The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(I was hoping some of the others would post since the only people to post since myself have been you and Xynia1998. I was also hoping that Nami would be make her announcement before my next post.)
((That is also what I have been waiting on is the big announcement. Well, I suppose we could have some minor conversations and stuff among the characters until then. What do you guys think?))
(Sure. Your charrie is Roslyn, right Gypsy? You could have her approach Darian because he isn't one to ignore others. Perhaps they can discover their similarities. It might also determine if they will be rivals, friends, or... otherwise.)
Roslyn approached the young man all the other girls had been gawking at. Her demeanor never changed. She remained confident and poise. Bluntly she looks him in the eye and states "So what has all these girls staring at you anyway?".
Darian stayed resting against the wall, although he inclined his head to acknowledge the girl. 'I really don't have time to be chatting idly.' he thought. 'But... Nook is probably off to look at "cute girls", so....' Darian mused as he let his steely, piercing eyes survey the new girl. 'Why not?' he mentally shrugged. Turning to face her more openly, he responded. "To be quite honest, I don't know why they stare at me. Perhaps it is because they know who I am, or rather who I am associated with." he said with a dismissive shrug and disdainful gaze at the others. "I assume that you don't know either of those pieces of information. However, at the moment, the more important question to me is this: Who might you be?" As he said this, his eyes returned to the rather attractive girl, and he raised his eyebrows in questioning.
Roslyn studied him for a moment. She couldn't recall ever seeing him before. Then again, she spent most of her time out hunting so she didn't much pay attention to politics of the town. "No, I don't recall knowing you or who you might be associated with." she hesitated for a moment before giving out her name. "My name is Roslyn, and yours?".
The mood was just perfect. Everyone, `cept the old men, was laughing and sharing a drink or two. Nook sat crossed-leggedly on one of the many stumps that were being used as chairs next to Darian as he shared two cups of with with his best friend before he went off to a talk-up a chick. It made him proud as he took another sip of wine.

Next to him on a smaller stump, Jeya sipped a bit of honey-water ((?random thing for kids to drink...)) while some of the older girls happily braided and unbraided her long hair, complementing the length and the texture. 'They seem pretty entertained' He thought smiling. However his vision started to fuzz over. It was enough to make him dump the rest of the wine on the ground and go for a water refill.
Darian continued to stare at the girl. 'Roslyn... that's actually a very pretty name... for a rather pretty girl.' he thought. Of course, he wouldn't be admitting that to her. He shook himself out of his thoughts subtly, hoping that Roslyn hadn't noticed. "Well, it is my pleasure to meet you, Roslyn. My name is Darian Prince. As for my associates, it is fairly well known that I have close ties to King Calaer. That tends to attract some attention from others." he said as he gestured to the rest of the group. Then, with a somewhat darker, more spiteful voice, he continued, "Of course, there are other reasons having to do with my father..." However, he quickly got off the topic. "But, those reasons aren't really worth mentioning right now." His voice sounded a little more closed off, and his normally steely gaze became a bit softer, more vulnerable somehow.
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Roslyn tucks her hair behind her ear as she glances down to the ground then back to him. She was still unsure if her first impressions of this man where clear or not. Whatever the case, she wanted to know more. "So if you are so noble, what are you doing clear out here at a simple bonfire?'.
With a slight sigh, Darian sticks his hand into the satchel and pulls out the rather crumpled invitation. "Crap." Darian says. He sighs in exasperation once again, and then, with a lazy flick of his hand, the paper straightens itself out, devoid of any wrinkles. Turning to show the invite to Roslyn, he says, "I am here because I received this rather random letter calling me down here. I was working on a rather complicated lightning spell that required some time. Anyway, I assume that is why you and the others are here as well, correct?"
((Sorry, but I have to poof for a little while, my daughter woke up. Not sure what time I will be back.)) 
Roslyn nods her head "Yes I got the same invitation. I really don't know anyone here though.". She turns around and scans the crowd looking for a familiar face.
(Oh, gosh, I'm sorry! Manda and I have been painting her room all day and we never got the chance to notify anyone, sorry 'bout that. My posting is kind of late and you're all probably offline, but I'm still gonna post. I'll be on a lot more tomorrow, though. I hope I don't seem like 'that kid' that doesn't post, it was just a busy day!)
(Don't worry, we all have our busy days. If you could post your announcement, I think a lot of us could carry on some conversations even if you're gone for a bit tomorrow. Gypsy and I just had our characters get to know each other a little today, so there's no harm done with your absence. I hope the room turned out okay. I recently redid my own, and I gotta say, I am lovin' it. xD )
Faye watches subtly as Roslyn stands up to chat with Darian, hearing their conversation clearly as she looks down and pretends to study the details of her bow. However, she had precisely observed the beautiful carving of the bow a vast amount of times before, so she wasn't truly focusing her attention on that.

She noticed how easy it was for Roslyn to stand up and create a conversation with Darian, and she wondered how it was possible for her. Then again, Roslyn didn't seem like the type of person who would be socially awkward at all.

Faye glanced back up at the two talking, then sat up straighter. She shot a quick look at Ivy and arched her brow in a, why not? manner.

Faye threw the bow over her shoulder gracefully, allowing it to rest against her back as she stood up. With that, she made her way over to the two as their conversation came to a silent halt.

Her dusty rose colored lips curved into a large, thin grin as she quietly acknowledged Roslyn with a nod. She then turned to Darian and spoke, "Hey..uh, Darian?" Faye stopped for a moment, realizing how creepy that may seem that she already knows his name. "Oh, I just..heard a lot about you around the village. You're pretty popular, aha..I'm not..stalking you or anything.." Faye laughs awkwardly, noticing their confused stares.

Faye shook her head, remembering to get to the point. "So, is that..uhm...elf with the green hair your pal--er, friend? I just--we need him..for the announcement..aha, so could you just go get him over here so I can announce..that..thing?" Faye gulps, forcing a grin onto her face, although her insides are sizzling with fear. "Sorry--I just...uh..want everyone over here..but uh, don't feel rushed..take your time.." 

[QUOTE="Lysander Priest](Don't worry, we all have our busy days. If you could post your announcement, I think a lot of us could carry on some conversations even if you're gone for a bit tomorrow. Gypsy and I just had our characters get to know each other a little today, so there's no harm done with your absence. I hope the room turned out okay. I recently redid my own, and I gotta say, I am lovin' it. xD )

(Oh, okay haha! I felt bad for not being able to post earlier :u And thanks! The room's not finished, but it looks really good ^^ I bet your room looks good too :D )
Ivy softly laughs and shakes her head. After watching Roslyn (who was quite intimidating) hit it off with Darian, she was surprised to see Faye go over. 'What angle is she playing?' Ivy thinks to herself.
Darian watched as the girl awkwardly tried to make conversation. Normally, he wasn't so sociable. However, since he was here, he figured there was no harm in it. With a slight chuckle, he greeted the strange girl. "Yes that green-haired nutter is indeed my... pal, as you say." he said with an amused look at Nook. "I'm sure he'll hear the announcement. He has an ear for hearing things, sometimes even when he isn't supposed to." Turning back, Darian quickly glanced at Roslyn to assure her that he knew she was still there. Then, he continued speaking to the girl. "I suppose I am rather well-known around town, sometimes for good reasons, but more than likely for bad ones. I noticed you overheard our earlier conversation," he said while gesturing between himself and Roslyn, "so you know what my name is. The important question to me now, as it was a little bit ago, is this: What might your name be?" With this, he turned his steely, piercing gaze on her, as if he could see right through her into her sould. Perhaps it wasn't the best idea considering the girls constitution...
Ivy stood up and dusted off her clothes. She took a deep breath. She was hoping to stay at a distance from Roslyn, whom Ivy had already become quite intimidated by. She shook her head, Roslyn couldn't have anything against her...but she was still scared. Ivy turned towards Faye, Darian, and Roslyn and walked over, more so to listen in the conversation than anything.
"Huh?" Faye's eyes widen for a moment, only able to focus on his chilling gaze. Just as fast, she blinks back to realization. "Oh!" she says a little too loudly. "Oh, ah, I'm Faye--Faye Elassidil!" She smiles warmly and holds her hand out towards him, but once she notices how much she's still trembling she seems to regret it.
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