The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(Mhm xD ) 
Faye awkwardly jerks her hand back and scratches the back of her head. "Hah.." She turns, noticing that Ivy has joined their presence. "Oh, and this is my good friend, Ivy!" she says with too much enthusiasm as she gestures towards her.
"If you don't mind I need to talk to Faye really quickly, for like just a minute." Ivy laughs nervously at the words she's saying to Darian. 'Wow, this is kind of awkward...' Ivy thinks. Ivy grabs Faye's wrist and pulls her out of earshot from Darian.

"That was kind of ballsy, don't you think?" Ivy teases Faye.
Faye stumbles a bit as Ivy drags her away from Darian.

"Talking to Darian?" Faye wonders, looking at her blue eyed friend.
Faye's face turns pink with embarrassment as she glances away, then looks back at her misguided friend.

"Wh-what? No! No, I wasn't flirting with him! No." Faye shakes her head as to rid the absurd thought from their minds.

"I'm trying to get him to go somewhere else for at least a minute."
"Huh? Well, why? What does he have to leave for? This is part of your announcement, isnt it? Whats the big news?" Ivy puts her hands on her hips, curiosity getting the best of her.
"It's just..I don't think it's a good idea to tell him," Faye says, looking at Ivy with seriousness. "We could already get in huge trouble as it is..but knowing Darian's connections....we have no chance."

Faye crosses her arms, her oversized white hoodie snuggling her body. She glances over at Darian, then looks back to Ivy. Faye grasps onto her thin arm and pulls her further away from the crowd, the dark shadows of the forest falling against their pale faces.

"You know how...I always told you how I always wanted to know what it was like..outside of..Fayland?"
"Yes...Y-you where serious?!" Ivy laughs from the happiness she feels. "I want to see the world as well, know, I've always had a reason to keep me here...but not now. No! Not now." Ivy bubbles with excitement. "Wait! Why is it a bad idea to tell Darian? He knows a good deal of magic from what it looks like..." Ivy cocks her head inquisitively.
Faye nods, "Of course I've been serious...I know how dangerous it is, but it's not like I'm willing to let that stop me. I know it would be completely suicidal for me to go alone, even for just both of us to go. But I figured, if we left with a group of elves..we'd have plenty of talent and skill to survive..possibly." Faye looks down at the ground, understanding that she's insane for even thinking of something this forbidden. However, Ivy's right. What's left to keep them here in this lifeless village anymore? Not going on an adventure at all...well that wouldn't make her grandfather proud.

Faye lifts her head up to smile at her friend. "I'm glad you're in on this too. I knew you wouldn't bail on me."

She then sighs, "But anyway, it would be nice to have someone like Darian with us if we left the village, but aside from the fact that he wouldn't do something like that for a couple of strangers like us, his uncle is King Calaer. If he ever found out that we were planning on adventuring outside of the village, there's a possibility we could be thrown in prison..."
"His Uncle is King Calaer??" Ivy gasps. "Oh, that's bad news." Ivy suddenly gets an idea and her eyes light up. "Okay, what if I distract him somehow? You can tell everyone else your plans and I'll distract him for a little while. I'm good with improvisation."
Faye's eyes light up and she exclaims, "Really?! You'd do that? You're the best."

As Faye smiles at her best friend she gives her a rough pat on the back, pushing her in Darian's direction a little.

"Go for it," she whispers.
"Oh boy." Ivy mutters under her breath. 'Think fast, Ivy." she thinks. She begins to approach Darian. Se notices that he is still standing next to Roslyn. "I need to get him alone..." Ivy nods to herself. ' She stands tall and walks over confidently.

"Hello, Darian. I'm Ivy Alssiada. It's nice to meet you." She says raising an eyebrow at the white haired boy confidently.
Darian glances down at the girl, whose name was apparently Ivy Alssiada. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Ivy Alssiada. Tell me, do you happen to know anything about that announcement that Faye speaks of? I'm a bit short on time, and patience, but mostly time. Is there anyway that we could speed things up a bit?" said Darian. He was anxious to hear what the other girl wanted to announce. That way, he'd know weather there was an imminent threat to report to Uncle Calaer, or if it was just the whim of some gallivanting teenagers.
"Hmm well, you know..." Ivy stands there looking at the ground, not knowing what to do next. Suddenly, Ivy gets an idea. No one said it was a good idea, but she gets an idea. "Who knows...but I hear its something important...but, you know Faye is being awfully difficult today and she refuses to say her announcement without feeding her guests dinner. She doesn't want to leave the bonfire, so she sent me to go get food. And she told me to bring you along because she's protective of me and you look like you could fend off know...bad people...or something along those lines. Besides, if we get Faye what she wants she'll tell us the announcement faster." Ivy lies. 'Oh my god that was a terrible plan...' Ivy does a mental facepalm. 'Oh god.'
Darian stared at Ivy intensely, confused as to her intentions. 'Is she... trying to get rid of me?' he thought incredulously. 'I mean, I don't know why she'd do that, but acting in such a manner is unusual... even for someone of her temperament.' He didn't allow any of this to show on his face. 'No matter. Fortunately for me, I have just the remedy for this ploy.'

Now speaking to Ivy, he said, "Oh, there's no need to worry about food. I brought quite a bit in this satchel. Also, I scoped the area thoroughly with Nook before I arrived at the bonfire, so there's no need to worry about bad people, or something along those lines." Darian said that last part in a playfully mocking way. "And believe me when I say that if anything goes wrong, just give me a shout, and I'll take care of it." With that, he cause a small, but intense fire to star in his hand. The flame gave his steely gray eyes a dark glint to them, and it was just a bit frightening.
Faye watches as Ivy speaks with Darian, relief washing over her because once they left the area, she'd be able to tell everyone about leaving Fayland. She wasn't quite sure if they'd be up for it, but she was ready to do some convincing. Let's just hope word didn't get around to Darian..........

Faye moves around the fire, allowing her eyes to scan over everyone who was there.

Jupiter was still sitting silently on a log, her soft gaze focused on the flames. Roslyn remained in her spot beside Darian. A boy with turquoise hair and a younger girl seemed to be there, too. To be quite honest, she wasn't aware of his talent...but she knew his name..she had seen him with Darian before. Ah, what was it..? She thought for a few moments before it finally hit her. Ah, it was Nook!

Wow, Faye thought to herself as she scratched her chin, that's only a few other people. She was aware that Jupiter was skilled in Holy Arts, which would come in handy very much on their journey. Roslyn was a very talented archer, therefore it would be a good thing to have her come along as well.
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"Oh, okay then, I guess I'll be going by myself." Ivy says sweetly. 'He has to make this difficult for me doesn't he? Well, I like a challenge...' Ivy thinks... She turns away and begins walking towards the edge of the clearing. At this particular moment, she makes eye contact with Faye and gives her the death stare. 'The things she makes me do...' Ivy shakes her head. 'Well, I guess I'll go over to the general store anyway...' Ivy thinks walking away. It's pitch black outside and a few lanterns flicker on the side of the buildings. No one is out on the streets at this time. It's getting quite dark outside. Suddenly, a figure passes in front of Ivy and stops infront of her. "OH MY GOD, DARIAN, HELP!" she screams remembering his promise.
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Faye catches Ivy's eyes as she walks past her, on her way out of the clearing. Faye responds with a questioning look, unsure of why Darian isn't tagging along.

Moments later, she hears a high pitched scream come from the direction Ivy was heading in, startling Faye and causing her to jump. She quickly spins around, her eyes widening in fear.

Ivy?! Faye wonders to herself, her breathes coming out heavily.

Faye begins to take a step forward, but then stops as she realizes the way her friend yelled that. She whips her head in Darian's direction, giving him an urging look.

"Should I call for help?!" Faye asks aloud, still facing Darian.
Darian was leaning against the wall, satisfied that he'd stopped any ideas of getting him away from the bonfire. However, it was at that moment that he heard Ivy's scream. For a second, Darian was tempted to leap into action. But, he remembered Ivy's peculiar behavior from before, so he hesitated. 'What if I miss the announcement? That's the whole reason for me risking breaking my curfew to be here!' he thought. Just then, he remembered a crucial fact: He and Nook had brought Jeya along with them. 'That girl has a great memory, even if she is a bit shy around all these people. I'll make sure to ask her what she heard after I get back. I sure hope this Ivy girl is in trouble.'

Hearing Faye's inquiry, he responds, "No, it's fine. I'll go myself." As he says that, he draws his runed sword. The sword comes to life with flames springing from the blade and lightning curling around it. "Don't worry, there's not much in these parts that I can't handle." With that, he ran off to Ivy with the speed, grace, and efficiency that comes from years of training.
Faye smirked to herself, finally seeing that Darian was gone.

She spun back around, facing the others that were at the bonfire and talked hastily, "Guys! I have something to ask you...I's going to sound like absolutely insane, but what's keeping us here in this lifeless village? Don't you want to get out there? Don't you want to see what the outside world is like--what it's all about? Why are we just sitting here like a bunch of bumps on a log?" Faye questions passionately, moving around the fire to pull Jupiter up off the log by her arm. "Staying here in the quiet town of Bellford won't do a thing, really. Even if something did happen to us, wouldn't it be worth it? They say it's forbidden to leave Fayland, but what if--what if we did survive--what if we changed the elven world?! With all of us together, we could do it, we really could!" Faye gulps, glancing back and fourth between Roslyn, Jupiter, Nook, and what looked like his younger sister.
Ivy squeals in pain and collapses on the stone road once more. She shakes in fear. The figure is gone, but she is terrified. She sees Darian rushing towards her. "D-Darian! Someone came and pushed me down on the ground and stole my harp! I think that I've hurt my ankle quite terribly." She whimpers.
Darian arrives at the stone road just as Ivy collapses. He rushes over to her, but he sees no one there. "Are you okay?" he asks urgently. His eyes scan around, but he still can't see anyone. However, it is obvious that Ivy wasn't merely faking the injury, and she was in genuine pain. "I don't see anyone, and my magical sense aren't picking up any disturbances either." He closes his eyes, then thinks quietly to himself. 'Obviously, whoever did this is well-versed in magical detection and covert operation.'

Turning back to speak to Ivy, he says, "I can report the theft of your harp. However, first you need some medical attention." Taking his emergency medical kit out of his satchel, he realigns her ankle and creates a makeshift ankle splint. "That'll have to do until I can find someone skilled in the Holy Arts." Then, he remembers that one of the girls at the bonfire was skilled at the Holy Arts. "Here, let's get you back to the fire, then we can find some real help." With that, he lifted little Ivy bridal style effortlessly and bounded back to camp in quick, long strides.
"Thank you so much." Ivy whimpers as he ties up her ankle. Suddenly he picks her up and she can't help , but get really scared. Ivy, ironically enough, she loved adventure, but she was terrified of heights. As she hangs onto the stranger for dear life, she sees a beautiful sparkle in a bush. "...wait, Darian! Hold up!" she yells clenching her eyes tightly. It's scary enough to be being carried by a stranger, but it's even scarier when said stranger is extremely tall. Although, she really did need to get to that bush.
Darian, oblivious to Ivy's state of terror, notices something in his peripherals, but he dismisses it. Just then, Ivy tells hims to pause for a moment. He stops on a dime, kicking up some dust and rubble in his wake. "What? What is it?" There was still some urgency in his voice seeing as how Ivy was still injured. "Do you see the person that attacked you? Is he following us?" Darian quickly uses his magical senses to scout the surrounding area. 'Hmm... I don't sense anything. Then again, I don't know what this mysterious assailant looks like, so perhaps Ivy does see something.' He looks down at her in his arms with a piercing gaze, willing her to tell him exactly what she saw.

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