning to just sit there and wait till Her sister came back.
Xandi shook his head. Nikki smiled. "Hi, Nichole!" He said, waving.

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