The Path From Fayland - Official RP

"No, no, I honestly can't remember what he looked happened so fast. Look over in that harp?" she says pointing at a bush off on the side of the road.
Leaf looks at Faye with big eyes did she just say leave the village,"Yes yes yes,"Is all she can shout.She practically jumps into Faye's arms,"I want to go,"She shouts rather loudly her snow white hair sticking up on end from the excitement coursing through her body,"Can I go with you,"Leaf ask,looking at her with her big doe eyes.Well the one that was visible and wasn't covered by a mass of silk white strands.
(Basically, here's what's happened so far: A couple of elves around the village received an anonymous invitation to a bonfire behind the General Store, so everyone headed out there (Faye, Ivy, Jupiter, Roslyn, Darian, Nook, and Nook's younger sister) It turns out that Darian's uncle is King Calaer, the leader of all Light Elves. Faye wanted to tell everyone that she wanted to adventure outside of Fayland and see what's out there, but she needed all of them to go with for a larger chance that they survive out there. However, since it's forbidden to leave Fayland and it could lead to being imprisoned if someone (especially the King) were to find out, Faye got Ivy to pull Darian away from the bonfire so that he didn't hear what she was about to ask everyone. They planned this because they were afraid that he would tell the King, which would lead to them being in big trouble (possibly imprisoned). So, either you could've received an invitation as well, or you could just spot the bonfire and decide to approach it, anything you wish! c: )

Selina jerked awake to the sound of a book smacking the ground behind her. Pushing herself up from her work table, blinking the sleep out of her eyes, she turned to see her cat Jerrian sitting on the shelf looking innocent.

"Jer..." she moaned, getting up and stifling a yawn. Goodness, dark already? When had she fallen asleep? Picking up the grey tabby, Selina took him back over to his cage. "How do you keep managing to get out, kitty?"

Selina leaned back and stretched, scanning her messy sewing room. She had fallen asleep on top of her embroidery. She walked back over to the table, running a hand over the yellow and gold leaf patterns adorning the dress. Hmm, what had she been working on that for again?

With a sudden rush of realization, Selina smacked her hand on her head. The bonfire! She snatched up the scroll from her work table, scanning it for the time. Seven? She was an hour and a half late! So much for wearing her nice new dress. Groaning, Selina snatched up her bag, not even caring much what it contained, and ran out the door.

Selina made it to the General Store in record time, only ten minutes. She slumped over, panting. Once she had regained her composure, she straightened up, adjusting her dress, and walked around to the warm smell of the bonfire in the back.

"Hello, sorry I'm so late!" She said cheerily, preparing to introduce herself, but she stopped, looking around her. This didn't look like much of the cheery party she had been expecting, in fact, some of the elves looked scared, others were even glaring accusingly at her.

"What?" she said trying to break the tension, "I don't look that messy, do I?"
A small girl with fluffy white hair and large, hopeful eyes the color of plums practically appears out of nowhere, shouting with excitement after Faye told everyone about leaving to the outside world. Faye looks down at the very young girl, seeing that she wants to tag along really badly. Faye can't help but smile at the girl, seeing how much she reminds her of her own curious self. If she were her age and someone suggested what she had, she'd beg to go as well.

Faye leans down so that her face is level to the young girl's and asks, "And what may your name be..and your talent?"
(I think I'll go for the latter :) thanks)

Vex awoke in the quiet darkness of his home. He had been dreaming, but about what, he couldn't remember. That was one of the things he hated most.

He sat up in his bed, the covers falling from his body to reveal his bare chest. Vex didn't work out, but years of fighting didn't exactly make him a weakling. Although he rarely admitted it out loud, he knew he was hot. He was sexy and he knew it, you might say.

Rubbing his eyes sleepily, he gazed in a circle around the room to identify what it was that had awaken him. Across the far wall, there were four enormous gouges in the wall, as if it had been attacked by some colossal beast. This actually was, in fact, the case.

"Must've shifted in my sleep again...crap..."

He got up from bed and dressed, and decided to head outside to get some air. It was a cool night, not too hot, just the way Vex liked it. He had just began to leave his house when he noticed a light in the distance, accompanied by smoke rising into the deep blue night sky.

"A fire? Doesn't look good. Maybe I should check it out."

He set off in the direction of the flames, making sure to watch for trouble in case there were ruffians or bandits, or possibly even...dark elves...*shifty eyes* 
(You can just call me either Froggie or Jay)
Leaf grins,"I'm Leaf and My talent is magic,"She takes a step back and pulls at the edge of her long sleeve tunic.To anyone looking at Leaf they would see a small I'm unculturedile girl wearing a emrald green tunic that went to her knees and long brown pants the color of rich soil.Small and iniocent,with her pretty white hair and big doelike eyes,but Leaf was the exact oppisite of I'm unculturedile.She was like a great typhone of energy and loves to get down and dirty.She her eyes twinkling with mischief,looking around trying to see who was all here and notices Nook first,"Great is Darian here,"She looks around as if trying to spot him,frowning. 
(Lol I declare Foggie's Characters Leafs crush lol If Her alouds it lol)
Faye smiles at the girl and says, "Well, Leaf.." she hesitates for a few moments and glances at the fire, wondering if it's a good idea to allow her to join them on their quest. Is she really going to be able to take care of a younger girl, like babysitting, while doing something like this?

Faye looks back at Leaf, noticing that determined spark in her eyes, like she herself has. She grins, "Okay, Leaf, you can come with us...but you have to be aware that this is a really big, dangerous task that we have ahead of us..and you can't tell anyone...especially Darian--about this. Okay?"

Faye then stands back up and turns around, seeing a girl who she knew was named Selina Daryn. She had dark eyes, the color of rich chocolate, and midnight black hair that draped over her shoulders in messy braids. She doesn't remember where, but she's met her somewhere before.

"Hey," Faye says to her, "Thanks for joining us." She smiles kindly at her, reassuring her that it's okay if she's late. "Don't freak--but we were just discussing how..we were planning on leaving...Fayland."
"I do understand its dangerous,"Leaf's eyes suddenly became sad and serious,"But I have to go.Someone is waiting for me,"Tears start form in her eyes as she remembers that last few moments with her father.He had taken her hands in his,bending down looking into her eyes,"I'll be back soon,"He had said to her giving her a quick embrace right before he left.After that she had never seen her father again,but she could still remember every detail of that moment,"I won't tell Darian.I promise."
(Basically, here's what's happened so far: A couple of elves around the village received an anonymous invitation to a bonfire behind the General Store, so everyone headed out there (Faye, Ivy, Jupiter, Roslyn, Darian, Nook, and Nook's younger sister) It turns out that Darian's uncle is King Calaer, the leader of all Light Elves. Faye wanted to tell everyone that she wanted to adventure outside of Fayland and see what's out there, but she needed all of them to go with for a larger chance that they survive out there. However, since it's forbidden to leave Fayland and it could lead to being imprisoned if someone (especially the King) were to find out, Faye got Ivy to pull Darian away from the bonfire so that he didn't hear what she was about to ask everyone. They planned this because they were afraid that he would tell the King, which would lead to them being in big trouble (possibly imprisoned). So, either you could've received an invitation as well, or you could just spot the bonfire and decide to approach it, anything you wish)

Selina's heart leaped, they were leaving Fayland? That's why she had been invited? A grin spread across her face. "I have been dreaming of leaving here for so long," she said, "I'm all in."
(Go ahead and jump in, Nikki! The more the merrier! I can't Role Play until Lysander gets back though [in an attempt to get him away from Faye's announcement, Ivy (me) ended up getting hurt and Darian (Lysander) ran to help her.] So, I will be reading everything, but I'm still here. Feel free to jump right in!)
[QUOTE="Nikki Rodgers](Omg this started already? ?? Can I still join?)

(Oh, you weren't aware it started? Well feel free to jump right in whenever! Xynia just showed you the summary I showed some of the other people jumping in, so we're still at the beginning pretty much! ^^ Oh, and Ivy is also in on the plan to leave Fayland as well, Darian is the only one who is unaware.) 
Faye smiles at Selina and says, "Really? It seems I'm not the only one who has wanted leave Fayland afterall...Selina, that's your name--right?" She laughs softly, hoping she doesn't sound rude. "What's your talent?" She looks back down at Leaf for a moment and notices the sudden coldness that's filled her eyes. "Someone's waiting for you..?" Faye wonders curiously. "Is everything okay, Leaf?"

I opened my mouth to tell Faye my talent, but she then looked down at Leaf, looking concerned.

"Hey, if you are really coming with us, then know that we'll keep you safe. You don't have to worry." I smiled at her and she smiled shyly back.

"My talent is tailoring, yours is magic, right?"
Leaf's expression changes quickly,"Yeah I am okay,"She says now smiling a single dimple revealing itself,yet that smiles doesn't quite go to her eyes,"Anyway why is this a secret from Darian,"She ask a puzzled look forming across her face.She knits her thin eyebrows together. 
She looks at Selina,"Yes and I don't need to be protected,"She says a little bit angry that they think she would.
Vex approached the light, which turned out to be a bonfire. Several light elves were gathered around it, most of them his age by the looks of it. He dashed behind a large bush and hid to avoid being seen prematurely.

"Let's see...approach normally, or come thundering through the underbrush like a spooked elephant? Choices, choices..."

Vex grinned. "That one's a no brainer. Well I hope they aren't all stone-cold hunters, or this is gonna be really painful for me...hopefully they can take a joke."

Concentrating, he dropped to the ground on all fours and began to change. His already incredibly sexy muscles became even larger, his body grew, fur sprouted all over. Fully morphed into his beast form, Vex let out a huge roar that shook the earth, and began crashing towards the group at an incredible speed like a freight train, his gargantuan paws ripping up loose dirt and dust as he ran. He let out one more roar right before he reached the bonfire. Vex wondered to himself why he didn't do this more often. It was so much fun. 
(just to clarify, in beast form Vex looks like this

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