The Path From Fayland - Official RP

"It's very nice to meet you, Juniper." Ivy nods, feeling slightly more comfortable in the newcomers prescence. After a moment of silencs, Ivy turns towards Faye. "Is everything alright?"
Nook was beginning to grudgingly pick up some of the fallen weapons before a familiar, rugged, scarred hand can into his vision. Surprise visit much.

"Hey, need a hand there?"

"Darian! What`s up?" Darian`s surprise visit was unexpected but very welcomed by Nook. Nook smiled gratefully at his friend. "Thanks I`d need the all the help I can get before Dad comes back." He bother telling Darian where to put the swords. He didn't need any help with that at all, knowing where the various swords belonged. During the time, Darian asked him about a letter invitation to a bonfire.

"Yeah, but it was my sis who got it. She can`t go alone though. I`ll go, if you can tolerate Jeya for the afternoon though."

The time spent putting the weapons away and picking up all the scattered supplies was shortened thanks to an extra hand.
Roslyn gave a slight smile before having a seat. She made sure her bow was still secured to her back. She never went anywhere without it. "Thanks for having me." she states before turning her attention to the bellowing flames.
"Hey, little sisters, what are you gonna do?" Darian said with chuckle. Anyways, Darian had always been protective of children, and since Jeya was Nook's little sister, he was even more fond of her. When they were done putting away the weapons, he called for Jeya and motioned towards the door. "Don't worry about supplies, I picked some up for both of us, and I can give Jeya some of mine if she needs it." When Jeya arrived, they began to travel to the bonfire.

Soon, he got into the town, where people began whispering. Younger girls giggled and pointed; you could say he was rather attractive to most of the females his age. However, the elder residents pointed for entirely different reasons. They remembered his true lineage, and they shunned him for it to this day. Add to that some jealousy due to Darian's position in the King's Court, and you had a myriad of negative emotions that Darian had learned to ignore.

Soon after, he arrived at the bonfire. The only ones present were females, and he'd never met any of them before. 'Great. Well, time to see what all this is about.' Darian gracefully strode into the clearing with confidence, glancing at each girl, before leaning against a wall to wait for any further developments.
Faye shakes her head gradually at Ivy, but then starts shaking her head much quicker as she responds, "I'll wait until everyone is here. I have an announcement I want to make..."

She laughs to herself, knowing what she's planning on doing is going to make her seem absolutely insane, but what does she have to lose?
Ivy looks at the boy who just entered the clearing. She gasps for a moment when the realization strikes her. She remembers this boy from somewhere.

She suddenly has a flashback to being 5 again and seeing this boy. He didn't look very healthy then, but she never talked to him--she was far too shy to speak with anyone. Ivy shakes her head pushing the flashback out of her mind. How did she remember? She was 5 then...

"He-Hello" Ivy stutters at the boy.
Roslyn shifted her eyes from the fire and glanced at the boys who walked in. She noted the way he strode with confidence (or ignorance, she couldn't decide which) though she didn't give it a second thought. She tucked her long red hair behind her ear and looked back to the fire, the flames glowing deep into her emerald eyes.
Faye smiles at Roslyn and says, "Nah, thanks for coming. It's about time everyone gets together, right?"

A moment later, a tall, lean boy with messy ivory hair and piercing gray eyes steps into the clearing. He glances at everyone, and once his eyes pass Faye she quickly glances away. Everyone silently watches him rest against a wall and finally Faye looks up at him.

"Oh, hey," she says with a kind smile. She hopes that her smile doesn't look awkward and dumbfounded as thoughts race through her mind.

I put an invitation in his mail box? Oh boy..

So, Faye kind of just threw invitations in a number of random elves' mail boxes. She had seen that guy around, and she's heard a lot of rumors about him. Well, also about how gorgeous he was, considering he apparently had a number of fangirls.

But Faye didn't know him personally...and to be honest she had never planned on ever approaching someone like him.

"Welcome..." Faye said to him, then looked back down at her bow.
Darian noticed that the one girl said that she would make an announcement. 'Good then. Let's see what this is all about.' However, just then, one of the other girls greeted him, which in turn led the first girl to welcome him. Darian acknowledged both of them with his regular, piercing, steely gray glare. Usually, he reserved this for the Court because he didn't want to be trampled by old men who though he was a naive youngster. However, on this occasion, he did it out of habit. 'Hmm... that was not my intention. But, it's done now. Hopefully, they'll just get on with the announcement.' Darian thought.
Ivy turned back toward the fire and folded her arms. The boy ignored her. Sure he was handsome, but he was cocky as well. She didn't know what angle he was going for, but it intimidated Ivy. This is why she hated meeting new people.
Jeya, with little 14 year-old hands, brought her older brother the invitation, all giddy from the excitement. She smiled up at Darian and waited at the door urging her brother and his best friend to hurry. Nook laughed a bit. That was Jeya, never slowing down. Nook thanked his friend as he packed some things in a sack that he slung over his shoulder. All three of them headed out, and down the bustling streets to the bon fire.

Sufficed to say, Nook was please at the setting. Plenty of girls to chat up with, some guys sharing a drink, and a couple of old geezers. Some people were dancing around the fire, shadows bouncing off the trees and rocks. Yep, this was going to be good. A couple of girls were giggling as they passed by. He gave the a wink and a smile which made them giggle more audibly.

He felt content on how the afternoon was going until he saw some of the old geezers pointing in their direction. "Sheesh, haven't they ever learned of manners?". He turned his head to where they were pointing and gave a deep sigh. The things that jealousy did to people. Concerned for his friends and his feelings, he gave Darian a light and friendly thump on this shoulder. "Lets move away fro the geezers. I think I saw some cute girls back there."

During this Jeya had hidden herself in her long turquoise hair when she saw the old men pointing at what she thought was her.

((I gotta go to sleep))
She knew his name, of course, considering everyone talked about was Darian.

She looked at him when he mentioned the announcement she was going to make. Well, apparently he had overheard her talking to Ivy.

"Uh, oh yeah.." Faye said awkwardly, looking back towards the path. "Is everyone here?"

She could feel her insides burning up. Should she say it? Should she announce what it was she was going to say say earlier?

Faye knew who he was. She knew Darian was related to Calaer. What if he reported to him what Faye was about to say? 
(Alright~Goodnight ^^)

Just as Faye was wondering if anyone else was going to arrive, a tall boy with fluffy turquoise hair strutted on over and playfully punched Darian on the arm and said something about finding..cute girls?

She looked around the fire pit, seeing that just about everyone had probably arrived. She had handed out several invitations, but she assumed not everyone would show up.
(Okey dokey! Goodnight! It seems a lot of people have to go, so let's pick this up again tomorrow! ^^) 
(Yus, goodnight everyone! :D )
(Good job everyone! It was a little messy in the beginning, but that's understandable since it just started. This is really fun so far!)
MandaMae338 said:
(Good job everyone! It was a little messy in the beginning, but that's understandable since it just started. This is really fun so far!)
(Yus! It's like the beginning of movies, not much is happening, but eventually it gets really good! Can't wait to roleplay more! ^^)
After so many people showed up, Roslyn started feeling a little crowded. She stands up, brushing the dirt from her pants, and takes a few steps back away from the fire. This was a bad idea. She thinks to herself as she looks around the group of people waiting on the big announcement.
((Basically it was just everyone arriving at the bonfire and Faye saying she had an announcement to make. That is all the further we have gotten so far.))
Leaf runs her hands through her silky,white hair making it stick up even more than it already was.It was as if she brushed her hair with a cat,but thats just how her hair works.Horriably unmangable like Leaf herself.She looks down at the piece of paper she had gotten in the mail this morning and walks into the woods behind the genral store.She got kinda lost so it took her sevral minutes to find the clearing where the bonfire was being held.How she got lost well thats a mystery in itself,"Hello people of the forest I come in peace,"She calls out to the others who have arrived already.Looking around she figures she is the last one here.

Leaf tugs at the edge of her long sleeved shirt and walks over to them.Trying to figure out who was who.She notice Darian Prince and a couple of others but that was about it,"I got lost,"She states plainly and sits down ready to hear what she has missed.

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