The Pound for Nekos [Accepting!]

the teen pinned her down and she tried to bite him. he slapped her and she yowled. he smirked and flipped her over. nichole screamed"ROLAND!"
Name: Kira and Emi

Age: 15

Gender: female

(idk if the pic is showing but...) Kira has long blonde hair and Emi has long Black hair

Personality of Kira: Shes independent and outgoing. Shes optimistic and cheery. Super friendly around girls but when it comes to boys, shes a tsundere (if you dont know what a tsundere is its a girl thats tough on the outside but a big softy on the inside). She can put up a fight but has some thunder and milk :P

Personality of Emi: Shy quiet and caring. She has a gentle voice and spirit. Shes always there for her sister and has a hard time making friends. She used to get picked on a lot and didnt do anything about it.

Background: Her and her twin sister were left to fend themselves as babies. Kira was the protective one. One day while looking for food, her sister was caught and thrown in the pound. She went to break her out but was caught as well.
The looked up and cursed. Nichole struggled more and Jack (the human) roughly picked her up and held a gun to her temple. "leave or i'll kill her..."
jack screamed and tried to shake him off. Nichole bit down on the hand that held the gun. she grabbed it and said"ROLAND MOVE!" her finger shaking on the trigger.
Nichole said"get away from them now jack!" jack said"you dont have the guts!" nichole aimed in the air shooting a warning shot. "guys go." her necklace surrounded them with the teleporting bubble.(yay youre back!)
Roland looked at Nichole. "I...I can't leave you." He said nervously. (I know :3)
Nichole said"GO!" before getting tackled by Jack. his hands closed around her throat and she struggled to breathe. she tried to pry his hands off before she saw black. Javk smirked when her struggles stopped
Roland gasped. He pounced on Jack, biting him. He was NOT losing Nichole.
Kira was in a tree eating a lollipop and dozing off, her tail lightly twitching with out a care. Her sister Emi cameup to the tree "sister...i dont like it here..." Her innocent voice spoke.

"Me neither.." She jumped off the tree and landed on her feet,"but what are we gonna do about it?.."

Emi just shrugged "im too scared to leave! What if they find us again?...but...perhaps..."

"Ohhhhh no!" Kira cut her off "no we've been through this, im not leaving you."

Emi made a little sad face.
when the light died down nichole was standing with a kantana in her hands. she was glowing with a golden aura and she was in a flowing white dress.
Nichole opened her eyes and they were a golden hazel. she ran at Jack with ninja speed. SLICE! the top half of his body slid to the floor.

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